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Replica (The Blood Borne Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Shannon Mayer

  Aggravation filled his eyes, and he leaned forward. “There are some things we shouldn’t discuss here.” His gaze darted forward again.

  I looked behind me. Ivan was still sleeping—although I wouldn’t put it past him to be faking—and Leah was still up in the cockpit. I swung back around, lightly resting my hands on the armrests. “I don’t like secrets. Why are you really here?”

  He chuckled. “A reporter who doesn’t like secrets? Next you’ll be telling me there’s no Easter Bunny.”

  “I ferret out secrets, and right now, I wish I had a giant backhoe to dig into you. You obviously don’t want Lea to know what you’re up to, and yet you expect me to trust you at your word.”

  His grin faded and he grew serious. “I have your best interests in mind.”

  “Ha!” I snorted. “If I had a dollar for every time a man told me he knows better than I do…” I leaned forward. “Try again, dick weed, because I’m pretty damn sure Lea can rip you to pieces. And I mean that quite literally.”

  His eyes darkened. “She can try.”

  Time to take a new tactic. I pushed out a breath and gave him a sexy smile. “You think you can take her?”

  “I know I can.”

  I leaned forward and lowered my voice into a husky whisper. “So you’re strong?”

  He looked wary. “I can take a vampire.”

  “One as old as Lea?”

  “Of course. I’ve killed many.”

  “I suppose it’s wrong to tell you that totally turns me on.”

  One corner of his mouth tipped up. “Not as far as I’m concerned.”

  I moved toward him, settling myself sideways onto his lap, facing the window.

  Of course, Lea came down the aisle just then, and her expression turned ugly when she saw me. “Rachel.”

  I lifted my eyebrows and gave her a smirk. “I’m not high on vampire blood. I’ve just always wanted to join the mile high club.” I turned to Antonio. “Is there somewhere more private we can go…play?”

  Antonio wrapped his arm around my back, digging into my hip. Oh, the cocky bastard. “I know just the spot.”

  Lea looked like she was about to rip my head off, but I stood and let Antonio take my hand and pull me to the back into a small hallway and shut a curtain.

  “Standing up?” I asked. “Could be tricky if there’s turbulence.”

  “Nah…I want to savor this.” He showed me to the seats behind a barrier in the back, presumably for flight attendants.

  I gave his chest a hard push, and he stumbled backward, landing in one of the seats. I straddled him and slid a hand down his neck. “I should hate you, you know,” I whispered.

  “There’s a fine line between lust and hate, mi amor. I’m just surprised you’re so assertive.”

  “I’m about to pull off the craziest stunt of my life. There’s a strong likelihood I won’t survive this. It’s been too long since I’ve had sex.” I pressed my mouth against his warm neck and slid down toward his collarbone. Definitely not vampire. “We’re two consenting adults here.”

  “Si, mi amor, we are.” He grabbed the back of my head and kissed me.

  Had I not been so determined to see this through, I might have been detoured from my plan. There was no denying the chemistry between us, so there was no pretending to enjoy it. He wasn’t the first bastard to try to use my body against me, though, and the stupid fool couldn’t see he was being played.

  He pulled my shirt over my head, exposing my black bra, and I let him. Then I tugged his off too. He looked up at me with lust-filled eyes and I grinned down at him. He was almost where I wanted him.

  He grabbed my head again, bringing our lips together in a hard kiss I enjoyed a little too much. At least I wasn’t faking my reaction to him. “Lea can hear us.”

  He grinned. “I don’t care.”

  “I do. I’m not into voyeurism.”

  He gave me an exasperated look. “Do you want me to toss her off the plane?” He looked a little to eager to follow through.

  “There’s no need for something so extreme.” I pulled out my phone and opened my music app, picking something with a strong beat and turning it up loud. I wanted answers, and I wanted to run them through my own filter before handing them to Lea. I had no idea if this would actually drown out our conversation for a vampire and a werewolf, but it was worth a try.

  I tossed it onto the seat next to him and gave him my best fuck-me smile. Admittedly it was a bit rusty from lack of use, but he seemed to get the meaning.

  “I like how you think, mi amor.”

  I pushed him back and took in the sight of his chest. What a waste of a gorgeous man, but I’d learned long ago that the prettier they were, the more they thought women were stupefied by their charm. But unfortunately for him, I was a reformed addict. I lowered my mouth to his, less than an inch away. “I’m more than just a pretty face, Antonio.”

  “I agree, you have a body to match.”

  I’d considered letting this go a bit further to catch him off guard, but that statement just pissed me off. I bit his lip a little harder than playful and he jolted, only settling back after I licked it.

  “You like it rough, mi amor?” he asked, sounding even more turned on.

  “Oh, you have no idea.” I leaned forward, kissing him hard as I reached into my boot and withdrew the silver blade, then quickly brought it up to his jugular. Barely lifting my lips, I whispered, “Just how rough, Diablo?”

  His body slumped slightly, but there was no anger in his eyes. “I am not your enemy, Rachel.” I was grateful he kept his voice low. He must have quickly jumped onto the same page as me, although that could be to my disadvantage.

  “You’re sure as hell not my friend.”

  His cocky grin returned. “I disagree. We were pretty friendly a moment ago.” He lifted his hips, pressing against my open legs to show me just how friendly he still wanted to be.

  “What’s your part in this?”

  “I told you, I work for—”

  I pressed the knife harder, drawing a drop of blood to the surface of his skin. “Try again.”

  “If Lea worked for Victor, why couldn’t I?”

  “Because you’re not a vampire.”

  “And do you even know what she did for him? What he paid her to do?”

  “He was her benefactor.”

  “But what does that mean, mi amor?”

  “I’m not your love, so save the bullshit for someone who falls for it.”

  “You evaded my question. Maybe you don’t want to believe your friend can’t be trusted.”

  “Okay, asshole, tell me why I can’t trust her.”

  “She’s a vampire, and vampires by definition are selfish, soulless creatures with one purpose.”

  “And that is?”

  He grinned. “Okay, maybe two. Fucking and eating.”


  “They are parasites that must be scourged from the face of the earth. They prey on humans and take without asking.”

  “Their blood.”

  “Among other things.”

  I cocked my head. “Look, maybe the vague bullshit routine works for you with all the other pretty faces you screw, but I have a headache the size of Cleveland, which is making me a little twitchy, if you know what I mean.” I twisted the blade slightly to make my point. “So how about we cut all the bullshit out of this dog and pony show and you just tell me the facts.”

  His eyes filled with appreciation, along with a hint of respect. “I worked for Victor so I could keep an eye on the underworld. He had a fascination with vampires and anything supernatural, and he drew them to him. It made my job easier.”

  “Why would you want to keep an eye on them? What are you? The underworld police?”

  “In a way. Each species has their own enforcers.” He cast his eyes sideways. “The werewolf with your friend was one for his pack.”

  That didn’t surprise me. I’d already figured that out from Lea and the were
wolves on the train. “If each species has its own enforcers, why are you needed?”

  “Everything and everyone needs supervision, mi guerrera. Especially the supernatural world.”

  “Who appointed you?”

  “A secret society, but your friend knows of them.”

  “Why are you interested in Lea?”

  “I’m curious about her motives. I’m certain she killed her benefactor, which makes her unpredictable.”

  Did he really know Victor was dead or was he fishing? “I know what she’s up to.”

  “She’s told you she wants to destroy Stravinsky and bring light to what he’s doing. To protect humankind.”

  “Among other things.” I sure as hell wasn’t going to spill her secrets. “So you’re just here to watch Lea?”

  He shifted underneath me, showing me he hadn’t forgotten our original plan. “I’ve enjoyed watching other things as well.”

  I dug the knife a little deeper, until a trickle of blood trailed down his neck. “I warned you about bullshitting me.”

  “If we only had me hooked up to a lie detector, you would see that wasn’t a lie, mi bella. Although I am fairly sure this is a lie detector of its own.”

  “Okay, other than watching my ass, what are doing with us?”

  “Protecting you.”

  His answer surprised me. I thought he might be lying, but something in his eyes told me it was at least partially truth.

  A ghost of a smile skated across his lips. “Why are you doing this? You yourself declared this a suicide mission. I suspect you are right. So why go through with it?”

  “Because it’s the right thing to do.”

  His eyes twinkled. “No. There’s more.”

  “And what do you think that is?”

  “Unlike you, I love a good mystery, mi tesora. I will enjoy uncovering your secrets, layer by layer.” His fingers skimmed up my side a few inches.

  I started to jab him with my blade, but he grabbed my wrist and pushed my hand from his neck, trying to turn me on his lap.

  I let him think he had the upper hand, then pushed my knee into his crotch, putting as much weight into it as I could.

  He released his hold on me, gasping for breath as I got to my feet.

  “Don’t underestimate me again, Antonio. It could be the last thing you ever do.” I squatted to pick up my shirt and grab my phone off the seat, then turned off the music. He watched me with darkened eyes, still recovering as I squatted and tucked my blade into my boot. Then I flung the curtain open, my shirt still in my hand. Lea’s angry eyes instantly landed on me.

  “I hope that was as good for you as it was for me,” I called over my shoulder.

  Ivan was watching me, barely containing his amusement. His gaze landed on my chest.

  “They’re called breasts, Ivan,” I said. “Although I haven’t seen them for myself, I suspect Lea’s are quite lovely. Once Antonio recovers from our workout, maybe you’d like to take Lea back there and check them out for yourself.”

  Ivan burst into laughter as I plopped down in a different seat, looking at the clouds outside the window, mulling over everything I’d just learned.

  Antonio was a pawn. A foot soldier for some group that wanted something from me. Were they trying to find out what I knew about the facility? My connection to Lea? Or something else entirely? It had to have something to do with Lea since he’d worked for Victor in some capacity. What exactly did he expect Lea to do? Was I was missing something?

  I nearly gasped as a new thought hit me. What if I was wrong about him being a pawn? What if he was the other Cazador? But surely Lea would have known. Surely she would have told me.

  One thing was certain—once we were on the ground, Antonio had to go.



  I dropped into the seat beside Rachel as she tugged her shirt over her head.

  “What, no lecture about sleeping with the enemy?” she asked as her head popped through the opening.

  “Is he an enemy? I thought he was just a limo driver.” I kept my words even. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. “Buckle up, we’re going to land.”

  She grunted and did as I’d suggested, but her movements were jerky and full of irritation. “I think he’s a pawn.”

  My lips twitched. “You threw yourself at him to get information?”

  Across the way, Ivan chuckled. “I wish you’d try to get information from me that way.”

  I leaned forward to glare at him, but my words were for Rachel. “What did you learn?”


  Lie number one. I’d heard Victor’s name tossed around between the thumping beats of the techno music on her phone.

  The jet shuddered as the landing gear lowered and I gripped the edge of the seat. We were silent as the plane dipped to land on the runway.

  “Lea, tell me you aren’t afraid to fly.” Rachel’s words were a perfect echo of Ivan’s.

  I gritted my teeth and took shallow, quick breaths. “No, I’m breathing like this because I’m so turned on by Ivan’s dog smell.”

  Rachel laughed. “Now that I’d believe.” She turned to look out the window, lost in her thoughts.

  I was buried with my own. The plane refueled and we walked around the cabin until the pilot told us we were ready to take off again.

  Rachel seemed less anxious, and she’d had time to sift through her thoughts. It was definitely time to try again.

  I sat in the seat next to her and slowly turned to look at her, needing to focus on something other than my fear. “You going to tell me the truth about the pawn now?”

  Her face shut down. “I told you, I didn’t get anything—”

  So she was going to play it that way. I ignored the disappointment and let the anger course through me.

  Whipping a hand out across her chest, I pinned her to the seat. “I heard Victor’s name.”

  The silver stake she’d been given was pressed against my throat in instant. She’d been quick enough that I could have been in trouble. Was it a lingering effect of the vampire blood?

  Or were her instincts becoming so honed she’d known what was coming?

  “Take your hand off me.” Her blue eyes were locked on mine, hard as ice.

  “Tell me the truth.” I leaned into the stake, the silver burning my bare skin, the pain keeping me focused.

  Ivan cleared his throat. “Ladies, perhaps we should save this discussion for when we’re back in the air?”

  From behind us, I caught a shimmer of movement as Antonio stood. “Tony. Stay the fuck in your seat. This has nothing to do with you.”

  “You’re in an altercation with my lady friend. I believe this is my business,” he said, sidling up the aisle.

  I lifted an eyebrow at Rachel. “Lady friend?”

  I let her go, knowing what would happen. She spun away from me, unbuckled from her seat, and stood in a single fluid movement. I grinned across the aisle at Ivan. He shook his head. “You two always fight like this?’

  I shrugged. “Two strong personalities, both of us driven to do the right thing in her own way, haunted by our respective pasts. What do you think?”

  Maybe that had been too much, because Ivan’s eyes softened and filled with pity.

  “Don’t fucking pity us, dog,” Rachel snapped. “Lea’s right. What makes us a good team is that neither of us will back down. No matter what happens.” She let out a slow breath. “Antonio worked for Victor, same as you.”

  Antonio let out a soft groan. “Do not trust her, mi amour.”

  I stood, unbending myself slowly, knowing we walked a fine line. I was sure Antonio was a trained Cazador. Which meant that he was as fanatical about taking out vampires as I was. Yours truly included. But I knew when to compromise.

  “Rachel, this is your call. You want him off the plane? If he can keep his weapons away from me, I think he could be useful.”

  She went still, and the engines started up again, the captain�
��s voice coming over the speaker. “Please take your seats, we’ll be taking off momentarily.”

  The four of us stood in a perfect standoff as the jet began to taxi. Rachel swayed and grabbed the edge of one seat. “Too late to kick him off.”

  “Actually,” Ivan said, “it’s the perfect time. Open the door, push him out, leave him behind before he can call the authorities.”

  Antonio glared at him. “Bad doggy.”

  The jet picked up speed, racing across the tarmac. Rachel was thrown to her knees by the explosion of speed. Antonio reached for her, and she jerked away. I grabbed her arm as it flicked back and yanked her onto the seat.

  Her eyes popped wide as she landed. “Hey!”

  “Better in the seat than in his lap,” I pointed out.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” She paused. “I can’t totally trust you. You understand?”

  I shrugged, trying not to feel the sting. “I’ve saved your life more than once. And you’ve saved mine. I’d hoped we’d moved beyond the trust issue. If I wanted to kill you, Rachel, I could have done so many times over.”


  “Pointing out that you are safe with me.” The distrust in her eyes told me it was time to do what I’d been avoiding. She needed to know about the bond. Fuck, this was not going to go down easy.

  “What? You’ve got a look on your face like you’ve been sucking on rotten eggs.”

  I cleared my throat. “When you made the oath to hunt vampires with me. We clasped hands.”

  “Yeah...” Her eyes narrowed.

  “The oath was more than hunting vampires.”

  Those blue eyes narrowed to mere slits. “What are you saying?”

  I licked my lips.

  “Spit it the fuck out, Lea.”

  “You replaced Calvin.”

  She frowned. “That’s it? I know I replaced him, that’s why he got his panties in a fucking twist.”

  “So you’re okay with that?” I couldn’t believe she was taking this so well. To be bonded to a vampire was no small thing. Her whole life would be tied to mine until the day she died.


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