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The Unexpected: An Mpreg Romance

Page 19

by Louise Bourgeois

  The other man blushed and stuttered out an apology but Reginald was too, amused by it, he had also been able to enjoy it all the more by having managed to position himself by Elias’ side, using the opportunity to occasionally whisper to each other.

  He actually found that as he got into it more, he enjoyed the night, something about having Elias there made it that little bit less tedious. He looked over at Marise who had a large smile as she chatted amicably with Harold and she couldn’t help thinking that her reasoning was not so dissimilar to his.

  The night eventually drew to a close and Reginald was there to see them all off with a handshake until it was only Harold and Elias left, Harold and Marise had gone over to his carriage whilst Reginald stayed to see Elias off.

  “It wasn’t so unenjoyable,” Reginald admitted as they approached the door, “But I fear that was partly due to you.”

  Elias smiled and offered him a hand, “I came to the same conclusion myself,” he turned to the carriage but stopped turning back, “You should visit soon.”

  “Of course.”

  He watched the man leave and continued staring after it until it was a light in the distance, when he moved away he noticed Marise was doing the same thing.


  Reginald wasted no time in taking Elias up on his offer and just over a week later he left his home and started the journey to Elias’. It really was not far away, only an hour or so from the Rowe estate, but he found himself excited as he travelled. The road was quiet and there was a wind that made the journey slightly cold even if he was tucked up in a carriage. As he approached the Sully estate he couldn’t help marveling at the sight before him; it was picturesque, surrounded in woodlands, and he could just see the lake as the carriage approached the front steps to where Elias was waiting.

  He quickly ambled out, “This is beautiful,” he said in way of greeting, briefly embracing him before letting go, still ogling at the stone walls before him.

  Elias smiled proudly, but he was not admiring the house but was staring down at Reginald. He had made good time, leaving quiet early in the day and thus even after he was settled they still had most of the afternoon together.

  The taller man seemed at ease in his own house and chattered happily about the place, “I caught a glimpse of the lake on my way down,” Reginald asked from their seats by the fire, “Perhaps I can encourage you to show me the grounds?"

  “Of course, it would be my pleasure,” the taller man nodded, both rising quickly and heading out in the direction of the body of water. As they stood before it Reginald marveled in the beauty as the trees reflected in the surface. It was slightly cooler by the lake and so they continued their walk around it, entering into a small patch of woodland.

  “I always found the area around the lake the most relaxing area of the estate, I am sure you remember my enjoyment of the outdoors.”

  “Indeed, I do. It is beautiful,” he added slowing to give himself a chance to properly take in the place, there was a small clearing in the trees before them and a smoothed stone which looked like a small seat in it, which he slowly walked towards and lowered himself into. Elias did the same and the two sat in quiet admiration for a moment before a question the other man had asked him before refreshed itself in his mind, “You asked me once if I was inclined to marry, but you never offered your own opinions on the matter.”

  Elias remained quiet for a moment as if solving some personal dilemma before responding, “I am similarly in that regard to you, I expect.”

  There was a subtle breeze that passed them, rattling the leaves around them, but Reginald felt a slight shake as a result. He rubbed his fingers together briefly before clenching them and stretching them out in a bid to warm them, but only a moment after he started, Elias encompassed them with his own hands. They were warm and smooth against his skin and he tried to quell his heart as he looked up at the man before him who was considering him most carefully.

  “You’re cold,” the other man noted, “Shaking even.”

  Reginald had not noticed it himself but now he did he felt himself minutely draw closer to the man before him, who surprised him once more by removing one of his hands and wrapping an arm around his side to pull him closer. He sagged automatically into the warmth but where their previous touches and bumps could be construed as accidents or in the moment, this was a more clear movement with obvious forethought. He wanted to question what this meant but his tongue remained still, not knowing what or how to ask.

  He eventually managed to look up again once more to Elias’ face and was surprised by the level of emotion within, almost without thinking he raised a hand and rested it on the others cheek, watching as Elias closed his eyes and shifted his face towards him once more. His heart was racing in his chest as he slowly moved his hand lower, moving his thumb to trace over the other man’s lips, who readily parted them for him.

  Feeling suddenly brave he leant up and slowly brushed his lips past the others before coming away to gage his reaction. Elias’ eyes opened as soon as he pulled back and the most joyful grin he had ever seen from the man came across his face before he moved forwards to capture Reginald. He found himself tugged close as the other softly moved his lips against him, sliding his hand slowly into the others hair he leaned into it more, like he was gasping and Elias was the only source of oxygen. When they eventually pulled apart he was panting slightly and the taller man rested their heads together.

  Elias spoke quickly as if the words pained him to say, “I have found myself wanting you some months passed, it has been a trial to go for months on end without seeing you and now when I find myself in your company I cannot keep my distance. You fascinate and excite me and I have sorely hoped in recent days you have returned my affection, for I assure you, any affections you may have will be eagerly returned.”

  It took Reginald a moment to process what had been said to him and found himself pushing their lips together once more, before pulling away and replying, “Is it not obvious? My friend, I find myself unable to close my eyes without the sight of you there. Will you come to me tonight?”

  Elias looked down at him with a mix of lust, hopefulness with a small amount of disbelief before nodding profusely, “I will come.”


  They had spent a few more moments together in their seclusion before the cold necessitated them to return indoors. They had played chess before dinner, hands brushing often, and had then proceeded to quickly move through dinner and drinks. In the end it was relatively early when they retired but they were both eager.

  Elias had placed Reginald in a room as close to his as possible but as he stalked the halls he was still extremely grateful he kept only a skeletal staff, most of whom were too old to be up at this hour. When he reached Reginald’s door a moment of apprehension took hold before he could bring himself to knock, in two quick movements. The door opened quickly and he walked through, caught slightly off guard as the smaller man leaned up and kissed him, wrapping his arms around him in the process.

  Elias relaxed into it, his own arms wrapping around the smaller man possessively as he kicked the door too and slowly walked Reginald back to the bed. The other man happily obliged, moaning slightly into the kisses as he was lowered down onto it, Elias resting above him but supporting himself by his arm, careful not to crush the man below him.

  When they broke away Reginald looked up at him in a way that had convinced him of this man’s attraction towards him, throughout the entire night they had been at the party no one else received the look of captivation and admiration bar himself. Before they got any further, Elias ran a smooth finger down the others face, tracing light patterns as he spoke in a soft voice, “Are you sure you wish to do this? The risk is quite high.”

  “I have considered this before in depth, I am sure. Our discussions from before stand true, I believe we should go with what makes us happy, not what is considered normal.”

  “We will have to be discreet,” he murmured, “Spend time

  Reginald hummed his agreement, “I may have an idea.”

  “Oh?” he asked, now distracted in the task of slowly unbuttoning the other man’s shirt.

  “Well it isn’t uncommon for two gentleman to go travelling together, even for as long as a year,” Reginald hinted and Elias smiled.

  “I would be glad to accompany you,” Elias said before leaning down to kiss the man below him.

  “Not until after Marise’s wedding though,” Reginald quickly added.

  “Of course,” he said with a grin. Reginald looked slightly nervous as Elias continued to divest him of his clothing but only momentarily before he started doing his own exploration of what he found there. They carefully removed each other’s clothing, Elias planting kisses against each new patch of skin he found. Elias took things slowly, making sure to loosen Reginald up and press against him until he was already moaning before finally taking him. He gave him time to adjust, enjoying the feel of the man clinging against him as he slowly started to move.

  Reginald gave him that look once more and Elias could hardly contain himself as he the smaller man bit down on his lip as he came between them, crying out his name softly. Moments later Elias filled him before proceeding to bundle him up in his arms. Elias felt complete with the smaller man in his arms as they carefully lay next to each other. He wasn’t quite sure if the other man had drifted off but carefully pushed a piece of hair away from his ear and whispered softly, “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” came the sleepy reply and Elias slowly allowed himself time to unwind and fell asleep tucked against the other man.

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