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Filthy Love (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 4)

Page 33

by V. Theia

  Only, Hawk had other ideas, after he’d thrown down some notes and took her hand again, he had her on the back of his bike strapping on the helmet gently under her chin before he spoke and when he did, the noise did something funny to her heart.

  “You’re in my world now, Gia. And before now it wasn’t something I wanted to participate in. How my boys go out of their way to look after their old lady’s, to make them happy, protect them was like watching some alien show I couldn’t grasp. Thought they were all whipped by the pussy. They make it their duty to provide to all her needs and I never got it. Until now.”

  She’d known this and yet surprise had her barely breathing.

  “So that’s where I’m at. You can call me old fashioned, a chauvinistic pig. It amounts to the same thing. I’m a biker. A deviant one at that. You want something, I’m your man to provide it for you. ‘Cause what you might not realize yet since you’ve been busy chasing my ass to ground.” She smiled shyly at that and fingered his beard, leading him in so she could kiss him. “Is that when you put yourself in my world, this is how it’s gonna go. So, you can bitch at me all you want and complain you’re a modern woman who pays her own way. Still gonna happen the same so you’re gonna have to learn to accept it how it is ‘cause out of the two of us I’m the one unable to change and you know that. I’ll try to compromise anything else, so for your own good get on board real damn fast and understand that I need to take care of you in every way possible.”

  Hawk’s concentrated gaze crawled over her face, washing her in heat wherever it touched.

  I guess that told me, she smiled and grabbed his mouth and in three seconds Hawk took over the kissing. Growling he prowled into her mouth with his tongue like he knew he was welcome, holding the back of her head they kissed like teenagers right there on the curb for all the world to see this was her man.

  Her man!

  “So, I just have to say I want something, and genie biker will provide, hm?” She tested, running her fingers through his beard, over the warmth of his soft lips.

  Another grunt.

  “A Lamborghini. And a private jet, for starters.”

  She leaned in for a second kiss, grinning as she did, when he asked. “What color?”

  Her brows pinched. “Color?”

  “For your Lamborghini.”

  Gia burst out laughing because he looked so earnest.

  How her heart flipped over.

  “Just take me home and fuck me, Hawk, you were already getting laid tonight.”

  And that’s what they did. Right in the hallway, with Gia spread against the console table. And then in the shower up against the wet tiled wall and twice more during the night with Hawk’s insatiable mouth rousing her from sleep.

  She woke deliciously achy and smiling to know he’d stayed the night curled around her back as the big spoon. She flipped onto her back and found the palest of blues on her face.

  Now, being a woman, she had a fair portion of vanity, so she did a quick hair check with the brush of a hand, found it to be nest-like. Ah, well, what was she gonna do, he’d already seen her now.

  “Good morning,” her voice scratched. “It’s still early, why are you awake?”


  He’d woke wanting her.

  What was new?

  Hawk didn’t think he’d ever stared at a woman as much as he did with Gia. A pervert’s gaze raked over the fine freckles on her chest, up the column of her throat to the dip he liked to bury his face in when the climax blew his head off.

  She was so beautiful it curled his belly, twisting it into knots.

  He wanted to own her.

  Not in a fucking cute way either. Own all of her like a precious, priceless possession, so no one could take his little bit away from him again.

  He watched her sleepy face content for him to stare at her. She let him do that a lot, he’d noticed. Her bow shaped lip curved at the edge with a smile.

  The thin cotton shirt Gia slept in came up a little with the help of his roaming hand, exposing smooth skin. Hawk was a teenage boy with a hint of nakedness, his body reacting as always to Gia. Then he caught the sight of a pink line faded into her olive skin. Pushing the sheet down to her thighs. Back and forth he stroked the scar as he’d wanted to do months ago when she was in the hospital.

  His brain raged for days to protect and take care of her.

  If people though he was a basket case on his good days, it was nothing compared to how he felt those fraught hours of Gia needing surgery and Hawk feeling like shit he couldn’t do a thing for her.

  “I had my appendix out.” She clarified. Her eyelids half closed. The same way she got right after she came hard for him. He stroked the scar again, watched her shudder.

  “I know.” Gruffness stole through his voice, removing his hand he gently rolled down her shirt covering her. There was only so much control a man had when faced with his own personal temptation and he’d had her so much her little body should be raw by now. “I was there.” He went on confessing, no reason to hide it now.

  “What do you mean, you were there?”

  He rolled a shoulder and propped himself on an elbow. “Heard you were sick. I wanted to make sure you were fine.”

  “At the hospital?”



  “It’s no big deal.”

  “Hawk.” She repeated, grasping his hand. It felt so fucking good. Her cute as fuck face flushed to the crowning of her hair making her eyes appear all the bluer against the heated skin. His thumb, that sly little asshole, rubbed on her palm. “Why didn’t you come by my room?”

  I was there every night while you slept. “You had enough visitors with your family. I saw you were fine and left.” Weeks after the fact.

  “I wish you had.” She smiled dreamily at him. “Big softy. Thanks for checking on me. My cute stalker.” And then without notice she climbed on top of him.

  Instant erection dug into the place between her thighs where she’d split them over his body. Hawk grunted and grabbed hold of her hips while she settled.

  Her face came down, teeth bit his lip.

  “What do you want for breakfast?”

  Gia snickered. “What a leading question. Anyone would think it was deliberate…”

  He caught on fast. “A fuck or toast?”

  “Why can’t I have both?”

  Fuck him, he knew he shouldn’t, knew he should give her body a rest from his dirty fucking need, but he grew stiff and Gia began rocking on him, letting him feel she was wet through her shorts and his brain stopped working.

  “You can have anything you want, little bit.” His hips rose giving her every inch.

  Toasted bread came much later.


  “I didn’t fucking volunteer for this tribute. I need ice, a medic and a loose woman to give me last rites.” - Snake

  It was a fool’s thought to assume all his ticks would disappear into the dust seeing how he felt peace for the first time … ever? Sleeping seven good hours, a new occurrence since he’d been in Gia’s bed. Not to mention the sex.

  The out of this fucking world sex that fed his addiction to her one spoonful at a time.

  All that good from the one amazing woman who was kind as she was beautiful and understanding for all the shit he didn’t say but tried to tell her with actions.

  All that didn’t mean shit when his head was still wired wrong.

  Bouncing on his tiptoes. Sweat dripped into Hawk’s eyes. He swiped it away with the side of his hand, never taking his gaze from the man in front of him.

  “I think you busted out my spleen,” doubled over, Snake huffed and groaned and poked at his ribcage, whining like a little girl. On the outer edges of the raised ring he could see Pretty-boy and Arson working out on the treadmills. Further down, in their basement gym Texas was lifting weights listening to an audiobook through big headphones.

  The groaning in front of him continued. “
Seriously, you, fucking lunatic, I think you dislodged something, I can feel it sloshing from side to side.”

  Both men wore basketball shorts, sneakers, boxing gloves and not much else apart from bruises and workout perspiration.

  Unrepentant. He smirked. “Walk it off. Come on.” Bouncing lightly, he gestured Snake forward. He needed more activity.

  Snake puffed out a laugh and straightened to almost the same height as Hawk. Silver glittered in Snake’s ears, sweat oozing down his face and body, a little bruised now he’d gone a few rounds with Hawk in the sparring ring.

  “Why the fuck did I volunteer for this again? Come to think of it. I didn’t. It should be Prez here. Shit. Take it easy on me, VP, I wanna get laid tonight.”

  “You seeing your kids soon?”

  “Week after next,” Snake grinned rubbing sweat out of his eyes.

  Hawk taunted. “Then don’t worry, Big daddy. You’ll be all put together in time to see your boys.”

  Hawk smirked in answer to the guy’s groan as he rotated a shoulder and began circling Snake who followed his movements with jerky spins. It typically was Rider who sparred with him. But seeing as how Rider hated him right now, they’d avoided each other.

  The hunt. The fight. The kill.

  It all juiced his system. It gave the spark of feeling alive when his blood rushed noisily through his ears pushing out all other sounds.

  He was the exhilarated kind of exhausted bouncing on his toes; physically fine, but mentally…he’d never be normal put it that way. All the club members knew it and knew to keep out of his way if he got in a mood.

  Weird days hit him.

  Like today. A regular fucking Friday and yet it fired his neurons in the wrong directions, ever since his eyes opened this morning, he was itchy and restless and the urge to puke was strong.

  The only thing to make him appear normal was the intense workout he put his body through.

  Exhaust and endure.

  It was a coping mechanism that had semi-worked over the years.

  Twenty-two years ago, Hawk was a lanky kid, all of fifteen. The same night he’d run away from home. More like escaped a mortal Hell.

  The same night he was starving, and the gnaw in his belly had him desperately scouring the back of restaurants and bars for food debris in the dumpsters when a down and out drunk offered him a free meal to suck him off.

  It was the first time Hawk had gotten blood on his hands. He’d morphed into a wild, furious animal in seconds, disgusted with fury. As skinny as he’d been back then, with hardly any muscle on his teenage body, he’d nearly killed that lecherous drunk in a dirty alleyway.

  He ate well that night after he stole the guys wallet.

  Twenty-two years didn’t make the memories swirling sting any less for why he’d run away. He was sure sometimes when he woke up in a cold sweat that he was still there, amid the horror in that house and the bile careening up his windpipe when the realization of his situation became as clear as a nightmare.

  Being an expressionless asshole suited him for thirty-seven years. Knowing it made people uncomfortable because they could never read him right and really who could give a fuck about what others thought, was always Hawk’s thought.

  Only now there was Gia and she was the goddamn sunshine in a blazing heatwave and he found himself wanting to please her with all things, not only physical.

  She made him talk a lot. Words fell off his fucking tongue like a lapdog eager for her approving smile.

  He took Snake for a few more rounds until the Sergeant in Arms tapped out.

  Just as well since his heart stuttered a second later.

  “Don’t you boys look like you’re having fun,” announced the sweetest angelic voice, making Hawk spin around to see Gia in goddamn leggings shaping to her body smiling up at him.

  Holy fuck. The dirty thoughts piled into his brain and dried up his useless tongue.

  “Fun? He near killed me.” Laughed Snake jumping out of the ring to grab a water bottle.

  “That can’t be right, he’s a big ol’ bear.” Her eyes twinkled at him. “You’re not playing nice, Colton?”

  “He asked me to rough him up.”

  Snake guffawed around a mouthful of water. “Tell that to my no longer working lungs.”

  He’d been without her too long and he wanted an up close and personal look at those leggings, so after shucking the cloth wrapped around his hands, he beckoned her near and he leaned over the top rope, clutched her under the armpits and lifted her over, making her squeal.

  Without taking his gaze from Gia’s beaming face when she situated herself almost within touching distance of his chest, he reached out and offered a fist for Snake to bump. “Thanks for the spar, Snake.” Then he made himself disappear.

  “Capone not around today?”

  “No,” sharp, dark eyes narrowed on her. “Why?”

  “Because he and I are having a wild, passionate affair, of course.” Teasing. She was teasing him. Hawk called off his dogs.

  A finger stole over his chest, drawing patterns. “You’re all sweaty.”

  “I’ll shower.”

  “Wait.” She commanded, grabbing the towel from the corner she began brushing it over his arms, chest and neck.

  Fuck. His cock woke up real quick and if not for the audience who were trying not to eyeball them and made a piss poor job of it, he would have groaned for her to reach into his shorts and stroke one off for him.

  Even a dirty bastard in love was still a dirty bastard. Nothing much changed there.

  “I didn’t say I didn’t like you sweaty,” she whispered blushing. “Now, the reason I came.” she told him. “Do you own a drill?”

  Hawk’s brow winged up. “Is this some sexual shit like your stashed supply of vibrators?”

  “It’s four, oh my god.” she poked his hard belly, he caught that hand and held on.

  “I need some shelves putting up in my office and Ambrosio is avoiding me.”

  Hawn grunted. He expected Rider to be shit around him, they’d barely said ten words to each other all week, but he wouldn’t stand for his prez treating Gia less than a fucking goddess.

  “Let me grab a shower and I’ll go over there with you.”

  “You don’t have to work?”

  “It’ll keep.”

  Before he helped her down out of the ring he kissed her only once on the lips when she lifted her face and closed her eyes.

  The sheer enormity of not throwing her down and mounting her from behind became a real struggle. But as he showered off his two hours of sweat and let the hot water drop over his aching muscles, he realized his gut had unclenched and he was looking forward to doing whatever drilling Gia needed.

  Some nightmares were overcome with a smile.

  Fuck him, he was getting flowery in his old age.


  It wasn’t an altogether lie getting Hawk out of the MC today and over to her office. She did want shelves placing on the wall and a few other DIY jobs she knew if she attempted them the whole building would need remodelling within a week. She had a magic touch with animals and baked good and she had an ear for everyone but put power tools anywhere near Gia and things spontaneously broke all on their own. Her dad still talked about the great flood of 2014 when her laundry room became a makeshift pool house for a few hours one summer.

  Her real reason though, was to get him alone because though he hadn’t said a word about it when he’d left her place, she could tell something was bubbling under his surface, he’d been distance more than usual when they’d made dinner together and he hadn’t commentated at all with the tv show she’d chosen for them.

  She was worried but his affection in the gym calmed her somewhat.

  Now she just wanted to be alone with him.


  His Gia was a sneaky, little girl. Using a fabricated hoax that she needed a handyman when all the time she’d watched him drill holes in the walls and hang shelves she’d reall
y wanted to get into his fucking pants.

  I want to feel you in my mouth, Colton.

  Hawk withheld his filthy smirk.

  She could have just asked him to unzip, he’d be more than happy to let her do whatever she wanted to him.

  Only now, she was nervously twitching her skinny fingers watching him unbuckle his belt, turning pink while she licked her full lips.

  “Anxious?” He locked his body over hers in a lithe movement of muscle, bringing them face to face. “I’ve remembered everything about this mouth, it’s tortured me. The curves and lines when you’re joyful or sad, muddled, nervous, happy. There’s a scar on your top lip I can only see when I’m close enough. I know each mood by a slight tilt to your mouth. I could identify your tongue in a line-up because you lick the corner of your lip when you concentrate. Do you think that I think this mouth can do any wrong? Do you think I haven’t imagined it in every dirty and good way possible already? On my mouth, or wrapped around my fingers, or sucking my unworthy dick?”

  She hummed a musical note, pushing him back so his ass hit the edge of her desk and leaning forward she captured what she’d asked for with her open, pink lips.

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  It was game over from that moment.

  He was a useless bag of shit the second she sucked his dick into her mouth.

  No good to anyone while she licked him up and down and hummed like a fucking angel as she went.

  Oh, fuck.

  Oh, shitting god.

  “Gia.” Nothing else came to mind, it was empty space to rent in there.

  Fucking tumbleweed blew through.

  If she sucks me any harder, I’m gonna fucking die.

  Oh, Christ, suck, little bit, that’s it.

  She’s killing me.

  It’s too good.

  Killing. Me.

  Bracing his hands before he dug them into her hair, he didn’t want to hurt her by slamming into her throat. But, fuck, the want of it was a scream through his stomach.

  He’d never let anyone near his cock this way.


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