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Jack Part One and Two (The Elite)

Page 24

by KB Winters

  “You swear?”

  “What is this, junior high? You want a damn pinky promise?” I reached out my hand, pinky extended.

  Aaron grinned and swatted it away. He pulled me in for a quick embrace. “Good to have you back, Boomer.”

  “Glad to be back.”

  We separated and Aaron started through the doors to go to his office. The dogs trotted after us—likely hoping he still kept a jar of treats in his desk drawer. Aaron shut the door and I dropped down onto the couch. “So, I have some interesting news.”

  “What?” I asked, arching a brow at his suddenly serious expression.

  Aaron lowered to the chair behind his desk and folded his hands. “I’m not sure if Holly put in a word for us or what, but I got a call from Noah Scoville. He wants to invest.”

  My eyes widened. “Seriously? Holly mentioned it but I didn’t tell her to pitch him on our behalf. I wonder if that’s why she stopped by there today? Said she wanted to go in for a few hours to make sure things were caught up.”

  Aaron shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m not sure how it all played out. But he wants to put in twice what we were asking and you know the shit we thought would be phase two? Well, it’s all a big phase one now. He’s taking this thing to the next level.”

  “Wow.” I leaned back. “And you’re okay with this? I know you’ve had your…opinions on the guy.”

  “We had lunch yesterday, talked it through. He doesn’t want my business and this deal he’s making is really more between you and him—if you’re interested. I’d be more of a silent partner, which is really all I have time for at this point anyway. It’s basically a win-win-win and I think it’ll make Holly happy to know you and her boss are getting along.”

  I smiled. I’d called Aaron and told him Holly and I were back on as soon as I’d arrived at the airport that morning. His reply, in perfect Aaron fashion, had been, “It’s about fucking time, dumbass.”

  “He coming in today?”

  “Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about it first, and I know he’ll give you the details himself, but honestly, Boom, I think we should jump on this. The terms are fair and he has more fucking money than he knows what to do with. At least that’s the impression I’m getting. As long as it won’t make things weird between you and Holly…”

  I shook my head. “Last thing on my mind. Holly and I are solid. Nothing’s going to come between us ever again.”

  Aaron grinned. “Glad to hear it, man. I can’t be the only one keeping your ass in line these days.”

  We laughed and then Aaron poured us a few pre-celebration shots of Whiskey.

  “To McGuire Charters!” Aaron said, holding his shot glass to mine.

  I smiled, my heart damn near bursting. “To McGuire Charters.”


  I got home at five o’clock on the dot and while Holly hadn’t yet changed into the sexy lingerie she’d been teasing me with all day, she still looked sexy as hell in her apron and jean cut-offs as she danced around the kitchen as she whipped up whatever she was cooking for dinner. From the aroma hanging in the air, I could tell it was going to be amazing. She had some music playing and hadn’t heard me slip into the house. I dropped my keys on the kitchen island and watched her hips sway and shimmy as she stirred the contents of a large silver pot. Damn, she’s sexy. I can’t believe she’s all mine.

  She spun on her heels and gasped. “Jack! Shit! You trying to give me a heart attack?”

  I grinned and went to gather her in my arms. “Not at all. I was just admiring the view.” To emphasize my point, I traced a finger along the rounded cup of her ass cheek that peeked out from under the ultra-short hem of her shorts. “I was waiting for you to bend over and check something in the oven. Give me a real show.”

  Holly giggled and I kissed a trail along the side of her jaw and then down her neck. “You’re impossible, Jack McGuire.”

  “That’s why you love me though.”

  She nodded and then leaned her head back so I could hit the little spot under her ear that always got her wet. The sound of a wooden spoon clattering to the counter made me smile as I traced the tip of my tongue along her ear. “What do you say we put dinner on ice and skip straight to dessert?” I asked, skimming my hands down her hips and then back up to her breasts that were sexier than ever.

  Holly shuddered as I ran my fingers over her nipples that poked through her thin tank top. “I—I think that’s a good idea,” she panted.

  “Turn off the stove and get this ass upstairs,” I said, giving her a playful swat.

  Holly pulled out of my arms and killed the burners on the stove. As she reached forward, I managed to tear my eyes off her ass and caught a sparkle. “You’re wearing your ring,” I said.

  Holly looked down at the gleaming diamond and smiled. “I am.”

  Emotion swirled through me as I reached for her again. I held her eyes and smiled gently at the shimmering film over them as she held back tears. “I love you Holly. I’m happy to be home.”

  Holly popped up on her toes and kissed me. “I love you, Jack.”

  I swept her into my arms and kissed her deep and slow on my way toward the stairs.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Jack returned from New York and moved back into the house. It was almost scary how quickly things fell back into place. Princess and Hunter immediately fell into their routine and were happier than ever to be reunited under one roof again. Jack worked almost as much as he had before, but came home each night with a smile on his face, bursting to tell me about how things were progressing with the charter business. To my surprise, he and Aaron ended up approaching Noah with the proposal after meeting up at Carly’s. Once they had the funding, they were off and running and seeing Jack so full of light and energy was refreshing—not to mention sexy as hell.

  The wedding plans were also put into fast forward since I didn’t want to walk down the aisle at nine months and worry about my water breaking on the minister’s loafers. Jack didn’t object to the speed of the plans and to my surprise, actually took over a good majority of the planning, offering to get the catering and flowers done—although I knew he had Gemma and Carly flanking him as he made those arrangements.

  Eight weeks after the steamy night on the couch, we were set to make it official and after everything we’d been through, there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that we were making the right decision.

  “How ya doing?” Carly asked, sweeping into the guest bedroom of her house where Rachel and I had both stayed the night before—going against Jack’s objections that there was no such thing as bad luck. At least, not for us. According to him we’d paid our dues and should be able to see each other the morning of the wedding, but tradition won out and I spent it with Carly, Rachel, and Gemma while Nick hightailed it to Aaron’s where the three amigos likely drank and watched sports all night.

  To each their own.

  “I’m good,” I answered, smiling at Carly who was already dressed in her soft lilac bridesmaid dress. “You look gorgeous, Carly.”

  “Thank you, honey. The credit is all yours for picking out such a killer dress. Rachel, Gemma, and I all worship at your feet for not making us wear a Pepto pink atrocity with ruffles.”

  I laughed. “Never!”

  “Looks like the weather is going to cooperate with us,” she said, moving to the window that I’d opened upon waking. Carly and Nick’s house wasn’t as close to the beach as Jack’s and mine, but I could still hear the dull roar of the ocean and breathe in the salt air. It was its own kind of aromatherapy.

  “It’s pretty perfect,” I agreed, standing beside her. “Thank you for all of your help with this. I know six weeks wasn’t a lot of time and you’ve helped me so much!”

  Carly smiled. “Well it would have been easier if you hadn’t shredded all your marked up bridal magazines, but I think I remembered most of your preferences,” she teased, gently jabbing me with an elbow.

  I laughed at the me
mory. “God, that feels like it was someone else’s life. I was a hot mess.”

  Carly looped an arm through mine. “Well, honey, pregnancy has a tendency to do that. But, not anymore. And especially not today. You are the most beautiful bride-slash-mama-to-be in the world, so let’s get you and baby McGuire ready to go.”

  I ran my hands over my stomach, smiling at the surprise I had planned for the reception.


  The melodic sounds of the ocean greeted me a couple of hours later as we arrived at the Rosen Air Museum. Jack was stashed away inside Aaron and Gemma’s house and I was taken through the museum to the hangar. Carly had insisted on a blindfold, so while I knew my surroundings well enough to know where I was, and where I was going, I couldn’t see anything until Carly finally directed me to a stop. The hangar doors were open and the gentle breeze blew across my face as Carly reached up and untied the blindfold.

  The fabric fell away and tears instantly sprang to my eyes. “Oh my God…you guys…it’s so beautiful!”

  Gemma and Rachel were standing there like the models on The Price is Right, waving at the hangar turned gorgeous reception area. If you didn’t know the space’s true purpose, it would have been impossible to guess it was normally covered with dust and grease and half a dozen planes in various states of assembly. White and lilac linens covered a dozen round tables, each set up with overflowing floral arrangements, pricey china, and crystal. String lights were hung above, giving the hangar a warm twinkle that would no doubt only look even more enchanting once the sun set. The concrete floor was covered with a wooden dance floor and a white vinyl monogram in the middle with a breathtaking chandelier hanging overhead. A DJ booth and bar were positioned on opposite sides of the room and along the back, nearer to the offices, three long buffet tables were set out. A catering crew from the upscale seafood restaurant a few miles up the coast was already preparing the meal and getting it ready.

  “Is this what you had in mind?” Gemma asked.

  I nodded, my throat clogged with emotion. “Even better.”

  Rachel came over and embraced me. “I’m so happy for you, Holly.”

  “Thank you, Rach. For everything.” She pulled away and we shared a secret smile. She knew exactly what I meant. Her tough love moment was a huge piece of the puzzle that had clicked together and led me to this perfect moment, standing in the middle of the beautiful room, less than an hour away from meeting Jack at the altar. “Can I go see the ceremony spot?”

  Carly glanced at Gemma who shook her head. “Nope. No can do. The men are out there, going through their mini-rehearsal.”

  “Well, good thing we did that last night,” I said.

  Gemma smiled. “Yes, but while we were enjoying manicures and mock-tails, the boys had a few too many and are paying for it today. I think it’s hilarious. Men will always be boys at heart.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Safe to blame Aaron for that one, Gem?”

  Gemma laughed. “Oh, I’m sure. Some things never change and I’m afraid I’m set to marry the instigator of our little group.”

  We all laughed and then wandered around the place so I could absorb every little detail. It really was perfect, as though someone had reached inside my mind and brought the images there to life. “Thank you, guys,” I said, turning to the three of them when we reached the back of the room. “Seriously, I have no idea how I got so lucky to have such amazing, beautiful, and talented friends, but I am forever grateful. You all put up with me when I was losing my mind and going bat-shit crazy and now…I can’t believe I’m here.”

  They all took turns hugging me and then Gemma insisted we go to Aaron’s office where she had snacks and my wedding dress waiting for me.


  Seeing Jack at the altar was a moment I’d never forget. He was the perfect image of everything I loved about him. Strong and smiling at me, even as tears glistened in his eyes. He took my hands and brushed his thumbs over the backs of my knuckles. “You look gorgeous, baby.”

  “Thank you. You clean up pretty good yourself, lieutenant commander,” I said, smiling up at him. He’d chosen to wear his full-dress whites, with his shiny medal of honor front and center. His sword hung on his side. This was the Jack I knew. Tall, reserved and incredibly delicious. My own dress was a delicate combination of lace and small bead pearls and my hair hung over one shoulder in a gathering of curls.

  “How’d they do?” I asked, directing a glance at Hunter and Princess who were seated in the front row. Hunter decked out with a bow tie around his neck—the same color as the groomsmen wore. I was surprised not all the men wore their dress uniforms, but thought maybe they wanted Jack in the limelight. Princess sat with a collar made of flowers, and a white basket beside her. None of us had any children to serve as the ring bearer and flower girl, so we decided that we already had the perfect pair to do the honors.

  Jack grinned at the two dogs. “Hunter tried to eat Princess’s collar.”

  I laughed. “Of course he did…”

  Jack squeezed my hand. “Hey, I’m pretty grateful for his pain-in-the-ass streak. After all, without it, we’d have never ended up here.”

  I met Jack’s eyes and nodded. “Don’t tell him though. It’ll go to his head and he’ll demand even more attention.”

  We laughed softly together as the music finished playing and then the minister cleared his throat, switched on the mic pack, and addressed the small crowd of a few dozen of our closest family and friends. The minister led us through the ceremony but if someone asked me what he’d said, I wouldn’t have been able to answer them. I spent the entire time lost in Jack’s eyes, seeing the love and promises held there. When the minister handed over the mic to Jack for the vows I drew in a breath, trying to fight off the inevitable waterworks as long as possible.

  “Holly, where do I start?” He started, drawing a soft laugh from the audience. “Whenever I think about us, I can’t help but go back to the first moment I saw you. It’s forever locked in my heart, this picture of you, running down the beach after your crazy dog”—he paused again for the crowd, most of whom looked over at Hunter, who was sniffing all over Princess, probably wondering if she had any food. “You were—are—the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and I couldn’t wait to find out everything about you. Well, fast-forward three and a half years later, and I’m still learning about you every day. You fascinate me and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise to love you for the rest of my life. To be your best friend, lover, and partner in all that life has in store—good and bad. I love you with everything I have inside, Holly. You make me a better man and I am honored to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “I love you,” I mouthed to him and by some miracle, I made it through my vows even as I cried quietly at the beautiful words Jack had written just for me. When I finished, the minister took the microphone and Jack took my hands again. “I love you,” he whispered in my ear, sneaking a kiss on the cheek.

  “I love you, too.”

  The minister walked us through the ring ceremony and when Jack and I were both wearing our wedding bands, he proclaimed us husband and wife and instructed Jack to kiss the bride—which he gladly did.

  Jack swooped me into his arms and carried me back down the aisle as everyone threw rose petals at us. He didn’t set me down until we were alone, around the side of Aaron’s house where Gemma had cultivated a garden that was going to serve as the backdrop for our wedding pictures. Jack backed me up against the house and kissed me hard until we were both breathless.

  “I’ve got you now,” I teased, holding up my left hand to show off my sparkling wedding band.

  Jack smiled down at me. “Baby, you’ve always had me.”


  “Please join me in standing as we welcome this beautiful couple to their reception. For the first time, I am pleased to introduce Mr. And Mrs. Jack McGuire!”

  Cheers and applause and the sound of champagne bottles popping greeted u
s at the reception.

  Everything was flawless. Dancing, great food, and when things started to wind down, I snagged the mic from the wedding party’s table and addressed the crowd. “We want to thank you all for being here, to join in our celebration of love and the union of our hearts and lives. Before you go, I did have one last little thing…”

  Jack shot me a puzzled look and I smiled in anticipation.

  One of the catering staff brought out the top tier of our wedding cake and set it down on the table in front of us. “Now, normally, the tradition is that you’re supposed to save the top tier, freeze it, and enjoy on your first anniversary. But we’re going to do something different with it.”

  “Food fight!” Aaron cheered, swiftly earning an elbow from Gemma.

  “As some of you know, I had a doctor’s appointment last week. Well, at that appointment, he gave me an envelope with baby McGuire’s gender in it. I gave that to our wedding cake baker and once we cut into this very cake, we’ll know whether we’re having a little boy or girl.”

  “Are you serious?” Jack asked, staring at the cake with gleaming eyes.

  I nodded. “What do you say? Want to find out?”

  “Hell yes!”

  “Where’s the knife?”

  “Right here, baby.” He pulled his sword from its sheath and looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. I could tell he was just as excited as I was. We held the handle of his sword together and sliced into the cake, both holding our breath, until we pulled the blade away to reveal a baby blue cake.

  “A boy? We’re having a little boy?”

  Tears formed in my eyes as I nodded, just as surprised by the news as Jack was. The crowd erupted into applause and we were swarmed by everyone wishing us well and sharing in the excitement of the moment.

  When things wound down again, we were sent off into the night by the remaining guests, out to a waiting limo that was set to take us to a hotel for the night and in the morning, we’d catch a plane to Hawaii for a few days in the sun before we both needed to be back to work.


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