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Fading to Light (Fading to Light Duet Book 1)

Page 17

by Sarah Cole

  I feel a little shell-shocked. I mean, I knew most of this stuff, but to hear that he too lost his brother in an accident really settled heavy in my gut.

  “She’s right, you know?” Cami says coming to stand beside me at the counter and bumping me with her shoulder. “My brothers and I were close, but Andrew has always been my go to, my best friend. After everything happened, I seriously felt like I lost both of my brothers. I mean Andrew was physically there, but it was like no one was home. He blamed himself for everything, and still does, probably always will, but since he met you, it’s like there’s a light switch that got flipped back on. I have my brother back. He jokes more, laughs more, and he even started playing music again. We heard him with his guitar in his room last night. Thank you Charlie. I have never seen him so in love. God, the way he looks at you… you seriously light up his whole freaking world.”

  “Don’t cry! Oh my goodness I’m so sorry!” she says hugging me. “I just wanted you to know how much he loves you, and how much you mean to us too.”

  “Oh! I didn’t realize I was even crying!” I say wiping the wet tears off my face, feeling ridiculous. Stupid PMS. “Sorry. I just didn’t realize any of that.”

  Just then, Annie pops back into the room looking as fresh as ever. “Come on my sweet girls! We have some damage to do!”

  We have literally shopped until we dropped. We had to stop for lunch before we passed out. It has been a wonderful day of fun and laughter. I never expected in a million years to get along so well with Andrew’s family. I mean you know all those horror stories where the mother in law is a complete monster dead set on the ruination of the relationship of her son. No? Ok, maybe I just read too much, but seriously, I love these women. Cami reminds me of Abby, and that ease we use to have with each other, but also so much of Andrew. We instantly clicked, and it is like yet, another hole in my heart has been filled; a friend that understands me. I love Laney, and we are as close as friends can be, but she is so busy running her one-woman empire, that it makes it nearly impossible to spend as much quality time together.

  We are just standing up to leave from lunch and continue our assault of Magnificent Mile, when someone runs into me. After righting all my shopping bags, and myself I straighten to see none other than the walking version of a tramp stamp herself, Jenna.

  “Watch where you’re going!” She snaps as she turns around to face me.

  “Oh, how unfortunate. It’s you. Again.” She sneers, staring down her nose at me. Literally, down her nose, because I swear she is wearing six-inch heels.

  “Hello again Jenna. How are you?” I say plastering on a polite smile. Kill ‘em with kindness. I have to repeat my mother’s words of wisdom repeatedly inside my head before I say something I really mean, but shouldn’t say out loud.

  “Like you actually care, skank? But don’t worry you won’t have that smile on your face for too much longer. You are nothing, a nobody. You think you’re such hot shit because you have his attention right now, but I’ve heard how he hops from girl to girl never actually getting serious.” She practically spits in my face and leans in close enough that I can pretty much taste her fruity perfume, and have I take a step back.

  “I doubt you’re that good. Let’s see how long you last before Andrew comes crawling back to me. I obviously have things that you can’t give him.” She says motioning to herself like she’s on the showroom floor of The Price is Right. I have to admit that it hurts a little with the mention of my boyfriend bedding other women, but a smug sense of satisfaction washes over me that she has zero clue Andrew’s Mom and sister are standing right behind me taking all of this in. I just bite my tongue, because if I unleash the fury I won’t stop. Plus, I kind of want to punch her in her fake baked face, but that’s not very polite so I need to take a deep breath here.

  “The only thing you have is a terrible boob job and a bad attitude.” Cami says under her breath, but loud enough so Jenna can hear.

  “Who the eff are you, bitch?”

  Uh oh. All I can think is shit is about to go down for reaaaaal, better take my earrings out. Hold my purse.

  “She’s Andrew’s sister, and my daughter. I don’t think you are in any position to call anyone a bitch, missy. You had better start looking in the mirror if you want to sling some insults because you’re sure as shit not going to insult my girls.” Annie says stepping in front of Cami and myself. Mama bear to the rescue! Jenna’s face pales beneath the eight pounds of bronzer she is wearing.

  “Shit.” Says Jenna, looking like she swallowed a gumball. Yeah… shot yourself in the foot on that one. Didn’t ya?

  “Yeah, shit.” Annie repeats back to her.

  “Let’s get a few things straight right now. One, you do not insult and disrespect my children like that.” She says motioning to both of us. “Hell, you do not disrespect anyone like that. It is completely tactless and proves nothing except for how little you think of yourself, that you have to insult others to feel superior. Secondly, let it be known that Charlie isn’t going anywhere, ever. We love her and so does our son. So any deluded fantasies you have in your cruel little head about dating my son again can just be erased. There is no way in hell you would be welcome anyways. We don’t have room in our lives for hateful people. Remember that, Jenna.” Annie finishes motioning for us to follow her as she leaves like a Southern summer storm.

  I just give Jenna a salute and a smirk as I pass, like a true smartass. I know it isn’t exactly my finest Moment, but damnit at least I didn’t punch her. I can see the tears forming in her eyes, and while I kind of feel bad about how that whole scene played out, Jenna deserved to be knocked down a peg or two. Maybe next time she will think before opening a conversation with an insult. I think a lot of things, but they usually don’t actually come out.

  We hit the sidewalk before Andrew’s Mom says, “More boobs than brains, that one.” Cami and I burst out laughing.

  “Seriously Mom. You schooled her so hard.” Cami says, still trying to control her laughter.

  “Well, no one talks to and about my family like that.” She says with a nod as she heads off down the street. Cami and I just look at each other and laugh again linking arms as we follow along behind her. That woman definitely has sass in spades.

  “Ohhh let’s go in here!” Cami says practically dragging me behind her as she heads into a chic bridal boutique with hot pink neon sale signs in the window.

  “Why do you want to go into a bridal boutique?” I ask skeptically as she closes the door behind us.

  “Yes, dear daughter. Do tell.” Annie says giving her daughter what can only be described as a Mom look. How do they do that?

  “Well one of my sorority sisters is getting married on New Year’s and I need a formal dress for a black tie wedding and it’s always fun just to look, right?”

  I just shrug and start to look around. The store is beautiful, as is its inventory. The floors are a shiny white marble tile that has glittery flecks sprinkled throughout with pale blush pink walls. Lining the walls are sections of beautiful formal gowns and wedding dresses. A very pretty middle-aged woman with fiery red hair comes out to greet us, tray of champagne in hand.

  Handing each of us a flute garnished with a juicy strawberry she smiles, “Hi there! Are you guys looking for anything special today or just want to check out the sales?”

  “We’re just browsing for now. Thank you!” I say, taking everything in.

  “Alright. Well, if you ladies see anything you like and want to try on, just let me know. My name is Marta.” She says.

  “Charlie, if you could have your dream wedding dress what would it be like?” Cami asks after a few minutes of browsing through rack upon rack of gorgeous designer gowns.

  “Umm, honestly I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it.” I lie. Get real. Of course, I’ve thought about it. I have a whole secret Pinterest board devoted to my dream wedding. Duh. Not that I’d ever honestly admit that out loud.

  “Oh co
me on. I’ll tell you mine.” She pleads, making puppy dog eyes. “It would be a trumpet style with a sweetheart neck and lace overlay with a belt. And maybe it would have some light beading on the train for some sparkle.” She gushes as she holds up a charcoal gray floor length gown. I shake my head indicating that it is an ugly no. Annie is just browsing along with us making suggestions for Cami’s formal gown.

  “Ok, well I guess I’ve always wanted a winter or a spring wedding because I want it outside. Everyone has summer weddings and they are just so expected. I’ll just be honest and say that summer weddings are always so hot and I don’t want to sweat like a pig all day and be all slimy while I hug my guests. But anyways, I suppose like you, I’d want a lace dress, long sleeved, probably, with a low cut back. Something simple but with a long train.” I say as I try to picture the dress in my head.

  Marta comes back over to check on us and Cami hands her the few dresses she has selected as have a brief conversation. I return to browsing with Cami, and Annie steps out to take a phone call. Cami declares she’s ready to try on, and Marta escorts us back to the fitting rooms.

  “Charlie, I have you in this room right next door.” Marta says.

  “For?” I ask, confused and Cami giggles.

  “Oh, I pulled some wedding gowns for you.” she states, clearly confused by my own confusion.

  “I’m not getting…”

  “Anything today.” Cami cuts in before I can finish and I just look at her like she’s lost it.

  “We’re still just looking to see what she likes, but she just wanted to try a few things on.” she says nodding as if to say “just go with it.”

  Marta looks at me once more before I nod. Just go with it… ok.

  When I get into the adjacent room, I see that all the dresses are lace and long sleeved just like I’d told Cami.

  I try on the first dress and it’s absolutely terrible. Cami tries to get me to come out of the room, but no. That is not happening. After carefully hanging up the previous dress, I slip into dress number two, but I need help zipping, and I call for help. Cami comes into the room and I hear her say “wow” as she helps zip me up.

  “Charlie, holy crap! This is it!” She squeals as I turn to face the mirror, and in that Moment when I see myself in the dress, I know she is right. This is the dress of my dreams. It is an ivory satin with a deep V in the back. The arms area sheer ivory with hand sewn lace detail and a lace layer over the whole thing. It fits close to the body until the knees where it flares gently into a long train. There’s a satin sash at the waist that is beaded with rhinestones and crystals, and ties into a large bow at the base of the deep V in back, and really just gives it that wow factor. It is everything I could ever want.

  “Wow is right.” I breathe, tears threatening to leak from my eyes.

  “Let’s go look in the three-way mirror.” She says holding the door as she bends over to pick up the train.

  “Oh honey…” Annie gasps from the bench outside the fitting room doors. “That dress is breathtaking on you! It was made for you.” she says.

  “I love it.” I say. “It really is everything I pictured in my head… and more. At least now, I know that I do actually like this style. Maybe someday…” I say turning to the side.

  Marta comes in and shows me what it would look like with a bustle and eventually helps me out of the dress. It’s so pretty. I wonder what my wedding day will look like. When I was younger I would always try to picture what my groom would look like, and now all I can see is Andrew’s face and it gives me some serious butterflies. I know that I want to marry him someday.

  Cami ends up purchasing a gorgeous, nude colored gown, and as she’s finishing up, Annie and I head outside to wait and discuss dinner plans. I realize I haven’t checked my phone all day so I pull it out to see texts from Andrew.

  Andrew: I’m sorry I ran out so quickly this morning. I’ll tell you everything when I can baby. I love you, Charlie.

  Andrew: Hope you’re having a good time baby.

  I take a minute to text back.

  Me: Had the best day! I love your Mom and sister! Sorry I missed your texts. I love you, too. See you at home. Your Mom is making spaghetti! ☺


  Thinking about it, I realize it was a dick move running out this morning like I did with hardly any explanation, but I had to get out of there. I either clam up, get mad or break down. All of those things I wasn’t ready for Charlie to see, and she didn’t deserve to have her day ruined before it even began. I could see in her eyes that she was already having a rough morning; probably another nightmare and there was no need to add another layer to that hurt. I texted an apology as soon as I got to the hospital to give her as much reassurance as I could without going into detail. She deserves to know everything about my past, but from my mouth and no one else’s. It fucking tears me up inside to think about the fact that once I tell her, she may never look at me the same way. I know I want this woman in my life for as long as I’m breathing, and I will fight until the end if I have to… for her, for us.

  After I finish assigning out some post op assessments, I pull out my phone to see a text message from my mother… or rather another one of her novels.

  Mom: I had the pleasure of meeting your friend Jenna. She’s a real piece of work, but Charlie is a class act. I have no idea what you saw in that bimbo. Honestly kiddo, she’s not a nice person… at all. Also, your sister has lured our beautiful Charlie into a bridal boutique and is tricking her into trying on wedding dresses. Love you. It’s a beautiful day to save lives ;)

  I roll my eyes at the last part. I thought she’d finally given up the Grey’s Anatomy references, but apparently not. Now honestly what the hell happened today? I hit the calling button on her name, needing to get to the bottom of this.

  “Hello dear.” My mother sing songs after several rings, and I can hear the city sounds in the background.

  “Mother. Care to explain what you’re talking about in your text message?”

  “I’m not going to rehash the whole thing because it wasn’t very pretty,” she sighs, “but we were out to lunch and Jenna ran into Charlie. Then Charlie was nothing but polite while greeting her and asking how she was, when Jenna started with her hateful insults. Your sister may or may not have slung one back, which I normally wouldn’t condone, but this girl was just plain evil about it. Then she proceeded to talk about you, her and other girls, referencing sexual situations, I assume.” I can practically see the disapproval on her face through the phone and I cringe. “After that and her name calling towards Charlie and your sister, I couldn’t sit back anymore, so I gave her an earful. I know I shouldn’t have stooped that low, but honey… she was cutting our girl down something awful and I couldn’t stand it. Besides Charlie looked like she was itching to bitch slap that girl into last week and I didn’t want to add assault charges to our day’s agenda.”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I say disbelievingly.

  “Language!” Mom snaps through the phone.

  “Come on Mom, you put truck drivers to shame most days. Besides you just said bitch slap not thirty seconds ago.”

  “I’m the parent. I can say what I want.” She replies.

  “And, moving on… I don’t have long, but is Charlie ok? She shouldn’t have to deal with that shit. We ran into Jenna towards the beginning of the week at the grocery store, and she wasn’t exactly pleasant. Didn’t expect her to go all Real Housewives on her though.” I scrub my hands down my face and back up through my hair.

  “She’s fine honey. That girl is tough as nails. I don’t know the whole story, but I know like you she has been through a lot and she came out on top. A blonde bimbo isn’t going to put a chink in that armor.”

  “OK, well I’ll be home around seven. Love you.” I say, checking my watch. Only a few more hours.

  “Love you too.” And the call disconnects. Wait a minute! I didn’t get to ask about the dresses. I sound like a freakin’
girl. I swear, but if Cami didn’t keep her big mouth shut about me proposing to Charlie, I was going to lose my shit. I want everything to be perfect when it happens, and Cami is the worst possible person to keep a secret.

  I arrive home to find everything I love waiting for me. My Dad and sister are lounging on the couch watching Sports Center with a drink in hand while my Mom and Charlie are in the kitchen cooking dinner. My Mom is showing Charlie how she makes her famous spaghetti sauce. Charlie looks towards me when she hears the door shut and arrests me with her beautiful smile.

  I don’t care that my family is here. I bee line straight to Charlie and pull her into my arms to kiss her deeply. Her body softens against mine, responding without hesitation. I lose track of time and space while kissing her. The clearing of a throat breaks me from my Charlie induced haze. My sister is standing there holding out a beer with an amused expression painting her face.

  “Nothing says honey I’m home like solid make out session in front of family.” Cami cracks. God she is such a smart ass.

  “Shut up Camille.” I say.

  “Mom.” She whines.

  “Andy, don’t tell your sister to shut up. Hug it out.” My Mom says with a wide smile, and Charlie laughs. I’m fairly certain this exact exchange has taken place at least a million times over the past twenty-five years. I hug my sister and whisper in her ear. “You are in so much shit. One word. Dresses.” She pulls back to give me a wink.

  Later that night, I find myself driving Charlie home since she has an early morning conference call with a tour manager.

  “You should just move in with me.” I blurt out before my mind has a chance to catch up to my mouth.

  Charlie looks at me with surprised eyes and studies me for a moment. “Don’t you think it is a little soon?”

  I just shrug a shoulder. “Maybe for other people it would be, but I know what I want, Charlie. I want you; in my life, in my bed, sharing a life together.” I say reaching for her hand.


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