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Her Italian Boss’s Agenda

Page 10

by Lucy Gordon

  ‘You don’t know how it sounds to hear you say that,’ he said at last. ‘That’s how he talks-do it my way. And people always do, because he gives them no choice. I guess you’ve heard him.’

  ‘No, I’ve never heard him say that,’ she said. ‘It doesn’t sound like him at all.’

  ‘Doesn’t sound-? We can’t be talking about the same man. Is something the matter?’

  He’d noticed her looking over his shoulder and turned, half expecting to find Primo. Instead, it was his mother that he saw standing just inside the door, trying to attract his attention.

  ‘Mamma!’ He rose to embrace her and she hugged him back enthusiastically.

  ‘I’ve been trying to call you, but you turned your phone off,’ she reproved him. ‘Now introduce me to your friend.’

  ‘Mamma, this is Miss Olympia Lincoln. Miss Lincoln, this is my mother.’

  Olympia regarded the newcomer with admiration. She looked between fifty and sixty, with an elegant figure and a face that was a tribute to the power of the massage parlour. She was fighting off encroaching age, and doing it very skilfully.

  She shook hands with Olympia, giving her the welcoming but sharp-eyed look of a mother with too many unmarried sons. She evidently liked what she saw, for her smile broadened.

  ‘Mamma, sit down and have coffee with us,’ Luke said.

  ‘I have no time. I must hurry back to the villa to finish preparations for tonight.’ To Olympia she said, ‘We’re having a family party and you must come.’

  ‘Oh, no-thank you, but-if it’s a family party-’

  ‘Of course you must come. I won’t take no for an answer. Luke, you hear me now and bring this nice girl to us tonight.’

  She paused to regard Olympia with admiration.

  ‘We’ll have some dancing and I just know you’ll look wonderful in a long dress.’

  ‘Mamma!’ Luke covered his eyes.

  ‘Well, she will. Crimson, I think.’

  ‘Crimson?’ Olympia exclaimed in surprise. ‘I’ve never thought of it as my colour.’

  ‘But it is. You must wear crimson, if not tonight then the next time I see you.’

  She kissed Luke and hurried out before either of them could answer.

  ‘You do realise that you’ve just been given your orders, don’t you?’ Luke said with a grin. ‘Mamma’s rather overwhelming, but she means it kindly.’

  ‘I know she does, and she’s made me feel so welcome.’

  Luke suppressed the thought that this was because Hope was preparing to swallow Olympia alive in the name of ‘acquiring daughters-in-law’, and merely said, ‘You will come, won’t you? Just to keep her happy? She always gets cross if her sons turn up without girlfriends. She accuses us of only associating with the kind of girls a man can’t take home to his mother.’

  ‘Rightly?’ Olympia asked, her eyes full of fun.

  He cleared his throat. ‘It’s a long story. She thinks she’s right and I just go along with it. We all do. But boy, does she ask a lot of questions! I swear it’s like being interrogated by the Inquisition, but if you’re there I’ll be spared.’

  ‘You won’t, you know,’ she chuckled. ‘You’ll just be asked a different kind of question, and probably twice as many.’

  He groaned. ‘How horribly true!’

  ‘Questions are what mothers do,’ she said sympathetically. ‘One way or the other.’

  ‘But you will come, won’t you? It’s the least you can do after knocking me down.’

  ‘All right,’ she said, laughing.

  It would be better than spending the evening alone, wondering when Jack would return. She had tried to call him earlier but his cellphone had been switched off.

  Luke drove her back to the Vallini and whistled at the sight of her destination. Once inside she went straight to the hire shop, seeking a suitable dress for that night. She was resolute in her determination to make her own choice, but somehow the gown that suited her best just happened to be deep crimson satin. She hired it and some gold jewellery, then bought gold sandals to go with it.

  When the hairdresser had come to her suite and whipped up her hair into an elaborate confection, she was ready for the evening.

  She tried to call Jack, but for the third time she couldn’t get through. She frowned, puzzled by the odd silence and wishing with all her heart that he could be here and see her looking like this.

  His brother was nice, but it was chiefly his relationship to Jack that made him so. She would see the house which had been their home and learn something about him.

  If only he could be here, she thought sadly, regarding the vision in the mirror that he wouldn’t see.

  Luke’s frank admiration was balm to her soul, although he couldn’t resist saying, ‘You’ll give Mamma ideas, dressing like that.’

  ‘It’s not because of anything she said. This was the perfect dress. She was right about that.’

  ‘I’ll believe you. She won’t.’

  ‘Is it far?’ she asked, diplomatically changing the subject.

  ‘No distance. Just at the top of this hill. You’ll see it as soon as we’re on the road.’

  Just as he’d said, the family home loomed up above them as they climbed the hill. All the lights were on and they seemed to blaze out a welcome over the whole of the surrounding city, the countryside, the bay, even as far as Vesuvius.

  ‘When you’re up there the volcano looks very near because there’s nothing in between but clear air,’ Luke told her. ‘The least little murmur from Vesuvius, the tiniest puff of smoke, seems to be happening right on top of you.’

  ‘You mean things happen even these days?’

  ‘Nothing to worry about. The old man gives the odd grumble from deep in the earth, just to remind us not to take him for granted, but the last actual eruption was sixty years ago. Toni’s father saw it happen and he used to warn us always to tell the truth, because Vesuvius was listening and would growl with displeasure if we offended. So every time there was the faintest murmur we all used to jump nervously.’

  At last they swung into the great courtyard of the villa. As they left the car a door in the house opened and his mother emerged, throwing up her arms in joyful greeting.

  ‘Mamma!’ Luke called cheerfully, climbing the steps, Olympia’s hand in his. ‘You see, I’ve brought her.’

  His mother gave him a perfunctory kiss before welcoming Olympia eagerly, her eyes flickering over the red dress.

  ‘Perfect,’ she said. ‘It suits you, as I knew it would.’

  ‘It’s just an accident that she chose that dress, Mamma,’ Luke said quickly. ‘She told me so.’

  ‘Of course she did. Olympia, my dear, you are very welcome. Now come and meet the rest of my family.’

  As Olympia went into the house Hope drew Luke aside, murmuring, ‘She’ll make a beautiful bride.’

  ‘Mamma, you don’t know her.’

  ‘I can tell these things. She looks like my daughter-in-law.’

  ‘For which one of us?’ he asked, amused.

  ‘Whichever one she will deign to have,’ Hope informed him caustically. ‘She may take her pick.’

  ‘Oh, no,’ he said at once. ‘She’s all mine.’

  ‘Congratulations, my son. Your taste is improving.’

  As they entered the warm house Olympia turned towards her. ‘Mrs Cayman-’

  Luke’s mother laughed. ‘Oh, my dear, I’m sorry. We’re all so casual about names. I’m not Mrs Cayman any more. That was years ago. I’m Signora Rinucci.’

  ‘Rinucci? You mean-?’

  ‘Toni’s name is Rinucci, and this is the Villa Rinucci.’

  ‘Then-you know Primo Rinucci?’

  ‘My stepson. He should have been here tonight but he was called back to England very suddenly. But of course, if you work for Leonate you must know him.’

  ‘No, I don’t. Somehow we’ve always just missed each other.’

  ‘Wait a moment,’ said Hope, going to a cupboard an
d reaching inside.

  She brought out a large photo album and laid it down on a small table, turning the heavy pages until she came to a picture and pointed to it.

  ‘That’s him,’ she said triumphantly.

  Smiling, Olympia gazed down at the face of Primo Rinucci. And her smile faded.


  F OR a long moment Olympia felt absolutely nothing. What she was seeing was so impossible that there could be no reaction.

  Her hostess was explaining, ‘Primo was the son of my first husband, Jack Cayman. His mother was a Rinucci and he took the family name when he came to live here.’

  Olympia barely heard the words. Her stomach was churning as the dreadful truth finally became real, sharp. This was Primo Rinucci. The man she had trusted, confided in, to whom she had revealed her whole ambitious strategy, had been keeping this secret all the time.

  What a laugh she must have given him!

  ‘So that’s Primo,’ she said at last, surprised to find that she could speak normally. ‘No, I don’t know him.’

  She fought to remain calm. Nobody must suspect that she’d received a shattering blow. That would be to pile disaster on disaster. Instead she would smile and smile, concealing the turmoil in her heart.

  ‘I never knew him,’ she repeated quietly.

  It was true. She’d thought she knew him so well, but all the time he’d been a stranger. The affectionate friend she’d trusted had never existed, because he’d been laughing at her, encouraging her to confide in him as she’d never done with anyone before, making a fool of her. When she thought of some of the things she’d said to him she went hot and cold.

  Worst of all, she’d actually begun to believe that she might fall in love with him. And all the time he’d been sitting back, enjoying the situation at her expense.

  She must hurry away from here, get back to England, leave the firm and go where she need never meet him again.

  ‘There you two are,’ Luke said, appearing beside his mother. ‘Mamma, everyone’s looking for you. There’s some sort of crisis in the kitchen.’

  When she had hurried away he glanced at Olympia, concerned. ‘Are you all right?’

  ‘I’m fine, fine!’ she said brightly.

  ‘Come and have some champagne and I’ll introduce you to everyone.’

  She followed like an automaton, while behind the façade her mind seethed.

  She had only herself to blame because she’d always known he was a deceiver. That first day he’d pretended to be her secretary. Just a little tease, easy to pass off as a joke. But he hadn’t told her until someone else had exposed him. It had been a warning she should have heeded.

  Instead, she’d blundered on blindly, convincing herself that it was only a game. But the bitter hurt that consumed her now was shocking, terrifying, and she almost staggered under its impact.

  After the first concerned question Luke hadn’t spoken again. But he’d glimpsed the photograph and seen her horror. Now things were coming together in his mind and he had a suspicion of the truth.

  So brother Primo had kicked over the traces, he mused. And with a vengeance!

  He took her to meet his family-Toni, his father, his brothers, Toni’s elderly parents who were paying them a visit and were guests of honour. There were also some business acquaintances.

  Now Olympia seemed pervaded by a glacial calm that Luke found disturbing. He’d lived long enough in Italy to be comfortable with shouting and smashed plates. But freezing control made him uneasy.

  ‘Do you want to talk about it?’ he asked gently.

  ‘There’s nothing to talk about.’

  ‘Well, my family are crazy about you, especially Mamma.’

  ‘I think she’s wonderful. She’s been so nice to me.’

  Someone called Luke’s name and he turned briefly away. Olympia’s eyes sought out Hope and found her at the exact moment Primo walked through the door.

  She drew a sharp breath and turned away, hoping she’d hidden her face in time. He wasn’t supposed to be here. Why hadn’t he let her know he was coming back?

  Had he noticed her? Please, no! She needed a moment to get control of herself so that she could meet him calmly. At all costs she must be the one in charge of this situation. Just a few more minutes and she would be strong enough to outface him.

  Hope was eagerly hugging Primo, exclaiming over his early return.

  ‘You made it! I thought you were going to be trapped in England for ages.’

  ‘No, I got through everything at the speed of light,’ he said. ‘I just wanted to hurry back here.’

  This was true. The thought of what might be happening in his absence was making him nervous.

  ‘You’re here in time for the excitement,’ she told him. ‘Luke brought a really nice girl tonight. She’ll make him an excellent wife.’

  ‘You know that already, do you?’ he asked, grinning.

  ‘I knew the moment I set eyes on her.’

  ‘So all you have to do is persuade her.’

  ‘I’m halfway there already. I suggested-in the mildest possible way, of course-that she would look wonderful in a long crimson dress. And tonight she turned up wearing the very thing. She wants the same thing that I want and that’s her way of telling me.’

  ‘And what about what Luke wants?’ Primo asked with a grin. ‘Has anyone thought of asking him, or will he just take what’s supplied as long as it’s stamped Approved by Mamma?’

  ‘Don’t be cheeky. He knows she’s right for him. If you could have heard the way he spoke of her tonight, the way he said, “She’s all mine.” Oh, it’ll be wonderful to see him married. And then I must set to work on you.’

  ‘Mamma, you set to work on me twenty years ago,’ he said with a laugh.

  ‘I want you to find a woman as perfect for you as this one is for Luke.’

  ‘Well, that may have already happened.’

  She gave a little shriek of joy. ‘Is this the mystery woman, the one you’ve been dropping hints about and won’t bring to meet your family?’

  ‘How could I? We’ve been in England. But I’ll bring her to meet you soon, I promise.’

  ‘You’ve made up your mind?’

  ‘Yes, definitely.’

  She shrieked again and threw her arms around him.

  ‘What’s all the fuss?’ Toni asked, appearing and clapping Primo on the shoulder.

  ‘Primo’s going to be married, and so’s Luke,’ Hope said ecstatically.

  ‘I thought Luke only met her today,’ Toni said. ‘Isn’t it a bit soon-?’

  ‘What does time matter when two people are made for each other?’ his wife reproved him. ‘Perhaps we’ll end up having a double wedding-Primo and his mystery woman, and Luke and his fiancée.’

  ‘Mamma, will you calm down?’ Primo begged. ‘I can’t even think of a wedding yet. There are-practical difficulties.’

  ‘Well, if you’re not careful, your brother will steal a march on you. Come and meet her.’

  He followed her, happy to be home in the place he loved and wishing he could have brought Olympia with him. He had thought of her all the time he’d been away and every moment on the plane back. He’d even worked out how he would arrive without warning, take her by surprise and then tell her the truth.

  But he’d reached her hotel to find that she’d gone out for the evening, nobody knew where. Resigned, he’d come to the party to please his mother, yet now he found his thoughts fixed on Olympia again. How he longed to bring her here openly to meet his family. He was smiling as he let his mother lead him across the room.

  There was Luke in animated conversation with a young woman who stood with her back to Primo, her black hair elegantly dressed and streaming down her back in glossy waves.

  That sight caused a nervous flinching inside him. Even from this angle there was something dreadfully familiar about her, but it couldn’t be-it surely couldn’t be-

  Then she turned and the nightmare became real. />
  He was still some feet away from her and now that little distance seemed like a mile, going on for ever. He approached slowly, like a sleepwalker, transfixed, watching the ironic smile on her face until at last, after a long, long time, he stood before her.

  ‘Olympia,’ he murmured.

  ‘Signore!’ she murmured in return.

  She was cool and composed, but her eyes warned him of trouble to come.

  Hope embraced her.

  ‘My dear, I want to introduce you to Primo, whom I was just telling you about. I can’t believe you two haven’t run across each other before.’

  ‘Oh, no,’ Olympia said silkily. ‘I’ve never met Signor Rinucci before.’

  She extended her hand and when he took it her fingers tightened in a grip that was painful, warning him to say nothing about the real situation. She needn’t have worried. Nothing on earth would have persuaded him to tell anyone about this disaster.

  ‘Never mind,’ Hope exclaimed. ‘The two of you have met now, and that’s all that matters. Yes, Toni, I’m coming! I must see to my guests, but I’ll be back.’

  She hurried away, leaving the other two gazing steadily at each other.

  ‘So you’re Primo Rinucci,’ Olympia mused, still smiling. ‘I kept thinking I’d probably meet him before this, but somehow it never quite worked out. I’m not sure why.’

  She gazed charmingly into his face, as though inviting him to speculate.

  ‘Some things-are hard to explain,’ he said vaguely.

  ‘Oh, I don’t think it’s as hard as all that,’ she said. ‘Several reasons come to mind. I’m even a little surprised to meet him now, but it has all the charm of the unexpected, don’t you think? Or perhaps charm is the wrong word.’

  ‘Indeed,’ he said vaguely.

  He was trying to pull himself together, alarmed to notice that she seemed perfectly in command of the situation while he was floundering.

  ‘Is that the best you can manage?’ she asked. ‘You don’t have a lot to say for yourself, do you? Strange, I remember you as such a clever talker.’

  ‘Olympia,’ he whispered, ‘please don’t jump to conclusions.’

  ‘I didn’t jump to this conclusion. It bounded out and socked me on the jaw. Inside I’m still reeling, but some things become clear even when you’re in a state of shock. Don’t you find that?’ Her tone expressed merely interest.


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