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Aegis: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 11

by Hollis Wynn

  Leaving the phone on the counter, I head into the bathroom to get Ainsley ready for bed. It didn’t take me long to realize she needs a routine as much as I do, and a bath helps her to relax so that she will sleep a bit longer. Since I’m a crab when I don’t sleep, I’m assuming she is going to be also.

  I have just laid her down for the night when I hear the front door open, followed by the mouthwatering aroma of tacos.

  “Yum,” I say, closing the bedroom door behind me. “That smells divine.”

  “How do you think I felt driving home with it in the seat next to me? I almost opened up the pack and started eating without you.”

  I punch him in the shoulder, and he laughs as we unwrap the large foil packet with individually wrapped tacos. Then I notice he’s pulling small containers and a large bag of chips.

  “What else did you get?”

  “Queso and guac for you, madame.”

  Damn, this man knows how to get on my good side. “Thank you, kind sir,” I reply and curtsy, pretending that I’m wearing a huge ball gown, when in reality I’m already in my shorts and college T-shirt, ready for bed.

  “I’ll bring it all to the coffee table if you grab us a couple of beers from the fridge.”

  “Deal.” If I only have to carry two beers and he gets the rest organized, then I’m all good.

  We sit down and I eat my first taco before I tell him about the news article Laken sent me.

  “Laken is coming on Friday to spend the weekend.”

  “That’s good. Maybe you girls can go do some shopping in town. Ainsley can stay here with me if you like.”

  I stare at him for a few moments. How did someone like me, who kidnapped a baby, end up with a guy as nice as Penn?

  “Thanks, that sounds great. But you may not want to do that when you hear what I have to tell you.”

  “I don’t think you could shock me. I’ve seen and heard it all,” he comments back, between bites.

  “Kaiser upped the reward for the baby to fifty thousand. Can you believe it?”

  Penn glances up at me and our eyes lock. What the fuck am I going to do?

  “Don’t worry about it. First, you’re not in Houston and he wouldn’t even think to look for her here. Second, do you know she is his grandchild? She could belong to any crazy out there—it’s not like you went to the house, killed her parents, and stole her. You found her in a trash can, for Christ’s sake.”

  He’s not wrong. I don’t know if she is his granddaughter, but I do suspect she is. Though, if she is and he gets her back, I feel for the girl. He’s a tyrant with a ton of money who thinks the rules don’t apply to him. Hell, he’s like most of the kids nowadays, except he’s old and filthy, stinking rich.

  Chapter Twenty-Six—Pennington

  “Is there anywhere else to eat in this town other than this cafe?” Ford asks me, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “Of course there is. There is a Dairy Queen and a taco truck. Would you prefer one of those?” I chuckle because it’s two in the afternoon and we’re finally taking a break to eat.

  “This is fine, I was just curious,” he says.

  I shake my head because I know he’s just razzing me about small town life. When we’re in Austin, we rarely eat at the same place twice, unless we’re actually working in the office. Otherwise, it’s whatever we can grab in one of the many neighborhoods we’re working in.

  “Actually, I like this place. The owner is an older lady who has been running this place for years. She brought in a chef who has loads of experience and helps to keep the menu fresh and fun. Though I told her she can’t ever get rid of this omelet because it’s one of the best things I’ve ever eaten.” I say between bites of fluffy eggs and layers of cheese, meat, and vegetables.

  “It is pretty good.”

  “I noticed you picked up a couple of dealers last time you were in town.” There has been little buzz about it other than some folks are commenting about how the town needs to be cleaned up.

  “Yeah, we’ve grabbed five guys so far. No one is really talking, but I bet when we charge them with conspiracy to distribute as well as distribution, someone will sing like a canary. In this case, the early bird will get the deal. It’s a one and done.”

  Nodding, I cut the biscuit that comes with all breakfast orders into bite-size pieces and take a bite.

  “I need to check, but they may all still be in jail, unless they had the money to bail out. One guy was bitching under his breath when we were printing him, that this wouldn’t have happened if it was a local guy who caught them.”

  My eyebrows raised inquisitively because that statement gives us all the information we need.

  “Oh, did he? What did the boss say about that?”

  Ford pushes his empty plate forward and takes another swig of coffee. “He talked to the AUSA about it. It gives us just enough to keep pushing forward on Sheriff Cappello.”

  “Nice. Anything you need from me?”

  He shakes his head no. “Just stay present, but not too nosey. It helps that you’re here, and he’s kept on with his dirty tricks.”

  I finish the last bite and think about what needs to happen next. “I think I’m going to invite Grant to come out. He has a unique approach to cases like this. Not to mention it will be nice to hang out for a bit. Maybe go out on the boat or something.”

  “That sounds like a great idea. Let me know and I can come up and hang out with you guys.” Glancing down at his watch, Ford pulls out his wallet and tosses a couple bills down on the table. “I need to get out of here. I have some paperwork to get done.”

  “Sounds good. Let me know if you need anything.”

  Sliding out of the booth, he heads out the front door and I sit for a few minutes longer, enjoying the quietness of the cafe.

  I finish up and add my share to the table and head out the front door. I decide to walk down to the hardware store to pick up a couple of things. The bakery door is propped open and the smell of cinnamon hits me square in the face.

  I change my path and head right into Sweet Buns to pick up a treat for Bella and me tonight. It’s the last night I’ll be seeing her much since her friend Laken arrives tomorrow. I order a half dozen of their cinnamon rolls and the manager wraps them up for me in a box with a pretty bow.

  “Thanks,” I say, nodding at him as I turn to exit the store, when I notice the sheriff standing beside his truck, talking to Kaiser Sharpe in an alley.

  “Well, fuck,” I mumble to myself. I don’t stare too long because I don’t want him to see me. They appear to be in a heated discussion, so I continue to the hardware store to place the order for some materials. I’m planning to clean up the garage and shore up the walls a bit because the racks that held all the boxes are coming down and with the heat that we get, the garage needs to not be as hot inside as it is out during the summer.

  Once the order is placed, I walk back to my truck, watching the uniqueness of small-town life. People wave at each other from opposite sides of the street, stop on the sidewalks and chat, and even stop their vehicles in the middle of the road to talk.

  My phone connects to Bluetooth, and I call Grant. Maybe he can come for a weekend. I pull onto the main street and head toward home.


  “Grant, old friend,” I say and he laughs.

  “I’m guessing you need something, PJ,” he says, and he’s not wrong.

  “Absolutely. Do you have any time off coming? Maybe you could come spend a weekend here and help me out with some things.”

  There is something super relaxing about the way the trees line the road and the hills and curves. The road is quiet, and I don’t see very many cars around, which is probably why Gramps chose this location.

  “I’m sure I can make that work. Let me check with the wife. Do you have a time in mind?” Ah yes, life with a wife. It’s not like he can just run halfway across the country to hang out with some friends anymore. Though, I’d probably tell Bella if I was l
eaving for any length of time, even though we’re not dating.

  “Next weekend?” I say matter-of-factly.

  “Well shit. Let me see what’s going on and I’ll let you know. Should I plan to fly into Austin and rent a car, or will you pick me up?”

  He’s so organized these days. He was the one who would fly by the seat of his pants for anything except work.

  “Fly and rent a car. It will be one more vehicle that the townies don’t know and that will be helpful. Just don’t speed in town. They may not be hard on drug dealers, but they make a ton of money from speeders.”

  “Good to know. I’ll text you this evening and let you know.”

  “Thanks,” I say as I pull up to the house. “Talk then.”

  I turn off the engine and the phone disconnects. Opening the door, I reach for the bakery box and head over to check on Bella and Ainsley.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven—BellaRose

  I’ve spent most of my life playing out of my league. My parents taught me to work hard, fixate on what I wanted to accomplish, and make a plan. That only works about half the time—the other fifty percent is out of my control. As I sit here, trying to figure out what to do next, I think about the precious baby I’m taking care of. I need to figure out what I need to do next so I can keep her. I want her to be mine—forever. Add in that I just read my mother’s letter and I’m even more emotional than normal.

  Penn knocks on the door and I’m sitting on the couch sobbing after reading the letter. I feel like there is something missing, and I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe my father’s letter will give me more insight. No matter what, I need to get my emotions in check and enjoy the time I have with Penn tonight before he thinks I’m a crybaby and goes running for the hills, never to return.

  “Where is my little angel?” he asks from the kitchen where he’s placed a box from Sweet Buns.

  “I’ll tell you if you tell me what’s in the box,” I say, chuckling. Sweets are my downfall, and I don’t care who knows it.

  “Cinnamon buns,” he says with a quiet emphasis and a smirk on his face.

  I jump off the couch and scurry to the kitchen to see for myself. Unwrapping the box, I can already smell the spiced cinnamon and vanilla that is Sweet Buns signature cinnamon bun.

  “Yummy,” I say, trying not to drool.

  Leaning in, my tongue darts out, licking my lips and he pulls me into his arms claiming my lips. The cruel ravishment of his mouth causes moisture to pool in my belly. My skin flushes and he rubs his hands up and down my back, causing my skin to be hypersensitive.

  Penn deepens our kiss as his hand slips under my shirt before sliding his hands up once more, lifting my shirt. We break apart for a split second, allowing him to lift the fabric over my head. The cool air is a vast contrast to the burn he creates within me. My shirt falls to the floor in a pile at my feet.

  In this moment, I’m grateful I put on a sexy black lace bra and matching panties.

  He hesitates for just a moment, and fear swells in my chest as he pulls back.

  “Fuck,” Penn grits out, looking me up and down. When our eyes connect again, I see it.

  Lust. Passion. Need.

  The hunger staring me down is almost palpable. I feel like a gazelle on the Serengeti.

  He scoops me up, crashing his mouth back to mine, almost painfully in his desire to conquer me. My eyes close and I’m lost in him; in the feel of his thick, muscular arms holding me tight, and the heat of his kiss.

  I lose myself and am floating until my back finds the soft cushion of the sofa. His body blankets over me, making me feel safer than I have felt since finding Ainsley.

  His lips pull my bottom lip between them, biting down gently. A soft moan escapes me and is kindling for the fire brewing between us. My heart is pounding so hard it’s almost distracting.

  Penn pulls away, sits back on his knees as his hands leave me and find the hem of his shirt. Ripping it over his head, he flings the fabric to his left, and it falls to a heap on the floor.

  A salacious smile spreads across my face. I look him up and down appraisingly.

  “See something you like?” he asks with a cocky smirk.

  Narrowing my eyes, I grin. “Maybe.”

  A low rumble comes from deep within his chest and he slowly leans back down and kisses his way up my body, starting just above my navel. My hands find purchase in his hair as my back bows off the couch.

  His thumbs slip between my skin and bra straps, hooking the elastic and pulling them down my arms. I am all too eager to shed the lace and feel his warm lips on my breasts.

  Bowing my back once more, I slip my hand under and unhook my bra, letting Penn pull it from my body. As the lingerie finds its place atop his shirt, he quickly stands and pulls his own jeans off.

  Standing in front of me in only black boxer briefs, he exudes confidence. His confidence is thick, hard and a considerable size. My mouth waters as my panties dampen to an almost uncomfortable state.

  I sit up and unbutton my own jeans, pushing them down my legs as he watches voyeuristically. Kicking my legs free, I swing them over the edge of the couch and reach for the waistband of his boxers.

  He takes a step forward so that I’m face to face with his cock. Licking my lips, I look up at him and make eye contact as I tug downward on the black fabric, freeing him. Staring back at me are eight thick, beautiful inches of Penn that I lift my arm to wrap my hand around.


  Scooting close to the edge, I part my lips and allow my tongue to slowly lick around the head of his cock. As I do, he hardens further in my hand. I continue to swirl my tongue around and slowly descend his length. My hand gently stroked his shaft as I take him further into my mouth before pulling back, almost to the tip.

  My own need is becoming more unbearable with each bob up and down on his cock.

  I need to feel him. Inside me.

  I need the release of an orgasm that is not of my own creation.

  Penn pulls himself out of my grasp and is on top of me before I can even recognize I’m on my back again. His mouth crashes into mine, needy and fervent. I feel his hands on the side of my panties and lift my butt so he can take them off me.

  Before I can comprehend what is going on, his mouth finds the bare skin between my legs and flicks his tongue over my swollen clit.

  “Ohmygod,” I bellow as my body clenches in anticipation.

  He slides one thick finger into me as he licks and sucks the bundle of nerves at the apex of my thighs. The electricity charges its way from my pussy down my legs to my toes and back up as I explode into thousands of pieces.

  Without a second thought, I reach for him, pulling him up to me. I feel him rub his hard cock along my wetness before he sinks deep into me.

  The moan that comes from me is almost foreign. It’s utter bliss.

  I’m in utter bliss as he rocks into me over and over, relentlessly.

  I never what this to end.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight—BellaRose

  Ainsley wakes up crying and breaks Penn’s spell over me. I steal his T-shirt and throw it on before heading to the bedroom to get her. I pick her up and everything is drenched.

  “Well, you’re a wet little girl. Looks like we need to change everything,” I say to her, as I strip her out of her clothes, allowing them to fall into the crib. “Let’s go get a quick bath and some new clothes.”

  Thankfully, the water heats quickly and I get her all rinsed off, so she doesn’t have sticky urine all over her. I wrap her in a towel and take her into the kitchen to fix her a bottle. Penn is standing there, bottle in hand.

  “Is she okay?” he asks.

  “She’s fine. Just peed outside of her diaper and everything is soaked. I need to get her changed and fed. I’m starving so after she’s taken care of, I’m going to scrounge up some food for us.”

  “You handle Ainsley and I’ll fix us something to eat. Deal.”

  I nod and go into the bedroom to get her
changed. I pull all the linens up and drop them in the washer and head to the couch to feed her. The smell of bacon and eggs isn’t something I’ve had at three in the morning in a long time. Add in the sugary sweet cinnamon buns and I’m going to enjoy my early morning breakfast, made by a super-hot man wearing nothing but a pair of blue jeans.

  “Thank you so much for cooking. I fully expected you to heat up a cinnamon bun in the microwave and call it done, not cook a huge brunch at this time of day.”

  He laughs again, and I smile at him. “Anytime.”

  And I wonder if he really means it. Is this what life would be like with him and Ainsley as she grows up?

  “Lake should be here around ten. Do you think you could keep Ainsley for a couple of hours this afternoon so we can do a bit of shopping? I’d like to get a proper bed for her and a couple of other things so I can set her up in the other room.”

  Lifting her to my shoulder, I pat her, and she lets out a man-sized burp which makes me burst out in laughter. “Well, aren’t you a big girl.”

  “No problem. I’ll come hang out here and you ladies can enjoy the day.”

  I watch him, his back to me as he scoops eggs out of the pan and onto our plates. I don’t know what I did to deserve a man like this, but I’m going to do everything in my power to keep him.

  “Oh my goodness, Lake. This is the dresser I was telling you about. The aqua color is so beautiful. Plus, it has some other metallic colors that when the light hits, it makes it sparkle. What about this for her room?”

  The first time I saw this I wanted it for my house. But now, it’s perfect for Ainsley’s room. Since the space is small, I need something that can do double duty. It has six drawers in rows of two. The top has been stained a Jacobean color, and it looks amazing with the colors on the bottom. I could probably put a changing pad on one side and a lamp on the other.

  “That would work. The color is beautiful, and it would do double duty for you. She doesn’t have a ton of clothes either so you could keep most of her stuff in one location.” Lake says. She knows I love to redo my house room by room. It’s something that I’m constantly doing and for years she’s teased me about it.


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