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Fading to Light (Fading to Light Duet Book 1)

Page 8

by Sarah Cole

  “Caught me, sorry. Exactly how many instruments do you play?” I ask.

  “Well, proficiently? Five if you include the tambourine and triangle. I can play several others, but those are my favorites.” She laughs, and it sends warm tingles straight to my heart. “Really just three. Started playing the piano before I could walk probably. My grandmother was a piano teacher and used to be a concert pianist. My Mom is a music professor, so it was kind of thrust upon me. Then my Dad got me hooked on the guitar in grade school, and I wanted to try drums. I can play them alright, but are the toughest for me. So I gave up on my dream of being a famous drummer in high school.” She laughs a sweet laugh.

  “You play anything?”

  “Actually I play the guitar. My mother made all of us take a music class of some kind, and I chose guitar. My brother convinced me it was the best way to pick up girls. When you are a thirteen-year-old boy, that is pretty much all it took to get me hooked.” I look over my shoulder to see her giving me a pretty smile.

  “What?” I ask her.

  “Somehow I don’t think you needed a guitar to get the girls, Dr. Montgomery.” She smiles walking towards me. I love when she calls me that. It almost sounds naughty coming from her sweet mouth.


  The past week having Andrew back in Chicago has been a blast. He is really the happiest part of my days. I started my job with Harper & Logan, and honestly it has been the most mind numbing experience of my life. I have already been given a small client list. I know the work like the back of my hand, but it does nothing for me. There is zero fulfillment for me.

  When Andrew and I aren’t working, we have been together. His schedule is a bit hectic, but we make it work. He has taken me out on dates, we workout together, have gone shopping together, but the most fun is just the time spent on the couch or in bed laughing. In bed. Andrew still hasn’t let me seal the deal. I know it’s not for lack of want, but he is adamant that he wants me to be sure. Little does he know that I have never been more certain of anything in my life.

  “Charleston! Charlie-bug! Charles!” Laney shouts as though she isn’t in the next room over.

  “Yes, Laney Love?” I call back.

  “So… I was thinking…” When Laney says those words, you should honestly just run in the opposite direction. Those words from her mouth are usually indicative of an impending hangover or jail sentence.

  “Uh oh, that’s never good.” I say turning back to my case write up I was editing on my laptop, pushing my glasses back up my nose.

  “Shut up, asshat. I was thinking that we could go to the battle of the bands tonight at Warehouse. They have open slots and they also have some pretty popular bands playing. Actually, Jameson and the guys are supposed to play a set. I just thought it could be fun. Tessa and a few of the girls from the salon are going.” She said flopping down on the bench at the end of my bed.

  “Well it does sound fun, but Andrew asked me out tonight. He has a shift at the hospital tomorrow and has a few surgeries lined up.” I say.

  “So call him and ask him to come with us. He can invite his friends and we can make it a group thing. You said he likes this kind of music and stuff, right? I haven’t seen you much this week.”

  “Yeah…Ok, well that isn’t a terrible idea. Besides Kate and Alec have been asking me to dinner anyways. This could be fun. Let me see what he says and then we can make reservations somewhere for dinner before. What time does it start?”

  “I think Tessa said that the first band plays at six.” She says, checking her phone.

  As much as I want to spend alone time with Andrew, I know that I still need my friends more than ever since they have done so much for me. I know he said he was running some errands today, so I decide to text him instead, not wanting to interrupt anything.

  Me: hey – do you have a minute?

  Andrew: For you, I have forever.

  My heart flutters in my chest. Gosh, this man is seriously too good to be true.

  Me: I know we had plans tonight, but Laney told me about battle of the bands at Warehouse. Asked if we wanted to join. Thought you could invite Parker and Ethan. Make it a group thing? If you don’t want to its fine.

  Andrew: Babe, we can do w/e you want. Funny thing is, I think Ethan mentioned that anyways. I’ll ask the guys and see. What time does it start?

  Me: 6- We thought about doing an early dinner somewhere beforehand. Ideas?

  Andrew: I have a few. Let me make a few calls. Give me an hour and I can come over. We can leave from your place.

  Me: ok, sounds good. See you then xo

  Andrew: xoxo

  “What’s the dill, pickle?” Laney asks poking her head back into my doorway a few minutes later.

  “You’re such a dork.” I laugh, throwing a pen at her.

  “It’s why you love me.”

  “True.” I say. “He’s in. He thinks Ethan may have already been planning on going to that. I’ll just check with my sister to see what she and Alec want to do, but I’m sure they will be for it. He was going to call and make some dinner reservations for all of us.” I say closing my laptop and getting up from my desk.

  “He’s a keeper Charlie.”

  “Yeah.” I sigh.

  “What? Why do you have that look on your face? You seem perfect together.”

  “He is perfect but it’s almost like he’s too perfect for me. I’m just waiting for the bottom to fall out, you know? You know when you read one of those steamy romance books and they talk about that instant attraction and that magnetism? Well, I always thought that was just good writing. Well, what Andrew and I have is like that, but I can’t help but to feel like it’s just the newness and eventually it will wear off and he will start treating me like Tyler always did. I was just there, but I wasn’t important.”

  “Andrew is nothing like Tyler, Charlie. Tyler was a fucking douche. He never paid for anything even though he was a junior partner at a law firm. He never did anything you wanted, he didn’t like the same kind of music or share hobbies. He didn’t even like sports, unless golf counts. Not to mention his bedroom had a revolving door.” She said giving me a pointed glare.

  I feel my mouth go dry. “How did you find that out?”

  “Oh please. We all knew, Charlie. He would always try to snag a creep peek down waitress’s blouses. He hit on Abby and me like it was his religion. He had a wandering eye for sure. And unfortunately there are too many needy girls out there looking to climb the social ladder that have absolutely no standards and will sleep with a taken man. He treated you like shit, and I swear if you didn’t deliver the verbal beat down yourself, Abby and I would’ve. I think Abby was two point two seconds away from hiring a hit.” She jokes.

  “He was an ass to me, and I know they are nothing alike. I suppose that when you spend a year letting your self-esteem take a hit like that, it’s hard not to second guess yourself.” I confess.

  “Yeah, but you need to remember a few things Charlie. You are extremely successful, beautiful, talented, damn near genius, and as tough as they come. You need to give yourself more credit, and know that you can handle it. Let go a little bit, and let yourself live. It is ok, you will be ok.” Laney says pulling me into her signature death grip hug. I feel like my eyes are going to pop out.

  “Did you know he keeps trying to get in touch? Asking me out to dinner and telling me how sorry he is.” I say, making a fake gagging gesture.

  “Who Tyler?”

  “Yeah. Can you believe that? He barely cared I was there ninety percent of the time, but now he “can’t live without me.”’ I say with air quotes.

  “Have you talked to him?”

  “Hell no. I have seen him around town, but I always avoid him. I just keep deleting his texts and voicemails. I ended up blocking his number.” I say.

  “Good girl.” Laney says patting me on the head like I’m a puppy.

  “I’m gonna go ahead and hop in the shower. Andrew said he was going to be here in an
hour or so. What are you wearing?” I ask.

  “Umm I have an outfit that we photographed last weekend that I haven’t worn out yet. So looks like high waisted trousers, heels and a fitted cropped tank with a jacket. Kinda simple, trendy, but still fun.” She said with a shrug.

  “You should wear those leather pants we got last week with your leather jacket and a black tank. It is supposed to cool off tonight so you shouldn’t suffocate.” We’d been experiencing an Indian summer of sorts, but I know the cold weather is just around the corner.

  “Oh yeah, I forgot about those! Ok, well let me get to it.” I say heading to the bathroom.

  Chapter 7


  Reaching Charlie’s door, I can hear the sounds of music playing, and can’t help but to think her neighbors are either hard of hearing or never home because the girl likes to rock. I knock on the door loud enough so she can hear over the music, and run a hand down my chest smoothing my shirt. I hear the click of heels on hardwood approaching and my heart flutters in my chest. You’d think this feeling would pass, but every time I think about Charlie, see her, smell her, touch her my heart and body ignites. The door opens to Laney, and I can’t help my disappointment. Laney is a beautiful girl, but she’s no Charlie.

  “Jeeze beefcake, didn’t mean to rain on your parade.” Her eyes spark with humor, crinkling at the edges.

  “Hey Laney, good to see you again.” I say laughing. “Sorry, I was expecting Charlie to answer the door.”

  “Clearly.” She replies with mock sarcasm. “She’s in her room getting ready.” She waves me towards her room, turning towards the kitchen.

  I find my way to Charlie’s room where her door is slightly ajar, I can hear her singing but when I crack the door open just a bit more. She stops me in my tracks and all I can do is stare. There’s my girl, rummaging through her closet in tight black leather pants with zippers up the back, swiveling her hips to the provocative metal beat singing along with the female vocalist. I’m instantly granite, and all I can think about is peeling those leather pants off her tight ass. She grabs a black shirt and these badass studded black boots from the closet, and turns. Her eyes go wide with shock behind her thick tortoise famed glasses and she yelps, jumping, causing her to drop her clothes.

  “Fuck, babe! How long have you been standing there?” she asks her voice hoarse. I don’t miss the fact that she called me by a pet name for the first time, and it makes me want to drag her into my arms.

  “Longer than I’d care to admit.” I confess, not wanting to embarrass her.

  “What is this song?” I ask, wanting to add it to my playlist for a possible repeat performance later.

  “Sick Like Me by In this Moment. I love it. All of their stuff is super different, but it keeps it interesting.” She replies pushing her glasses back up her cute little nose and smiles. She looks like a good girl gone oh so bad, and I have to start reciting those medical terms in my head again to keep myself from attacking her. I know I’m just staring at her like an idiot so I move closer so I can take her around the waist and pull her in for a kiss. God, she smells unreal, like citrus and vanilla, she tastes even better like mint and Charlie and all I want to do is drown in her. Sighing into my mouth, her small hands slide up my back and into my hair pulling gently and I growl and pull away because I know if I don’t we aren’t going anywhere tonight.

  “I’m almost done getting ready. I just have to change my top, put in my contacts, and finish up my makeup. Give me five minutes.” She says walking into the bathroom.

  Five minutes? Most of the girls I’ve been with its been five hours and five pounds of makeup later and I’m still sitting there. She is literally what my dreams are made of. I follow her into the bathroom and wrap my arms around her waist while she’s putting her contacts in. She sinks back into me as I brush her hair aside and kiss her shoulder.

  “You’re cute in your glasses.” I say nuzzling into her neck.

  “I’ll never finish if you keep doing that.” she smiles, lifting her hand up to my cheek on her shoulder. I sigh and resign myself to sit on the toilet lid and watch her. I remember sitting in the bathroom as a kid, watching my Mama get ready, and the thought makes me smile. I’m mesmerized watching Charlie swipe mascara over her long dark lashes, and I know I could get used to this, watching her get ready every day. Brushing my teeth beside her, cooking dinners together, sleeping with her in my arms. I fall a little more in love with her every time I see her. Love? Shit. It came out of nowhere, but I know without a single doubt that I am irrevocably in love with Charlotte Lynn Adams. I know I’m coming in fast and strong, but loving Charlie is the easiest thing I’ve done in my life. She is like breathing after being under water.

  “What are you smiling at, handsome?” she asks pulling me from my revelation.

  “Just thinking about you.” I say, looking at the woman I love.


  There is something about the vibration from the speakers pounding through my chest that simultaneously calms and invigorates me. It’s a familiar rush that never fails to consume me no matter how many times it happens. I just close my eyes and feel, and it feels so freaking good. I feel alive and I feel so in my element. It feels like I’m where I should be.

  I feel a warm hand find mine under the table, and feel the warm breath at my ear, and I know. I know this is love. This moment, this feeling- everything. It is love. I love Andrew Montgomery. It might be irrational… scratch that. It is irrational, but it’s a feeling I can’t help. After losing my best friend, my other half, I never thought I would feel complete ever again. Then I met Andrew, and in the blink of an eye, everything changed. My pieces are slowly being bound back together stronger than I was before, and for the first time in a long while I don’t feel like I’m alone in the dark.

  “You do realize you are getting on that stage tonight right?” Laney yells from across the table, her white platinum hair glowing in the flashing stage lights makes her look like an ethereal fairy. An evil fairy.

  “Not alone I’m not.” I shout, shaking my head.

  “Of course not! I told you Jameson and the guys are playing a set, and besides there are open spots for between legit bands where they are letting people jam, so they are extending their set to include covers and new album stuff. Tessa worked it out with Greg, so he moved some of the other bands’ sets around.” She shouts gesturing to the stage.

  Apparently this is what she, Tessa, and Kate were planning over dinner. Well, shit. I’m going to kill Laney without remorse for suggesting this. Then I’m going to take myself out for being so agreeable. I haven’t played in front of a crowd, especially not one of this size since undergrad.

  I look to my sister to see if she had any part in this, but Kate just shakes her head smiling like she has no idea what is going on. I have a feeling she’s a little drunk and indeed has zero idea about what is happening.

  “Who’s Jameson?” Andrew growls in my ear.

  “Well, Laney insists on calling him Jameson, but Jay has been one of my best friends since I was in junior high. We used to have a band called Against Darkness, but then I officially left when I went on to law school. The guys continued playing and started gaining more recognition. I’ve filled in at gigs a few times since then and did some shows, but now they are pretty popular I suppose.”

  “No shit?” he drawls in that sexy Southern accent looking genuinely shocked. “I haven’t heard of them.” He continues.

  “Well that’s most likely because a few years ago we changed the band’s name to Fading to Light.” I smile, knowing as soon as the recognition hits he’s going to be even more stunned.

  “Holy shit, Charlie! That’s insane, they headlined Warped Tour last year. You’re best friends with Jay Collins? What are they doing here tonight?” he asks incredulously, full of questions.

  “I’m honestly not a hundred percent sure because I haven’t talked to Jay since…,” but I can’t finish because Jay was Abby’s on and of
f again boyfriend since high school and we haven’t talked since a few weeks after the funeral; the one I never got to attend because I was in the hospital. He has tried repeatedly, but I’m just not ready to talk about it. I know he needs me too, but it’s hard for me to be strong for him when I’m barely keeping it together myself. I’ve been a terrible friend.

  “Well we haven’t talked for a few months, but I know sometimes they do unannounced smaller shows to promote themselves and use the audience to gauge reaction to new music.” I finish.

  He’s staring at me. Just staring. It’s getting uncomfortable. Then he just starts laughing and pulls me into a hug and says into my ear, “That is so fucking awesome, babe. You amaze me.”

  I’m not really sure what to say, but luckily before I say something stupid the crowd starts going crazy because Jay, Brenden, Chase and Aaron are making their way onto the stage below us.

  “Hey Chicago!” Jay says into the mic flipping his sandy colored hair from his eyes. He looks different to me, after not having seen him for a few months. No longer the scrawny boy I picture in my head, but a taller, leaner version with muscled, tattooed arms and a trendy rock star haircut. The girls apparently have taken notice, and of course go crazy and start screaming his name, shouting their desperate pleas for a second of attention. See he has that allure, you know what I mean, that tatted bad boy. The one that looks like he would steal a car, then play you a love song. Apparently a lot of girls find this attractive, and I will admit he is a good looking guy, but he’s more like my big brother, and I know the real Jay Collins.

  “We’re gonna rock this a little different than we usually do, but we’re gonna have some fucking fun! You see a little bird told me that one of our old band mates is in the crowd tonight, and we’re hoping she’ll come up and tear it up a little for shits and giggles. See she’s a lawyer now, so she’s too good for us.” He laughs. Boos erupt from the crown, and I sink down into my seat mortified. That asshole.


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