Doug and Carlie: Matchmakers on a Mission (Doug & Carlie Series Book 3)

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Doug and Carlie: Matchmakers on a Mission (Doug & Carlie Series Book 3) Page 12

by Lisa Smartt

  Uncle Bart notified Jerry Conner of Ashley’s presence in town, explaining we didn’t want him parking in our driveway, but he might want to make a few extra rounds out our way. By the time we arrived home, Jerry’s patrol car, along with a state trooper’s car, had built a barricade of sorts in front of our country drive. They let us in one car at a time verifying each of us had business there. Thankfully, Doug picked up the pizza as I feel certain the Domino’s driver would have never met Jerry Conner’s security criteria.

  When we got out of the car, Jerry puffed out his chest and called out to Ashley, “Don’t worry, Miss Harrison. We won’t let anything get out of hand this time.”

  “I feel safer already, Jerry!”

  Ashley’s verbal affirmation was making it miserable to live in the same town with Jerry Conner.

  Everyone sat around on the front porch drinking sweet tea and eating pizza. After the boys got situated on the swing set, Dave pulled his chair up next to Ashley’s. She smiled as though he were an old friend.

  Dusty and Clara swayed back and forth on the porch swing as Dusty called out with enthusiasm, “Ashley, where to next? Bora Bora?”

  “Ha ha. I wish. I’m staying put for a while. I’ll probably head back to California in a few weeks. But after that, I don’t know for sure.” She looked directly at me. “I’m gonna be going to Missouri next week. But other than that, I plan to lounge around here in Sharon.”

  Dave responded, “What’s in Missouri? Don’t tell me the Show-Me folks have convinced you to do a promo.”

  “No. I’ve got some personal business I need to attend to, that’s all.”

  Ashley was being gracious, but she was keeping her distance. She stood up and went inside, hoping to avert Dave’s attention to someone else. The look of disappointment on his face almost made me shed tears. Plus, I had a feeling he totally misunderstood her comment about personal business. She didn’t know that I’d told him Blake Blanton was from Missouri. Dave probably thinks she’s going to see him. And she is. But she isn’t.

  A few minutes later, when Collin started getting whiney, Dave patted Uncle Bart on the back. “It’s been fun, but it’s nap time, people!”

  Ashley walked out of the house and said cheerfully, “It was good to see you, Dave!” She stooped down a bit. “You too, Collin!”

  Clearly, he was done with the pursuit. Flying the white flag. He turned his head a bit, “Yeah, you too, Ashley. Hope you enjoy the rest of your time here.” It was like she was an old English teacher he ran into at the grocery store. Pleasantries, but nothing more. He walked over to where Jerry was standing and had a three-minute conversation about the Fulton Red Devils and whether they had a chance in the play-offs. Then he waited patiently while Jerry moved his patrol car and he was gone.

  By the time we put James down for a nap, the crowd was thinning. Dusty and Clara rounded up their crew and loaded them into the used van he’d bought from a local auction. Will found the law enforcement presence frightening, until Dusty explained that they were there because of Ashley’s movie star fame. Then he thought it was massively cool that he was friends with a person who was so famous she needed protecting.

  Eventually everyone left and Doug excused himself to the bedroom to watch the ballgame. Ashley and I sat on the porch in silence for a few minutes. The porch swing swayed and the quiet felt almost comforting.

  I handed Ashley a blanket from the back of the swing. “Do you need to take a nap? I mean, I figure the jet lag is still working you over.”

  She kept swinging and staring out at the road. “I’m fine right now. I’ll probably lie down in a few minutes.”

  “Don’t worry. Dave got the message.”

  “What message?”

  “The one about how you regard him more as a cousin than a possible suitor.”

  “A suitor? I thought you were from Georgia. When did you start using such fancy lingo?”

  “You’re avoiding the conversation.”

  “Truth is, he might as well be a cousin. I’m off the market, remember?” Her voice was cracking, “Off the market because of one stupid night.”

  “So what are you gonna do?”

  “I’m gonna take your advice. I’m going to Cape Girardeau. He told the crew he was going to spend the next two weeks with his parents. It’s only a few hours away. I’ll just go in, tell him the news, and my part of the obligation will be fulfilled.”

  “And what do you think his reaction is gonna be?”

  “I have no idea. I’m not responsible for his reaction. I don’t guess you have time to go with me?”

  “I’ll make time.”

  “Maybe then you can drive back, if I’m a basket case.”

  “I’ll be glad to. But there’s only one catch. Let’s go tomorrow. The sooner we get it done, the better you’ll feel.”

  “What if he’s not home? I mean, how am I gonna work it out to make sure he’s there? Plus, I’m sure he has some of the same issues I have. They’ve probably got people watching the house because a bunch of silly girls want to get an up-close look at Blake Blanton.” She shook her head with disdain, readjusted the pillows on the swing, and said in almost a whisper, “Don’t waste your time, girls. He’s not all that.”

  “I’m not sure how you could make sure he’s home. Do you have his personal cell phone number?”

  “Yeah. But I’m thinking he won’t be very happy about seeing me. Plus, he’ll think it’s suspicious that I want to drive several hours just to see him.”

  “Look, we’re gonna just take the risk then. We’re gonna drive to his house. We’ll ring the bell and hope we catch him at home. He’s probably still resting up from the big trip.”

  “I’m game if you are. Let’s get this done.”

  We worked it out to travel during James’ nap time. We left at 1:00 and he was asleep within the first mile. I tried to take her mind off the uncomfortable situation that awaited in Cape Girardeau. I managed to get her hooked on my iPhone Scrabble which kept her distracted, but made her a worthless conversation partner.

  “Augh! I have all vowels!! You can’t make a word with all vowels, people.”

  “Okay. Step away from the Scrabble, sister. Tell me you’ve planned out what you’re gonna say.”

  “I have. I’m gonna say, ‘Blake, I’m pregnant. I know you don’t like me anymore. I don’t like you either. I expect absolutely nothing from you. I just felt it was my duty to let you know.’ What’s wrong with that approach?”

  “Absolutely nothing.”

  Ashley got back to her Scrabble. I found an Oldies station and smiled as one of my favorites came blarin’ through the speakers. “Sittin’ on top of the bay, watchin’ the clouds roll away…Sittin’ on top of the bay wastin’ time.” I prayed silently that our trip wasn’t a waste of time. I prayed Blake would be at home. I found myself wishing we were sittin’ on top of the bay somewhere, anywhere.

  When we got to Cape Girardeau, I pulled over on the side of the road and prayed aloud. I prayed God would allow us to find him, and that Ashley would experience peace through this whole process. Ashley wiped her eyes and smiled. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

  Blake’s parents live in an upper middle class neighborhood, the kind where a lot of people have pools and people hired to mow the lawn. Surprisingly, there weren’t a bunch of people in front of the beautiful two-story Colonial white house. Had the paparazzi not found him? Or had his dad paid for armed gunmen to be watching from the windows? Or had the people in Cape Girardeau just gotten used to him being here, and they no longer cared that much?

  It didn’t matter. I was just relieved that we were given such access. I pulled into the long driveway and quickly realized the Blantons either hired lawn people or Blake’s parents were immaculate gardeners. The yard was edged perfectly and the driveway didn’t have one stray leaf on it. All the flower beds were overflowing with color. Ashley’s face was completely drained of color.

  I needed a positive spin. “Look, we just
go in there and get this done, ‘kay?”

  She reached for her purse and quietly said, “Okay.”

  The wind was blowing slightly and Ashley tried to hold down her billowy white peasant top as we walked on the sidewalk. James was still groggy and was happy snuggling into my chest. I rang the door bell, but stepped aside. I always had a way of taking charge, but I determined to let Ashley take care of it.

  We heard a pleasant female voice on an intercom. “Good afternoon. Are we expecting you?”

  Ashley stammered, “Uh, no ma’am. No. Uh, I was just needing to see Blake Blanton. But only for five minutes. I won’t take up a lot of your time, I promise.”

  I knew that was the wrong thing to say. But I kept quiet.

  The woman’s voice was both pleasant and agitated. “Well, dear, I’m afraid that’s not possible. Please go to his website. That’s He’ll be glad to receive your message. Thank you and have a nice day.”

  Ashley looked horrified, “Wait, ma’am. Wait. I’m not a fan. My name is Ashley Harrison. I was in the movie with him. Y’know, Over the Hills, the movie shot in Ireland. Blake and I are friends. I promise.”

  “One moment please.”

  In situations like this, the wait always feels so excruciatingly long. But in reality we probably only stood there five minutes.

  Blake opened the door wearing khaki shorts and an old Cardinals shirt. With neither a smile or a frown, he said, “Ashley? This is certainly a surprise. What brings you two women to town?” He opened the door wide and motioned for us to enter. “Here, come on in.”

  The inside of the house looked like it could have been featured in Southern Living. I couldn’t imagine the average pastor making this much money. But then I remembered Blake talking about his mom being a very high-powered attorney, always being called in for high-profile cases in St. Louis and other big cities.

  We followed him into a big sunken living room with real paintings on the wall and a large white brick fireplace that was the focal point of the room. I’d never seen anything like it. An older well-dressed woman came out of the kitchen and Ashley said, “This must be your mom. Hi, I’m Ashley Harrison.”

  Blake laughed. “That’s not my mom. My mom spends every hour of every day changing the world, remember? This is my Aunt Lydia. She works on fan mail, some promotional stuff, and she keeps watch on the door too.”

  His aunt extended her hand while using the other hand to point to Blake, “I have to watch this one! The women go crazy, you know? Sorry I gave you girls the runaround.”

  Ashley smiled, “Oh, no Ma’am. I understand. I wish I didn’t understand but I do. This is my good friend, Carlie Jameson, and her son, James.”

  “Oh, the one who writes the books! It’s such a pleasure to meet you. I’ve read both books and I’m anxiously waiting for the next. It looks like your precious little fellow is asleep there. What a cutie.”

  “Thank you. He is a blessing. And contrary to tabloid buzz, I am working on the third book. Well, when I’m not providing security for Miss Harrison, I am.”

  We all chuckled. Aunt Lydia was clearly pleased to have met us both. “And Ashley, your work on Carlie’s movie? Spectacular. I mean, I love Julia Roberts but I think you should have gotten the Oscar. Maybe next year. Oh, and maybe for this movie you just did with Blake. He told us all about it and it sounds like my kind of film. And ‘Over the Hills?’ I mean, they had me with just the title.”

  Ashley had not even looked at Blake since we entered the house. She spoke to his aunt with great attention and humility, “Well, thank you, ma’am. Thank you so much. Yes, we’re holding out high hopes for the movie. The script was just flawless. Amazing writing. And yes, it’s my kind of movie too.”

  “Well, look at me, just going on and on. You girls didn’t come to see me. Please have a seat. Would you like something to drink? Sweet tea? Coffee? Something a little stronger?”

  Ashley immediately said, “No, thanks.”

  I chimed in, “We just had a Coke in the car so we’re good.”

  “Well, I’ll be in the office if you need anything. Blake, treat your company well. You’re sitting with the next Oscar-winning actress and a current best-selling author. So don’t do anything to make our family look bad now, y’hear?”

  Blake responded, “Always worried about the Blanton reputation, huh? Don’t worry, Aunt Lydia. It’s safe with me.”

  She smirked and lovingly pointed her finger at him as she walked briskly out of the room. James had nuzzled into my chest comfortably and closed his eyes once again.

  Blake got straight to the point. “Ashley, what brings you to Cape Girardeau?”

  She looked down at the flawlessly clean white carpet. “Well, first, I’d like to say I’m sorry that things got so weird between us on the set. I don’t take rejection very well. I guess no one does. But I could have been a little nicer to you, a little more forgiving. And I’m sorry for that. I am.”

  Blake took a big gulp from a water bottle and said, “No worries.”

  What? Why wasn’t he getting on his hands and knees groveling for forgiveness for being such a stinker himself? As Uncle Bart would say, “That boy needs to be taken behind the woodshed!”

  Ashley looked as pale as I’d ever seen her. I felt even sorrier for her now. She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt and then looked up and said, “Look, I won’t take up any more of your time. I’m pregnant. I’m sorry. I don’t want anything from you. But it’s only right that you should know.”

  Blake sat in complete silence for a few seconds and then spoke indignantly, “What? You’re telling me you weren’t on birth control?”

  Ashley lowered her head again. “Why would I be on birth control? I was planning to wait until marriage, remember?”

  He jumped to his feet and then stared out the back window while shaking his head back and forth. He put both hands through his hair then turned to Ashley. “You can’t be serious. Who is really that stupid?”

  I was going to stay out of it but no more. I rose to my feet but tried to speak quietly so as not to lure Aunt Lydia from the office. “You know what I think’s stupid? I think it’s stupid that a man would sleep with a woman one time and then throw her away like a used paper towel. You’re not exactly in a position to throw stones, Mr. Blanton.”

  He threw his water bottle across the room. “Stay out of this!”

  Ashley stood and looked straight at him. “Look, I told you I don’t want anything from you. I just thought you should know.” She grabbed her purse. “C’mon, Carlie, let’s go.”

  He moved toward her, “How do I even know it’s mine? Huh? I figure you got a little frisky with several people on set. I saw how John Greer looked at you, and how that red-headed deli guy was always flirting with you.”

  Ashley headed toward the door and I followed close behind. But Blake wasn’t giving up. He ran toward her. “If you think this little ploy will get me to want you, it won’t. Look, I’m sorry but you’re not my type. And this baby doesn’t change that!”

  I was amazed at Ashley’s calm. “I told you before and I’ll tell you again. I don’t want anything from you. And I don’t need you to parent either.” Her voice escalated a little but she wasn’t yelling. For the first time, she looked him square in the eyes. “I mean, are you kidding, Blake? You think I’d want my kid to be anything like you? No. You’re off the hook. You can relinquish your parental rights at any time. I’ll even send you the papers.”

  “Parental rights? You’re not telling me you’re having this baby? You gotta be kidding me? You can’t be more than a few months. Stop trying to be some saint. Believe me. You’re not a saint, Ashley. Do the smart thing.”

  Ashley turned the door knob but couldn’t get it to open.

  Blake laughed, “You can’t even get a door open? And you think you’re gonna be a mom?” He reached forward to unlock the door and she rushed out of it as James and I followed. Blake yelled one final admonition. “Go ahead! Ruin you
r own career and your life! But leave mine alone!”

  James woke up crying. “Ashwee! Ashwee!” She reached out to hold him. I walked even faster as an odd sense of fear came over me.

  Ashley was crying hard now and James was yelling, “Boo Boo, Boo Boo!”

  I grabbed James, quickly got him into the car seat, and started the engine. The minute Ashley got in the car, I put it in reverse and said a weak, “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry? What if you were stupid enough to sleep with a man like that? Wow, that would make you really sorry, wouldn’t it? Sorry and delusional, even.” She grabbed a Kleenex and blew her nose.

  I was quiet until I got out of the neighborhood. “Look, no doubt it was a mistake to get involved with him. He’s a controller. A lot has been lost. But let’s focus on the future, huh?”

  “And what future would that be? Let’s see, I’ve compromised my chances of meeting someone wonderful and having a family. Got all that completely out of order. I have no future in movies right now. Pregnancy kind of stands in the way of that. But hey, at least they’ll have a valid reason for calling me fat now.” She put her head in her hands. “Just wait till the tabloids get wind of all this.”

  “Right. But let’s forget the tabloids for a minute. Have you thought, I mean, considered the fact that you’re having an actual baby?” I reached for her hand. “A baby.”

  She looked out the window and wiped her eyes. “You’re right. Life’s not about me. Sadly, I haven’t even thought about the baby. Not really. Hollywood narcissism got to me, I guess.” She shook her head and sighed, “I said I wasn’t gonna let that happen. But I did.” She took a big drink of water and then looked at me. “You and me? We’re thinking Blake’s terrible right now. But the truth is he’s just used to getting everything he wants. He’s never challenged. I understand that. This situation, our situation, well, it challenged his control.”

  “Have you told anyone else? About the baby?”

  “No. I mean, you and Doug. And Blake.”


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