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Breaking His Rules (Feeling the Heat #4)

Page 16

by Alison Packard

  “He’s my friend. He just wanted to help.” Melissa sighed as she remembered the shell-shocked expression on Jake’s face immediately after Denise blasted him with her lies. She’d heard the term blindsided before; what Denise did to Jake was the perfect example of it. “And now because of me, his reputation has been called into question.”

  “Wait a damn minute,” Paige interjected, shooting Melissa a fierce scowl. “Denise is the one to blame, not you. What happened here isn’t your fault.”

  Claire nodded. “Paige is right.”

  “Mom, can you say that again?” Paige asked with a wry grin. “I don’t get to hear it too often.”

  Amusement flickered in Claire’s eyes. “As I was saying, your sister is right. Whether or not you and Jake are actually dating is moot. Even if there is some credence to her claim, Denise’s behavior was reprehensible. There’s a time and a place to air grievances. A wedding reception isn’t one of them.”

  Claire shifted in her chair and gently rested her hand on Melissa’s forearm. “You say you and Jake are just friends. That this so-called relationship of yours was some sort of act. But it didn’t look like an act to me last night at the rehearsal dinner. You and Jake seemed very much in love.”

  “We’re not in love,” Melissa denied quickly. “He’s my friend, that’s all.”

  “You were never adept at lying, Melissa.” An uncomfortable silence ensued until her mother patted her arm and then stood up. “I’m going to find your father. I think it’s time to call it a night.”

  After her mother left them alone at the table, Melissa feigned interest in Shauna and Kurt as they slow danced to “The Way You Look Tonight.” Soon though, she could practically feel Paige’s eyes burning a hole into the side of her head. “What?” She turned to meet her sister’s laser-like stare.

  “Mom’s right. You suck at lying.”

  “I wasn’t lying. Jake and I are friends.”

  Paige’s mouth twisted with an exasperated grimace. “You slept with him last night, didn’t you?”

  Melissa’s cheeks grew warm, and while she may have denied it to her mother, she couldn’t deny it to the sister who knew her better than anyone. “Yes.”

  “So what happens now?”

  An excellent question and one she had no answer for. “Honestly, I have no idea.”

  * * *

  Twenty minutes later, while Paige went to find Rob to get the keys to his car, Melissa ducked out of the ballroom and made her way to the ladies’ room. Although she was still worried about Jake, the concern she’d felt earlier had given way to annoyance. Would it kill him to return her call? Or at least text her to let her know he was okay and hadn’t driven off a cliff?

  Inside the empty restroom, she entered the first stall and went about her business. After she was done and she’d pulled the hem of her dress down over her hips, she reached for her purse on the shelf over the toilet, then froze when the restroom door opened and Shauna’s angry voice filled the room.

  “Don’t you dare walk away from me.”

  Melissa turned and, just as she had at Shauna’s bridal shower, she peeked through the sliver of the opening near the hinge of the stall door and the wall. It was déjà vu of a different sort as Shauna followed Denise into the restroom and the two faced each other in front of the marble topped vanity. As her pulse raced at warp speed, Melissa remained silent and still. Eavesdropping had gotten her into this mess in the first place, but showing herself at this particular moment didn’t seem like a great idea. Judging from Shauna’s granite-like profile, stepping into a war zone might be less dangerous. And, if she was being completely honest, she was dying to hear how Denise was going to explain away her bad behavior.

  “Shauna, you’re upset—”

  “You think?” Shauna interrupted sarcastically. “Wouldn’t you be upset if the person you thought was your best friend ruined your wedding day?”

  “That’s exactly why we shouldn’t talk right now,” Denise replied in a smooth, yet patronizing tone. “You need to calm down. We can talk about it tomorrow.”

  “No. We won’t. After what you did I’m not sure I ever want to talk to you again.”

  Denise waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t be silly, of course you will. Once you get over it.”

  “Get over it?” Shauna’s eyes went wide with disbelief. “Are you serious? Do you honestly believe I’m going to forget what you did to me? To Kurt. To our families. And to Jake Sawyer.”

  “Oh do not feel sorry for him.” Denise’s words dripped with spite. “That bastard deserved exactly what he got.”

  Melissa’s blood started to boil and for two furious seconds, she seriously considered yanking open the door and ripping the extensions out of Denise’s hair.

  “Whether he deserved it or not, and I’m beginning to believe he didn’t, how could you do that to me? You knew how much I love Kurt and how important this day was to me.” Clearly agitated, Shauna tossed her veil over her shoulder. “And not only that, you knew how terrified I’ve been that something would go wrong. How many times have I confided in you about my mother and her need for perfection? If you think I was joking, you’d better pray you don’t run into her tonight. You’ve ruined the day she’s been obsessively planning since I was born. Her crowning achievement as a mother was this wedding and you blew it all to hell.” Shauna spread her hands in a plaintive gesture. “Why? Just tell me why.”

  “I didn’t set out to ruin your reception,” Denise said, after an agonizing silence Melissa thought would go on forever. “But as I started my toast, I saw Jake and Melissa sitting there together and...and I couldn’t seem to stop myself. You know how much I hate her. How can he be with that cow?”

  Cow? Melissa clenched her fists and compressed her lips together in a tight line. It was all she could do to keep quiet.

  “Tonight wasn’t about Jake at all, was it? It was about Melissa. You sabotaged my wedding reception because you’re jealous of her.”

  Denise let out an affronted snort. “As if.”

  “My God. Melissa was right,” Shauna continued. “Jake never harassed you, did he? He wasn’t interested in you so you decided to teach him a lesson. And what better way to ruin his reputation than by charging him with sexual harassment. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “What’s wrong with you?” Denise shot back angrily. “You’ve always been up for sticking it to Melissa.”

  “Not always. Bullying Melissa started when I met you.”

  “Don’t put it all on me. You were happy enough to go along with it.” For several moments Denise remained silent as Shauna tilted her head and eyed Denise like she was an alien life-form. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Because I never realized what an ugly person you are until this moment. And what’s worse, I’ve behaved exactly like you.” Shauna turned to the mirror and stared at her reflection. She shook her head, disgust obvious in her eyes. “I’m a monster. No wonder Melissa and Paige hate me.”

  “When did you start caring what those bitches thought about you?”

  “Today.” Shauna pivoted from the mirror and pinned Denise with eyes so sharp they could cut glass. “I started caring today when Melissa followed me to the dunes. After how I’ve treated her, she had no earthly reason to check to see if I was okay, but she did. And where were you while I was falling apart? At the bar toasting yourself for a job well done?”

  “Shauna, I—”

  “Enough.” Shauna silenced Denise with a swift slice of her hand. “I’ve heard enough. As far as I’m concerned, we’re finished.”

  Melissa grinned and couldn’t help but pump her fist as Shauna whirled around and stalked out of the bathroom. When the door closed behind her, Melissa jerked open the stall door and met Denise’s stunned gaze in the mirror.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked as she slipped the slim chain-metal strap of her purse over her shoulder. “Lose your best friend?”

  “Shut up, you fat bitch.�
� Denise turned around to face her.

  No longer intimidated by Denise’s childish insults, Melissa raised a brow. “Really? That’s all you’ve got? Fat bitch? Surely you can be more creative than that.”

  Denise’s expression darkened, transforming her face into a mask of ugliness. “Do you know what I hate most about you?”

  “I couldn’t begin to guess, nor do I care. But from what I just overheard, it’s obvious you’re out of your mind with jealousy because Jake found me infinitely more attractive than he ever found you.” Amazed she’d finally found the courage to face her number one nemesis, something that felt a lot like strength coursed through Melissa’s body. “Guess what, Denise? This time the fat girl wins.”

  “I wouldn’t be so smug if I was you.”

  “I’m not smug. I’m just stating a fact.” Melissa took a step forward to place herself squarely in front of Denise. “For years you’ve bullied me and I took it because I was too afraid to fight back. But I’m not afraid of you anymore. If by some miracle Shauna forgives you, you’d better never let me hear you ridicule me again. If you do, you’ll regret it.”

  “Is that some sort of threat?”

  Melissa shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not. But if you have any sense at all, you’ll take your ass back to Sacramento before my aunt finds you, and draws and quarters you with the cake knife.” Apprehension flickered in Denise’s eyes. As well it should, considering the last person who’d pissed off Aunt Beverly—a hair stylist who’d fried her hair with a bad perm—had been run out of Sacramento never to be heard from again. To this day, Paige and her overactive imagination suspected foul play, but Melissa knew Aunt Beverly would never risk going to prison for anything, or anyone. She hated the color orange and abhorred jumpsuits of any kind. “I’m not kidding. She’s on the warpath.”

  “I detest you.” Denise gritted the words through clenched teeth.

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” Melissa retorted with amusement.

  “Fine. How’s this?” Denise pointed at her. “You may have Jake’s attention now, but mark my words, once the novelty of dating a fat chick wears off you’ll be nothing but yesterday’s news. And don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she said, and shot Melissa a scathing look before she angrily brushed past her and left the restroom.

  * * *

  Jake let himself into the hotel room and tossed his suit jacket and tie on the bed. When he and Melissa left for the wedding, the bed linens had been rumpled from their morning of sex and movie watching. Since then, the housekeeping staff had cleaned the room and now he could, without a doubt, bounce a quarter off the cream-colored bedspread. But that didn’t stop the memories of what had transpired on that bed from running through his mind.

  One incredible night and morning. Was that all he and Melissa would ever have? Until Denise’s tirade, he seriously believed that he and Melissa could continue their relationship once they returned to Sacramento. Was that even possible now?

  For two years he’d rebuffed every advance made to him by his gym members or personal training clients, reciting the same reason why so many times even he had tired of hearing it.

  I’m sorry, but it wouldn’t be ethical.

  Today, the reputation he’d fought so hard to rebuild after Denise filed the lawsuit had been tarnished once again. And this time, he was at fault. Not Melissa. Him.

  With fists clenched, he strode to the sliding glass door, jerked it open and stepped onto the balcony. The cool air did nothing to ease the tightness in his chest nor did it clear his head. His mind was still in fucking turmoil over the decision he had to make.

  Jake moved to the railing and gripped it tightly.

  His business and reputation or a future with Melissa?

  That was the choice. He couldn’t have both.

  After Denise had been forced to drop the lawsuit, he had a serious conversation with his father. Joe Sawyer, who’d been an attorney for almost thirty years, had given Jake some fatherly and lawyerly advice. Don’t mix business with pleasure. Ever.

  At first Jake was annoyed. He wasn’t one to frequent clubs, and the thought of online dating wasn’t appealing either. Where was he supposed to meet a woman when he spent most of his time at his gym? But after a while, he came to the conclusion his father was right. At the time, his business was new and the first few years were absolutely crucial to its success. He couldn’t jeopardize his reputation or his business. Not after he’d sunk his entire life savings into it. Besides, if he did date someone from the gym and it didn’t work out then he’d have to see the woman all the time and that could be awkward for both of them. Plus there was the chance he’d meet another Denise. That thought was enough to make him break out in a cold sweat.

  But then one day Melissa found the courage to change her life and walked into his gym. Yes, she was overweight, but that hadn’t mattered. Something about her sweet nature and engaging personality had drawn him in, like a bee to honey. Especially after she’d signed up for personal training and he spent more time with her. Soon he began to look forward to their training sessions, and on the days they didn’t train together, he found himself looking for her in the cardio room or in one of the aerobic classes she sometimes took. And when the opportunity arose to spend even more time with her by offering to escort her to the wedding, he grabbed it and never once considered the consequences.

  And now those consequences were staring him in the face. Again, his fault. He’d been insane to think he could spend the weekend with Melissa and not give in to the desire that had been building inside of him for months.

  Here, in Monterey and away from the gym, he’d conveniently forgotten the ramifications falling in love with her could bring. For ten long years he’d worked seven days a week, saving almost every dollar he earned to open his own business. Jake’s Joint was his lifelong dream—a dream that could have been ruined by his personal involvement with an obviously unstable member.

  Melissa was no Denise. He couldn’t imagine her ever sinking to Denise’s level. But if he continued to see her when they returned home, what kind of message would that send? Could he take a chance on angering the dues-paying members of his gym? They were his bread and butter—referring their friends and family to the gym owned and operated by the top trainer in Sacramento. It was an elite list, difficult to be named to. Even one hint of impropriety could result in him losing his ranking, which in turn, could result in less membership renewals and referrals. By that rationale his decision should be an easy one.

  But it wasn’t. Not by a long shot.

  How could he give up Melissa? The woman who meant more to him than any woman who had come before her. The woman who made him laugh and enjoy the simple things in life. The woman he could absolutely picture himself growing old with.

  If only he could turn back time. Back to before he’d kissed her full soft lips, before he’d made love to her and discovered how hot sex was with a woman he not only liked, but loved. Back to when they were just friends.

  Friends. The word reverberated in his head as he let go of the balcony and strode purposefully back into the room.

  Friends. That was the answer. He could have his business and Melissa in his life if they went back to being just friends. It wasn’t the ideal solution, but it was better than giving her up altogether. Never seeing her again wasn’t an option. It would be torture not being able to touch her or make love to her, but he could handle it as long as she wasn’t out of his life forever.

  But what about what she wants?

  He halted in mid-stride and swore softly under his breath. Jesus fucking Christ. Talk about being a selfish prick.

  The heaviness in his chest returned full force. As he saw it, he was between a rock and a hard place. The decision he should make would hurt Melissa, and the one he wanted to make could cripple his business and endanger his livelihood.

  He ran a hand through his hair. “Fuck.”

  * * *

  The first thing Melissa encountered when she wal
ked into the hotel room was the sight of Jake’s suitcase on the end of the bed with his garment bag draped over it. Her initial relief that he’d made it back to Monterey safely was replaced with confusion. Obviously he was leaving, but was he waiting to tell her of that fact before he left, or had she returned before he could make his escape without facing her?

  The bathroom door was open and the vanity cleared of his shaving gear and other toiletries. As she set her purse and the key card on the dresser, a movement from the balcony caught her eye and her breath hitched as Jake moved to where the sliding glass door was half open. He’d changed out of his suit and into jeans and a polo shirt. Their gazes collided across the room; the lack of emotion in his hazel eyes caused her heart to split in two.

  “Why didn’t you call or text me? I was worried about you.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said in a low voice. “I needed to be alone.”

  Melissa side-eyed his luggage. “Have I ruined your disappearing act by coming back to the hotel sooner than you expected?”

  “No.” He scrubbed a hand over his jaw. “I was waiting for you.”

  “So you weren’t planning on leaving me stranded in Monterey?”

  “Of course not,” he replied, with a hint of irritation. “I called around and found a room in a hotel not too far from here. I’ll stay there tonight and pick you up in the morning to drive you back to Sac.”

  “Why can’t you stay here? With me?”

  “What happened at the reception changed things. I had a decision to make.”

  “A decision about us, I assume?”


  “Didn’t you think I should be involved in that decision? It’s my life we’re talking about too.”

  Jake blew out a breath. “We both knew pursuing a relationship once we got home might not happen.”

  Melissa hesitated. “But I thought after...after last night and this morning that—”

  “That things have changed?” Jake shook his head. “They haven’t. I wish I could tell you they have, but after being so close to having to go to court and having to prove the allegations Denise brought against me were false, I can’t take any chances.”


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