
Home > Other > Incognito > Page 28
Incognito Page 28

by Siobhan Davis

  “Eric is.”

  “Exactly. Aaron was the fall guy.”

  “Shit. You think Eric is behind this now? He’s the one who has Dakota?”

  “I’m hoping he does, because we just got a lock on Eric’s cell and it’s only a couple miles from the drop-off location.”

  I hop up out of my seat. “So what the hell are we waiting for?” I yell.

  “For this,” he says as another guy enters the room carrying a large black sports bag. He drops it on the counter and unzips it. Devin hands out guns and bulletproof vests. I don’t bother mounting a protest when he refuses to give me a gun. I’ve never handled one before, and I’d probably just shoot myself in the foot or something. I’ll leave that to the experts and focus on getting my girl the hell out of there before things turn nasty.

  The ten of us set off in two blacked-out SUVs. I ride beside Devin, holding my head in my hands as I offer up prayers to every deity known to mankind. I promise God I’ll do anything once Dakota gets out of this alive and unharmed.

  There is nothing like a hostage situation to focus the mind. To make me realize how deeply I love this girl. If anything happens to her today, I’ll die.

  “Why did this guy have me in his sights?” I ask Devin when we’re only a few miles out. I need to talk before I lose my mind.

  “That I don’t know. It might not be anything personal. It could be he deemed you an easier target than other celebrities. Maybe his brother was the one identifying the targets based on the intel he had at his fingertips.” He leans forward, pressing his elbows into his knees. “We’ll get to the bottom of it, but, right now, finding Dakota and getting her to safety is our priority.”

  The SUVs come to a halt behind an abandoned building, a few miles off the beaten track, ten minutes later. We’ve only got forty minutes until we’re due at the official drop-off point, so I hope Devin’s hunch is right.

  “I think you were right, boss,” a burly dude with thickset glasses says, handing an iPad to Devin. “There are five heat signatures in the basement of the adjoining building, and the cell location is locked on. Eric is in there, along with four others.”

  “The building has been derelict for years,” another guy pipes up from behind us. “Whatever is going on in there is definitely not legit.”

  “Okay.” Devin hands back the iPad, holding his men’s attention. “We’ll take the rear entrance, and beta unit will cover the front. Arm your weapons and follow my lead. You know the drill. Keep your wits about you. Cover all the bases. Don’t open fire unless they are threatening Dakota or it’s self-defense. Let’s play this safe.” He turns to the guy with the glasses. “Gunner, I want you to stay here. When I have visual confirmation, I’ll give you the signal and you radio the cops then.”

  “Understood, sir.”

  “Right. Let’s do this. Shawn, you stay put.”

  “Over my dead body. That’s my girl in there, and there’s no way I’m sitting in this car like a fucking pussy. Don’t make me pull rank, Devin, because I fucking will.”

  I detect a slight smirk, but he hides it quickly. “Fine, but no heroics. You let us do our job. If shit hits the fan, and you have a clear path to Dakota, take it. Otherwise, you stay the hell back.”

  “Agreed,” I lie.

  We scramble out of our vehicle, keeping our backs flat to the wall as we make our way, covertly, from one building to the next. If this wasn’t a life or death scenario, I’d be high on all this Jason Bourne shit, but I’m too freaking worried to take any pleasure in this moment.

  We slip into the building through an open crack in the wall, walking slowly and quietly across the floor, careful to sidestep any debris which would make noise and give us away. My heart is in my mouth as we descend the stairs to the lower level. Devin holds up a hand as the sound of voices reaches our ears. Adrenaline is flooding my system, and I wipe my sweaty palms along the back of my jeans. We inch forward, excruciatingly slowly, and the voices grow louder. It’s coming from a room at the very end of the corridor. The door is shut and Devin frowns. I can almost see the wheels churning in his head as he contemplates how to approach this. The guys are having the weirdest non-verbal conversation as they mouth and gesture wildly with their hands.

  A piercing cry rings out, and I don’t stop to think. Devin’s eyes widen in horror as I run to the door and open it, racing inside. Some bastard with a nasty glint in his eye has his hands wrapped around Dakota’s hair, yanking her head back at a painful angle. She’s still strapped to the chair, in the center of the room, arms and legs bound.

  Two guys at the back of the room hop up, producing guns and pointing them at me, but I don’t care. They won’t get any money if I’m dead, so I’m betting no one’s planning on shooting me.

  Not yet anyway.

  I stalk toward the bastard hurting my girl and shove him. The clicking of weapons brings me back to reality, and I freeze as one of the men prods the butt of his gun in my temple and the second one holds his weapon to the back of Dakota’s head. Then my eyes wander to the other female in the room, and my mouth hangs open.


  “Hello, Shawn.” She spits out my name like it’s poison.

  “What the fuck?” I stare at her like she’s sprouted horns or wings or some shit. “You’re behind this?”


  Her crazy eyes and weird pallor give her away. She’s high as a kite, and that makes her completely unpredictable. “Why?”

  She steps toward me, running her hand over my cheek and I flinch. I always thought this chick was manipulative and self-centered, but Nick was besotted with her, and he couldn’t see what Matt and I could see. “For the money, honey.”

  “Chey. We need to regroup,” the bastard on the floor says, climbing to his feet and instantly punching me in the gut. “You’re lucky you don’t have a bullet in your skull, but try that again, and I won’t hesitate to end you.” Collapsing to my knees, I groan, thinking now would be a great time for Devin and his men to make an appearance, but I hear nothing from the corridor, and I’ve no clue what they’re up to.

  Cheyenne and the scary prick, who I’m assuming is Eric, converse in a corner of the room while the other two keep their guns trained on us.

  I turn my attention to Dakota, glancing up at her, relief mixing with longing and fear as I set eyes on her for the first time in weeks. “Are you okay?” I ask her. “Did they hurt you?” I don’t see any obvious signs of injury to her person or clothing, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t hurt.

  “No,” she whispers, before adding, “I can’t believe you’re here.” Her eyes search mine, and I try to convey that it’s fine, that I’m not alone.

  Cheyenne and the prick are arguing now. No doubt, Eric is figuring things out, and me showing up here unexpectedly has thwarted their plans. If he’s an ex-cop, then he should know the score. But judging by the way his eyes are darting all over the place, I’m betting he’s juiced up too, so perhaps he’s not thinking clearly.

  A loud pop emits from the corridor outside, and the three men race to the door, communicating with their eyes as they point their weapons and indiscriminately start firing blind. Cheyenne shrieks, backing into a wall and covering her ears with her hands.

  The next couple minutes shave a few years off my life.

  Gunfire is still being traded out in the corridor as the ceiling implodes in parts, raining clouds of dust and debris on us. Devin’s men start dropping from wires through the ceiling into the room. Jumping up, I drag Dakota’s chair over to the wall and bend over her, shielding her with my body as shots ring out behind us. Cheyenne starts screaming, and we both look sideways at her. She’s sitting on the ground with her knees pulled into her chest, her hands still covering her ears as she screams and cries. I doubt she expected things to turn out like this. She always was too single-minded.

kota’s trembling underneath me, but she’s holding it together. I drink her in, trying to block out the shit going on around us. We stare at one another, emotion and electricity crackling in the space between us, as if we aren’t in this situation. My heart kicks off, careening around my chest. Existing without Dakota is not something I’d ever survive. She’s as vital to me as breathing. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she says, and even though it’s messed up, I can’t help smiling.

  “Clear.” Devin’s voice rings out, and the gunfire stops. Now, the only sound in the room is Cheyenne’s hysterical screaming. Devin clamps a hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay. You’re safe. They’re dead.”

  I straighten up. “Thank you.”

  “Yes,” Dakota adds, and I’m proud of how strong her voice sounds. “Thank you for saving me.” She’s no longer looking at Devin.

  Kneeling down, I start untying the binds around her feet while Devin works to free her hands. Then I’m pulling her up into my arms and hugging the shit out of her. Sirens wail in the distance, and relief consumes me. Dakota circles her arms around my waist, resting her head on my chest, and, in the midst of this bloody nightmare, I find my everlasting peace.



  I go with Dakota in the ambulance to the hospital. Even though she insists she’s uninjured, it’s standard protocol after what she’s been through. I hold her hand the entire time, and we don’t move our eyes from one another.

  Devin shows up with his police buddy friend just as she’s being discharged. We both give initial statements and agree to go to the station in the morning to make our formal reports. Then Devin drives us back to the penthouse. I keep my arms around Dakota the whole time, and I’m so grateful she made it through this physically unscathed. Mentally, I’m not so sure. She’s been quiet, and we haven’t said more than a few words to one another, but I’m letting her dictate this.

  I run her a bath while she calls her friends to let them know she’s safe. I’m testing the water, when I feel her behind me. I stand up and walk toward her. She looks a million miles away. “Hey.” I gently cup her beautiful face. “Are you doing all right?”

  She lifts her chin, peering into my eyes. “I always knew there was something weird about your eyes.” Raising her hand, she gently explores my face and then runs her fingers through my hair. “I’m not sure which I prefer. Dark or blond. You look good with both.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I thought I was protecting you and …” A shuddering breath leaves my lips. “I was scared you wouldn’t want me if you knew.”

  She looks intently at me. “Take a bath with me?”

  Her words startle me, but it’s not an unpleasant surprise. I tug my shirt up over my head, tossing it to the ground. We quietly undress and then I get into the bath first, resting my back against the end of the tub. Dakota steps in front of me, sliding down between my legs. I wrap my arms around her, propping my chin on her shoulder as ripples of warm water wash over us.

  “I can understand your fear,” she says after a couple minutes. “But you still should’ve told me. Especially when you found out about Layla.”

  “I know,” I whisper, squeezing her tight. “I fucked up, but I want to make it up to you, if you’ll let me.”

  “Everything feels like a lie,” she whispers.

  I twist her around until she’s straddling me, and I eyeball her with as much sincerity as I can muster. “It wasn’t a lie. It was more real than anything I’ve experienced in years.” I grip the nape of her neck. “I meant everything I said to you. I love you. I love you so very much. I have never had these feelings for any other woman, ever.” I rub my thumb along the side of her neck as I talk. “I tried to stay away from you at the start, to not drag you into this, but I couldn’t stay away. As I fell deeper, the guilt increased, and I wanted to come clean, but you weren’t exactly my biggest fan, and my lifestyle is crazy and not an easy sell, and I was too selfish, but you should know I gave you as much of the truth as I could. I tried not to lie, because I didn’t want to do that to you.” I lean in and press a kiss to the underside of her jaw. “I’ve shared things with you that no one else knows. Please say it’s not too late. That I haven’t completely screwed everything up.”

  She’s quiet for a minute. Then she caresses my cheek, and there isn’t a part of me her touch doesn’t ignite.

  If this is the end for us, I don’t think I’ll ever get over it.

  “Tell me everything I need to know,” she says, and I do.

  We stay in the bath until the water turns cold as we talk it out. I tell her about Calista and her efforts to ruin things for us, what Devin and I discovered about Eric, and she relays the conversation she had with Cheyenne.

  We dry each other off and dress in fluffy robes, eating takeout in front of the fire as we continue talking. She’s peppering me with questions, and I answer each one with brutal honesty, until she seems to run out of things to ask me. It’s past midnight, and I’m exhausted but unwilling to let this night end. Especially if it’s the last one I get to share with her. She isn’t giving much away, and I don’t know where her head’s at, so it’s time to make my intentions clear.

  I scoot in closer to her on the couch, taking her hands in mine. “Dakota. I love you, and I want you as my girlfriend. Move to L.A. Share my life with me.” My heart is thumping in my chest as I await her reply.

  She leans in and kisses me softly, just once, but it’s everything. I’ve missed the feel of her mouth against mine. “I want to, but I can’t.”

  I’m devastated, but I try to keep a brave face. “I understand.”

  She touches my face, keeping her eyes trained on mine. “I changed my major, and I’m studying dance now although that’s not really a big deal. I’m sure I could transfer to a college in L.A.”

  Damn straight. I’m not against using my celebrity leverage to help my loved ones, and it wouldn’t take much to get her into whatever program she wanted. But that isn’t the issue. “Your mom,” I say, and she nods.

  “I can’t leave her. Not until she’s well, and even then …”

  “It’s okay. I completely understand, and you wouldn’t be the girl I fell in love with if you didn’t want to be here for her.”

  She cups one side of my face. “You’ve been honest with me tonight, so I want to be the same. There is another reason.” A pained expression crosses her eyes. “I’d be lying if I said what went down hasn’t shaken my faith in you, because it has. I can tell you’re sincere, and I want to trust you, but—”

  “It’s going to take time to earn back your trust,” I finish for her.

  She nods. “And I also don’t know if I can handle your lifestyle and all those girls …”

  “Babe.” I peer into her eyes. “There’s been a lot less girls than you’d think and no one in ages. You know I’ve never been in a relationship before you. I’ve only ever had one-night stands. You’re the first girl I’ve done this with. The only one I want to continue doing it with.”

  “What about Alannah Fields? Wasn’t she your girlfriend one time?”

  My lips tug up at the corners. “I think someone’s been Googling me.”

  “Guilty as charged,” she readily admits. “Now fess up.”

  I tweak her nose. “You’re cute when you’re jealous, but you’ve nothing to worry about. It was all fake. She’d just signed to my label, and they wanted her to gain exposure before her single debuted. I didn’t so much as kiss her in the three months we were parading around the place as boyfriend and girlfriend.”

  “Hmm.” She looks wary.

  “You don’t believe me?”

  “I do, it’s just hard to believe. I mean, she’s stunning. And you were, what, seventeen at the time? I know how horny seventeen-year-old guys are.”

  Now I have a renewed interest in ki
cking the shit out of her ex. “Don’t fucking remind me. I still owe that asshole Cole a punch or two for sniffing around you after I left.”

  “By the way, that photo was completely misleading. I didn’t do anything with him, or anyone, since you left. And you should also know he was the one who uploaded the video.”

  “I’ll add it to the ever-growing list of reasons why I hate that fucker.” She snickers, and it brings a smile to my face. “And to answer your earlier question, Alannah isn’t my type.”

  She arches a brow. “You have a type?”

  I grin as I wrap my arms around her waist and haul her into my lap. “Yeah. Just one. The beautiful blonde who dances like an angel.” I nuzzle into her neck. “You’re the only one I want for keeps, Dakota. It’s only ever you.”



  I melt into his arms, unable to deny my feelings any more. It hurts that he kept so much from me, but after talking it out for hours, I understand his motivations more clearly, and I know he did it out of concern for me. The fact he asked me to move to L.A. with him shows how serious he is about this. If I was doubting his love before, I’m not doubting it now. But I meant what I said—I can’t leave Mom when she’s so fragile, and he needs to earn back my trust before I make such a bold step.

  I think Layla would be proud of me.

  The old me would’ve followed him to L.A. and worried about the consequences later. Perhaps it’s the result of all that’s happened to me since she died, or I’ve just finally grown up. But I get it now.

  The sense of responsibility that comes from doing the right thing, but it no longer feels like a burden.

  “Can I ask you something else,” Shawn says, and I lift my head from his shoulder. I’m still sitting in his lap, trying to ignore the semi he’s sporting under his robe.

  “Of course. We’re an open book now, you and I.” I grace him with a genuine smile, and his answering one is breath stealing. I thought he was gorgeous before with his dark hair and green eyes, but this blond-haired blue-eyed version floors me every time he looks at me. Shawn is beautiful. Inside and out.


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