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Claimed by the Alien Prince: Alpha Alien Romance (Alpha Aliens of Fremm Book 1)

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by Nancey Cummings


  I rested on my elbows and let my head hang. I pushed against Aster’s mass, meeting each of his forceful thrusts. Shameless, loud moans escaped from my throat. My thighs ached, but I did not care. Aster had permission to do this to me for as long as he wanted because it was amazing.

  His hands wrapped around my curly hair and pulled my head back with a stinging yank. Yelping, I was off my elbows and my back pressed against Aster. His lips were at my ear. His teeth nibble forcefully, not breaking the surface but leaving red welts. “I’m going to come all over your round ass,” he said, voice a low rumble.

  My clit throbbed with the sound of his voice and my pussy clenched with anticipation. Aster did not play fair. One large hand cupped my breast; the other found my clit and applied merciless, direct pressure. I tried to squirm away, to lessen the sensation, but Aster was too strong. He had me completely. His hot breath pressed against the back of my neck. I would come soon and nothing could stop it.

  Aster gave a yell, like a snarling beast, and pushed me down onto the bed. The weight of him pressed me into the sheets. He covered me completely, hands planted on either side of my head. Losing control, he thrust against my exposed behind, pushing into me hard. I tried to raise myself up onto my elbows but Aster swatted my hands away. Another stroke pushed me forward, breasts flattened against the bed and my face dragging against the sheets. I hope I don’t have to explain that in the morning.

  “Fuck me harder!” I shouted into the linens, voice lost in the fabric. He wouldn’t hurt me. My body was all too happy to take what he dished out.

  Aster growled. He gripped me by the shoulders, shoving me towards him with each thrust. My thighs quivered. Suddenly flush, I would overheat and melt. I cried out. Aster matched my cry and I felt the scorching spray of his cum deep inside me.

  He fell on top of me. “You’re not what I expected, mate.”

  Aster stretched out next to me. My eyes traveled the length of him. Naked, the starlight highlighted the lean perfection of his blue body. He glowed lightly where our flesh made contact, a content pattern of rings and spirals extending from his hands and feet. Even flaccid, his member was generous. Hard to believe I got all of that inside me. Toned stomach and broad shoulders did not distract me from his deep blue eyes.

  “You’re beautiful, my mate” Aster said, echoing my thoughts. “Come with me.”

  Come with him? Tempting. Really tempting. A repeat performance would almost be worth abandoning my career and friends on the station. I could cook anywhere with a good set of knives.

  What the hell. It’s not like I had family here or any long term relationship prospects. Aster was the most exciting thing to walk into my restaurant since...ever. I could tie things up in a month or two.

  “I’ll come with you, if you drop the ‘mate’ line,” I said. “It worked. You got into my bed.”

  He laughed. “It’s not a line. You are my kompli and mate. I have claimed what is mine. My ship leaves in an hour. You will be on it. ”

  Chapter Three


  “What?” I sprung from the bed, clutching a sheet to me. This man took me hard, had me begging for more, and now suddenly, I was vulnerable and exposed.

  “Now that I have found you,” Aster said, standing from the bed, “I will not leave you.”

  It was hard for me to tear my eyes away from his form. He was perfection in muscle and movement, striding towards me and able to pick up my curvy figure without straining himself. With ease, he tossed me over his shoulder, wrapped in the bed sheet, kicking my legs and arms. Ignoring me, he put on his pants and left my apartment, barefoot and bare chest with me in a bed sheet.

  “Put me down!” I shouted, pounding my hands on his chest. Each contact was a tiny little explosion of light.

  “When we are on my ship,” Aster said. His long legs quickly traversed the length of the station. Before I knew it, we were out of the apartment block and walking across the promenade. I screamed, pleaded for him to let me down or for someone to stop him. Surely someone would stop the brutish Fremm. And the part that disgusted me the most was how my skin felt electric where we touched, how my heart thrilled to the savage act of being carried over his shoulder like prize, making me wet.

  Into the docks and on onto the ship, Aster deposited me in a cabin. Without a word, he left and I was alone.

  I rushed to the door. It did not open. Locked in. Fantastic.

  My back to the door, I sat on the floor. The cabin was a respectable mid-tone grey, with deeper grey carpeting and plush red furnishings. The large bed sat at the far side of the cabin. To the left was a couch and entertainment console. To the right was a round table. I could see the door to the suite’s toilet and bath. Somewhere built into the wall must be the wardrobe. The room exhibited perfect taste and decorum.

  It was boring.

  None of Aster’s personality was in this room. This was either not his cabin, but it’s hard to picture his ship having such an luxurious room not be the captain’s, or a designer put this together and he hasn’t changed a thing.

  I tightened the sheet around my shoulders. Why should I worry about his cabin reflecting his personality? The big blue idiot was an ass. He didn’t deserve any of my thoughts or energy.

  I couldn’t be kidnapped. Aster just couldn’t take me against my will. Dozen of people must have seen us in the station. Surely it was on the cameras. Someone would notice. Someone would come to get me.

  The floor vibrated slightly as the ship left the station. The lurch in my stomach wasn’t from entering hyper drive but knowing the station’s security failed to detain the ship. This was really happening. No one saved me from abduction.

  Chapter Four


  I always expected my kompli to be Fremm.

  Well, if I’m being perfectly frank, I never actually expected to find my mate. Lots of people never do and the idea of a bond between kompli and komplan was profoundly old fashioned and only happens in bedtime stories. I knew very well that my father would marry me off to his political advantage. Minor sons served the family by sealing alliances, not chasing the childish idea of mates. Perhaps my future wife would be attractive, perhaps she wouldn’t. We would learn to tolerate each other. If we were lucky, we might even like each other. And I was completely comfortable with this fate.

  Until Evie.

  She is my kompli. I am her komplan.

  I can’t even begin to explain it.

  The Terran woman stood with her hands on her hips and scowled at me, her skin the color of caramel. Recognition rang in me like a bell. The way she looked at me, I think she felt it, too. It was all I could do to not toss her over my shoulders and run away to explore each other at length.

  I stood to do this very thing but Chem cautioned me. Practical, cautious Chem also thought I was out of my mind. He was waiting for me when I left the cabin.

  “You can’t just kidnap Terran women,” Chem said, arms folded over his chest.

  “Have you been waiting long to tell me what I can and can’t do?” I didn’t wait for his response but started walking to the bridge. He followed closely. We passed members of my crew but they said nothing, their eyes following me.

  “Everyone has a Terran woman,” Chem said. “It’s a rite of passage. They’re soft and fragile and make for a unique experience.”

  “A Fremm-Terran mate bond is not unheard of,” I said. Theoretically possible, at least I couldn't think of any examples.

  Chem continued a heavy sigh, “But a prince does not take one home.”

  “Do not suppose to tell your prince what he can do,” I growled.

  “The crew is not happy,” he said.

  “They should be celebrating their captain finding his mate.” Evie fits perfectly against me; the curves of her hips and the delicious slope of her lower back and those legs were just made to wrap around me. No matter how rough I was with her, she purred with pleasure, flexible and pliable and not fragile at a
ll. My blood stirred. I had half a mind to go back into the cabin and remind that stubborn woman of the joys our bodies gave each other.

  “We should,” Chem agreed, “but no one has seen this woman. Where is our feast? Who do you hide your mate away?”

  “We’ve been...busy.” Fighting and crying, but busy. I took the short flight of steps up to the Bridge of my ship. I could see the crew at their posts, their warrior’s bodies tense and hanging on every word.

  “Yes, that’s why you are here with me and not with your so-called mate.”

  “Be a man and tell me what it is you are frothing at the mouth to say, Chem?”

  “You’ve lost your mind. No Fremm can bond with a human.”

  “It it good to know I am surrounded by experts.” My patience was short. Evie’s complete and utter despair at our situation and now my crew was questioning me. A challenge would be coming soon. Perhaps this is what Chem did not have the courage to tell me. Perhaps this is what Chem was doing.

  His words did not stop. “And there is the matter of the kidnapping.”

  “She is my mate,” I said. I drew myself up to my full height and stared hard at my oldest friend. His complexion was darker than mine, an azure, and he was taller and larger than me. Chem had the classic warrior’s build, tall and a larger frame, but he had the sharpest mind I’d ever encountered. He was trying to send me a clue to his intentions with his eyes but the sneer on his lips obscured the message. I never wanted to punch the man so hard in my life.

  “Several witnesses saw you claim your so-called mate,” Chem said. “And you took her against her will.” Taking a woman against her will was a serious crime.

  “She is my mate,” I said. That was all the permission I needed.

  “Not even a prince can do that.”

  With a growl, I lunged to Chem. My arm pressed across the larger man’s throat, pinning him to the wall. Chem was larger than me but I was fast. “She. Is. My. Mate.”

  The crew said nothing during this exchange but every pair of eyes watched their captain and first in command battle for dominance. I held Chem’s gaze, applying pressure to his throat, until he averted his eyes. The marks of submission glowed on his cheeks and throat.

  “As you say, my prince,” he said. I eased my grip and released him.

  He didn’t believe me. Chem was my oldest friend but he did not believe me. I placed my hand on his shoulder in a friendly gesture. This small display of rebellion in front of the crew asserted my dominance for the time being. Because Chem dared to question me, and the larger man subdued by me, no other crew member would try for the time being. My father always believed in surrounding himself with people more clever than him. I’m glad of his good advice.

  I needed Chem on my side if I was to assert dominance over the crew. And I needed my oldest friend to believe me. Convincing my father...that was a problem for tomorrow.

  “We will arrive at Stasjon in three days and will have our feast there,” I said, my voice reverberating off the walls of the ship. “And we celebrate your captain finding his kompli like true Fremm.”

  I had three days to make Evie believe me.

  Chapter Five


  I fell asleep with my back to the door. I’m not sure how much time passed as I woke falling backwards through the open door.

  Aster entered the room, carrying a tray with two dinner plates. My treacherous heart leapt at the sight of him. How was it possible to feel such desire and anger at the same time? Of course. Mister Blue didn’t need to know I felt conflicted. He just needed to know I was furious.

  He set the tray on the table. With minimum clatter of dishes, he set a place for me and filled a glass of red wine. He wasn’t going to trick me into drink again.

  “Join me, kompli,” Aster said, motioning to the meal.

  I would not. I tightened the bed sheet around me and moved to the couch. Sitting on the edge, I folded my arms over my chest and turned my head away from him. He kept saying that word, kompli, like it should me something to me.

  “Evie,” he said, walking into my field of vision.

  I turned away to the other.

  “Don’t behave like a child,” Aster said.

  I said nothing, mouth firmly set. If I did speak, it would come out in a scream, a primitive cry of rage and tears. Better to say nothing and stay in control.

  Aster sat next to me. His large hand on my elbow pulled me to face him. I resisted at first but the blue man was too strong to break out of his grip. “You need to know that for Fremm, to be a mate is to have a connection here,” he said, touching my heart. “And here,” touching my forehead. “Once you have found the connection, to be apart is unthinkable. I am sorry for not explaining.”

  He sounded sincere. The burning marks on his cheeks confirmed this. Part of me wanted to forgive him, as unbelievable as that seems.

  But I was still wearing a bed sheet.

  “If I’m your mate,” I started, trying to keep my voice level, “then why did you snatch me away. And why don’t I have any freaking clothes? Do you expect to keep me naked the whole time I’m your prisoner?”

  The corner of his mouth twitched in a smile, revealing sharp fangs. That should have freaked me out but it didn’t. I remember how those fangs felt nipping against my shoulders. My resolve melted a little. I wanted to throw my arms around his neck and cover that arrogant smirk with kisses.

  Bad idea.

  Such a bad idea, I scolded myself. My body wanted to do that. Don’t let the power of raw attraction distract me. I wasn’t ready for forgiveness yet.

  “My mate can have anything she desires,” Aster said. “But I do prefer your current outfit.”

  That tears it; how completely generous of him to allow me to wear clothing like a civilized person. Words exploded out of me as I broke away from his grip.

  “You over bearing, self important ass!” I paced the cabin, waving my hands for emphasis. “You explained nothing! You were all, hey, baby, let me rock your world and I was okay by that. The next thing I know, you’re carrying me off in a freaking bed sheet like a caveman, feeding me this like about kompli and komplan. I know what those words mean! I saw a film about Hvil and Marja and they both drowned! Even if we are, which we’re not, you didn’t even give me time to pack or say goodbye! I have a life too, you know, Aster. I can’t just vanish. People don’t do that.”

  My chest heaved when I finally stopped.

  His dark blue eyes watched me. “How do I make this right?”

  I turned my back to him. “Leave me alone.”

  Chapter Six


  Within an hour a crewman with a brutal expression and heavy scaring on his face delivered a box containing simple grey trousers and a grey shirt and underwear. No shoes. I wonder if that’s a statement of aliens not thinking of tender human feet. The clothes had a military cut, similar to what Aster wore. It wasn’t fashionable but it was better than a bed sheet.

  It didn’t take me long to realize that I had access to the ship’s entertainment system and the full computer system. I could call home.

  Anxiously, I watched the small white dot on the screen bounce while it waited to connect. I expected the call to be denied or a pair of angry blue men to burst through the door and smash the console. Nothing of the sort happened.

  Evie answered on the second ring.

  “Evie!” Jaimie’s face filled the screen. The picture was static and did not move. The connection was good for sound only. The joys of space traveler. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m safe,” I said.

  “Safe? That’s a vague answer. Are you okay?”

  I sighed. “I’m irritated and grumpy and no one is telling me what’s going on, but I'm fine.”

  “Thank god.” I could hear the relief in her voice. “What the hell happened?”

  “Aster says I’m his mate, so he took me.”

  “Kicking and screaming, by the way. Everyone saw. It’s all over the n
ews. You got yourself into quite the diplomatic incident.”

  Why would it be in the news? “Wait, what do you mean?”

  “You don’t know?”

  My irritation grew. I knew nothing and I tired of people reminding me of the fact. “Illuminate me.”

  “Aster is a Fremm prince.”

  My knees got weak and the blood pounded in my ears. I held onto the arm of the chair for stability. “What?”

  “A minor one. A third or fourth son but still a prince. And the news networks are getting a lot of mileage replaying the security footage of a Fremmian prince carrying a Earth woman through a station, with her screaming and protesting.”

  “Prince?” My brain wasn’t working. I wasn’t hearing Jaimie right. The connection must be breaking up, because Aster was not a prince. “He’s a captain in the royal fleet.”

  “Prince, and there’s footage of a prince kidnapping you. The Interstellar Union issued a warrant for his arrest but Fremm won’t honor it. Typical Fremm arrogance. And the xenophobes are playing up the old prejudice of Fremm men being beasts that want to rape our women.”

  “He didn’t rape me,” I said.

  “I know you went off with him…”

  Fear pounded in my ears now. Aster was in trouble and I had the overwhelming urge to do anything to protect him. “I did. It was consensual.”

  “But he kidnapped you. He’s holding you against your will.”

  Shit. Shit, shit. Fremm was Earth’s oldest ally but relations were never smooth. Our partnership was more of a necessity to face the Edder, rather than genuine trust or friendship. I wasn’t going to be the center of a diplomatic incident because Aster was a hot head. And I didn’t want him to suffer because of his hot headed actions.

  “Not against my will,” I said. “I want to be here.”


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