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Incognito Page 23

by Siobhan Davis

  I walk her downstairs, and Devin’s guy is waiting in the lobby. He nods at me, and I bundle Dakota up in my arms. “I wish I was going with you, baby, but you’re in safe hands.”

  The dude steps forward, extending his hand. “I’m Tom. I’ll be your escort to and from the hospital.”

  Dakota shakes his hand. “Thank you, Tom. I appreciate that.”

  She looks up at me with so many questions in her eyes. I kiss her again. “I’ll tell you everything when you get back. Just don’t … don’t give up on me.”

  She stretches up on her tiptoes and kisses me. “I don’t understand, but I trust you, and I love you. I’ll see you later.”

  “Please keep her safe,” I ask Tom, and he nods.

  “You have my word, sir.”

  Dakota’s brows lift but she says nothing, throwing a casual wave at me before getting into the car.

  I return to my penthouse and call Devin. “Okay. Lay it on me.”

  “I think we’ve caught the stalker.”

  I can’t believe my ears. “What? How?”

  “I assigned a couple of guys to your house in the Hills, and they caught the same three intruders trying to break in again. They managed to overpower them and called the cops. They are currently under interrogation at the police station, and they’re singing like canaries. Apparently, they were hired to break into your house and your mom’s.”

  “Your theory was right,” I tell him. “Do we have a name yet?”

  “That’s the interesting thing. The three goons say they’ll give the stalker up but only to you.”

  “Fuck. Seriously?”

  “Yes. The police need you there asap. I’ve chartered a plane. It leaves in ninety minutes. I’ve sent Mark to pick you up. I can’t be there this time, but Mark will go with you, and I’ll have another couple guys meet you in LAX.”

  “I can’t leave yet, Devin. Dakota still doesn’t know the truth.”

  “I thought you were telling her last night?”

  “That was the plan, but she had other ideas, and we didn’t exactly do much talking.”

  “Shit, Shawn. I know you don’t want to leave without telling her, but this is too important to wait. If you don’t show up soon, they may shut their mouths and refuse to give us the name. We need to put this guy behind bars, and that’s the best way of keeping Dakota safe.”

  “Okay. Okay.” I start frantically pacing the room. “I’ll call her and let her know, but I want to return as soon as the shit is wrapped up at the station.”

  “Mark will organize it.” He pauses for a second. “Look, I can come over and be there to talk to her when she returns, if you like.”

  “She doesn’t even know I’m Shawn Lucas.”

  “She’s going to find out, and most likely before you get back to tell her in person. I can help cushion the blow. Let her know you were trying to keep her safe and that you were planning on telling her everything.”

  “Why would you do that? It’s not in your job description.”

  He sighs. “You’re right. It’s not. But you haven’t been like any other client I’ve taken on. I don’t invite people to my home, Shawn. I don’t do stuff like this for them.”

  “Then why me?”

  “Maybe it’s because I see so much of myself in you or I’m just a big ole romantic at heart. Whatever it is, you’re more than just a client. You’re a friend, and I have your back on this is you want it.”

  I’m tempted to joke it off, because talking about feelings and shit doesn’t come easy to me, especially not with dudes, but I can tell he’s sincere, and I’m trying to turn over a new leaf, so I accept his hand of friendship. “Great, thanks, man. I know Dakota respects you, and hopefully you can keep her calm until I return.”

  “No problem. Now get ready and let’s put this thing to bed.”

  I try calling Dakota several times on the way to the airport, but her cell is off. It’s standard hospital policy, so I’m not that concerned. I could probably get Tom’s number from Devin and call him, but if she’s currently with her mom, I don’t want to interrupt her. I leave her a long voicemail explaining I’ve been called back to L.A., but I will be back as soon as I can, and I’ll tell her everything. I back it up with a text, in case anything should happen and she doesn’t hear my voicemail.

  I’m jumpy as hell the entire flight, and completely on edge. Wound up over the stalker and worried that I won’t get to Dakota to explain in time.

  Mark introduces me to two more of Devin’s men when we step off the plane in L.A., and I’m shaking their hands when a horde of paparazzi rushes out of the main building. Quick as a flash, Luke appears, ushering me into the back of a waiting limo. “Fuck!” I yell, pressing my forehead into the headrest and closing my eyes in frustration.

  “Good afternoon, sir,” Calista formally greets me, and I jerk back in shock. Although I’m not too surprised to find her in the back seat, I am caught off guard by her professional tone, but in a pleasant way. Perhaps I won’t have to fire her after all. I understand why she’s here. I’m sure the label is freaking out over the video and is in damage limitation mode. I nod indifferently at her. “Calista.”

  “How much trouble am I in?” I ask Luke, leaning forward on my knees as the car smoothly takes off.

  “Trouble?” He arches a brow. “I think you’ve misunderstood the situation.”

  “Enlighten me then.”

  “The label is ecstatic, Shawn. The video has over ten million views so far, and it’s rapidly rising. Your fans are loving the new song, and the media speculation over the girl is crazy.”

  “They can’t know who she is!” I drag my hands through my hair. What the fuck was I thinking last night? I think I wasn’t, and that’s the point. Now every asshole reporter in the country is going to be looking for my girl. And she still doesn’t know I’m Shawn Lucas.

  What a clusterfuck of epic proportions.

  And it’s all my fault for rushing into a grand gesture without properly considering the consequences. And for letting my dick rule my brain last night. I should have come clean and at least she’d be prepared. This is going to knock her off her feet, and I’m not even there to soften the blow.

  “Relax, Romeo.” Luke grins. “They don’t want her name released. The mystery is adding to the hype.”

  “Until the timing is right, and then they’ll want to throw her to the hounds,” I snap, knowing exactly how this is going to pan out.

  Luke looks sympathetic. “What did you think would happen when you serenaded her, Shawn?” He pats my knee. “It’s one thing to disguise your face, but your voice isn’t as easy to hide. You had to have known the risk.”

  “I didn’t properly think it through, and I haven’t even had time to come clean to her. She doesn’t know I’m Shawn Lucas, and I need to get back to her as fast as possible today; otherwise, I’ve no chance of salvaging our relationship.”

  “You really care for her, don’t you?”

  I’m conscious of Calista typing away on her iPad but listening to every word. However, she needs to hear this too. Perhaps this will finally put an end to her delusional fantasies. “I love her, Luke. I love her like I’ve never ever loved any girl, and I plan to bring her back here with me.”

  If she doesn’t kick me to the curb first.

  He winces, and I know instantly I’m not going to like what he has to say next. “Shawn, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you’re not going back to Iowa. The label has booked tons of radio and TV appearances for you. They want to capitalize on the exposure, and they want you in the studio tomorrow. They’re planning a rush release of the single, and they want to use it to build hype for the new album.”

  “You need to buy me a couple of days, man. Let me go back to pack up my stuff and talk to Dakota, and then I’ll come back and do everything they ask.”

  He shakes his head sadly. “Shawn, you know I’d do anything for you, but I’m all out of favors with the label. I had to pull out all the stops to get them to agree to give you these past few months off, and I went out on a limb for your new musical direction. They gave you both, and now it’s time for you to honor their faith in you. They already have everything set up.”

  “Fuck, no!” I bury my head in my hands as a heavy weight bears down on my chest.

  “The best I can do is to schedule a day off in the next few weeks. You can return to Iowa then.”

  “That’ll be too fucking late!” I roar, even though it’s not fair to take my anger out on my manager. He’s only doing his job. I’m the one who fucked everything up.

  As if to rub salt in my wounds, my phone pings with a slew of new social media notifications. “Ugh!” I toss my cell at Calista. “Shut off those fucking notifications.”

  She takes my phone without a word and gets to work.

  “I’m sorry, Shawn. None of us could have predicted this. Surely, she’ll understand. It will all work out.”

  I want to tell him to fuck off, but I keep my lips sealed. He’s only trying to help.

  “And let’s focus on the positives. We’re going to capture the stalker, and he’ll no longer be a threat. And you have the label firmly behind your new music. They are already talking about a new worldwide tour to promote it. This is what you wanted.”

  “I know.” I flop back in the seat, staring out the window of the limo. “But I want her more.”

  Calista emits a little shocked gasp before hurriedly composing herself.

  “Wow.” Luke smiles at me. “You’ve fallen hard for her.”

  “She’s everything, man. I need her by my side.” Luke is grinning at me like The Joker. “What?”

  “I always knew the love of a good woman was all you needed.”

  I flip him the bird, and he laughs. “I’m pleased for you, Shawn. You deserve to have love in your life, and I can’t wait to meet her.”



  I’m exhausted by the time I leave the hospital that evening but grateful Mom is stable. They are running tests to find out why she had a seizure and to see if there’s any permanent brain damage, but so far it looks good. Or as good as it can be, the doctor explained.

  Tom waited patiently outside all day, grabbing me food and water even when I didn’t ask for it. Now he’s driving me back to Levi’s, and I’m tempted to ask him what’s going on. Who is he and why was he deferring to Levi as sir? My brain is too tired to try to figure it out, so I lean my head back and doze for a bit.

  I didn’t even have time for a shower before I left this morning and I feel gross. “Tom.” I lean forward, resting my hand on the back of his seat. “Would you mind detouring to my dorm. I need to shower and grab some clean clothes.”

  “Of course, ma’am.”

  “Please, just call me Dakota.”

  “As you wish, Dakota.” He smiles at me through the mirror, and I relax in my seat.

  It’s only as we’re pulling up in front of my building that I realize I never gave him my address. Tiny prickles of alarm wash over me. Who is this guy and how does he know where I live? More importantly, who exactly is Levi?

  My sense of trepidation heightens when I step into my apartment and I’m greeted by a welcoming committee. Daisy is there, along with Tabs and Elsa. They exchange looks, and I frown. “What’s going on?” I drop my purse on the table and face my friends.

  “How is your mom?” Daisy asks, compassion splayed across her face. I had texted her this morning to let her know what was going on.

  “Stable. They are keeping her there for observation and more tests. Hopefully, they’ll have some answers for me tomorrow.”

  “I’ll go with you tomorrow, if you like,” Daisy offers. “You shouldn’t be there alone.”

  “Thanks, but Levi will probably come with.”

  All three trade looks again, and I throw my hands into the air. “Will someone please tell me what’s going on?”

  Tabs opens her mouth to speak, but Elsa clamps a hand over her lips, silencing her. Elsa clears her throat. “Have you seen social media today, Kota?”

  I shake my head. “No. Why?” All the tiny hairs on the back of my neck lift. “Hang on, Levi made me promise not to look at social media today.” I start to join the dots in my head. “Because there’s something he doesn’t want me to see?”

  Elsa nods. “What else did he say Kota?” she asks gently.

  “He promised he’d explain and told me to trust him, and he said I knew the real him.” I’m not telling them he told me he loves me. Not with the vibes I’m getting from the room. I have a strong feeling that whatever I’m about to discover is going to knock my socks off.

  “I can’t believe he didn’t tell you,” Daisy says.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t realize it sooner,” Tabs adds, pointing her finger at Daisy.

  “For the love of all things holy, will someone please put me out of my misery?!” I shriek. “I’ve had a shitty day, and I know it’s about to get shittier, so just hit me with it.”

  Elsa walks forward with her cell outstretched. “You need to see this.” She presses play and a video starts. It’s Levi singing to me last night outside my dorm.

  “Holy shit,” I exclaim when I notice how many views it has already.

  “Look at the headline,” Elsa prompts, and I lift my eyes to the top of the screen.

  All the color drains from my face as I read the words. Then a reporter talks over the video feed, and I feel my knees going out from under me.

  In breaking news today, troubled popstar Shawn Lucas has finally resurfaced after months of speculation over his whereabouts. A video uploaded by a student of the University of Iowa went viral after fans identified Lucas as the guy serenading this mystery woman. Lucas’s altered appearance explains how he was able to hide in plain sight on the Iowa City campus, where college officials have confirmed he was enrolled in one of their degree programs under a pseudonym. Dynamite XO Records, Lucas’s label, is reportedly delighted with the singer’s new musical direction, and he is being whisked into the studio to record this song ahead of a new album and worldwide tour. But the question on everyone’s lips tonight is who is Lucas’s Midnight Dancer, and what exactly does she mean to him?

  “Oh my God.” I stumble on my feet, grabbing onto Elsa’s arms to steady myself. All the missing puzzle pieces fall into place, and my mind churns with all the lies and mistruths he told me. My stomach lurches unpleasantly, and my legs turn to Jell-O as I stagger away from Elsa toward the bathroom. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  Elsa holds my hair back as I empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl. My heart is racing ninety miles to the hour, and voices are screaming in my head as the magnitude of my discovery plays havoc with my emotions and my body. She hands me a damp cloth, and I wipe my mouth and mop my sticky brow before falling against the side of the tub lethargically.

  The others appear in the doorway, and Daisy comes forward, crouching down in front of me. “Kota? Are you okay?”

  I crank out a laugh. “I don’t know what the hell to think. Why would he lie to me?” My eyes beseech her for answers she doesn’t have.

  “We think we’ve figured that out, but it’s not going to make things any easier,” Tabs says, holding her cell out to me this time.

  I don’t reach for it, probing my heart to see if it can withstand another hit. I decide I might as well get all the breaking over and done with at once. With trembling fingers, I take it from her and press play. It’s another video feed. This time it shows Levi getting off a private plane in LAX and climbing into a limo. A reporter appears in front of the screen with a mic in hand.

  “Earlier today, multi-millionaire pop sensation Shawn Lucas
returned to L.A. where he was taken immediately to the Hollywood Community Police Station to assist police with the ongoing investigation into the stalker who has made his life a living hell for the last year. While no official police statement has been forthcoming, our sources confirm that three men were arrested in the early hours of the morning as they attempted to break into Lucas’s Hollywood Hills home. It’s believed these are the same group of men who broke into his home a few months ago, prompting Lucas to go into hiding, and the same team who confronted Lucas’s estranged mother outside her Malibu residence only a few days ago. We expect an official statement will be issued shortly, and we’ll keep you updated. Until then, this is Mira Fenargo reporting for Entertainment World Tonight.”

  Silence engulfs the small bathroom, but the screaming doesn’t stop in my head. This is obviously the emergency he referred to this morning. My mind is whirling in a million different directions, and I don’t know how to make it stop. “He left again?” I blurt. “He promised he would wait to explain things to me.”

  “Here.” Tabs hands me my cell this time. “I didn’t look at the content, but you have several new messages from him.”

  My hands are shaking as I pull up my messages. Pressing the speaker button on my phone, I play Levi’s message for the room.

  “Baby, I’m so, so sorry about this, but I’ve had to go back to L.A. It’s another emergency, and if I could get out of it I would, but I can’t. I promise to come back as soon as I can, and I will tell you everything then. I know I asked you not to look at social media, but, shit …” He sighs. “This has blown up and I may not get to you in time. I was going to tell you everything last night, but you distracted me in the best possible way.”

  Tabs grins at me, but I can only stare back at her in numbed awareness.

  “Remember what I told you, beautiful. You know me. And my feelings for you have always been honest and truthful, even if I haven’t been forthcoming about every aspect of my life. There was a good reason for that, and I … shit, this is going to cut out. I love you, Dakota. Call me and we’ll ta—”


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