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Given to You

Page 18

by Carlie Sexton

  “Let’s dive right in. Have you had a fight yet?”

  Neil and Kate looked at each other, shaking their heads in unison. “No we don’t fight Dr. Cox,” Kate replied.

  Dr. Cox smiled. “A relationship is like seasons throughout the year. For the first three months, it is spring and everything is blooming in your relationship. Then you move into summer, the relationship heats up and is still exciting. By the time fall comes around the relationship changes and either becomes more solid, or begins to crumble like the leaves on the trees. Finally, winter approaches and this is rubber meets the road time. Either your relationship is strong enough to withstand some harsh conditions and spring returns, or a break-up ensues. At least that’s been my experience with couples that I have counseled over the years.”

  Kate sat there looking at Dr. Cox with wide eyes. “I take it you are saying that we are in the spring-summer phase of our relationship since we have only known each other about four months.”

  “That sounds about right. You haven’t had a fight yet, so you don’t know what that will be like. Do you yell, withdraw, pout, have a temper tantrum, talk calmly? Chances are you will do what your parents did because that is what they modeled for you.”

  Kate looked over at Neil. “My parents yelled at each other and then divorced. How about yours?”

  “My mom and dad would either yell or not talk at all.”

  “This is typical of many marriages. I can teach you some skills you can use to help you argue fairly. I call it the Gate.”

  “Since I argue for a living, Kate is at an unfair advantage,” Neil said. So, fighting fairly would be helpful. Dr. Cox nodded. “It goes like this… When you blank… I feel blank. What I need from you is blank… Of course, this is when you can calmly discuss what you are feeling without blaming the other person. Do either of you have something in mind that that we could talk about to fit into the Gate model?”

  Kate and Neil thought for a moment. They both shook their heads in true newlywed fashion. “So far, there isn’t anything about Neil that upsets me,” Kate said. “We are very compatible.”

  “Well, it could even be something about your families, the wedding, future plans. Trust me, things will come up and the Gate Method can be a very helpful communication tool.”

  “I really like the Gate for arguing. I tend to want to win sometimes more than solve the issue—the lawyer in me comes out.”

  “I don’t remember having any situations like that,” Kate said.

  “This is just one facet of a marital relationship. There are many things we can discuss if you want to continue.”

  “I think it would be good for us to see you every few weeks. I was married before briefly, but not long enough to know the intricacies. We’re both intelligent people, with relatively good communication skills, but marital counseling is a good idea.”

  “Very good. When would you like to come in again?” Dr. Cox asked.

  “It might have to wait until after we are back from our honeymoon. Christmas is around the corner, then the wedding. Kate has exams and I’m working on a difficult case, plus the rest of my case load. I’m going back to work tonight,” Neil explained.

  “That’s fine. Kate can let me know when you want to have another session.”

  Their time was up and Kate and Neil walked out of Dr. Cox’s office. “Kate, that was a good idea. I love you, and I will see you when I get home.”

  Kate kissed Neil. “I love you too.”

  Chapter 23

  Before Kate knew it, Saturday was upon her and the dinner party was just a few hours away. Neil had gone in to work and she was getting ready. She had hired a catering service and house cleaning service. If she was satisfied with the cleaning, Neil told her to hire them to come once a week.

  It had been just over a week since they were married in Vegas and so far she had kept it a secret, even from Charlie. It was a challenge since they told each other everything. Daydreaming about how the evening was going to go, Kate heard the front door open. Henderson was letting in the house keeping staff. Kate was relieved to see them since she wanted everything to be perfect. Seeing Neil’s mother again made her a little nervous. Sophia was incredibly gracious, but Kate really had no idea what type of impression she had made. Feeling somewhat insecure, she called Neil at the office. In the background Kate could hear a woman’s voice.

  “Neil, who’s there with you?” Kate asked demandingly.

  “Laura came in to work on some files that she couldn’t finish yesterday.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know she’d be there, alone with you,” Kate said trying not sound jealous, but failing miserably. As the words departed from her mouth she wanted to take them back, but it was too late.

  “I didn’t know I needed your approval to have my assistant help me today,” Neil said with sharpness in his voice she hadn’t heard before. She had pissed him off with her accusatory tone and he had been stressed all week about this case.

  “Of course you don’t need my approval. I’m just surprised that she is there, that’s all.”

  “Baby, you have nothing to be jealous about,” Neil said sighing.

  “Oh my God. Can she hear you right now?” Kate asked raising her voice. What the hell was he thinking saying that if Laura could hear?

  “I don’t know. Kate, I’ll be home in an hour. Can we talk when I get home or did something happen with Wilkins? Is it urgent?”

  “No, nothing urgent. See you when you get home,” she said and then hung up. Damn it. That went great. Dr. Cox’s words about not having had a fight yet began racing through her mind. Would their first fight be today, when their family was coming over for dinner?

  It was late afternoon when Neil walked through the door. The house cleaners were long gone and the caterers were due to arrive soon. Kate was out on the terrace replaying over and over the phone call that had put her on edge. Neil’s voice carried out to the terrace as he called for her.

  “I’m out here,” she said.

  Neil appeared and joined her. He sat next to her. “Why did you hang up on me earlier?” he asked in a terse way.

  Looking at him bewildered, Kate began speaking. “I was upset that you were saying I was jealous of Laura. If I could hear her in the background, she could hear what you were saying to me,” Kate said with a glare. “That woman has been nothing but rude to me since I met her. She is interested in you, and I didn’t appreciate you making her think I was jealous of her.” She didn’t use the gate strategy from Dr. Cox, but felt certain that her argument was sound.

  “Kate, I didn’t think. I’ve been really preoccupied with this case and I don’t think that I have enough to convince the jury that my client is innocent. She could go to prison for a long time.”

  Kate felt terrible. Neil had mentioned the case several times, but it didn’t really sink in how worried he was about it. He as always so confident and she didn’t think anything could shake him. This was the first time she was seeing that Neil could be insecure in his abilities.

  Kate took Neil’s hand. “I haven’t really heard what you’ve said about your client. I was listening, but the words weren’t sinking in. I know that you want to do everything in your power to have her acquitted. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  A low growl came from Neil’s throat. “There are all kinds of things you can do to help baby.”

  Receiving the message loud and clear, Kate rose from her seat and straddled Neil’s hips, pressed her breasts against his hard chest, and whispered in his ear, “Don’t talk…don’t move. Just. Feel. Me.”

  Neil’s hands wrapped around Kate, pressing her into him even harder as she began kissing him. Kate overtook Neil’s mouth, devouring his tongue. Making her way toward his chest, she pulled his shirt apart, ripping off the buttons. Continuing downward, Kate slid back so she could undo Neil’s jeans. Neil became harder with every passing second. Wrapping her hand around him, she began stroking and his growls became louder.

As Kate’s hand grasped Neil, she licked his nipples, scraping them with her teeth. Neil’s primal sounds made it clear how much she was helping him.

  Kate pulled Neil’s jeans down just enough so her mouth could capture his hardened shaft. She licked his tip and looked up at him through her lashes. Neil’s eyes were locked on her mouth. Sliding her mouth down as far as she could, Neil placed his hands on her head, gently guiding her. Within minutes, Neil’s hot semen was squirting into her mouth. His breathing was ragged and his head had fallen back.

  Looking at him coquettishly, Kate released him. “Did that help baby?”

  “You’re the best damn helper I know,” he said, pulling her up toward him to kiss her.

  “I’m sorry if I came across jealous of Laura. I just…I don’t know…saw red when I heard her in the background.”

  “You really don’t like her do you?”

  “She never gave me a chance to like her. From the first time we met she was horrible. I just never said anything because you value her so much, and I didn’t want to come across as a green-eyed girlfriend.”

  They both laughed. “You mean wife, don’t you?”

  “Yes, wife. I’m still growing accustomed to my new title.”

  Neil’s eyes seared as he said, “It’s definitely a turn on that you were jealous. I have been the more jealous one in our relationship, so it was nice to have the tables turned,” Neil said kissing her again. After enjoying a few more moments holding each other close, they began getting ready for their guests, who would arrive in the next few hours. They had survived their first disagreement. Kate hoped they would always be able to use logic when working through issues.

  Their families arrived and Neil and Kate had their first official dinner party. Everyone enjoyed themselves, and Kate was relieved that her mom and Neil’s mom became fast friends. They spent most of the evening talking about the wedding and future grandchildren. It was a typical evening until Jessica’s water broke. Everyone but Kate’s mom and brother went to the hospital for the blessed event. Eight hours later, Nicolette Stone, was born.

  Chapter 24

  Kate sat gazing in the mirror, contemplating more than just her reflection. She was determined to concentrate on the good in her life. There had been so much that was beyond her ordinary dreams. Forensics came back with identification of the body parts they had found in Roger’s apartment. Knowing the fingers and teeth belonged to Rose and Rick was sad, but at least Rick’s family would have some closure. The saddest part was innocent the bystander, Terry Larkin, who somehow, had had the misfortune to cross paths with Roger.

  Vegas had been an extraordinary time with Neil and their friends. Marrying him that day was the most special memory she had. She had been Mrs. Neil Statton for three weeks, and their married status was going to be official in just a few hours—no longer secret. Besides getting married, Vegas had been a blast. She had never been to so many nightclubs in her life. Now she understood the expression “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” She had seen things that she never could have imagined in a thousand years. Things had been a little intense between Natalie and Mac since their first night there, but she couldn’t get Natalie to divulge if anything had happened. Natalie seemed to wear her grief for her sister like a shield and wouldn’t let anyone in except for Mac. He had somehow cracked her armor. She knew they were seeing each other, but for some reason, Natalie wanted to keep it under wraps. All she could do was respect Natalie’s privacy until she was ready to share about their relationship. Kate assumed that Nat was taking things slow like she always did. They were perfect for each other and she was eager for them to develop their relationship.

  Kate’s mind fixated on Christmas. Neil was so generous and loved children so much, that they went to the mall and bought hundreds of toys for the Toys for Tots campaign. It had been the best shopping experience of her life, and she wondered on Christmas morning about the children who received the gifts. Giving needy children Christmas gifts had been far better than anything she had ever received for herself, and she hoped that would be a tradition they would continue every year.

  In the true generous fashion of her husband, he spoiled her on Christmas with a new BMW 3 series coupe to match his. She had bought him a new leather coat since his had somehow gone missing along with some other items. They had no idea where he had left his coat since Neil couldn’t remember wearing it since the winter before.

  Kate also thought about her new family—Neil’s family. They had welcomed her with open arms and had been so loving and kind to her and her family. Her mom and brother had been invited for Christmas dinner at the Statton’s home. To Kate’s relief, Sophia and her mom got along very well and had gone to lunch together just a few days after. Everything was working out perfectly except for Roger. But she wasn’t going to think about him. The only thing she wanted to concentrate on, was meeting her handsome husband at the altar, where they would be married in front of family and friends.

  Sadie had done an incredible job orchestrating the entire day to the last detail. Kate felt relaxed, knowing that her life was finally on course. She knew there would be bumps in the road, but meeting with Dr. Cox regularly over the past few weeks had given her and Neil some simple strategies to handle whatever life threw their way. Plus, she had Dr. Cox on speed-dial in case she needed him.

  She swirled her make-up brush in her powder and then glided it over her face, her mind running wild with what the future would entail. But she needed to concentrate on this day, her wedding day, as far as the rest of the world was concerned. She would be exchanging vows with her husband in front of their families and closest friends.

  She had already walked through the ballroom where the ceremony would take place. Her old world Renaissance theme had been brought to life thanks to Sadie’s expertise. Ivory colored candles surrounded the altar and would light up the room with an incandescent glow. The white chairs were adorned with ivory tooling, tied into a bow in the back. Pale rose petals had been sprinkled down the aisle. Sadie had managed to drape taupe and ivory fabric from the ceiling, creating a billowing effect. The fabric was sheer with lights shining through. It mimicked the stars in the sky and gave a whimsical feel to the room. Kate couldn’t wait to see the room filled with the guests they had invited. It was going to be a magical night. She also perused the reception area. The chairs were gold and the tablecloths were a beautiful ivory brocade fabric. The centerpieces were budding pastel roses that were low on the table so guests could converse easily. Kate had picked up a place card, noticing how beautifully the calligrapher had written the names.

  She knew this night was going to be special, but nothing would compare to her and Neil eloping in Vegas. That had been wonderful.

  Kate was a little irritated that she still needed a security detail. They were a constant reminder that Roger had not been apprehended and the trail was stone cold. She was doing everything in her power to move on and not let him affect her, but the truth was, he did. She knew he was coming for her sooner or later and she just hoped he didn’t outsmart security again. Porter had been so remorseful since the day Roger had knocked him out and taken her, but Roger had more skills than anyone realized. Jameson had finally received the file from the Army detailing all of Roger’s abilities. He had gone on top-secret missions that weren’t discussed in detail in the report. Apparently, the Army wanted to protect its secrets. Roger had been moved to the CID when something went awry and the Army needed to turn their liability into an asset. At least now they knew more about him and what they were dealing with. He could have been a real asset to the nation if he hadn’t been so sick. Whatever happened in his childhood had a more profound effect upon him than anyone could comprehend.


  Neil had just finished adjusting his bow tie when he heard a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” he said.

  To his surprise, Laura entered the room. He had invited her to the wedding, but she had declined, saying she had another engage
ment. In a way, he was relieved. There had been tension between Kate and Laura and he didn’t want Kate to feel uncomfortable at her own wedding. Plus, Laura had seemed a little off lately and he wasn’t certain if she would forever hold her peace.

  “Hi, Neil.”

  “Laura, I’m surprised you are here. I thought you had other plans.”

  “Oh, well, things changed. I decided I needed to come after all,” she said. “I have to tell you something before you get married. I should have told you this a long time ago, but I never found the courage.”

  Neil looked at her intently, urging her to go on with his eyes. She stared at him for a moment, but then began speaking again.

  “Well, here goes. You may not have been aware of this, but I have been in love with you since we started working together. I came today to ask you to give us a chance. I’ll quit my job so there is no a conflict of interest. I know that would be unprofessional, and is probably the reason why you never acted on all of the opportunities I gave you to be more than my boss. So I’m resigning right now, with the hope that we can begin the New Year together.”

  Neil stood there speechless. He knew that Laura must have been in a very vulnerable place and he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. He also wasn’t certain of what she might do if she felt rejected. It was like walking a tightrope without a net to catch him if he made a wrong move.

  “Wow, Laura,” he said. “You are a beautiful, intelligent, classy woman and under different circumstances it might have worked out between us. You are right that I couldn’t date you because we work together, and I’m marrying Kate today. Even though I think the world of you, I don’t believe we are meant to be together. I know that you will find the right man someday. But I’m not him.”

  Laura crinkled up her face. She took a step back and said, “Oh, I’m so embarrassed. You must think I am a lunatic for coming here today and telling you all of that.”

  “No, it’s okay. It’s very flattering that you care so much for me. I only hope that you rescind your resignation and we can forget this ever happened,” he said. “You are an invaluable employee and we would hate to lose you.”


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