Book Read Free

Given to You

Page 21

by Carlie Sexton

  Kate and Neil stayed in bed for another hour sharing their wedded bliss. Finally, they decided it was time to get up and eat a little breakfast. They headed toward the kitchen, hand in hand. To their surprise, they found a note on the counter. Neil opened it and read it to Kate.

  To our dearest Neil and Kate,

  We have taken the liberty to have groceries delivered so that your first day will be more comfortable. We hope you enjoy yourselves immensely. You deserve all the love in the world.


  Mom and Dad

  “Your parents are so thoughtful,” Kate said as she opened the refrigerator. Kate began taking out the ingredients to make omelets and Neil opened cabinets to find coffee. Within minutes the aroma of breakfast and coffee brewing made Kate’s stomach grumble. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was,” she said. “You sure know how to create an appetite, Mr. Statton.”

  “Well, make certain you eat up. You’re going to need all your strength, Mrs. Statton. I have plans for you today,” Neil said, pulling Kate into his arms. “I am so fortunate that you agreed to be my wife. I love you so much.”

  “I’m the lucky one to have a wonderful loving man in my life. I love you more than you know.”

  Breakfast was ready and they carried their trays out to the patio and watched the waves crash onto the shore as they ate. It was a stunning day in Maui and Kate felt so blessed to be here with the man she loved.

  “Baby, there are a lot of activities to do here. I thought we could go zip-lining, snorkeling, parasailing, take a helicopter ride, and do the road to Hana,” he said. “Is there anything special that you would like to do?”

  “Everything you mentioned sounds amazing. I’m up for any of those things. Maybe we could relax one day and do an activity on the next. I don’t want you to get too tired, Mr. Statton. I have plans that require you be in top form.”

  “Your wish is my command, Mrs. Statton.”

  “Why don’t we put on our suits and go for a swim? The water looks very alluring right now, just like you. Maybe we can scare some fish.”

  “A swim sounds perfect. I’m sure the water is much warmer here than in San Diego.”

  Kate and Neil went upstairs to put on their swimsuits. They raced downstairs, out to the patio, and through the gate that led to the beach. The water was a little chilly, but they jumped in to adjust to the cold quickly. Neil snaked his arms around Kate, kissing her deeply. Every time he touched her it made her heart race and her insides go gooey.

  “Baby, if I lived a thousand years I couldn’t be happier than I am right now,” he said. “You are so important to me and the best decision I have ever made was to ask you to marry me. You are my life and I will always love you and protect you.”

  The word protect made Kate think of Roger and his obsession to have her. She and Neil had been avoiding talking about him recently as if not saying his name made him disappear from the face of the earth. But the truth was, she was going to have to face Roger at some point when they returned home. She just hoped that the security team could keep them safe. She knew Roger wanted Neil dead, and it seemed as though everyone Roger wanted dead was missing. He had a track record for taking out his opposition and she feared for her husband’s life. She didn’t let Neil know what she was thinking about because she had promised herself not to talk about Roger during their honeymoon. She wanted to cherish their time together and not give any of it to that maniac.


  Roger had been watching Kate since she entered the water with Neil. Seeing her arms around another man made his blood boil. They were occupied right now, which gave him a moment to go inside and scope out their joint. He assumed that he had at least ten minutes to look around. He checked the downstairs, but didn’t find any bedrooms. He went upstairs and found four bedrooms, but he was looking for the master. He decided that attacking Neil in the master would be the best place. He noticed the terrace and thought he could drag Neil out there and maybe throw him over into the pool. He would drown and it would look like an accident or suicide to the authorities. Then Kate would be all his to do with as he wished.

  It occurred to him that he could just hang out in one of the bedrooms that had an adjoining bathroom. He hurried downstairs to get some food from the kitchen to eat while he waited. He found some bottled water, cheese and crackers, more than enough to tide him over while he waited for the sun to drop in the sky. He would wait for the perfect moment. His plan was in place. As he reached the top of the stairs, he heard Kate and Neil entering the house. He concealed himself in one of the bedrooms.


  Mid-afternoon was already approaching and Kate and Neil decided to go into Lahaina for a late lunch and a little shopping. It was a quaint fishing village with several restaurants and boutiques. They stumbled upon Bubba Gump’s and decided that would be a fun place to dine. The restaurant was loaded with memorabilia from the movie Forrest Gump. The tables were outfitted with ping-pong paddles that had “Run Forrest Run” on one side and “Stop Forrest Stop” on the other.

  After enjoying their specialty shrimp dishes, they walked around the village. Kate found a beautiful Hawaiian dress that she couldn’t wait to wear out for dinner one evening. They stumbled upon a place that booked all of the activities they were interested in trying. They booked a snorkeling trip to Lanai for the next day. Kate couldn’t wait to see the tropical fish in their natural habitat. They also booked the zip-lining adventure, leaving a day in between outings to relax and play at the beach. Kate put her head on Neil’s shoulder. She was blissfully happy making plans with her husband.

  “Shall we head back to the house? I thought we could pick up whatever we want to drink before we go home. We can make margaritas, daiquiris, lava flows, whatever you want.”

  “I’d love to pick up some wine and the makings for daiquiris.”

  *** With Kate and Neil gone, Roger took liberties to make a sandwich in the kitchen. His mind was occupied with Jacob as he ate. He hoped his son was being treated well. If anything happened to Jacob, there would be hell to pay. He’d kill anyone who hurt his son. Even though his foster mom had been obsessed with him, she had come through when he needed her. He could always count on her. They shared too many secrets to be enemies. They had enough on each other to put the other away for life. Well, at least he could put her away. Most of what had happened was when he was a minor, so he wouldn’t be held responsible. It wasn’t like they went on killing sprees every weekend, but about once a year she had an itch that needed to be scratched. She needed to kill. He understood that need, because he had it too. Being in the military had helped because he could kill the enemy and it was applauded. Of course what he did as a civilian would not be. But that was society’s fault. He wasn’t going to worry about it. He did what he did without any regrets. The only kill he felt bad about was Paulina. He knew Jacob would miss her for a while. He didn’t know how he found a way to love his son, but he had. He hoped to have more children with Kate once they began their new life together.


  Kate and Neil made their daiquiris and went out on the patio to relax. They were a little jet lagged from the time change and had decided to go to bed early. Neil had already prearranged a romantic dinner to be brought to them on the beach. Kate decided to wear her new dress for the occasion.

  Off in the distance Neil spotted a pod of dolphins jumping through the air. It took a minute for Kate to see them but when she did she went running toward the beach. Neil followed after her. “Have I ever told you that next to dogs, dolphins are my favorite animal?” she said.

  “I figured as much from the kayaking stories you have told me. I can’t give you a dolphin, but we could get a dog after we move into a house with a yard?”

  Kate hugged her husband. “I would love to have a dog,” she said. “They are the best creatures God ever made.”

  “Do you know what kind you would like to have?”

  “Maybe we could get two—maybe a golden retriever and
a cocker spaniel.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’ve read that because dogs love company, so, it is always better to have two than one.”

  Kate and Neil continued to watch the dolphins until they were out of sight. Neil looked at his watch. The dinner he had ordered would arrive in about an hour.

  “So, what are we having tonight?” she said.

  “We are having lobster. They are going to set up right here on the beach. Dinner will begin just before sunset. We can enjoy our meal and watch the sun go down. Then we can adjourn to our bedroom for dessert.”

  “You don’t want to have dessert on the beach?”

  “No, I want to lick it off your luscious body. You have ruined me for eating it any other way.”

  Neil kissed Kate, his tongue melding with hers in a delicious dance.

  “I’m partial to eating it off your body, too, baby. I should start getting ready for our special night. It’s going to be so romantic.”

  Thirty minutes later the service arrived to set up for their romantic dinner on the beach. They had everything with them and Neil watched while the two servers went back and forth to set up. Another server was in the kitchen heating up the dinners and preparing a few last-minute items. Kate had scurried upstairs for a quick shower for dinner with her beloved. Neil had already gotten ready while she sunned herself just a little bit longer.

  When Kate returned downstairs, everything was set and Neil escorted her out to the beach. The table was set with a white linen cloth, fine china, silver utensils and fine crystal. Once Kate and Neil were seated, their waiter poured their wine and brought their salads. As soon as he departed, Neil lifted his glass to Kate.

  “Here’s to the next fifty years. I know we will have both good and bad times, but there is no one else I want to make this journey in life with. I’m so blessed that you are my wife.”

  He clinked his glass to hers and they each took a sip.

  “I would like to make a toast as well,” Kate said, raising her glass. “I love you so much for going out of your way to make everything special for me. You are truly an incredible man and I look forward to every day I get to spend with you.”

  “Meeting you has made me a better man. I’ve needed you for so long, I just didn’t know it.”

  The waiter took their empty salad plates and brought their entrees. Kate and Neil enjoyed their lobsters while watching the evening sky turn opalescent shades of pink, orange, and lavender. The sunset was breathtaking and they were mesmerized by it. They talked about their plans for the next morning and the fact that they needed to get up early to be at the boat by eight. Snorkeling was an adventure they were both eager to experience.

  “Neil, I’ve been thinking,” she said, looking at her incredible man.

  “I would love to volunteer with your mom to help the children’s fund. I want to get involved, do something more than just go to school.”

  “I love that idea and I know my mom will, too,” he said. “It will give you two a chance to get to know each other better as well. She is very fond of you.”

  “I’m fond of her too. I admire the work that she has done to raise money to help the children.”

  “Well, you’ve got good timing. She’s planning a huge fundraiser in the spring. It usually brings in big bucks. I’m sure she would love your help with planning the gala.”

  “Sounds wonderful. That will give me an opportunity to wear the beautiful mermaid gown you bought for me the day you proposed.”

  Neil looked down for a moment. “I’d really love to see you in it,” he smirked. His face looked pained, as he added, “knowing you were in so much danger, and that I nearly lost you, it’s paralyzing.”

  “Neil, we can’t change the past, just work for a better future. No one knew how determined Roger was and what lengths he was willing to go to…” she broke off before sobs escaped. Despite it being over five weeks since her kidnapping, she still couldn’t speak about it, without tearing up a little.

  “Well, he’s never coming near you again if I can help it.”

  Kate got up and went to her husband. He pushed his chair back and she sat in his lap. “I trust you and know that you will always keep me safe,” she said. “Everything you have done since we met has shown me how much you love me. I’m the luckiest woman alive.”

  Kate kissed her husband.

  The server arrived to remove their plates and offer them dessert and coffee. “We’re going to have our dessert later,” Neil told him.

  “Very well. We will leave it on the kitchen island.”

  Kate and Neil stood up. “How about a walk along the beach, Mrs. Statton?” he said.

  “That sounds lovely.”

  “You folks have a wonderful evening. We’ll most likely be gone by the time you get back.”

  Kate and Neil thanked the servers and made their way down the beach. Neil led Kate to the water’s edge and they both got their feet wet. Kate squealed as the water splashed her leg. Neil scooped her up in his arms and spun her around.

  “We’ll give them a few more minutes to clear out and then we can go back to have our dessert,” Neil said as he kissed Kate’s neck.

  “Mm. I can’t wait,” she said. “Dessert with you is always so scrumptious.”

  Neil gave Kate his signature cocky grin and put her down. They continued walking hand in hand along the shoreline. Kate’s mind wandered to Roger and when he would find her again. She wished they could stay in Maui forever. He couldn’t get to her here. She was grateful for the ten days she had to be free of the fear that had been plaguing her. Freedom from being followed by her security was a welcome change as well. Her dream about Roger in their hotel room had put her on edge, but at least she should be able to sleep soundly while they were here.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Neil said as he lifted her hand to kiss it.


  “You’re a million miles way. What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”

  “Nothing important. I’m just soaking in the ‘ah’ feeling of Maui. It’s so relaxing here. I could stay here forever.”

  Kate didn’t want to worry Neil or talk about Roger on her honeymoon. He had already taken too much from her as it was.

  “Baby, this is the first of many trips together. I’m sure Maui will be a place that we come to many times. Let’s head back so we can have our dessert,” Neil said as he suggestively moved his hand down Kate’s back to squeeze ass.


  Roger was positioned on the terrace waiting for Kate to return. He had been watching them have dinner and then take off on a moonlit stroll. Soon he would be taking a walk on the beach with his beautiful Kate. Roger saw them approaching and ducked out of site. Due to the enormity of the terrace, he had many hiding spots to choose from.


  Kate and Neil went to the kitchen to check out the dessert left on the counter. It was red velvet cheesecake—just like from their first date.

  “Baby, did you have them make this special for us?”

  “Yes. I thought it would be fun to have the same dessert we had on our first date. It’s my favorite.”

  “I’d have to say, it’s my favorite too,” Kate said, kissing her husband.

  “Let’s go upstairs and have it out under the stars. I had so much fun on the indoor chaise that I thought we could test drive the outdoor chaise.”

  “Always a man with a plan,” Kate chuckled.

  Neil led Kate upstairs. She went to the bathroom while Neil brought their dessert out onto the terrace. He set the dessert on the table between the two chaise lounge chairs and walked over to the wrought iron railing to look out at the ocean. Kate walked out of the bathroom to see two figures on the terrace. She stood there for a second, wondering who was there with her husband. Had one of the servers come back?

  In the moonlight Kate could see the other man grab Neil, but she couldn’t quite make out what was happening. Her mind wasn’t making any connections to another person being
there. All of a sudden, she saw Neil’s knees buckle and he began to slump toward the floor. The other man turned to face her, and she froze. The moon highlighted Roger’s features. He was leaning against the railing, smiling at her as if he expected her to be happy to see him. The man was certifiable. Her husband lying there impaired on the floor, caused something to snap inside of her. Everything went shades of red, and she ran toward Roger, feeling a power that she had never experienced before. She felt like everything was happening in slow motion, but she was running towards him as rapidly as she could. The words from her father echoed in her ears, “You know what you have to do.” It was as if she had been given the permission to take control: To take away control from Roger. She had to stop him. He had hurt her husband and it was very clear, that he would stop at nothing to ruin her life. Every step that pounded out of her feet led her closer to the end. It seemed like an eternity before her body met his.

  “Baby, I’m so happy to see you too,” he said as she charged at him. Adrenaline was racing through her body and she catapulted herself onto Roger’s torso, propelling them both over the railing. On the way down Roger was trying to grab onto Kate, but she bit him, pushing him away.

  Kate plunged into the pool, hitting her body on the bottom, which stunned her momentarily. She pushed herself to the surface and frantically looked around for Roger. Had he landed in the pool as well? She swam desperately to the edge to pull herself out, half expecting Roger to grab her foot and pull her under.

  “Neil!” she screamed out. “Neil, please answer me!”

  She looked back at the pool, expecting to see Roger coming up for air, coming up for her. But he wasn’t in the pool. Scanning the immediate area, Roger was nowhere to be found. But moaning caught her attention and her eyes darted in the direction of the sound. She looked around briefly for something to defend herself with if necessary, but found nothing.

  Roger had landed on the stunning glass coffee table in one of the seating areas on the patio. The top of the coffee table had shattered upon impact. The base was an iron dolphin. Kate warily moved closer to Roger, adrenaline still pushing her. Upon approach, she saw the dolphin fin sticking out through his chest, almost causing her to sag with relief.


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