Jack Part One and Two (The Elite)

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Jack Part One and Two (The Elite) Page 20

by KB Winters

  Carly reached for my arm. “Visiting hours are over anyway. Come on, we’ll give you a lift back to Aaron’s and you can come back in the morning and see if she’ll let you in.”

  “Why is she doing this?”

  Carly sighed and sat down next to me on the padded bench. “Because she’s pregnant. Hormonal. She’s been through a lot the past few months since you two ended things. Finding out about the baby has put her in a stressful situation. She’s working a million hours at her new job and trying to make everything perfect. And now this…”

  “Why didn’t she tell me, Carly? Why?” I hated the way my voice shook but a day spent pacing, on the edge of a breakdown, had torn me to shreds. “What did she think I would do? Say?”

  Carly’s eyes glistened as she squeezed my hands. “Jack, that’s not something I can answer for her. Come back tomorrow and talk to her.”

  “If she’ll let me.”

  “She will,” Rachel said, a fierce certainty in her voice. She glanced over her shoulder at Holly’s closed door. “I’ll talk to her.”

  Carly gave Rachel a quizzical look but I wasn’t about to question her. Holly spent more time with Carly since arriving home from Germany, but that was more of a logistical thing. Rachel was her best friend and the one who’d been there to pick up the pieces after Holly’s divorce. She knew the depths of Holly—the same parts I thought I knew.

  “Thank you, Rachel.”

  She turned back to face me and gave a somber nod.

  “Do you need a ride?” Carly asked me.

  “I really don’t want to leave. I think I’ll wait here.”

  “Boomer, you’re getting ripe. You need to shower and get some sleep. Come on, I’ll take you up to Aaron’s.”

  “Yeah, okay. Thanks.” Aaron had already left with Gemma after her shift ended and had promised to go to Holly’s and grab Hunter so he wasn’t left alone. Carly led the way out of the hospital and I jumped in the back seat of her sedan. She dropped me off at Aaron’s and then took Rachel back into town to the house she shared with Nick. Hunter and Princess raced out to greet me and I sank down in the driveway to give them attention. Hunter’s blue eyes were soulful, almost like he knew what had happened, and I finally broke.

  Aaron found me, sitting in the driveway, both dogs licking at my face to clear away the tears. “Boomer?” He stopped short once he realized I was crying. “Damn, Boom. Come on, come inside.”

  I shook my head. “Not yet, man. I just need a minute.”

  Aaron hesitated, clearly torn between which way he wanted to go, but in the end, he came over and sank down to sit beside me in the gravel. Hunter greeted him with a sloppy kiss and I chuckled at the string of curses that followed. “Dude, get off,” he said, shoving playfully at the huge Lab. “I thought Princess whipped this one into shape.”

  I laughed and wiped at my face. I dropped my head back and stared up at the dark sky. It was a clear night, the moon and stars clearly visible against the velvet backdrop. The perfect night for a walk on the beach. I’d always loved the way the moonlight looked, especially when it was pouring in through the open windows, bouncing off of Holly’s naked body.

  “You okay, Boomer?”

  “I don’t really know right now.”

  Aaron sighed heavily and lounged back, bracing himself against his arms to mirror my posture. I felt his gaze on me but kept my eyes above. “She’s going to be all right. And if you even start giving me some bullshit about how the accident was your fault, I swear I’ll beat the shit out of you.”

  I laughed. “Good to know.”

  “Just bein’ honest. You didn’t shove her off that cliff.”

  “I know.”

  “Good.” He paused. “So, what’s going on inside your head then?”

  “She’s pregnant. With my baby.” I shook my head, the words sounding foreign and strange. “You know, when we were in Germany, even before we got engaged, we would talk about the future. That dreaming and planning got us through some of the rough patches. We always planned on having a kid or two.”


  “Sometimes I wondered how she’d tell me. You know, would she wrap the test in a box with a bow or would she make me my favorite dinner and when I asked what’s the occasion was she’d tell me. Or maybe it would be close enough to Father’s Day that she’d surprise me with a card.”

  Aaron chuckled softly. “That’s some sappy shit there, Boom.”

  I nodded, smiling through the sting. “Maybe. But I built it up in my mind as this…this momentous moment. This tipping point. Nothing would ever be the same after that. But instead of this beautiful, celebratory moment we’d look back on and treasure, she screams it at me in the middle of an ugly argument, seconds before flipping me off and walking away…” My voice trailed off and fresh tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. I shook my head. “How am I ever supposed to get over that?”

  “Kinda selfish ya think?”

  “Player, I don’t even know what to do—or think—anymore.”

  “I’d start with a shower if I were you.”

  “You’re not the first person to tell me that today.” I chuckled. “Guess it’s a good thing I didn’t see her today, huh?”

  “Yeah, it’s kinda fucked up right now. But that doesn’t mean you can’t turn it into something great. She’s pissed off right now. Hurt. All these woman things. And I bet that baby growing inside her has her girlie hormones all fucked up. But she’s not going to stay that way forever. And even if she does, you two will figure it out.”

  I scoffed softly. “You keep saying that, but so far it’s all gone from bad to worse. I really can’t see a light at the end of this particular tunnel.”

  “I’m saying it because I believe it.”

  “She thinks I want to be with Kourtney. She saw us talking in the hangar.”

  “Do you?”

  I scoffed. “No, I want Holly. Ever since the day we met.”

  “Did you tell her that?”

  “Like a million fuckin’ times.”

  “Then I guess it’s time for a million and one.”

  I looked over at him. His face was stone-cold serious. Aaron wasn’t the kind of guy to talk about happily ever afters or things like soulmates or destiny. He wasn’t bullshitting me or spoon-feeding me what he thought I wanted to hear. He truly believed there was still hope and in that moment, clinging to his hope was the best I could do because all of mine had vanished.


  The following morning, I woke up before the sun even started to rise and went for a long run down the coast with Princess. Hunter was still snoozing on the couch when we left, which was fine with me, Holly hadn’t trained him to be a good running companion. He would get distracted by seagulls, large chunks of driftwood, or even his own paws if I tried to get him to keep up for a run. The run was supposed to clear my head and help me get re-centered, but even after logging six miles, I returned to Aaron’s house feeling more cagey than before.

  As soon as I grabbed a shower and a cup of coffee, I grabbed my rental’s keyring and headed to the hospital. I had no idea what time Rachel and Carly were planning to arrive, but I wanted to be there first thing to see if maybe overnight she’d changed her mind on letting me see her. Aaron came down the stairs as I was getting ready to head out and Gemma wasn’t far behind.

  “Are you going to the hospital?” Gemma asked as she breezed past me on the way to the kitchen. She was already dressed in a pair of jeans, t-shirt, and a ballcap over her long ponytail. Aaron, on the other hand, looked half-asleep as he zombie shuffled to grab a cup of coffee.

  “Yeah. Visiting hours start about now, don’t they?” I already knew the answer, having asked the nurses the day before, and I wanted to be there if by some chance, she asked for me.

  Gemma nodded and grabbed a cup of yogurt from the fridge. She tore the top off, grabbed a spoon and braced a hip against the counter. “She has some tests this morning though, so it might be a little while befor
e she’s back in her room. They’re doing an ultrasound and some additional tests to make sure she and the baby are all right. I wouldn’t expect to see her before noon.”

  “Shit.” I sighed, feeling like a suddenly deflated balloon. “Guess I need to reschedule my flight and call my boss.”

  Aaron perked at this. “You’re still going back?”

  “At some point, yes.”

  Aaron glared at me. “Even with a kid on the way?”

  “Aaron…” Gemma said, shooting him a warning look.

  “What am I supposed to do? Go back to flying tourists around?” I countered, my temperature rising. “You know the reasons I left a few months ago. None of them have changed. Well…”

  “Woah, hold on. This is from the guy who told me last night, right out there—” he gestured out the garden window over the sink to the gravel driveway beyond— “that everything had changed now that he’s going to be a father. Which is it, Boomer? Nothing has changed? Or everything?”

  “Aaron, it’s really none of our business,” Gemma said softly.

  “Hell yes, it’s our business,” Aaron replied.

  I held up a hand. “No, it’s fine, I’ll answer the question.”

  Gemma sighed and went to make her own cup of coffee.

  I fixed Aaron with a cold stare—not that he even flinched. “My life has changed, or is going to change, in a huge way. But I still need to make a living. I still need a house to live in and money in the bank.”

  “And what? I wasn’t paying you enough?”

  “Not enough for Holly apparently!” I threw my hands in the air. “She’s not happy unless I’m some…some…well, that boss of hers. Some big shot guy with a boat and a mansion—or two.”

  Gemma turned back and glared at me. “That’s not fair and you know it, Jack. Now, I totally understand if you don’t want to do the tourist flights, if that’s not your thing, but you can’t pin that shit on Holly. She works her ass off to run her business and now at her new job. She’s not some entitled bitch who spreads her legs for some sugar daddy. I know you’re angry and hurt right now, but she’s my friend and I will not let you paint that ugly picture of her just because you’re pissed off!”

  I rocked back on my heels and bit back a nasty retort. My fight wasn’t with Gemma. Or Aaron. Shit, it wasn’t even really with Holly. I was the problem. I was the one who flipped my shit, ran off to New York, and shot my mouth off the day before, telling Holly I was happy with my life and that I didn’t need her back in my life.

  Aaron’s expression softened even as his fiancée’s remained cold. “Boomer, I get it. This place isn’t your dream. But if all you’re after is a solid job, my offer still stands to work with you and start running charters. In fact, I hadn’t brought it up yet, but I’ve been talking to some of my clients—kind of an unofficial poll—and it seems like it could be an idea that really has legs. I don’t have time to run it though. If it’s gonna happen, I need you with me.”

  For the second time, the conversation whipped me around 180 degrees. “I’ll think about it.”

  Aaron gave me a respectful nod and went back to drinking his coffee. “Wait up for me to get dressed and we can go down and get some breakfast at Carly’s before going to the hospital.”

  “All right.”

  Gemma took her coffee and yogurt to the table and settled in. I turned to her after Aaron left the kitchen and cleared my throat. “I’m sorry, Gemma. You were right.”

  She glanced up at me, her eyes soft and expressive. “I know you still love her, Jack. And to be honest, I know she still loves you. You guys need to figure this shit out. Not just for yourselves but for your baby and your future. Try to let go of the past mistakes and all the things said in anger and focus on remembering what brought you guys together in the first place because from where I’m sitting, it was really special.”

  I nodded, too overcome to speak and then shuffled out of the kitchen.

  Aaron hustled down the stairs a few minutes later and we set off. He talked me through his ideas and relayed the conversations he’d been having with his more affluent clients and neighboring businessmen and women and by the time we left Carly’s and went up to the hospital, I was nearly convinced that maybe staying in Holiday Cove was the right move to make.

  Until we got outside Holly’s room.

  Aaron screeched to a stop before we’d even reached the nurses station. “Is that—”

  I followed his gaze and every muscle in my body went tense. Noah Scoville—nearly lost behind a giant floral arrangement—was striding right past the nurse’s station and into Holly’s room. “Son of a bitch,” I growled.

  “Got that right,” Aaron agreed.

  Chapter Twelve


  Rachel was mid-sentence when a knock interrupted her. I loved Rachel with all my heart but I was relieved by the distraction. She’d been at my bedside, lecturing me on all two hundred fifty-seven thousand reasons I should give Jack a second chance. Each argument she made only made me feel worse, and I’d been about ready to jump down her throat and tell her to leave me alone. My body ached from lying in bed all day and night, but moving too much was too painful as my injuries from the accident were more apparent. The doctors weren’t able to give me much for the pain as too much of anything could harm the baby. Between Rachel’s lecture and the pain, I was in a pissy mood and almost wanted to have her send Jack in. At least another round with him would distract me from everything else.

  “Come in,” I called out.

  The door swung open and an enormous bouquet with legs came into the room. Even before he showed his face, I knew who was the one behind the oversize arrangement. “Noah!”

  “I hope you don’t mind the intrusion.” He peered out from the bouquet and flashed his winning smile. “Holly, you look amazing!”

  I scoffed. “Hardly. My face is fifty shades of purple right now.”

  Noah set the flowers down on the rolling cart at the foot of my bed since it was clearly too large to fit on the bedside table and then turned back to face me. He was dressed for work, in a sharp, dove grey suit. He looked over at Rachel. “Oh, hello! Sorry, I hope I’m not interrupting…”

  Rachel opened her mouth—likely ready to tell him off, judging by the frosty look on her face. I got there first, “No, not at all. Thank you for the flowers, Noah. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “My pleasure. How are you feeling?”

  “A little banged up. I’ve got a wonderful new accessory here,” I said, lifting up my casted arm.

  Noah gave a faint smile. “Want me to sign it?”

  I laughed softly and felt my bruised ribs protest. “Maybe another time.”

  Noah swooped over and extended a hand across me. “We haven’t been introduced,” he said, smiling at Rachel.

  Rachel pushed up from her seat, hovering just long enough to shake his hand and then plopped back down, her expression still tight. “Rachel Graham.”

  “Sister?” Noah asked, glancing from Rachel to me and then back again.

  I smiled and shook my head. “No, just very old friends.”

  Rachel grinned. “Who are you calling old?”

  Noah chuckled. “Well, I’m glad you have some company. I won’t stay long. But I wanted to stop in and see how you are and to tell you that you’re not allowed to come back to the office for the next six weeks. At the least!”

  “Noah, that’s really not—”

  He silenced me with a hand. “No arguments. I’m ordering paid time off for you to rest up and heal.”

  “Fine,” I relented with a sigh. The doctors hadn’t technically given me a time frame for when I would be back to normal. It was clear that I’d gotten lucky. I hadn’t seen the photos from the accident, but from the pieces I’d gathered from my various visitors, it wasn’t pretty.

  Noah glanced at Rachel and then at me, seeming to weigh his words. “How’s the baby?”

  I dropped my hand to my stomach. “Good, but
the doctors want to keep me for another night to monitor everything. But so far, no signs of any problems. I had an ultrasound a little over an hour ago.” I smiled at the memory of hearing the fast heartbeat and seeing the images on the screen. Rachel had been at my side, clinging to my hand as we waited for the technician to find the baby. I was grateful for her support, but there was a nagging voice and sinking feeling reminding me that it was supposed to be Jack there, holding my hand, telling me everything was going to be okay.

  Noah smiled over at me. “Good. I’m glad to hear it.”

  “How’s everything at the office?”

  Noah shook his head, still grinning. “You don’t need to worry about it.”

  Rachel laughed. “She’s gonna worry about it.”

  Noah stood and buttoned his suit jacket. “I’ve got it under control, Holly.”

  I knew he did, but I yearned for the distraction. Work had been my saving grace over the past few months. Obsessing over Jack and moping after the breakup was a lot harder to do with fifty-hour work weeks and constant meetings, consultations, and deadlines. Without it, I was at the mercy of my own nagging mind and all roads seemed to lead right back to Jack.

  Noah headed toward the door. “Call me if you need anything. Okay, Holly?”

  “I will. Thanks again, Noah.”

  He smiled and then tugged the door open. “It was nice to meet you, Rachel.”

  She nodded and he left. Once the door was closed behind him, she turned to me. “Good lord…he’s even more gorgeous in person.”

  “Told ya.” I smiled.

  Rachel blinked the stars from her eyes and then shifted in her seat, bringing her legs up underneath her. “It’s obvious that he cares about you.”

  “He’s just a nice guy, Rach. That’s all.”

  “Uh huh…keep telling yourself that, but I know you well enough to know that denial isn’t your strong suit. You need to make a choice here, Holly. Which way are you going to go?”


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