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Bobby Ray [Grizzly Ridge 2] (The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  Noel glanced toward the living room when he heard Bobby Ray’s laughter. The sound was deep and sensual. He began to crave to be in Bobby Ray’s arms, to feel his touch, to drown in his kiss.

  “That mark on your shoulder where Bobby Ray bit you,” Dane said. “One touch and you’ll want to strip down and do you know what.”

  Noel looked at King, knowing why Dane was talking in code.

  “I went through days of what they call mating heat.” Dane grinned. “It was torturous and I couldn’t seem to get enough of Clint. But thankfully you skipped that part.”

  Noel had no idea what Dane was talking about, but the need to have Bobby Ray buried inside him drove Noel to stand. “I’m gonna go see what he’s up to.”

  “He’s your mate,” Dane said as he stood, as well. “You can call him that. In fact, it’d probably please Bobby Ray to no end if you did.” He gave Noel a quick hug. “Come back anytime to visit. We’re family now.”

  “Uh…thanks.” Noel made a quick exit. Dane had given him information overload, and Noel needed fresh air. As soon as he stepped into the living room, Bobby Ray’s gaze zeroed in on him. He sniffed the air, his eyelids lowering slightly.

  “I’m gonna head out,” Bobby Ray said to Clint. “We’ll finish our talk later.”

  Noel hurried to the door. When they stepped outside, Bobby Ray gave a low and sexy growl. “I can smell your need.”

  “Do you know how weird that sounds?”

  Bobby Ray pulled Noel into his arms and nibbled at his ear. “Gonna fuck you properly when we get home.”

  Home. It was strange how that single word made Noel’s heart do flips.

  “Is that all you’re interested in?” That was all Bobby Ray had talked about. Not that Noel minded having sex with such a gorgeous man, but if what Dane had said was anywhere near the ballpark of truth, Noel wanted there to be more to his relationship than just sweaty sheets.

  Bobby Ray stopped walking. His grin was slow and sweet. “Do you trust me, Noel? I mean, can you put your faith in me?”

  That was an odd question, considering Noel didn’t know Bobby Ray. “I guess that depends on your motives with me.”

  Bobby Ray brushed his knuckles over Noel’s stomach, making his belly flutter. “No motives, I swear, Sugar. I just don’t want you to be afraid of me, and no, this isn’t about just sex.” He wiggled his brows. “Though sex with you is amazing.”

  Damn it. Noel had blushed more around Bobby Ray than he had in a very long time. But he liked it. And he also liked how his heart skipped a beat whenever Bobby Ray looked at him as if Noel were his rising sun.

  Noel drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He had no idea if anything around here were real, or if this entire family was off its flipping rocker. But he’d witnessed firsthand the shift between man and animal. That part was definitely true. “Okay.” Noel gave a wobbly smile. “I’ll trust you.”

  “That’s my sugar.” Bobby Ray’s grin was big and goofy and made Noel laugh as Bobby Ray led him back to his cabin.

  * * * *

  As soon as they stepped inside the cabin, Noel’s phone rang. Bobby Ray moved in behind Noel and nibbled at his neck as Noel answered.


  Bobby Ray slid his tongue over Noel’s nape. God, he wanted his mate naked and in his bed, not on the damn phone. The anticipation of being buried in Noel was killing him. He’d never wanted someone with such desperation, and if Noel didn’t hurry his conversation along, Bobby Ray would throw the damn phone out the door.

  “I don’t have it right now,” Noel argued. “Besides, it isn’t due for another two weeks.”

  The cabin filled with the scent of Noel’s fear and anger.

  “Don’t you dare!” Noel yanked away from Bobby Ray and paced the living room. “I said I’ll have it. Why are you acting like this?”

  His hardened cock softened as Bobby Ray watched Noel closely. He was tempted to rip the phone away from Noel and find out who was making his mate so stressed out.

  “Please, Bart, don’t sell it. That’s all I have left of Dad.” Tears gathered in Noel’s eyes. “I’ll be home Sunday. I have some money I can give you.”

  Noel collapsed on the couch, tossing his phone aside before cradling his head in his hands. “I’m sorry, Bobby Ray. I have to go home.”

  Bobby Ray sat next to him and pulled Noel’s hands away so he could look into Noel’s eyes. “Tell me what’s going on.” Seeing tears in his mate’s eyes tore at Bobby Ray. He wanted to kill whatever had made him cry.

  “My brother needs money, and he said he’d sell my dad’s watch to get it.”

  That was some low-ass shit. Noel had already told him that his parents were dead. From what he’d gathered, Noel had adored them. “The same brother who abuses you?”

  Noel wiped at his eyes. “I just have to get back. I can’t let him sell my dad’s pocket watch. It’s been in our family for generations. I took it from my dad’s room the day after he died. It’s all I have left of him.”

  Bobby Ray rose. “You don’t have to go home. Just tell me where you live and I’ll handle this for you.”


  “No.” Bobby Ray shook his head. “You said you trusted me. Then trust me to handle this.”

  Besides, Bobby Ray wanted to have an up close and personal conversation with Bart. Bobby Ray had suffered through abuse his entire life, and no way in hell would he allow Noel to go back to that kind of situation. He was pregnant with Bobby Ray’s cub, and Bobby Ray would slaughter the entire town if anything happened to his mate.

  “You can go with me, but I’m going.” Noel pushed from the couch. “This is my mess to handle.”

  Bobby Ray ground his teeth. “This is our mess, and no way am I letting my pregnant mate anywhere near that bastard.”

  Noel’s hand instinctively went to his stomach. “I’m going. Whether you take me or I work my way down the mountains, I’m getting home.”

  “This is your home now,” Bobby Ray argued, then blew out a long breath. Fighting with Noel was the last thing he wanted to do, but why couldn’t Noel see that all Bobby Ray wanted to do was protect him? He could be in and out of Noel’s house in no time flat, with watch in hand and Bart lying bloody and bruised on the floor.

  Noel grabbed his backpack from the bedroom and headed toward the door. Bobby Ray snarled as he went after his stubborn mate. “Don’t make me put you in time-out.”

  Noel gave him a withering glare. “What would you do if one of your brothers wanted to pawn something that belonged to your mother?”

  “I’d beat him until he couldn’t—” Bobby Ray scowled at the trap he’d just walked into. “That’s different.”

  “No, it’s not. Now take me home so I can get that watch.” Noel swung the door open and strode out.

  And here Bobby Ray thought Noel was so sweet and innocent. The man had a definite bite to him. “Just hold on. Let me get one of my brothers to ride along.”

  “Why?” Noel asked.

  “Because Grizzly Ridge doesn’t like strangers. I need someone to watch my back.” Bobby Ray spotted Wade cutting across the yard and waved him over.

  “What’s up?” Wade looked from Bobby Ray to Noel.

  “We’re heading into town.” Bobby Ray took Noel’s hand and led him to his truck.

  “And why would we go into town?” Wade asked as he followed.

  Bobby Ray released Noel’s hand and sent a quick text to Clint, telling him where they were going. “I’ll explain along the way.” Bobby Ray helped Noel into his truck as Wade climbed in, then Bobby Ray took off down the mountain.

  * * * *

  Noel felt caged in between the two large men as Bobby Ray drove down the mountain road. But that was the least of his concerns. If Bart was threatening to sell their dad’s watch, that meant he was gambling again. As angry as Noel was that Bart would be so selfish, he was also afraid. He had a few more things stashed in his bedroom that he didn’t want Bart to get his
hands on.

  If Bart found their mother’s pearl necklace or the diamond ring that had belonged to their grandmother, Noel would be devastated. Even before Bart’s gambling problem, he’d only cared about himself. He’d been that way his entire life, and Noel sometimes wondered how they were related.

  His parents hadn’t been selfish and hateful, and Noel wasn’t. Where did Bart get that from?

  Every time Noel found a small slice of happiness, he was sucked back into Bart’s bullshit. Noel was tired sick and tired of it. He didn’t want to live with Bart and didn’t want to be a part of his chaotic and messed-up life.

  Noel glanced at Bobby Ray and his heart tightened. Bobby Ray had said Noel would live with him. Would it be so bad to take a leap of faith and be with Bobby Ray? Dane seemed happy living in the mountains. Could Noel be just as happy?

  Anything was better than living with Bart.

  By the time they hit the town limits a few hours later, Noel had to pee so badly that he was ready to jump from the truck. He should have had Bobby Ray pull over before they’d made it to the house, but Noel hadn’t wanted to stop. He feared that Bart would find where Noel had stashed the family jewelry and pawn it before Noel could stop him.

  He guided Bobby Ray to his house, and when they pulled into the driveway, Noel’s heart pounded. He didn’t want to go inside, didn’t want to see Bart, but he had no other choice.

  “Slow down.” Bobby Ray placed a hand on Noel’s arm. His gray-green eyes scanned the exterior of the house, then the vehicles parked in the driveway and on the grass.

  “I need to get inside.” Noel’s bladder wouldn’t hold out much longer.

  “Who do those cars belong to?” Wade asked.

  “Roommates.” Noel did a quick scan of his own, thankful he didn’t see the landlord’s car anywhere. He wasn’t sure if Mr. Archmand had stopped by over the weekend, but was glad that was one less person he had to deal with.

  Noel’s stomach rolled and he slapped a hand over his mouth. Wade’s eyes widened before he jumped from the truck and pulled Noel out. Noel clung to the side of the truck as he spat out stomach acid. At least it hadn’t been as bad as this morning, but the aftertaste was nasty.

  “I’m gonna go inside and use the bathroom,” Noel said. “Need to brush my teeth, too.”

  Bobby Ray and Wade were right on his heels as Noel hurried to the front door. He cringed when he stepped inside and saw Bart and Rick arguing. Keith sat on the couch, as though he was entertained by the two men.

  Even though Keith and Rick enabled Bart, Noel didn’t dislike them. Rick was pretty laid-back, and Noel hardly ever saw him get ruffled. It might’ve been the fact he was a pothead, but even when he wasn’t high, he was low-key, so if Bart and Rick were arguing, Noel was willing to bet his brother had started it.

  Bart was a hothead, drunk or sober.

  Bobby Ray and Wade stayed close to Noel as he stood there wondering what to do. He had to get past Bart to get to his room, and Noel didn’t want his brother to turn that anger on him.

  “I know you took that money out of my room,” Rick argued. He was a quarterback in high school and hadn’t lost his build. His stomach wasn’t as rigid as it used to be, but Noel knew that was from too much drinking. His blue eyes blazed as he clenched his jaw. “Who else would’ve taken it?”

  “You probably used that money to buy your drugs,” Bart shot back. “Don’t go fucking blaming me because you smoke too much.”

  Rick shoved him.

  Bart shoved back.

  “No way I spent four hundred dollars on weed,” Rick snapped. “I’m gonna break you in half, Bart. You better put that money back!”

  All Noel wanted to do was use the bathroom and grab the few things he had left of his parents and grandmother.

  He skirted past the arguing men, grateful Bobby Ray and Wade remained by the front door. He had a feeling they wouldn’t stay there long if Bart went after Noel.

  Noel hurried to the bathroom, peed, then brushed his teeth. He tucked his toothbrush in his pocket before going to his room. When he opened the door, his jaw dropped. His room looked ransacked. Dresser drawers hung open, his mattress had been flipped, and his closet door was wide open.

  Noel hurried to his closet and grabbed one of three shoeboxes. When he pulled the lid off, he grabbed one of the shoes and turned it over, relief flooding him when his dad’s watch, his mom’s necklace, and his grandmother’s ring fell onto his bed. His small roll of cash was there, as well.

  He grabbed his gym bag and stuffed some clothes inside, along with the jewelry. He also packed the small photo album in the top drawer.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

  “Why does that matter to you?” Noel asked as he turned and zipped the bag up and slid the strap over his shoulder.

  Bart’s lips thinned as he crossed his arms over his chest, blocking the doorway. “Where’s the watch?”

  “You’re not selling it,” Noel argued.

  “It’s not yours,” Bart snapped. “You stole it out of Mom and Dad’s room. That watch is just as much mine.”

  Thankfully, Bart didn’t know about the necklace or diamond ring.

  “Preach that to me when you replace the money you took that was for my college fund.” Anger boiled in Noel’s gut. Bart had blown through his share of the insurance money while Noel had been so frugal with his half. He should’ve had Bart arrested for forging his signature to make the withdrawal.

  But stupid Noel hadn’t. He’d thrown a fit, Bart had knocked him around, and Noel had shut up.

  Not anymore.

  Noel was sick and tired of Bart’s abuse and his brother’s way of life. All he wanted was to get out of there and see where his and Bobby Ray’s relationship led them. At this point, he didn’t even care about his job at the clinic. Noel took a few steps back when Bart advanced toward him, instinctively covering his head against the punches he knew were coming.

  Chapter Five

  As soon as Bobby Ray entered the house, his guard went up. He watched the two humans argue as he tried to figure out which one was Noel’s brother.

  Wade glanced at him, and Bobby Ray gave a small shake of his head. The argument wasn’t any of their business. He wanted to stop Noel when he walked away, but allowed him to go to his room. Bobby Ray was in tune with Noel’s emotions, and used that to gage how safe he was when his mate disappeared down the hallway.

  “Who the fuck’re you?” the one who’d been accused of taking the money asked.

  Bobby Ray forced his bear to heel. “Friends.”

  The guy looked him up and down before he stormed away.

  “Should we go after him?” Wade asked.

  “You stay here and keep an eye on things,” Bobby Ray said. “I’ll go check on Noel.”

  When Bobby Ray passed the two men still in the living room, he curled his lip. They gave him a look that said they didn’t want any trouble, and Bobby Ray kept going.

  He entered the hallway and spotted the other guy. He surmised the man was Noel’s brother from the way Noel snapped at him about his college fund being drained.

  Bobby Ray hated Bart instantly.

  “You better give me that damn watch!” Bart moved into the room. Bobby Ray hurried down the hall. When he stepped into the bedroom, Noel was covering his head with his arms.

  Red-hot rage lashed inside Bobby Ray, and his bear took over as he grabbed Bart and slung him across the room. Bart hit the wall and crumpled to the floor.

  “Bobby Ray, no!” Noel grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back. “Let’s just go.”

  “Did he hit you?” Bobby Ray snarled toward Bart.

  “No, he didn’t touch me.” Noel yanked at Bobby Ray’s arm. “Please, let’s just go.”

  But Bart couldn’t leave well enough alone. He pushed to his feet, his hands balled at his sides. He started toward Bobby Ray, but Noel jumped between them, his arms extended as if he could stop them from going at each other.
r />   Bart shoved Noel aside, and Noel flew onto the upended mattress. Bobby Ray growled as he wrapped his hand around Bart’s throat and squeezed. “You’ll pay for laying a hand on my mate.”

  “Wade!” Noel screamed as he clamored to his feet.

  “I’m gonna choke the fucking life out of you,” Bobby Ray snarled at Bart. He didn’t care that Bart was Noel’s brother, and he didn’t care about murdering a human. The bastard had shoved Bobby Ray’s pregnant mate, and Bart had to die for that.

  From the corner of his eye, Bobby Ray saw Wade enter the bedroom and looked from him to Noel.

  “He shoved Noel,” Bobby Ray snapped.

  “Stop him!” Noel shouted at Wade.

  Wade shrugged. “He shouldn't have put his hands on you. Bobby Ray has a right to kill him.”

  Noel slapped Bobby Ray’s arm. “Let him go!”

  Terror entered Bart’s eyes as he struggled to get Bobby Ray’s hand from around his throat. He started to turn red and his eyes bulged. Bobby Ray had no problem snapping his neck, but the smell of Noel’s fear flooded the room.

  Bobby Ray dropped Bart. “Touch him again and the next time he won’t be able to stop me.”

  Bart crawled backward as he coughed and wheezed. He glared up at Bobby Ray, but didn’t utter a word.

  As soon as Bobby Ray looked at Noel, his anger dissipated. “You have what you need?”

  Noel was breathing heavily as he looked between Bobby Ray and Bart. “Yes, we can go.”

  Why did he have a feeling Bart wouldn’t let this go? He should snap the prick’s neck, but allowed Noel to coax him from the bedroom.

  “A lot of help you were,” Noel griped at Wade. “You were going to let Bobby Ray commit murder.”

  “And I would’ve helped him bury the body,” Wade said as they exited the house. When they were out of earshot of the humans, Wade added, “Brother or not, he touched Bobby Ray’s pregnant mate. That’s an instant death sentence, Noel.”


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