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A Taste Of Revenge

Page 2

by Andrew Westmont

  That will be fine; I will see you tomorrow she stated before placing the receiver back onto the cradle of the telephone.

  Her mouth was suddenly very dry. Just the thought of seeing her Psychologist always had that affect on her.

  She picked up a glass sitting on a tray on her desk and filled it with water from her sink feeling its coolness on her pallet and throat as she swallowed. Before she could place the glass back onto the tray, Miles knocked on the door and she turned seeing him peeking in the door grinning.

  Time to get started the morning is moving quickly he said.

  The smile left his lips and he stood looking at her in an odd way before going over to her and tipping her face upward to him.

  Relax he said, you are so tense.

  Is there something that I can do to help you?

  No thank you she replied.

  I have just not been sleeping too well but I am fine.

  I am ready to get started she stated sitting down at her dressing table.

  You only have to ask if you need me for anything he further stated. I do not like thinking that you are upset about something and will not let me help you.

  I know that and you are a sweetie for offering but I am sure that everything is going to work out just fine. I am just a bit tired from lack of sleep.

  Miles began the art of his work and he felt her relax somewhat as his deft fingers preformed their magic. He had nice long piano fingers, strong yet very gentle when they touched her face. It took him only a few moments on any woman to transform her. He finished by applying her well shaped lips with a touch of lip-gloss before checking his artistry, turning and hurrying out of the dressing room.

  She looked after him thinking how everyone at the agency loved and respected him. It was rumored that he was gay and involved in a stormy relationship with a jealous lover but no one cared about his personal life nor paid any real attention to the gossip.

  No one judged him and everyone there knew that they could trust him with their deepest darkest secrets. She though, would not talk to anyone about her personal life and the fears that haunted her daily.

  Sighing and wanting the day to begin she sat nervously tapping her nail on the top of her dressing table. When she was working she could shut everything out of her mind that she did not want to remember. The silence was the demon that would cause every unwanted thought to come creeping back into her mind.

  Although at the time she had left L A she had no idea as to where she was going but stopping in Atlanta had so far been a good move for her. She loved her job at Lanie’s Original Fashions; the hours were good as was her upper six-figure income affording her to live very comfortable. The position also permitted her the luxury of owning a wardrobe that she could have only dreamed of having.

  It was here at the agency where she met Siana and from the first lunch that they had shared, they had become good friends. She only regretted that she had to keep secrets from her. The sound of footsteps in the hallway from the other models brought her back to the present and she checked her watch as she left her dressing room to going to the fitting area to prepare for the first showing.

  Good morning, Rose smilingly greeted Babbette as she entered the room. I have everything ready for you.

  Babbette went over to the rack of outfits and began to examine them.

  The first item was a white silk jacket with rhinestone buttons and a matching silk skirt styled for early morning until late evening for any occasion.

  Next was a chic black lace cocktail dress with shoestring straps and a matching stole trimmed with miniature pearls.

  The third item was a lilac tailored jumpsuit with a fully lined three quarter length double- breasted coat and fastened with two silver antique buttons.

  The last would be an elegant gown of diaphanous shimmering gold cascading to the floor from a strapless bodice scattered with iridescent sequins and its dramatic trailing scalloped train.

  Rose sat watching Babbetts expressions and was please to know that she approved of the selection of clothing. She also knew that Babbette was going to be a knockout in this gown and it was certain to be a showstopper with her copper colored skin and black hair.

  Do you think that we should fit you into any of the outfits for any last minute alterations she asked; it is almost time for the show to begin.

  No replied Babbette, I know every one of them will fit just fine. You always do such a magnificent job Rose. We all are so happy to have you here with us because you could be working with the famous movie stars.

  I am happy right where I am she replied. I would not be one to tolerate the narcissism of those phony folk.

  Well let us get you into the first outfit, it is almost time for the show to get started she replied smiling removing the first outfit from the rack.

  Rose smiled to herself secretly knowing that this was the best collection that she had designed and was pleased that she had somehow contributed to the agency’s twenty-two year success.

  Every model was hurrying to complete the last details of the outfits that they would model. The women were stunning and each embodied her own particular sophisticated style.

  Even after years of modeling they too often experienced an element of nervousness that seemed customary at the first showing of the season. However, they also that knew when the music began to play and the show began they would be just fine.



  he clientele consisted of women who no longer held the interest of their husbands, and many were widows who had nothing more to do than to spend their vast fortunes on clothing to prepare for another trip abroad.

  There were also women there purchasing items to simply hang in their closets as an incentive to lose weight in spite of lacking the discipline from dining at five star restaurants resulting in the clothing being eventually given to a favorite charity .

  Most of the men that fervently attended the first opening came to purchase surprise gifts for their wives to ease their consciences over their recent indiscretion and others came to impress their latest conquest.

  The entire event was tailored for the wealthy with their tables set with hors d’oeuvres and chilled bottles of champagne.

  The models varied in size in stature, appearance and ages’ creating an element for the events success. The agency wanted every woman to feel that she would be attractive in the garments that would be modeled.

  The polished chattering women sat at their well- placed tables sipping champagne and eating of the dainties as they anxiously and impatiently waited for the program to start. This showing would begin the new season and everyone was anxious to see what the new styles and colors would be.

  As the photographers and the news media began to take their places around the catwalk a hush fell over the audience and all eyes watched as the Master of Ceremonies took his place at the podium. He greeted everyone as the music began softly playing and after a couple of well received jokes the first model a stunning red headed very thin woman began her prance down the runway.

  One by one the other beautiful model followed with everyone watching the fabulous clothing in awe.

  Cameras were flashing and pens were waging their war on order-sheets as the patrons marked their selections for purchase.

  Eventually the master of ceremonies announced a brief intermission before the finale of the show.

  After the intermission the clientele had returned to their seats noting that the lighting had been dimmed and an indistinct sound could be heard coming from behind them. Unexpectedly an elaborate gold coach driven by four white festooned horses slowly trotted from the far end of the catwalk stopping at the beginning of the red carpet that now stretched the length of it.

  The coachman stepped purposefully from his seat and strolled to the door of the coach opening it and extend
ing his white gloved hand.

  Then slowly out of the carriage stepped Babbette in all her grandeur creating a spirited applause to erupt from the many excited patrons.

  The coachman majestically escorted her to the edge of the carpet, bowled, and remounted the coach with the horses leaving the rostrum.

  Babbette was more than spectacular in the elegant gown. With each movement, the luminosity of the gown shimmered from the lights creating ripples on the delicate golden material as she promenaded to and fro.

  She appeared to be almost floating as the delicate train on the gown seemed to trail behind her nimble steps.

  Shouts were coming from the audience and the cameras were everywhere flashing incessantly as she tried not to blink from their lights.

  She walked down the catwalk, pivoted, and started back and was in the middle of the catwalk making her final pivot pausing momentarily to give everyone a final viewing of the gown when a prickling sensation began to craw up her spine. Her heart began to race. Instinctively she knew that someone ominous was out there watching her.

  She tried to focus her eyes out into the crowd but the blinding lights from the cameras kept her from identifying any of the faces. She stumbled slightly but immediately regained her composure until she got near the end of the runway and ran fleeing to the safety of her dressing room.

  The patrons could be heard murmuring as she ran to her dressing room locking the door and dropping into her chair holding herself rocking back and forth like a small child. Her heart was now racing faster and she had broken out into a cold sweat, her breathing was labored. Covering her face with her hands she began to whimper.

  This is not happening she whispered aloud, I have to get myself together. My mind is just playing tricks on me she stated aloud trying to reassure herself.

  She tried to stand but found that she was unable to move from her seat, her body felt like lead. She wanted to shut out the entire world. Something deep inside her sensed that this was the beginning of the end for her.

  In her heart she sensed that yesterdays had at last caught up with her and that her worst nightmare was about to begin.

  She had no idea as to how long she had been sitting there when a banging on her dressing room door caused her to let out a small cry.

  Open the damn door she heard Siana yell continuing to bang louder.

  Open the damn door now!

  Babbette still in anguish slowly wrenched herself from her seat managing to go over and open the door.

  Siana bursting inside the room raging.

  Have you lost your mind she demanded?

  What in the world were you thinking of running off not even acknowledging the clientele?

  You did not even have the respect to come back to speak with the press and the photographers.

  You knew that this was a very important show, being the first of the season.

  Hell, Babbette, you really blew it this time.

  Dam it, why won’t you answer me?

  What is the matter with you?

  You are beginning to worry me like maybe you are having a nervous breakdown.

  I mean it Babbette you are going to have to get yourself some professional help.

  Just get out of here and leave me the hell alone screamed Babbette tears streaming down her cheeks.

  What I do is none of your business.

  No one can help me.

  Siana went over to her friend and embraced her.

  I’m sorry she said. I am your friend.

  Why will you not talk to me and tell me what is going on with you she pleaded?

  How many times do I have to repeat myself snapped Babbette with a faraway strange look in her eyes.

  No one can help me so just shut up and get out of here.

  The two women stood glaring at each other for what seemed minutes when Siana stated that she was not going anywhere until this mess was resolved.

  Anyway, you have caused me to miss lunch so you owe me she also stated trying to change the mood in the room.

  Babbette began to cry aloud her body shaking violently. Siana observed her momentarily before embracing her and letting her cry.

  Everything is going to be all right she tried soothing her. Just tell me what it is and we can make it right together.

  Just please do not cry.

  Siana continued to console her friend until the tears had subsided and then Babbette tried it apologize.

  You do not owe me an apology stated her friend. It just breaks my heart seeing you this way.

  Just let me help you.

  Come freshen your face and you will feel much better she then said coaxing her to the sink.

  Babbette splashed her face with cool water and was dabbing it dry as Angela handed her a glass of cold water.

  She drank thirstily an after placing the glass on the tray she took Siana’s hand in hers looking her deep in her eyes.

  Siana could see that her eyes continued to be filled with signs of unspent tears as she promised to tell her everything soon. The two embraced and Siana left while Babbette readied herself for the second show.

  She dreaded getting back on the catwalk afraid that she would feel endangered once more but the showing went quickly with no incidence of her feeling threatened.

  Babbette offered apologies to everyone and the patrons left the event satisfied with the program as well as with the selections that they had purchased.

  It was a few minutes past six o’clock when the last showing ended and Babbette and Siana met at the elevator. Siana was happy to see that her friend seemed to be emotionally better and suggested that they stop at Bernie’s a local Italian restaurant before starting their drive home. It had a enjoyable atmosphere where many of the models dined in the evening.

  The parking lot was full and it took several minutes before they were able to find a parking place. Impatient as always Siana used a few choice verbs from her odious vocabulary and only shut up when Babbette looked at her.

  Once inside as usual a crowd was waiting to be seated and the frustrated waiters were running around trying to accommodate the irate customers. They gave the host their name and were told that there would be a fifteen minute wait. Having nothing pressing to do, they decided to go to the bar for a cocktail before dinner.

  Inside the bar, the music was playing mellifluously in the background. Hi said the bartender with a big smile placing napkins on the table in front of them before they had barely seated themselves. I have not seen the two of you around here for a while.

  We have been kind of busy spoke up Babbette quickly not wanting to give Siana a chance to begin a lengthy conversation.

  Are you going to have your usual he then asked?

  No, I will have a grasshopper today replied Babbette.

  I will stick with my usual gin and tonic replied Siana and give me an extra twist of lemon with that.

  Be right back replied the bartender looking about the room as he scurried over to the bar to mix the drinks.

  They sat quietly listening to the buzzing of people talking in the room and soon the drinks arrived cold and frosty along with a dish of peanuts.

  The drinks were expertly mixed and tasted very refreshing with the alcohol creating a warmth that could be felt spreading throughout their bodies as they sipped them. Occasionally one of their acquaintances would wave at them or stop by their table to chat for a moment.

  They were just about to order another round of drinks when they were summoned for a table. They asked that the drinks be put on their tab and followed their hostess to a table with a window view of the ocean. She promptly handed them menus and promised that a waitress would be with them soon.

  Gazing out the window Babbette could see several luxury private yachts and small fishing boats sailing at a lo
w speed on the calm ocean waters.

  A colossal cruise ship was sitting at the dock appearing to be empty of its passengers and along the boardwalk lovers strolled hand in hand oblivious to all that was around them. She smiled as she picked the tourist with their brightly colored packages from the locals as they seemed to be trying to absorb every attraction that the boardwalk provided. Her thoughts were interrupted when the waiter came to the table with pen and pad in hand waiting tolerantly for their order.

  Both women had already decided on the pasta and a fresh garden salad. I will also have another drink stated Babbette as the waiter started walking away. Make that one for me too chimed in Siana.

  Where did he come from Siana asked Babbette crinkling her pointed nose? I do not think he knows what he is doing.

  Looks like one of the college kids that have never had a care in his life until now and have probably never worked so hard in his life remarked Babbette.

  They both laughed.

  I should have been so lucky and been able to go to college said Babbette.

  I do not know replied Siana; I do not think that I could have made it in college. I do not think I was disciplined enough.

  And if you want the truth for me said Babbette, my parents could not afford to think about my going to college she said in an almost whisper. Besides my father had the idea that it was not important for girls to be educated. He believed that women should only get married, stay home, and raise a family.

  My mother only cared about whatever it was that dad wanted and never voiced her opinion or thoughts on any subject so she would not have been any help had I made my wishes known.

  My brother and I were never very important to her; we were probably both accidents as far as she was concerned.

  As soon as I managed to get out of high school, I left home and have never been back since.

  The waiter came with the drinks preventing Babbette from saying anything more and Siana was disappointed by the interruption. This was the first time that she had ever heard her friend say anything about her family.

  Siana kept quiet hoping that the conversation would continue so she dared not ask any questions because she did not want the ambiance to change.


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