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Six Months To Love: Charlotte's Redemption

Page 2

by Leija, Christina

  Outside their family, no one knew the difference except Charlotte’s father, who tried to persuade his daughter that Alex had been in trouble since he was a juvenile.

  But it wasn’t her Alex’s fault; he was just hanging out with the wrong crowd. Alex’s mother felt a twinge of sympathy for her baby. Her poor little boy who was lost in this world and who’s judgment was clouded by Charlotte, if only she could get rid of her for good. Suddenly Magda had an inkling that she may soon set into motion.

  Charlotte thought her father was being overprotective and mean to Alex; that worked in her favor but when her father blew up and disowned her, Alex’s mother tried her hardest to get Alex to call off the engagement. He refused, of course and stupidly convinced her that he could help mend their relationship and reinstate her inheritance that would provide them with enough money for 5 life times.

  Alex’s mother did everything she could to have Alex’s records sealed so he could get into a good school and that bitch’s father found a way to get a hold of them, damn them all! She needed to pay for everything and Magda was more determined than ever to make Charlotte’s life a living hell, and if Magda had her way she wouldn’t be living that hell for long.

  Alex’s father had been full of stupid dreams that eventually left him dead and her full of debt. But Victoria could change that. Widowed at 27, by her older wealthy husband and both parents dead, there was nothing to stop her from marrying her son and providing them with the life they wanted and yearned for.

  “Andrew, wake up my love. Today is a new day, and we can celebrate by doing anything you want.” Smiling Charlotte looked into those sleepy gorgeous eyes. “I want to see daddy today,” a twinge of sympathy struck Charlotte as she knew that Andrew didn’t understand a divorce or why his parents weren’t together anymore. Her therapist told her to softly tell the truth and not keep things hidden from Andrew, though all she wanted to do is protect him from the horrors that had been her life behind the closed door.

  With a big sigh she aimed towards a possible storm as she tried to explain why she and daddy were no longer together, or why they couldn’t be again. “Honey, daddy and mommy couldn’t get along anymore so it was best for both of us to live apart, but we still love you and get to share you, so now you get mommy and Andrew time and separate Daddy and Andrew time, won’t that be fun?”

  “Why can’t we live with daddy?” Innocent and full of love, at four and a half years old, Andrew reminded Charlotte of her; naive and wanting everyone to get along at all times, she had learned the hard way that life doesn’t always go as planned. “Andrew you know what, let’s go to the park and go see that new movie that just came out, you know the one with the dragons, but first I think we need pancakes, what do you say?” Andrew’s face lit up and Charlotte was pleased that she was able to divert a conversation that she wasn’t yet fully capable of having right now. After the swift diversion of the “dreaded” conversation Charlotte knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid forever she scampered off to the kitchen to cook Andrews’s favorite Saturday meal.

  Charlotte always had good genes and a fast metabolism, something she had gotten from both her mother and her father so she indulged in pancakes as much as her son with the bottomless appetite. Man that boy could eat, where did he put it all? She knew that he would be hungry again soon so she gathered a few healthy snacks like fruit snacks and trail mix for their walk to the subway from their quaint west Bronx apartment. It wasn’t what she grew up with or what she had with her husband, but she loved that it was hers and she loved the simplicity of it, anything more and it would bring on nightmares that she would rather soon forget.

  “Now where are my keys, Andrew have you seen them?” She was always losing them and frustrated beyond belief at how she could lose her head if it wasn’t attached at times. Andrew looked stern, which caused concern for Charlotte, since that was the look he always gave when he knew he was in trouble. “Andrew what’s wrong, did you do something with my keys?” “I put them in the flower pot like we used to do at daddy’s in case you wanted to get into the house, I thought daddy might want to have a key too.” “You what? Andrew I told you that daddy didn’t need a key, he can’t come visit us, and that we would go to a park to visit daddy.” Charlotte gave an exasperated sigh she searched outside for a flower pot outside their apartment. “Oh Mrs. Nelson, have you seen a flower pot around here?” “Why yes dear, but I threw that old thing out this morning before the garbage men came, nasty old thing nothing ever grew except mold.” Charlotte sighed and tried to control her temper, she didn’t have a short one but she was definitely irritated at the outcome of this problem. Mrs. Nelson looked at Charlotte as if trying to read her expression, finally she spoke up; “Why are you asking about that old thing? You know Andrew asked me a good place to hide things yesterday or where people put extra house keys at and I told him a flower pot or under a rug or rock.” Great, Charlotte thought to herself, just great. Thank you Mrs. Nelson for not seeing the signs of that one. “Alex put my house keys there yesterday, as a spare key.” The look on Mrs. Nelsons face when she realized what had conspired said it all. “Oh my, well dear maybe the landlord can make a new set, I hope nothing was important on that key ring, it’s probably halfway to the Brooklyn Bridge by now.” Great, she thought, now she had to pay her attorney and a lock smith, just her luck.

  After the new Dragon movie that Andrew had been begging to see for a month they walked to a little café for lunch. The Grand Central Star Café was located between 47th St and 46th St on Lexington Avenue, and was only a few streets from her work. This had always been one of her favorite spots to eat. Charlotte was a nurse and loved her job working at the local children’s emergency clinic, a satellite office of Mt. Sinai Hospital and volunteering her time at the homeless shelter. She was well under paid but she didn’t care, seeing her patients happy even when sick was the greatest payment she could ever receive. The Grand Central Star Café’ always called her name at least once a week. Their coffee, bagels and pricing was what she loved the most. You could smell the deliciousness 5 blocks away. Andrew was always ready to eat and Big Joe worked on Saturdays. Big Joe, according to Andrew could make a mean grilled cheese and chocolate milk. Even though money was tight, today she would forget about her worries and enjoy what little time God would offer her.

  “Mommy you really need to try this!”

  “No honey I think I will leave it up to you, I might look a little silly riding the toy horse in front of the corner market.”

  “I won’t laugh at you, mommy.”

  “I know sweetheart, I know you won’t, you’re the only one who never does.” Charlotte had been self-conscious of everything in her life and the result had turned into what her father would call a perfect lady of raising. But since her divorce she had grown more self-conscious, not confident at all, and her ex-husband didn’t help those matters either.

  “Come on Andrew, we better hurry mommy has to get this shopping done before my shift tonight.”

  Once home they unloaded the groceries and put everything away before laying down for a small nap. It was already 4pm and she really could only afford to lay down for about 20 min before she needed to prep dinner for her son and her sweet elderly neighbor that had all but adopted them, but a short nap with Andrew was what she needed.

  Mrs. Nelson was a 68 year old widow who just adored Andrew. She told Charlotte that she was never blessed with children of her own the first day she had come looking for a place. At that time, Charlotte was upset and frustrated with everything and just needed to get herself and Andrew out of the oppressive house she had shared with her ex. As the landlord, Mrs. Nelson had taken them in to her home until the upstairs unit had become available. From that moment on Mrs. Nelson was in their lives for good and Charlotte wouldn’t have it any other way.

  In no time, Mrs. Nelson was shooing Charlotte off to work as she finished cooking dinner. Charlotte really did love that lady as her own mother. As Charlotte made her way to wo
rk she started day dreaming about her mother, but some memories were too painful so she often tried to suppress them. Susan, her mother had been taken from her by breast cancer when Charlotte was barely a teen. She never even knew her mother was sick because she hid it so well and Charlotte knew then how strong her mother was. She missed her so, and after she passed her father became distant and cold, always scolding Charlotte for little things that reminded him of her mother. Charlotte guessed the pain was just too much for him to endure so instead of embracing their normally close relationship he pushed her away.

  It was chilly now, mid-September and 630pm. Dusk, oh, how she loved this time, the day light was becoming dimmer and she loved the sunset. The way the light radiated off the busy street buildings was bliss to her. Before Charlotte knew what had happened she was struck by something hard that knocked her from her feet.

  Charlotte groaned at her bruised ego and tail bone as the face of the most handsome man she had ever seen held out a welcoming hand. Reluctantly she held her urge to curse him for knocking her down with the door.

  “Hey are you okay?” The voice was as sweet as the face in front of her.

  Dazed she responded with the first thought that came to her mind, “Huh, what?”

  “Are you okay?” he asked again, showing a slight annoyance he stared at her. “You know most people don’t just walk into a door and not to mention, not that hard, you really should watch where you’re going.”

  Now showing her annoyance at his arrogance she just glared, how could he blame her when he was the one who just swung the door open! Ugh, Are all men pig headed and think everyone should walk at their feet and worship them? “Watch where I’m going?, You swung the door open at me.”

  “Honey the door has been open for over 20 minutes, it’s such a nice day out we like to let the hot sweaty air out and fresh air in to comfort our members.”

  “Members?” Charlotte looked up and answered her own question before the handsome pain in her butt could respond, and she meant pain in the butt in a literal context. Man her tail bone was sore.

  The gentleman held his hand out to help her to a seat to compose herself again and to hand her a flyer. The flyer read “Open membership day.” After a brief conversation and pitch from an enrolment advisor about joining a gym, which she had to agree would be a good start over for her, she agreed to try it out for 30 days before committing to anything. Heck what could it hurt?

  Just as she was about to head out a voice called her name through the now busy front area of the gym, the voice was familiar. “Charlotte” As Charlotte turned around she saw the one person she never thought she would see, her childhood friend, Victoria.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you moved to California?” Charlotte hoped that her voice didn’t sound too shocked, she was always semi intimidated by Victoria. In school Charlotte only saw her in all her perfection, never flawing, wealthy and sweet, loved by all and worshiped by all the men around. Her husband however never seemed too thrilled by Victoria and often never wanted them to be around each other, let alone let them talk.

  “Ahh you know been there done that, then decided to move back home, an opportunity recently opened up that I couldn’t refuse,” Victoria had lost her new York accent a bit, Charlotte assumed it was from her time away in California. “Are you joining the gym? It’s a great place,” asked Victoria.

  “I’m thinking about it, but the jerk at the door doesn’t make this place too appealing.” Victoria didn’t seem interested in the details so Charlotte didn’t offer them, it was an embarrassing story anyway.

  After a few short weeks Charlotte had gotten use to her daily routine and the visitation schedule that the judge had set out for her and Alex in regards to Andrew. She used a mutual and very public meeting place to exchange her son with Alex every other weekend and every Wednesday night. Lately she had been meeting him in front of the police station on E 67th St near Hunter College. The 19th Precinct had been her saving grace lately against her Ex-Husbands on-going anger over the custody battle. He may not be the brightest at times despite his anger management issues meet-ups in front of a police all but ensured his full compliance.

  Often times Mrs. Nelson had offered to meet Alex for her so she didn’t have to ask for the extra time off of work and could pull extra shifts to try and save up. Mrs. Nelson may be small but she was not easily intimidated by Alex or men like him. She said more than once it gave her a slight empowerment to stand up to him and just be strong in her demeanor when exchanging Andrew with Alex.

  Mrs. Nelson and her 5’2” frame could scare a slew of robbers with her look. Like I said; small but mighty Charlotte thought quietly to herself. Charlotte had to admire Mrs. Nelson for her courage. With her greying hair, glasses and short frame, Mrs. Nelson had the typical old lady image. In her younger days Mrs. Nelson was a knock out with that perfect hour glass figure, which over the years had given away to old age and diabetes. Mrs. Nelson however was still a beauty in her own right and extremely protective of her family, which graciously included Charlotte and Andrew.

  Charlotte often worked swing shifts at work, making her hours like that of any other nurse, all over the place. She would run over her shift due to emergencies and extra shifts at the main hospital. Because of budget cuts, instead of overtime pay; after 15 hours Charlotte was given Comp time to be used later. She didn’t mind as she knew someday soon she would need all the time off she could get and she couldn’t afford not to have a pay check coming in. Charlotte had learned quickly to cover all her bases in preparation for what was to come.

  Alex sneered at his mother’s constant complaint that he wasn’t moving forward fast enough in getting full custody of Andrew. His only distraction was Victoria, who by the way knew exactly how to make him forget life in a welcome way. She spoke up as soon as she walked into the room; “Really Magda give it a rest will you, you’re stressing my poor Alex out. He can’t file for a change in custody for a year after the final settlement unless there are extenuating circumstances to show that she is unfit to raise Andrew.” The way she said “Unless” was slow and methodical and caught the attention of both Alex and his mother.

  “Victoria my dear you are a genius!” Magda lit up with new thought, and certainly an evil one, that neither Charlotte nor her attorney would like.

  “Mother what are you thinking?”

  “If we can prove she’s unfit, maybe just maybe you can get Andrew sooner than we thought.”

  “She’s not unfit though, clean as a whistle, poorer now than she’s ever been but not unfit, the only thing she does is turn my son into a wimpy momma’s boy with no back bone, which will cease as soon as he’s in my house! That boy needs to learn that life isn’t peaches and cream, it’s about taking what you want and not fearing those bigger than you, only one way you can learn that.”

  “Oh stop it my love, you don’t need to stress yourself over that, Leman Prep will do all the raising and man shaping Andrew will ever need and give him an academic reputation and backing that will last him a life time, just look what it did for you, even with your history” Victoria sneered as she blasted Alex’s shady and troubled past out in the open. She knew he hated that and wished to dismiss it as if it never happened.

  “Victoria dear” Magda interrupted with sweet salt in her voice, “We can’t afford that without a substantial financial backing, you know that unless you want to pay for it out of your little nest of cash you have?”

  “Oh Magda you won’t need to worry about that, as of right now Andrew can’t touch his trust until he’s 21 thanks to his whore of a mother being disinherited but once Alex has Andrew he will have control over his trust that dear ole’ grandpa left him and access to all funds as a trust in his accounts, see it’s too perfect and works best for everyone.”

  ‘Trust me ladies, that’s exactly what I’m betting on.”

  Charlotte had become accustom to working out before or after her shifts as the local Athletic Club was just down the
street from the main hospital, a quick jog down to get a warm up and 30-45 min was enough to satisfy her new found craving without tiring her out on most days. Soon she would be starting treatment and her doctor had encouraged her to start building endurance, that it doesn’t help everyone but most people it can ease the side effects of treatment. Not that treatment will really help but maybe prolong the inevitable. Any extra time she can get with her son and Mrs. Nelson is worth the risk and attempt. But she wouldn’t think about that right now.

  She had quite a few times been approached by the jerk at the front about help in her workout. He had knocked her on her butt and bruised her ego with the door he opened a few weeks ago, why would she want his help? Even if he was attractive and delicious. She had no time for men or sex in her life and she sure couldn’t think about it right now.

  “Hey so you’ve never let me introduce myself, come to think of it you usually seem like you go out of your way to avoid me. I’m Johnathan, John if you will. We met the day you ran into my door.”

  “Yes I know who you are, well not your name until now, but geeze I wonder why I was trying to avoid you, you weren’t exactly full of Chivalry that day.” Charlotte now irritated cursed herself for finding his stupid charm attractive, she always thought of herself as a bad judge of character and this one was screaming run away and she couldn’t help but be flattered by his persistence.

  “Hey I’m sorry about that, it was a long day and you were more embarrassed and not exactly nice yourself so I responded back in a defensive manner, which I shouldn’t have so can we start over?”

  John Giving Charlotte puppy dog eyes and a sweet seductive smile which caused Charlotte to give into right away even if her inner conscious was screaming NO!


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