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Husky & Hot

Page 14

by Mary E Thompson

  “Please,” I moaned.

  “Please, what, Carrie? I want to hear the words come out of your lips.”

  “Please taste me, Drew, please,” I begged.

  I’d barely finished the words when his mouth was on me. A rough gasp spilled from me as my hips smashed into his face. He moaned his approval and lapped at me, like a thirsty dog at a trough of water.

  My body spiraled higher and higher with Drew pulling my puppet strings. I’d never let another man send me this far out of control, but with Drew it felt like the most natural thing in the world. As my head fogged up and my brain clouded over I knew I was close, but not quite there.

  Drew’s fingers dove into me, deep and demanding. He knew I needed it and he was right there to give me everything I needed, everything I wanted. He curled his fingers and sucked hard on me and I came crashing down. My hips bucked against him, demanding more for the last few seconds when I could ask for anything and he would do it.

  When the clouds lifted I heard Drew whispering to me, “Beautiful, so fucking beautiful.” He was still positioned between my legs with his lips against me and his fingers inside me. Every time he moved I jumped, my overly sensitive flesh still throbbing and ready, but I knew I was done. Any more like that and I’d never come back from it.

  But when Drew kissed me again, my body jumped up and down like it’d just won first place and the prize was Drew supplied orgasms. It took mere seconds for Drew to put me back in the tailspin I’d just come out of, not long enough to me to voice my concerns or protest the pleasure.

  And pleasure there was.

  More than I’d ever felt before. Pleasure rocked through me like it defined me. I couldn’t feel my toes or my fingers, my legs or my arms, my body or even my head anymore. All I could feel was pleasure. Pleasure that made me feel like I could do anything. Pleasure that consumed me and birthed me all at the same time. Pleasure that was me.

  I cried out, screaming Drew’s name like a prayer to heaven for sending him down to me. I screamed until my throat was sore and my voice was hoarse. I screamed until I worried my neighbors would start banging on the door - either from the noise or to ask for one of their own.

  When I finally managed to stop screaming my entire body split wide open, a crack that revealed the depths of my pleasure, a place that only Drew was able to find. I trembled and shook, I arched and retreated, I thrashed and flailed, and then I screamed again.

  My orgasm took control of me, making my body no longer my own but instead an extension of Drew and the pleasure he created for me.

  When I came down the second time I was panting and wondered if I’d ever be able to see again. My vision was spotty, at best, and my whole body seemed to be singing. Drew extracted himself from between my legs and left a trail of wet kisses up the rest of my body until he was positioned over me, his boxer briefs long gone.

  “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” he growled before he sealed our lips together. I could taste myself on his lips and his tongue and it made me even hotter. Knowing he’d brought me to a place I’d never been, never even knew existed, made me want to return the favor.

  I tried to maneuver him to his back but he resisted. He finally pulled apart from my kiss and smiled down at me. “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

  “I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel,” I whined.

  He kissed me again without a word and slid into my slick channel. He thrust hard against me, his body tight to mine as he kissed me like he couldn’t get enough. When he pulled back he gently brushed my hair back from my face and kissed the tip of my nose.

  “Do you feel how hard my cock is baby? Can you feel it deep inside you? If you think for one second that every time I’m with you I don’t feel exactly what you just felt then you’re fooling yourself. I’ve never gotten you to let go before, to completely surrender to me, but I surrender to you every single fucking time. I can’t hold back from you. But what you just did, how hard you came… that’s how I always feel with you.”

  “I didn’t know that,” I said, feeling silly not only for asking, but for not realizing how he felt.

  “Don’t feel bad, sweetheart. I don’t want you to ever feel bad about us. I can let my guard down around you and trust that you aren’t going to hurt me. I’ve been there and done that and I learned my lesson. You aren’t that person. Besides, if I didn’t trust you I’d be wearing a condom right now. I told you you’re the only one I’ve ever gone bare inside. Ever, baby. You’re the only one,” he whispered as he started to move within me.

  Drew pulled out until just the tip was still inside then slammed back into me, the entire length of him wrapped cozily within me. He did it again and again until my heart rate picked up and my breathing shortened.

  He was breathing heavily above me, our bodies undulating together in a secret rhythm only we knew. Drew reached down and hooked his arm around my leg, pulling it up with him, higher and higher, until my foot was resting on his shoulder blade.

  With that movement he went in deeper and felt that much better inside me. I moaned and my eyes rolled back, the feeling becoming too much for me to handle.

  “Open your eyes, baby. I want you to see in my eyes what you felt.”

  “I can’t. You… just… feel… so… good,” I muttered.

  “I can’t do this without you, Carrie. Please, honey, look at me,” he begged.

  I forced my eyes open and his lips turned into a brief smile before concentration took over again. With one hand holding up my leg and the other holding up him, Drew needed to focus all his energy on getting us where we were going. I rocked my hips with his, meeting him thrust for thrust, as we both drifted away.

  With his eyes locked on mine Drew ground his teeth together and grunted, “Now, baby. You need to come. Right. Fucking. Now.”

  His words pushed me over the edge, the way they always did. My eyes held his and I saw the relief flash over them as my body gripped him in the most intimate of ways. He was right there with me, filling me with each final thrust.

  Drew collapsed on top of me in a whoosh of relief. My leg fell back to my side and I wrapped my arms around him, knowing, yet again, we’d shared something special, something different. I reveled in the feeling of Drew’s body on top of me, our sweat-slickened bodies as one.

  When our breathing finally slowed, Drew rolled off the bed and grabbed my hands, pulling me up with him. “What are you doing?” I asked with a laugh.

  “We need a shower, baby. Then we’re going to get some sleep because I have every intention of doing that again in a few hours.”


  I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what it was, but something between Drew and I changed that weekend. We spent most of the time in bed, but even when we weren’t in bed Drew was worshipping me. He cooked for me, he cleaned my apartment when I slept in one morning, he even went shopping and stocked up my fridge with things he knew I liked.

  It was like he was making a statement about our relationship without telling anyone we were in one.

  That was the other big thing that changed. I stopped worrying about where we were going and why we were keeping it a secret. I don’t know why, but it felt like I didn’t need to think about it anymore. Drew was showing me he was committed to us, and it finally didn’t matter if anyone else knew.

  Drew and Xander hit a snag with the Stapleton project just a few days in. John Stapleton, the former mayor of Winterville, had just purchased a 1930’s home. Since his wife was good friends with Xander’s mom, XD got the contract, but they were anxious about it. If they could complete the project on time and under budget it would be a huge coup for XD Home Restoration.

  Unfortunately, while demoing the bathroom on the main level, a bathroom that was a full bath instead of the half bath the Stapletons wanted, they found asbestos insulation.

  With their crews out of work for the Stapletons I was scrambling to bump up one of the smaller projects that
they could get done in the same amount of time the abatement team would take to remove the insulation and declare the house safe for further work.

  I wasn’t having much luck.

  We had four projects lined up for after the Stapletons were finished but two of them were scheduled to take five days. We had four days to work with. One of the other two was a three day job, but the owner of the house was on vacation and wouldn’t be back in time for us to do the work. The last one was supposed to be a two week job.

  I called a meeting with Drew and Xander so we could figure out what to do. Xander was out checking with the asbestos abatement crew but was due back any minute. Drew was in his office.

  As soon as Xander walked through the door he motioned for me to follow him. I jumped up with my files in hand and trailed him to the conference room. Drew walked in right behind me looking as disheveled as Xander.

  “Okay, Carrie, what are our options?” Xander said to start the meeting.

  “Unfortunately we don’t have an easy option. The Marshalls are out of town this week so we can’t push their project up. The Harrison project is a two week project so we could do part now and part later if they were open to that, but I’m not sure they will be. Your best bet is either the Frost house or the Ramsey house.”

  Xander ran a hand through his hair and Drew leaned back in his seat. I knew they were both familiar with all the clients we had coming up, but since I’d just looked at the details that morning I felt I was better able to speak to what would work.

  “Here’s what I’m thinking. Both projects are five day projects. With approval from the owner we would get only four days in the house to do each project. I’ve made up a tentative schedule for each project to let you guys see which one would fit better. I’m guessing the Ramsey project would be a little better with the way resources would stack up there. If you look at the timeline for the Ramsey house we’d still give them the five days but would be able to leave a small crew behind for that fifth day to finish up the last of the work. We don’t need that portion of the crew in the Stapleton house until a day later so it should work.”

  Drew and Xander looked over the papers I’d handed them and both were nodding.

  “On the other hand, if you would rather we can try the Frosts. Their schedule will be a little trickier because of the work we’re doing over there, but if we can pull a few late days we might be able to finish up in four days. I’m sure if you tell them you’ll get it done a day early if they approve working an hour or two late each night they’ll be okay with it.”

  Drew watched me with a proud look on his face. He winked at me when Xander was studying the paperwork. When Xander looked up, his grin matched Drew’s.

  “This is perfect, Carrie. Thank you. I think you’re right about the Ramseys. If they can let us in tomorrow then we can get it done without any delays to either project or risking our guys getting into another project. Can you try to call them?”

  “Yes, of course. I’ll call them in just a few minutes and see what they say,” I told them, shuffling my papers together and refusing to look at them.

  “You already called them, didn’t you,” Drew called me out.

  My eyes snapped to his and I saw amusement flash. His mouth quirked into a half-smile as his head cocked to the side.

  “Okay, yes, I already called them. I told them we had a delay on another project and might be looking into moving theirs up to tomorrow.”

  “What did they say?” Xander asked.

  “They were thrilled. A new master suite four weeks earlier than they’d thought? Mrs. Ramsey practically shouted yes.”

  “Why were you afraid to tell us you’d already been in touch with them?”

  I shrugged. “I worried you would think I was making decisions without consulting you guys. After all, this is your company, not mine.”

  “Carrie, we pay you to make these decisions. You not only worked out a schedule that I don’t think either of us would have seen, but you got the client to agree and are going to make a five day project only take four full crew days. It’s perfect,” Xander gushed.

  “Okay, well thanks,” I said, blushing.

  “Next time, just tell us what you’ve come up with and we’ll go along with it. We trust you, right Drew?”

  “Completely,” Drew said, meeting my eyes and reminding me of the words he said to me when we were in bed. I knew he was thinking the same thing when his eyes grew darker.

  “Excellent. Drew, can you call the crew? I’m going to head back over to the Stapletons. The abatement team is in place and I want to make sure no one else gets in there while they’re working.”

  Drew nodded and he and Xander shared a look. I waited as they seemed to have another one of their wordless conversations then Drew nodded, prompting both of them to turn grinning faces on me.

  “Uh, why are you guys looking at me like that?” I asked cautiously.

  “We’ve decided you deserve a promotion. We’d like you to come in at the end of a project and do the staging and decorating. It’s sort of an extension of your current job in that we’ll still want you to do what you’re currently doing, but we wanted to ask you to help this part too. We finally realized we suck at that part of things but you’re great at it. We want you to help out with every project putting the finishing touches on things, both in the initial presentation and int he actual space. If you’re up for it.”

  I was floored. My friends had always told me I had a good eye, but to be recognized for it by my bosses was amazing. The opportunity was huge for me and would be an incredible boost to my resume if I ever left XD.

  A massive grin split my face as I thanked Xander and agreed.

  “Since it’s design work and not office work we’ll pay you a designer rate the days you work at the houses for us. It’ll be a day or two at the end of each project as we’re cleaning everything up and a few days to help with the proposal. All those TV shows you like seem to buy new stuff, but we’re not putting new items into homes. We just want to put the home back to the way the owner had it, at least functionally, but want it to look amazing. Drew and I don’t have that vision, but you do.”

  “Thank you. I’d love to do it, but you don’t have to pay me more-“

  “Yes, Carrie, we do. Listen, we’ve talked about hiring someone to do this work, but having you in house to take care of it… It’s not too much time out of your normal schedule but if it gets to where you can’t keep up we’ll talk about hiring someone to take over some of your other duties. We’ve been talking about this for weeks and feel we’re finally in a position we can do it. It’ll be great for all of us.”

  “Thank you,” I gushed, trying to calm my excitement. “I’m really thrilled about this. I appreciate you guys having so much faith in me.”

  “We do,” Drew answered for them. “You know we do. We wouldn’t have survived without you. We want you in on the town hall project, too. Our proposal needs your touch.”

  I grinned at him and nodded. “I’d love to help.”

  “Great. Okay, guys I hate to do this, but I’ve gotta run. I need to get back to the Stapletons. Carrie, thanks for getting everything set with the Ramseys. Send me an email later with everything to get started tomorrow, please.”

  “Of course,” I said as Xander turned and left.

  When I looked back at Drew he blasted me with the full force of one of his grins. “You should trust yourself more, baby. You were dead on with this one. And you totally deserve this promotion.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered, feeling shy and a little embarrassed.

  “Don’t get all sheepish on me. What Xander said is true. He and I never would have seen the overlap as an option, but you were totally right. The crew that will need to be there to finish is different than the crew that will be starting at the Stapletons. It’s perfect. And as long as you’re not sick of me it’ll give me a chance to see you a little more.”

  I reached out for him and he took my hand and wove our finge
rs together. “I think that’s the best part of this change… boss,” I said with a wink.

  His eyes snapped to mine and saw the challenge mine held. He was up and out of his seat before I could react. Drew stalked toward me and I yelped then ducked out of the conference room.

  I rushed back up front and dropped into my seat, turning toward my computer and pretending it was just an ordinary day even though I could hear his solid, steady footsteps coming toward me.

  Drew spun my chair around and leaned over me, forcing me to tip all the way back to see him. His mouth came down hard over mine and he didn’t waste any time forcing his tongue into my mouth. My hands explored the body I was as familiar with as my own and I tugged his shirt free and ran my fingers over his exposed flesh.

  When I cupped his erection he thrust into my palm, letting me feel how badly he wanted me. An ache settled between my legs and I knew I’d wouldn’t get any more work done.

  He pulled back from me and yanked his belt free then jerked his pants down, letting his beautiful cock out to play. “I’ll show you who’s boss, baby. Get up,” he commanded softly in my ear then nipped the edge.

  I reached for him but he backed out of the way. He grabbed my arm and helped me out of my chair then sat in it. He pressed a button or flipped a lever underneath and the armrests folded out of the way. Then Drew pulled me back toward him.

  I’d never been happier to be in a skirt than when Drew reached underneath and slid his fingers under my panties. They dove deep inside me and my knees went soft. He guided me over him and only removed his fingers when he could insert his cock.

  In one smooth, hard motion Drew filled me to bursting.

  In all the times we’d been together I hadn’t been on top, and definitely never like that. He went deeper into me than usual, if that was possible with his oversized cock. He felt so good I thought I was going to erupt without even moving.

  “Fuck, baby. I love how wet you are.”

  His hands gripped my hips and directed my movements. My feet didn’t reach the floor but I was able to lift a bit and drop back down onto him. His fingers dug into my fleshy sides and I worried I’d end up with bruises, but as good as I felt, it didn’t matter.


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