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Revive Me (Say Something Book 3)

Page 5

by Rodgers, Salice

  “Sounds good. But keep your phone on you at all times please.”

  “I will. Do you think they will come after us to get to her?”

  “I won’t let that happen again,” he answers reassuringly and squeezes me a little tighter.


  The next morning I wake to the sound of my alarm and get out of bed to get ready for the day. I want to go by and see how Sunshine’s is coming along and how much longer it will be before we are up and running. I also want to plan a few things for the wedding.

  After my shower, I walk to the kitchen and smile when I see Trevor already has coffee made and ready to go.

  “Ready?” he says.

  “You’re going with me?”

  “Yep. Let’s go.”

  I grab my coffee and head out the door. I should have known with Marshall taking off for a while Trevor wouldn’t leave me alone for any longer than he has to.

  When we pull in my jaw hits the floor. A lot has been done that I thought would have taken a lot longer. Trevor smiles as he steps out of the car and we walk inside. The walls are all painted white and ceilings repaired. Kipper walks out from the kitchen and comes to shake our hand. I can’t keep the shock off my face as I continue to look around. On the far wall, as soon as you walk in, in bright yellow paint it says Sunshine’s Kitchen?

  There are yellow curtains around the windows. The doors leading into the kitchen are yellow.

  “Oh my goodness how did you get all of this done?” I ask when I finally find my voice.

  “Well you do have a hard working fiancé as well,” Kipper answers.

  “This looks amazing.”

  “We should be putting tables in within the next few weeks,” he adds.

  “I could be opening soon?” I squeal.

  Trevor smiles and shakes his head as Kipper nods and they walk off talking about tables and other manly things. I walk around the restaurant with tears in my eyes as I think about how soon I might be open and all of it will start without my best friend. I wanted her to be here to see all of this and start this journey with me. I can’t help but be excited that my dream is coming true and in just a few short weeks I could open my doors.

  Chapter Ten

  “Hello?” I say as I look around the table at wedding cakes and colors and dresses and shoes and so much more.

  “Hey, Tay!” Joslynn says.

  “Hey! Oh I have missed you!”

  “I have missed you too!”

  “Where are you? How are you?”

  “We are good, having a lot of fun actually! We are at the beach!”

  “Oh wow! That’s great! Please tell me you are coming home soon!” I question.

  “Yeah Marshall is homesick after a week.”

  “Sunshine’s is opening in a few days.” The excitement is gone from my voice.

  “I heard! Trevor told Marshall. We will be home soon, Tay, we kind of freaked after the phone call and needed to get away for a little while.”

  “I know. I understand. I just miss you.”

  “I miss you too.” She agrees. “But we will be coming home next week.”

  “Good! I am drowning in wedding plans,” I continue.

  We talk a while longer about weddings and Sunshine’s and she lets me go so she can play in the sand. It’s good to know that she is okay and so is little man. I love that they are having a good time even if the way they left had me scared.

  I turn my attention back to flowers and cakes and let go of a deep breath. I have no clue what I am doing other than walking down an aisle to say I do. I move the magazines away and take another deep breath. Trevor walks in the door and stops when he sees me.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “All of this is nothing I want.” I motion towards the table full of pictures and magazines.

  “I have told you we could just go to the courthouse and do it that way,” he reminds me.

  “No I don’t want to do that.”

  “You are so confusing.” He walks to the table.

  He sits down and starts to look through the magazines. I watch the muscles move on his arms as he pushes the magazine around and flips the pages. The look of concentration on his face is nothing like I have ever seen. His eyes look to each picture and sometimes he shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

  I can’t help but smile as I watch him. He is the love of my life and the answer to my dreams and soon he will be my husband… husband, wow that sounds so amazing.

  “I don’t think any of this is us either.” He concludes after a while.

  I smile and nod my head after he looks to me and back down to the magazine. Each dress is poofier than the one before with a train that looks like it leads to another state. I love makeup and being pretty just as much as the next girl but why dress up so much on the wedding day? After being together for so long and seeing each other at our best and our worst I don’t want to overdo it on one day. I want him to see me just as beautiful today as he does on our wedding day.

  I want to walk in with my hair on top of my head and my makeup from the day before and him still be like ‘yeah that is my girl touch her and I will hurt you.’ I know that I have that with Trevor and I know I could plan a wedding with no flowers or matching colors and he will still be as in love with me as the day before. I stand from the table and walk around until I am standing beside him and take the magazine from his hand throwing it to the floor.

  He looks up and watches as I push all the magazines to the floor and climb on the table with my legs on each side of him. His eyebrows raise as he glides his hands up my legs and watches my head roll back, and I moan. I want his hands on each part of my body. I want him to yell my name so loud he can’t talk the next day. He runs his hands from my knees to my thighs and stops.

  When I open my eyes and look down towards him, he grabs my hips and pulls them to the edge of the table, as he stands up and pushes the chair he was sitting in back. It slams against the wall and I jump causing him to smile. I wanted the element of taking over him and he knows all he has to do is give me a look and I am putty in his hands waiting for his next move.

  I lift my hips off the table as he unbuttons my shorts and shimmies them along with my thong down my legs letting them fall to the floor. He removes his pants and I smile when I see he was ready for me before I even began. I pull my shirt over my head and throw it on the chair against the wall behind him – my bra quickly following.

  “You are so beautiful,” he comments.

  His eyes roam from head to toe and he bites his lip causing me to scoot closer to the edge of the table and beg for him to come inside me.

  “Trevor, I need you inside me.”

  “I want to look at you.” He runs his hands down my arms grabbing my hips.

  I moan again and watch him walk towards me. Slowly he inserts himself in me and his head rolls from side to side. I watch as goosebumps pop along his skin and he raises his eyes back to mine.

  “Do you see what you do to me?”

  I nod my head and lean in to kiss him. His lips part and I sweep my tongue into his mouth as he starts a steady rhythm in and out of me. His hands never leave my hips – he only holds on tighter. Both of our moans getting louder and louder.

  The feeling of him moving inside of me is like being in heaven. His hands on my body connected in a way I never want to connect with anyone else. He kisses my cheek and moves his tongue to my ear pulling my earlobe in his mouth. Feeling his breath in my ear and his teeth touching my skin, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and dig my nails into his skin.

  “Mmmm, Trevor… Oh…” I moan.

  I can feel him smile as he picks up the rhythm knowing I am close. He grabs my hips tighter and I throw my head back and yell his name. He pulls out of me and carries me to the shower. Once he gets the water set we step in and he lathers a wash cloth.

  “Come here, Sunshine.” I smile at the sound of my nickname and walk towards him once again feeling his hands running along my skin.
br />   He washes my arms and chest taking his time on my breasts. Making his way lower his eyes are on mine as he moves lower and lower. Once he makes it below my belly button he drops the cloth and bends down on his knees and before I know it he once again has me yelling his name and begging him for more.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Tay, wake up!” I open my eyes and look over to find Joslynn sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Jos! I thought it was going to be another week!” I wrap my arms around her.

  She hugs me back and laughs.

  “I wanted to surprise you. That asshole is in prison and I refuse to let him affect me any more than he already has.”

  “I am so happy you’re back!”

  We both lean back against the headboard and she turns her head towards me.

  “I see how the wedding plans are going.”

  “Yeah…” Is the only thing I can say and turn my head.

  She laughs and nudges my arm.

  “So let’s go see the talk of the town – Sunshine’s – shall we?”

  I giggle and get out of bed.

  “Yes let’s do shall we!”

  “It’s raining so don’t wear flip flops,” she yells as she walks out of the bedroom.

  I groan and throw on some shorts and a t-shirt. When I walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen the sight before me makes my heart swell. Marshall and Trevor are sitting at the table having coffee while Trevor holds Elijah and talks with him. He looks so at home holding him.

  He looks up when he sees me and smiles.

  “Morning, guys,” I greet and walk the rest of the way to the kitchen.

  “This brings back old memories,” Marshall recalls and drapes his arm around Joslynn.

  I sit down by Trevor and take a sip of my coffee.

  “Yeah it does,” Trevor agrees, laying his hand on my leg.

  “Hey, Tay, I need to drive my own car if that’s okay. I don’t know how long I can stay since I am taking lil man to see Grandma.”

  “That’s fine.”

  We sit and have coffee and I watch as Trevor plays with Elijah. Having a full conversation about how much he needs to cry at Grandmas. I laugh each time he coos like he knows just what Trevor is saying and Trevor talks back. I lay my hand on my stomach and smile knowing this little boy or girl is going to grow up with the best family any little kid could ask for.

  Marshall and Trevor are so protective and I know Joslynn will be with me each step of the way.

  “Ready?” Joslynn says.

  “Yep.” I lean over and kiss Trevor.


  I watch as Joslynn has the same reaction I did just a few days before when she sees Sunshine’s. Her jaw hits the floor and she walks around looking at each detail.

  “Wow!” she quips.

  “I know right? Amazing huh?”

  “Hey, ladies,” Kipper greets us.

  “Hey,” we answer in unison.

  “Ready to open?” Joslynn says jumping up and down.

  “Yep,” he replies laughing.

  The place looks so different with the yellow tables scattered all around. Joslynn and I hug each other and squeal like two little girls who just got a new puppy.

  “Now all we need is staff.” Jos points out.

  “I think it’ll happen fast when you turn that closed sign to open.” Kipper states still laughing at both of us.

  I look to the door and smile when I see the sign on the door. This is something I never thought I would have. Something that both of us needed for our lives to finally have the feeling of going somewhere. Both of us were always running from something – afraid of someone. I was always running from drinking and yet I always found myself in a bar with a drink in hand. Joslynn was always running from her father never knowing when he was going to come home drunk and pissed off again.

  This place will be ours. We are finally done running from something or someone. We have a life here and a restaurant that is going to be one of the best in town.

  “I can’t wait to tell the guys,” I exclaim.

  “They probably already know.”

  “True. From what I heard Kipper had some help we didn’t know about.” I wink.

  He nods his head and walks away whistling.

  “I hate to go but I have to, Tay, the rain isn’t slacking up. “

  “Go ahead. I think I will add a now hiring sign in the window and take a look at the kitchen before I head out.” I hug her and kiss Elijah and watch as they run out the door to her car.

  I walk to the window and look at the clouds getting darker. A rumble of thunder sounds and I jump when I see lightning. I hate storms. I used to hide under my covers when I was a kid.

  “Want to see the kitchen before the storms get too bad?” I hear Kipper ask from behind me and I jump again.

  “Yeah I don’t want to get caught in this.”

  The kitchen has all new equipment set up all throughout it. I walk around and run my hands along each thing wanting to touch it so I know it’s all real. I can feel Kipper walking closely behind me and my nerves spike. He has never done anything to make me uncomfortable but with the storms my nerves are on edge.

  The kitchen is set up with the grills on the right and the cutting tables in the middle and the refrigerator on the left wall. All other things are scattered here and there around the kitchen. I walk around the cutting area and Kipper is on my heels the whole time. I can almost feel his breath on the back of my neck and I curse Joslynn for leaving me here alone with him.

  “You really out did yourself in here, Kipper. It looks amazing.” I wince when my voice cracks giving away how nervous he is making me.

  “Well, I wanted to make a good impression.”

  I feel him touch my arm with his hand, and I jump pressing my back against the cutting station. He steps in front of me putting his hands on each side of my body – his face right in front of me.

  “What are you doing, Kipper?”

  I try to push against his chest to push him away and he pushes back.

  “Did you really think free meals would be enough payment for all that I have done here? I worked my ass off!” His voice rising.

  I can see him moving his jaw like he is grinding his teeth, and he leans in slowly both of his hands grabbing mine off his chest and holding them so tight I know I will have bruises tomorrow.

  “Kipper, stop! I am engaged!” I tell him, tears now streaming down my face.

  My whole body shakes as he throws his head back and laughs. The person standing before me is not the man who has been working on this place the whole month. He has worked with Trevor even days that I didn’t know he was here. He has been so respectful and giving the whole time. The fact that he offered to do it for free meals was a shock but I was so excited I couldn’t help but agree to the offer.

  When he lowers his head and looks back at me he looks so angry.

  “Engaged to a tattooed freak? Look what I did for you! I gave you all of this! For free!” he yells.

  His voice rises each time he responds. I try to think of anything I can do to keep him talking while I try to think of a way to get away from him. This can’t be real. This has to be a dream.

  “I told you I couldn’t pay you and you came back! You made this offer not me!”

  He leans in closer and kisses my cheek running his tongue down it towards my ear and I shake my head. His grip on my wrist tightens and he looks in to my eyes. I quickly raise my knee and watch as he falls to the floor grabbing his balls. I run out of the kitchen crying and sling open the door and I don’t stop running until I am in the car with the keys in the ignition and the car running.

  When I look back to the restaurant I see Kipper run out and towards his truck. He jumps in and takes off. My sobs grow louder and I raise my shirt wiping the side of my face over and over until it starts to sting. My hands are shaking and sweaty as I sit in the car and rock back and forth trying to gather myself. Why would someone do something like that
? How can you be one person for a whole month and then all of the sudden it’s like you are no one I have ever met before?

  Once my heart finally slows down and I can breathe normal again I drive home. The drive home is longer than it has ever been and I will it to go faster. I want to run inside and wrap my arms around Trevor and never let go. The rain has eased some when I finally pull into the driveway. I pull down my sun visor and look in the mirror. My eyes are red and swollen and my wrists feel like they are on fire.

  I get out of the car and wipe my eyes one more time before I walk through the door knowing there is nothing I can do for the redness. I walk all around the house and find Trevor nowhere. There is a letter on the counter by the coffee pot.

  Making up for closing while Marshall was gone.

  Be home late.

  I love you


  I run my fingers around each letter of his words and sink to the floor of the kitchen bringing his words with me. I know this is something that I should tell him but him not being home gives me time to think about what could happen if he finds out. He would flip. I just want to open my restaurant and hope that Kipper is smart enough to know he fucked up and not come back. I kneed him hard enough that he should be feeling it for weeks.

  I take a deep breath and lean my head against the cabinets behind me and close my eyes. As soon as they are shut I see his and all of the venom inside them. My heart starts to race and I stand and run to the shower to wash off the day and the smell of him and hopefully the memories.

  When I step in the shower I look at my wrists and see red lines around both of them. I stand in the shower and wash off until the water runs cold. My teeth are chattering and still I wash one more time. Once I can’t stand the sting of the cold water any longer I step out and dry off. I put on Trevor’s shirt and bury myself on his side of the bed taking in his smell and letting it pull me in to a deep sleep.

  I pray that once I wake up tomorrow all of this will be a bad dream and I can climb back in to my Trevor bubble where I am safe and no one can get to me.


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