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So Much Better

Page 5

by Marie Rochelle

  Looking back over her shoulder, Keri’s eyes connected with Richie’s confused ones. She took in his perfect appearance one last time through the eyes of the woman who loved him, but wasn’t going to much longer.

  “Yes, he’s in there,” she replied as she spun back around and headed out of the door past Taylor.

  “Can I go in and see him?”

  “He’s all yours.” Keri meant her answer in more ways than one.


  Work seemed to drag by because every time Keri turned around Richie was in her face trying to talk to her, but she didn’t ever let him get her alone. She constantly found ways to avoid him with something to do. Once she went into Tate’s office for a couple of hours and helped him out with a new client he had been working on.

  The end of the day finally came and Keri thought she was home free as she was getting her stuff together to leave. For the last couple of hours, Richie had been in his office returning phone calls for potential clients. She thought she was doing a good job at hiding how horrible today was going for her.

  However, even self-absorbed Tate had noticed the tension between her and Richie, but she didn’t care. She was tired of loving someone who had zero interest in her. Richie was never aware of her as a woman. Hardly ever considered what she might have been thinking and he seldom included her in anything he was doing, but why would he?

  He never saw her as an equal although she had been his capable assistant for several years. For all of those days, weeks and months, she imagined him giving her some companionship, but she shouldn’t live in fantasies because reality was a much better place to be and where she would stay from now on.

  Keri looked over her space one last time making sure everything was in its right place before she picked up her coat, purse and went for the door.

  “Keri, wait. We still need to talk,” Richie called after her.

  Great. She hadn’t even heard his door open. What did he want with her?

  She thought she had made things loud and clear this morning. Did he not understand the words that had come out of her mouth?

  “Yes, what can I do for you, Mr. Davidson?” Turning back around, Keri took in Richie’s unruffled appearance. He always looked so well put together. She couldn’t recall a time that he didn’t look model perfect.

  “You can stop with that Mr. Davidson shit,” he snapped, shocking her. “I don’t like it one damn bit.”

  What crawled up his ass and died? she wondered. There was no pleasing this man. He was harder to read than a book by William Shakespeare.

  “Fine, I won’t call you Mr. Davidson,” Keri replied. So was that it? Could she leave now? It was still hard for her to be around Richie. She wasn’t able to run off her love as easily as she thought. Nevertheless, it was going to get better the more she practiced at it.

  “Good…how about I take you out to dinner. I still have so much to tell you and was going to earlier before Taylor interrupted us. It’s very important. I think it’s a confession I should have made a very long time ago. How about it? I can take you to that Thai place you love so much.” Richie grinned at her making his beautiful eyes sparkle even more.

  The old her would have jumped at the chance to spend some time outside of work with Richie, yet the new woman she was trying to become wasn’t going to do it.

  “I can’t,” Keri answered. “I already have plans. I’m sorry. You should have asked me sooner.”

  Richie stepped closer to her until he was in her personal space. “Cancel the date. I don’t care who it’s with. Tell the person you have other plans with me.”

  Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline at Richie’s selfish demands. He had never spoken to her like this before. It was kind of shocking. When did he come to think that he had such power over her?

  “I’m sorry. I can’t and I won’t do that. I’m sure whatever it is can wait until after the charity party tomorrow. So, I’ll see you there. Have a nice night.”

  Keri turned and went out the front door leaving Richie staring after her with a perplexed look plastered across his handsome face.

  Chapter Twelve

  Two and a half hours after leaving work, Keri finally unlocked her front door, walked into her house and before she could close the door completely a ball of fur ran up to her almost knocking her to the floor.

  “Move back, Snuggle,” she said to the husky puppy that seemed more intent on licking her ankles than listening to a word she was saying.

  “Move now!” she commanded again with a little more force in her voice.

  Snuggle tilted his head to the side before running away and getting on the couch. He laid down staring at her with a pitiful puppy expression on his cute face and she instantly felt bad for snapping at him.

  Keri recalled the day she’d found Snuggle. She’d been driving home from work and spotted him at the side of the road with his head and half his body sticking out of a bag. At first, she thought he was dead until she saw him move. She couldn’t believe someone would hurt such an adorable little puppy.

  After picking him up, she’d taken him to the vet’s office and had him checked out. He had stayed there for a few days before she was able to bring him home with her. It had taken about a week before he had learned to trust her. She had awakened during the night to find him snuggled up against her in bed and the name just stuck with him.

  “Come on, boy. Let me get you a treat.” Locking the door behind her, Keri went into the kitchen with the puppy at her heels. She stopped in her tracks as she noticed a little surprise for her by the pantry door. “Snuggle, bad boy,” she scolded shaking her finger at the puppy.

  Moving past it, Keri unlocked the back door allowing the puppy to run outside and take care of the rest his business, but she seriously doubted there was anything left in him since it was already all over the floor.

  She grabbed cleaning supplies and took care of the mess. After Keri was done, she tossed it in the trash and went outside to empty the trash into the bin at the side of her house. She waited a few more minutes while Snuggle explored the backyard.

  “Let’s go, Snuggle,” she hollered as she headed back into the house with him at her heels. Back inside, Keri opened the cabinet door by the stove. She pulled out a box of bacon flavored treats and fed one to Snuggle. “There you go.” She rubbed him on the head and then put the box away. Keri quickly refilled his food, water and left the kitchen while Snuggle got distracted by his Sylvester chew toy underneath the kitchen table. She knew it would be only a matter of time before he fell asleep under there, so she wouldn’t have to come and check on him later. It was his favorite spot to take a nap.

  On the way to her bedroom, Keri replayed the events of the day in her head. It had been so hard to let her emotions not show today with Richie. Once Keri got inside her room, she kicked off her shoes and sat down on the edge of her bed.

  She would never forget the first day she had seen Richie. She was getting out of her car when he had walked past her looking mouth-wateringly delicious in a dark blue suit and sunglasses. The sunlight shining off his dark red hair made her stop in her tracks for a moment. Being from a small town in Iowa, she wasn’t used to seeing men like Richie. She hated to admit it, but he might have stolen a piece of her heart right then and there.

  Over the years her feelings had grown deeper and deeper. Even when he was engaged to Kristy her love for him never changed. She bet that he never knew how she observed him from afar noticing how he acted with his clients and close friends.

  He always presented himself with such determination and resolve, like nothing could ever stand in his way or hold him back. Richie was a leader in every sense of the word. He believed the way he did things was the right way, no matter what it might be and he was usually correct. Maybe only once or twice one of Richie’s plans had come back to bite him in the ass.

  How could she not fall in love with a man like that? Besides being attracted to his brilliant mind, Richie’s body made her sizzle. All he
had to do was walk into a room and she was ready to jump on him.

  God, she would never forget the time Richie had arrived to the office late after his morning workout. Instead of going home to change he decided to do it at work. By mistake, she had walked into his office as he was putting on his shirt. The washboard abs and light dusting of hair on Richie’s chest had kept her nights filled with delicious dreams for months. One night she’d been so caught up in a vivid dream about her and Richie having sex on his wide oak desk that she’d slept through her alarm and arrived forty-five minutes late for work.

  However, all of that was in the past now. Richie wouldn’t be the man she built her ‘perfect’ life around anymore. He was still too drawn to the past. If he couldn’t move on then she would because she wanted to be in a relationship with a caring and loving man who saw her and only her. Togetherness was a high item on her lists of wants right below respect.

  Keri wasn’t about to force Richie to see they could be more than capable co-workers but good partners in and out of the office. She never wanted to be one of those women who got seduced by a charming man. In the past, she had dated men that were too bland which turned into boring by the fourth date. Or when she did try to change her model of the men she went out with, the new guys were too crude, rude or down right heavy-handed.

  She guessed that was why she fell so hard for Richie. He was the perfect blend of bad boy on the inside, but the looks of an angel on the outside. Not only was he way better looking than any of the guys from her hometown, he could carry on a stimulating conversation with her.

  That was one of the main reasons she’d left home. Most of the guys there disliked that she was intelligent and craved to have a career. Sure, she got asked out back there, but most of the men didn’t want to listen to her hopes and dreams over theirs. They would rather talk about themselves and expect her to smile and nod at the appropriate times in the conversation.

  As much as I still love Richie I have to let him go. It’s the best thing for the both of us.

  Getting off the bed, Keri began to get undressed when the sound of the doorbell stopped her. She took a quick glance over at the clock on the night stand noticing it was almost seven o’clock. She wasn’t expecting anyone this late.

  I better go and see who it is. It could be something important. Walking out of her bedroom, Keri headed across the plush dark brown carpet. As she reached the foyer, she almost tripped over Snuggle stepping on his feet. She quickly picked up the puppy and soothed him. “I have to answer the door. It could be important.”

  Keri looked out of the peephole and her heart sped up when she spotted who was on the other side. Richie never came to her house after hours unless it was something very important.

  Keri unlocked the door and opened it. “Richie, what are you doing here so late? Is there a problem with the final guest list I turned in for the St. Patrick’s Day event tomorrow?”

  “Yes, there is a problem,” Richie said as he came inside closing the door behind him.

  Keri held Snuggle closer to her chest as she tried to calm down her racing nerves and pounding heart. It was too much having Richie in her house after what happened between the two of them. She still thought about it, but she wasn’t sure if he did or not.

  “What a cute puppy.” Richie ran his hand across the puppy’s head and then looked at her.

  “Yeah, he’s the man in my life. I don’t know what I’d do without him. He’s always waiting for me when I come home.” Keri quickly closed her mouth as she realized she was starting to babble and put Snuggle down on the floor.

  “You didn’t come here to listen to me talk about my puppy, so why are you here?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Do you mind if we talk?” Richie asked. “You left so suddenly from work. I thought someone had lit a fire under you. I was used to you staying and us walking to our cars together.”

  Keri couldn’t believe that Richie came to her house to complain about her not staying late. God, what was wrong with him? “I’m sorry I couldn’t stay, but I had other plans. I wasn’t about to be late. I had someone waiting for me.”

  “Who was it?” Richie demanded coming closer to her. “Did you have plans with Tate? Is that why he practically ran out of the office today? I thought I told you to stay away from him. He isn’t the type of man you want in your life. He’ll break your heart and not give a damn about it.”

  She might have to put up with Richie at work telling her what to do, but this was her house. She wasn’t about to listen to him lecture her. Who in the hell did he think he was? She didn’t need this from him. She needed…no, deserved someone that was going to make her number one.

  A man who would invite her out places with him because he couldn’t imagine her not at his side. She craved to operate as a duo even if it only meant shopping for groceries at the local farmer’s market. She liked the old-fashioned idea of being a couple and her man calling her his ‘girlfriend’.

  Keri wasn’t going to let Richie get her into another debate; she had to put some distance between them for a few minutes. “Wait here. I need to put Snuggle in the kitchen or we won’t be able to talk.” Bending down, she picked up the puppy and carried him into the kitchen then closed the door so he couldn’t get out.

  “Now that you’ve taken care of the puppy, I want you to listen to me.” Richie came up behind her and grabbed her by the arm spinning her around to face him.

  “We’ve already had this discussion at the office. I don’t like repeating myself and especially in my own home.” Keri shook off Richie’s hand. “So, for the last time you don’t have a say in my personal life. I can do anything I want with whomever I please. Now, I think it’s time for you to leave before I say something else that will cost me my job.” Keri tried to move around Richie, but he grabbed her again by the arm hauling her against his hard chest.

  “Do you know how much you’ve been on my mind lately? Half the time I’m at work I can’t get anything done because I keep replaying that day over and over in my head.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Keri lied as she squirmed around in Richie’s arms. Hell, she remembered it too, but she was trying her best to push the sexy erotic encounter out of her head.

  “Sure, you do.” Leaning down, Richie ran the tip of his tongue along the side of her neck before nibbling at the sensitive skin there.

  “I’m sorry but I don’t.”

  Lifting his head, Richie’s extraordinary eyes blazed at her like he knew she was lying to his face. Like he recalled every sound and movement she made while his masterful tongue worked its magic and he wasn’t going to let her not tell him the truth.

  Keri’s heart pounded against her rib cage as she watched his gaze roam over her body before coming back and stopping at her face. She held her breath while she waited for his next move. There was no way Richie would allow her challenge to go untouched like that. He was going to do something, but she just wasn’t sure what it would be.

  “I guess I have to refresh that failing memory of yours,” Richie said as his hands slid down her body. The tips of his fingers played with the hem of her skirt then slipped underneath inside her panties until his knuckles brushed against her already damp center. Her knees went weak as one finger eased inside of her body. If Richie hadn’t tightened his hold she would have fallen over from the sheer pleasure of his touch.

  Richie had the ability to get her body going like no other man. Just one little touch from him and her inner sex kitten was ready to break free.

  “Do you want me to do that, darling?” The finger that was tormenting her worked itself deeper into her and Keri felt her body trying to stretch to accommodate the intrusion.

  “I’m not going to tell you what to do,” she moaned softly as a second finger was added.

  A bead of sweat popped out on her temple and slowly slid down the side of her face. All of a sudden everything else faded from the room as Richie ripped the panties from her body i
n one confident pull.

  Removing his fingers from her body, he spun her around so her bottom was pressed against his straining erection. Her skirt was shoved up above her waist so fast that the button flew off, but she didn’t care. Keri was too lost in what Richie was doing to her.

  “Your ass is so perfect,” he said as he ran his hand over it then grabbed a fist full. “Do you know how many times I’ve found ways to walk behind you at work simply to watch this wonderfully ripe part of your body?”

  Keri shook her head, too shocked at what was happening to speak. Richie was here with her touching her the way she had dreamed for years.

  “Answer me,” Richie demanded with a slap to her ass causing her to jump at the sudden sting.

  “No, I didn’t have a clue,” she answered, quickly.

  His large palm moved over her stinging flesh massaging away some of the pain. When his tongue darted out and licked the spot below her right ear she moaned. While one hand stayed firmly planted on her ass, Richie’s other hand moved to the front of her black silk blouse and slipped the buttons open one by one until her black lacy bra was exposed.

  “I have a confession to make,” Richie whispered as he unhooked the front closure of the garment. “Do you want to hear what it is?”


  “Every time you leaned over my desk to check paperwork or write something down, I would peek down your shirt. I couldn’t help it. Your breasts are just so full and firm. One day, I got lucky enough to see a nipple and all I dreamt about that night was sucking at your nipples while you were in my bed screaming my name.”

  The way Richie described his fantasy brought it vividly to Keri’s mind. She could actually feel his cock buried deep inside her as he made love to her all night long. Shit! What was he doing to her? She was supposed to be leaving him in her past, but here she was standing half-naked in her living room with Richie touching her body like they had been lovers for years.


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