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River Walk: Ten Kinky Collaborations

Page 29

by Anthology

  With the vibrator going at what feels like full speed, especially on my clit, a plug in my ass and a huge cock pumping in and out of my throat, I can’t help but feel an orgasm beginning. I increase my efforts on Sir’s cock, wanting to give him the best blowjob that I can. After two of the most intense orgasms that I have ever experienced, I can’t help but want to please him. A burst of cum explodes in my mouth and throat at the same time my orgasm shoots straight up my core. It’s like our bodies knew exactly what the other one needed to push us over the edge. At that moment, we were so in sync and I felt almost as if we were one instead of two people. The connection was that strong.

  The vibrator stopped and Sir removed both that and the plug. It was almost a relief but yet a tremendous loss when he pulled them out. It made our night feel over and he had yet to actually fuck me. He gently removed my cuffs and rubbed my arms and legs to make sure the circulation was fine and the return of blood was not as painful. For that I was grateful. As I heard him leave my room, I assumed that he probably needed a bathroom break and to freshen up before we continued. What I didn’t expect to hear was my front door being opened and then closed.

  What in the hell just happened? As I start to get out of the bed to run after him, I realize that my legs are so weak that I stand up and my legs give out, causing me to fall face down on the floor. After a minute or so, I gingerly stand up, feel that my legs have regained some strength and rush down the stairs and out the front door as quickly as I can. Sir is nowhere in sight. No car, no him. I’m standing in my front yard totally naked, not caring if anyone sees me now. The tears are streaming down my face as I turn around and go back into the house. My body gives out and I slide to the floor, holding my head in my hands and sobbing so hard that I can’t breathe. How could he leave me like that? My feelings are all over the place. Hurt, shame, fear and humiliation when only minutes before I was feeling such bliss, passion and love for this man. Why won’t he let me know who he really is? Doesn’t he realize that I don’t care what he looks like or what he does? After the tender and loving care he showed me tonight, how could I not love him? As I drag my exhausted body up the stairs and crawl into my bed, I know that somehow, some way, I’ve got to convince him of this. Maybe not tomorrow or the next day, but I will prove to him that we do belong together, no matter how long the journey is.


  Another night of tossing and turning and I wake up feeling just as bad as I did the previous night. The events of last night keep going through my head over and over again. How could it have been so good, yet ended in such a bizarre way? Why didn’t he fuck me? Why didn’t he give me a chance to see him and talk to him about it before he left? It’s killing me not being able to get hold of him and ask him all of these questions. I’ve left several messages, but none have even been looked at. My heart feels like it is breaking into a million pieces and there is nothing I can do to stop it. No words can soothe me at this point. All I want to do is talk to Sir and let him explain to me what happened. It may not be what I want to hear, but at least it would be some closure. Or maybe I can still convince him that there is a chance for us. Maybe he really is just afraid that I’ll think he’s too old and not handsome enough. But I can’t convince him how wrong he is unless he talks to me.

  So all day, all I’ve done is mope around the house. I’ve eaten a whole gallon of vanilla ice cream with a jar of peanut butter. I’ve watched every sappy, romantic, he done me wrong but I still love him movie that has been on TV. All of my friends are out with their boyfriends which really made me feel better so I ate a whole bag of Dorito’s. My eyes are almost swollen shut because I’ve cried so much, making me look like I lost a bout with Floyd Mayweather Jr. I guess it’s time to hit the hard stuff and get out a wonderful bottle of Jacob’s Creek Sparkling Moscato. I was saving it for a special occasion, like the birth of my first child, but I think this is an emergency situation and I’m going for it.

  Half a bottle later, I’m lying on my bed just staring at the ceiling fan when I hear my computer ping. If only I could see from the bed who it is, but my eyes are still swollen. So I drag my ass out of bed and head over to the computer.

  It’s Sir.

  “Hi Lia.”

  “Sir, what happened to you last night? Why did you leave? Why didn’t you let me talk to you or see you? Why didn’t you fuck me?”

  “Whoa, Lia, slow down. I’ll try and answer all of your questions, but you must listen to what I say and try not to interrupt me until I am finished. Ok?”


  “First let me start off by saying that last night, was the most exhilarating sexual experience that I have ever had. You were exquisite in every response and handled the pain beautifully. Your mouth around my cock was exactly how you described it would be and it was all I could do to keep from cumming as soon as you licked the head.”

  “But Lia, I had to stop. If I hadn’t, I would never let you go and I just can’t do that to you. You are too young and beautiful and have a chance to find the right Dom who can give you what you need.”

  “But Sir, you give me what I need. I want you. Those were the most intense orgasms that I have ever had and they were because of your touch. Never has anyone made me feel the way that you do. Most men my age are very immature and only think about themselves and how they can get off. You totally concentrated on me last night and made sure my pleasure came first before yours. That’s the difference and that’s why I need you.”

  “Lia, I appreciate those kind words, but I’m not going to argue with you. I feel that I know what is right in this situation. I am releasing you from our contract and you will never hear from me or see me again. It’s what has to happen. You agreed to go along with my decision and I will hold you to that.”

  “Please Sir, don’t do this! Don’t end it this way! I love you!”

  There is nothing but silence. Only the sound of my heart beating out of my chest.

  The days go by and I don’t hear a single word. Any messages that I send are left unopened and unread. I go to work every day, but I just go through the motions. Even Evan seems concerned about me and is not his usual flirty self. Smiling, I tell him that I’m fine, but I can tell by the look on his face that he doesn’t believe me. He doesn’t push the issue, but I notice that he is conveniently walking by my desk more often. It’s sweet of him and I’m glad I finally get to see a different side of him.

  Things at home are not much better. My friends try to engage me in conversation but I don’t want to talk about it. I have not told any of them about Sir or about my sexual preferences. They are not in the lifestyle and I have never felt comfortable talking to them about it. Not that I would ever consider talking to my parents about any of this, but they both died in a car accident when I was twelve. After the accident, I went to live with my grandmother. But sadly, she too has passed. So to say that I have never felt so alone in my life is an understatement. The only person I truly felt close to was Sir. Every day I wrack my brain trying to absorb the reality of the relationship and what happened that would make it end so abruptly. And every day I come up with the same answer…I don’t have a fucking clue.

  It’s Saturday morning and I’m lying in bed watching a pair of Cardinals argue outside my window. It’s comical really because I think the female is winning the argument. A small giggle slips out of my mouth and I suddenly realize it’s the first time in over a week that I have even smiled. It feels good. As I stand up to start my day; my computer pings. I’m afraid to look at it. Walking over to my desk, I see that it’s a message from Sir.

  “Lia, are you there?”


  “Lia, please listen to me. I know that I have done everything wrong. What started out as something wonderful was abruptly ended by me for all of the wrong reasons. As a Dom, it is my job to be totally honest with you and I wasn’t. I let my own insecurities get the better of me. As long as we were in an online relationship, I was able to hide behind a computer.
To have you and own you without having to reveal any of my faults and only let you see the good side of me. When you pushed to meet me, I panicked. I wasn’t ready, yet I felt if I didn’t do it, I would lose you. The night I came over was the best night of my life. It was everything I always dreamed of the way it would be with you. It was perfection in every touch, every reaction and every release. But with that said Lia, I knew after that night that I wanted to keep you forever and I couldn’t do that to you. You deserve the best. Believe it or not, this has been the hardest week of my life not being able to talk to you or see you or touch you. It killed me not to answer your messages, but I felt it was better to have a clean break. I just needed to tell you this so we both can have closure. I’ll always care for you Lia.”

  I’m at a loss for words. He still believes that he is not the right Dom for me; that I deserve someone better. For him to admit his vulnerabilities is heart wrenching and it makes me love him even more.

  “Sir, this too has been the worst week of my life. I have missed you so much and I have never felt so alone. I don’t want anyone else. I want you! I love you! I don’t care how old you are or what you look like. I’ve told you that many times before and I need you to understand that I mean it. Please Sir, just give us one more chance.”


  Okay, that’s a little strange in the middle of our conversation. It’s not like we were just talking about the weather. As I wait for Sir to come back online, my doorbell rings. Who could possibly be at the door on a Saturday morning? I try to ignore it, but they keep ringing the bell. Blowing out an annoying breath, I run down the stairs and fling open the door. Fuck, it’s Rupert from across the street.

  “Um, hi Rupert. Can I help you with something?”

  “Hi Lia. I need to ask you something.”

  “Rupert, it’s not the best time right now. I’m right in the middle of something so can I get back with you later?”

  “I know you are Lia and that’s why I’m here.”

  “What do you mean? I don’t understand what you are saying.”

  “What I’m trying to say is that I miss you too Lia and I don’t want to lose you. You said it didn’t matter what I looked like and I believe you. I’m standing here before you as your Dom. Are you having second thoughts?”

  I’m temporarily stunned and don’t know what to do. Yes, I did say his looks didn’t matter and I do mean that. I fell in love with him, not his looks, so I do the only thing that I know to do. I kneel at his feet.

  “No Sir, no second thoughts.”


  As I wake up, I realize that something is terribly wrong. My head is aching, my stomach is nauseous and I’m having a hard time keeping my thoughts together. For some reason I can’t seem to remember anything that has happened in the last couple of days. As I look around, I realize that I am not in my bedroom. The room is dark, only illuminated with a few sconces on the wall. There are all sorts of BDSM implements scattered around me. There is a spanking bench in one corner and a St. Andrews Cross in another. One wall is lined with canes, crops, straps, paddles and floggers of all shapes and sizes. As I try to stand up, I am suddenly and unexpectedly jerked back down on the bed. I realize that I have a leather collar around my neck that has a short chain that is connected to the bed rail. I also notice that I am totally naked and there are no robes or clothing around to cover myself. This must be some kind of dungeon, but why am I here and how did I get here? Did Sir bring me here to play? While those thoughts are going through my mind, I hear a key in a lock and a door open. It’s Sir and suddenly I calm down knowing that he is here with me.

  “Good morning Pet. I’m so glad to see that you are finally awake. I’m sure you have many questions as to where you are and why you are here. First let me explain that the life you had no longer exists. Your name, social security number, work history has all been erased. It’s as if you have never existed. You have few friends and no family, so that makes you less likely to be missed. I am no longer your Sir, but will now be addressed as Master and you are now my slave. You will be trained to meet my every need without complaint or resistance in any way. If you choose to fight me, you will be immediately sold to a Master that is not as kind as me. One that will see to it, by any way he sees fit, to make sure you do comply and are obedient. I understand this is quite overwhelming, but since we already have a relationship, I’m sure it will go quite smoothly. We will start our training immediately, as I hope you are as excited as I am to begin.”

  As he goes to the wall and picks up a leather flogger, I notice there are strands of leather barbed wire interspersed with the leather strands. My eyes roll back in my head and my world turns black.


  Three Wishes


  The glow from a singular candle fills our private alcove at my favorite restaurant. I look across the table and into the crystalline blue eyes of my love as he stares right through me. I can’t help but soak in the moment looking around at the lush burgundy color palette and rich fixtures. This place brings back such good memories. We’ve been here plenty of times over the last few years, coming back to East Lansing fairly often for business, but to me this will always be remembered as the spot we had our first date. Back then we were two young, hungry college kids eager to grab hold of the proverbial brass ring. He’d brought me back to where it all started in our college town to celebrate. Funny to think back on that now that we’ve come so far.

  I inhale deeply, close my eyes, and blow out the candle sitting atop the most elaborate confection I have ever seen. The smell of the warm black forest cake with fresh mascarpone cream and brandied cherries assaults all my senses. I peer up at him, hesitantly. Those blue eyes are smiling at me before it even reaches his lips, and I feel like giggling but think better of it. I break eye contact before I completely ruin the moment. As long as I can remember, he’s had this power over me that cannot be described. It just is. I can command a boardroom in my sleep, but when he assumes that posture I’m completely his. My body betrays me and willingly succumbs to this hulk of a man. I will do anything for him to keep looking at me exactly like that.

  Can I really follow through on this? The mixture of desire welling low within me, and the wetness of my panties tells me I definitely want to.

  “You want this” he says, in that low rumble that tells me he’s affected by this just as much as I am. No shit. His body language tells me all I need to know even though I still haven’t made full eye contact. How long will he let me avoid the inevitable spark that will ignite when I finally look up and drink in his spell? The game is up. The cards are on the table and I’ve declared ‘all in’. This is going to be the ride of a lifetime, quite literally I hope.

  I scoop the still warm cake into my mouth making sure to wrap my lips seductively around the fork. I snake my tongue out to prevent a single crumb from falling. I’m startled with a low groan from across the table. Oh shit, he knows my game. Four years into our marriage, I shouldn’t be so surprised he caught on so quickly. He can read me like cliff notes to my favorite novel. The jig is up as I peer at him through hooded lids, my lips still wrapped around the warm fork.

  “Amelia darling, I’m prepared to dish out a birthday spanking if that’s what you’re looking for.”

  My mind screams hell yes, but my body warns me to be careful what you wish for. I simply nod and return to savoring the moment. Eyes downcast, I smile as I think back on the day.

  That morning, I walked into the living area of the hotel room in my usual comatose pre-coffee state. I stopped dead in my tracks. Sitting at the small table, fully dressed, Johnnie looked absolutely edible. He still takes my breath away. He gave me that knowing Cheshire grin as he handed me my morning ritual. What is he up to?

  On the table next to a mouth watering breakfast was a small blue box with a beautiful white bow. I squealed with delight and looked to him for approval to open it. Inside was a beautiful diamond tennis bracelet. “Happy Bi
rthday sweetheart, how does it feel to be 30?” he said with a smirk knowing that I wasn’t exactly thrilled to be yet another year older. He leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. I felt the air in the room change as he held me in the grasp of his stare. He has been naturally dominant as long as I’ve known him, and no doubt in this moment, he wanted the undivided attention of not just his wife but his sub. “I have something I want you to consider as my birthday gift to you.” Oh shit. The tennis bracelet is from my husband, but this gift is from my Dom.

  “Three wishes, no restrictions.”

  I sat straight up at full attention as the words left his mouth with absolutely no hint of sarcasm. If I had seen anything but desire pooling from his gaze, I might have laughed thinking this had to be a joke. He stated it so matter-of-factly with extra emphasis on the word ‘no’, I could only help but think he had quite the adventure in mind. After a long pause, he finally offered me a bit more explanation. We had discussed in depth over the last six months, the possibility of one day extending our kinky fun to include other partners for me. I always allowed him to lead the conversation, never bringing it up myself, for fear he might think I wasn’t entirely content. That was definitely not the case, but once he introduced the possibility, I must admit, it was playing a big role in my late night fantasies.

  This wasn’t something we wanted to rush into and definitely not something either of us took lightly. Am I ready to take this step? I was understandably apprehensive. It’s one thing to talk about one day having some kinky fun and another thing completely to commit to doing it. He did tell me I had time to think about it. My husband would never pressure me into doing something like this, but make no mistake my Dom would gently nudge me into doing what he knew I wanted but was too scared to admit.


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