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Eros Rising

Page 9

by Ally Blue

  Scott turned with a smile, pulling Keegan into his arms and kissing him. “Hi, gorgeous.”

  “Mmmm.” Keegan nipped lightly at Scott’s upper lip, one hand slipping between his legs to cup his half-hard cock. “Enjoy the show?”

  “Always.” Scott ran a hand through Keegan’s hair. “You’re definitely the sexiest stripper I’ve been in bed with lately.”

  Keegan laughed, then sobered so quickly Scott blinked in surprise. “Keegan? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Keegan said, his expression screaming the exact opposite. “I just…I need to tell you something and I want to do it right now.”

  “What is it?” Scott laid a hand on Keegan’s cheek. “You can tell me anything. There’s no need to be afraid.”

  “I’m not.” Keegan flushed and gave a sheepish grin. “Okay, so I am. But not because it’s anything bad, just because it’s something I’ve never said before. Well, except to Earl and that’s different. And Tony.” Keegan shuddered. “That was really different. But this time it’s real, you know, and it feels like it’s gonna last, and, and I…I just…”

  Keegan trailed off, tongue toying with his lip ring, but by then Scott had figured it out for himself. He cupped Keegan’s face in his hands and pressed a tender kiss to his lips. “Are you trying to say you love me?”

  Keegan’s relief was palpable. “Yes. I love you.”

  Scott smiled. “I know.”

  Keegan’s eyes glinted with a mixture of eagerness and fear, but his smile was bright enough to light the whole city. He opened his mouth as if to say something, then closed it again and shook his head. “What do you think of Lupercalia? Great, huh?”

  Scott looked around at the roomful of groups and couples kissing and touching one another. The atmosphere was relaxed and happy. He spotted Logan, Darryl and the sandy-haired stranger heading for one of the dungeons, and he smiled. It made him happy to see Logan had evidently found what he’d been looking for.

  “Looks like everyone’s having fun,” Scott observed.

  “Hey, isn’t that Logan?” Keegan nodded toward the threesome disappearing through the dungeon door. “What’s he doing here?”

  Scott had to laugh at Keegan’s thunderous expression. “Don’t worry. He’s found somebody else, and it looks like they’re happy together.”

  Keegan frowned at the doorway, then turned back to Scott with a smile. “Good. He’s not allowed to fuck with us.”

  “In any sense of the word,” Scott agreed. “But I’m glad he got his happy ending.”

  Keegan pressed himself between Scott’s legs. “I’m more glad that we got ours. I’m so happy, Scott. I’ve never been this happy before.”

  A lump rose in Scott’s throat. He pulled Keegan close and they kissed for a long time.

  “Let’s go somewhere private,” Scott whispered, breaking the kiss. “Before I lose it and fuck you right here in the middle of all these people.”

  Keegan laughed. “Most of this bunch would like that.”

  “Too bad. I’m not sharing you, even if they’re just looking.”

  Keegan’s cheeks went pink. He grinned. “Just a second. I want to—”

  His words were cut off by Earl’s voice rising above the growing din of voices. “Your pardon, gentlemen. I thought I was finished calling names, but it seems I have two more.” Pulling a slip of paper out of the large bowl in his hands, Earl squinted at it. “Oh my. Keegan Rourke, our very own Eros! Come on up here, sweetheart.”

  Oh my God. Shocked to the core, Scott stood frozen while Keegan kissed his chin, slipped out of his embrace and bounded up to the stage. Scott’s chest felt tight, his body numb. I can’t believe Keegan did this.

  Giving Keegan a quick hug, Earl drew another piece of paper from the bowl. “Keegan’s partner for the evening—and, I suspect, for a very long time afterward—is Scott Jasper!”

  For a second, Scott was too stunned to react. Jordan leaned across the bar and gave him a shove. “Get up there, Scott.”

  It was enough to snap Scott out of his paralysis. Feeling a little surreal, Scott made his way through the crowd to the stage, climbed the steps and swept Keegan into his arms. They kissed to a soundtrack of catcalls, whistles and applause. Scott didn’t care about the audience. All that mattered was Keegan’s body pressed to his, Keegan’s hands in his hair as the kiss went deep.

  “Congratulations to all our couples tonight,” Earl said as Scott and Keegan drew apart. “Now go get a room, you two. This is a family establishment.”

  As the roomful of men roared with laughter, Keegan took Scott’s hand and led him off the stage. They set off through the crowd with their arms around each other. On all sides of them, the party was in full force. The room rang with talk and laughter and music.

  Keegan glanced around. “You didn’t mind me setting that up, did you? I figured it would be kind of fun.”

  Scott laughed. “I’ll admit, you scared me for a minute there. But you’re right, it was fun.” Sliding a hand down Keegan’s back, Scott gave his ass a squeeze. “How long can you get away for?”

  “I have a twenty minute break. I don’t think Earl would mind if we take a few extra minutes, though.” Keegan gazed up at him with a strangely shy look. “Maybe next year, I can ask off for part of the night. We could hang out, do some dancing.”

  Next year. The thought made Scott feel warm through and through. He kissed the top of Keegan’s head.

  “Babe, it’s a date.”

  About the Author

  Ally Blue used to be a good girl. Really. Married for twenty years, two lovely children, house, dogs, picket fence, the whole deal. Then one day she discovered slash fan fiction. She wrote her first fan fiction story a couple of months later and has since slid merrily into the abyss. She has had several short stories published in the erotic e-zine Ruthie’s Club, and is a regular contributor to the original slash e-zine Forbidden Fruit.

  To learn more about Ally Blue, please visit Send an email to Ally Blue at or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Ally Blue,

  Look for these titles

  Now Available:

  Willow Bend

  Love’s Evolution

  Oleander House: Book One in the Bay City

  Paranormal Investigation Series

  Coming Soon:

  What Hides Inside: Book Two in the Bay City

  Paranormal Investigation Series


  White knights don’t always come in human form.

  With Love

  © 2007 J.L. Langley

  Available January 16, 2007 from Samhain Publishing

  Part of the Hearts from the Ashes collection

  All Devlin wants to do is find a good new home for his business and his pack. He’s not looking for any complications, but he finds something he never expected—a mate. A mate with a whole lot of energy who attracts trouble like a magnet.

  Laine Campbell never means to get himself into hot water, but everything has a way of getting tangled up between his feet. He needs more than just a mate—he needs a savior.

  When Dev turns up at a pack get-together, Laine finds both. The two werewolves have an instant attraction, but the pack Alpha is determined to keep Laine for himself. Dev soon learns the only way to protect his mate is to fight, not just for the top spot—but for his life.

  Just one small problem. His accident-prone mate is determined to help him…

  Enjoy the following excerpt for With Love:

  It was nice. Dev had such good hands, strong but gentle. Laine’s cock began to swell despite his piss-poor mood.

  Laine had always had a healthy sex drive, but with Dev around? He couldn’t remember ever coming as much as he had in the last twenty-four hours.

  Dev nibbled on Laine’s neck as he worked Laine’s shirt up and off him. Immediately, Dev’s mouth found his nipple rings. The man was obsessed with his
rings. Not that Laine was complaining, of course. He arched his back, pressing his chest into Dev’s face.

  “Mmm.” Dev tugged the ring with his teeth, rolled Laine under him and stood up.

  Laine groaned at the loss. Why was Dev stopping?

  Dev unbuttoned Laine’s pants and pulled them off his hips. He tapped Laine’s hip and dipped his head. “Further up on the bed, Lainey.”

  Excitement raced through Laine. He scooted up into the middle of the bed like he was told. He loved that commanding voice, that tone Dev got when he expected Laine to comply. And comply he did. God, he loved domineering men. As long as they were also compassionate and fair. Someone who wouldn’t take advantage of those weaker…someone like Dev. Dev took charge and made the decisions so Laine didn’t have to. He could relax and concentrate on pleasure and pleasing. Laine loved to please, it’s why he was such a great Omega. Or rather why he would be a great Omega if he had the right Alpha. Ugh, he didn’t even want to think about Alphas…

  “None of that.” Dev shook his head. “You aren’t allowed to think of anything right now. You are only allowed to feel.” Dev crawled on to the bed, grabbed one of Laine’s hands then the other. He positioned them both over Laine’s head, holding them to the mattress.

  Laine shivered, his cock getting even harder.

  Dev chuckled and gently kissed Laine’s lips. Laine tried to deepen the kiss, opening his mouth, even flicking Dev’s lips with the tip of his tongue, but Dev pulled back.

  “You like being held down?” Dev asked.

  Laine nodded and a tiny whimper escaped. His hips pushed up into the air. Oh God, even the air on his prick felt good.

  “You will tell me if you want me to let go.”

  Laine nodded again. “Just touch me.”

  “You really aren’t in a position to be demanding things, Lainey.” Dev winked.

  The man was an evil tease. “Please, Dev?” Laine pleaded, gazing into those deep chocolatey brown eyes. Dev’s face blurred. Laine blinked and Dev was sans color.

  “Fuck, I don’t know what’s sexier, you begging or your eyes shifting.” Dev used the thumb on his free hand to open Laine’s mouth. He dipped forward and ran his tongue over the ends of Laine’s canines.

  Laine whimpered and bucked his hips, his whole body a tingly ball of sensation. He was close to blowing without Dev even touching him. He wanted to kiss Dev, to get in on the action, but he couldn’t. It just felt too good. He closed his eyes, relaxing into Dev’s ministrations, just lying there with his mouth open letting Dev have his way. Oh, it felt so good. Who would ever have thought someone caressing your teeth with their tongue could be such a turn-on? Not that it ever took too much to turn Laine on. His gums tingled. “Uhh…” His balls drew closer to his body and both his top and bottom canines lengthened. Laine gasped, his eyes flew open as Dev leaned back.

  Dev’s eyes were also lupine. He grinned and dipped his head to capture a nipple ring. He sucked and licked at Laine’s nipple while his free hand wrapped around Laine’s throbbing prick. He started tugging, jerking Laine off.

  A mask, imbued with Sint Holo’s mischief and magic,

  brings to life the past–which could destroy the future.

  Cafe Noctem

  © 2007 Willa Okati

  Available January 16, 2007 from Samhain Publishing

  Part of the Hearts from the Ashes collection.

  Sint Holo, the Snake Man of Cherokee legend, is up to his mischievous games again. He lives to cause trouble, and there’s no better time than Valentine’s Day to toy with a few hearts.

  Nicholas and Grey have been lovers for almost a year now, but all is not well in paradise. They have more than a few issues to work out around this time of year, and in their turmoil the Trickster sees his opportunity. Sint Holo has a game in mind for the two of them to play—whether they want to or not.

  Caught up in the magic of Celebration de la Vie, the two lover must outwit the trickster so they can celebrate their life… together.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Cafe Noctem:

  Grey reached for a bottle of lubricant sitting on their bedside table and clicked it open, squeezing a healthy dollop of cherry-scented gel onto his fingers. “Raise your legs,” he instructed. “Rest your feet upon the blanket—good.” He paused, gazing intently at Nicholas. “Do you know how beautiful you are to me?”

  Nicholas let his legs fall apart, baring himself to Grey’s view. He reached down and began to fondle his own cock in silent challenge. “The story,” he demanded softly. “Go on.”

  “You almost make me forget my place.”

  “Then let me remind you.” Nicholas swiped up a drop of pre-come and brought it to his mouth, tasting his own saltiness. “Clever Fox prepared himself for battle, knowing Thorn would be a tricky opponent.”

  Grey swallowed. “Yes…yes. Clever Fox armed himself with bow and arrow, with spear and with knife, with magic prepared for him by the medicine man, and…” Grey’s fingers began to stroke the lubricant into Nicholas’ hole… “Paint. He decorated himself as a warrior, even though he had no claim to that status, because he was going forth to do battle.”

  Nicholas arched underneath the touch, his mouth falling slightly open as Grey’s clever fingers manipulated the hundreds of nerves in his opening. Fingers slid inside him, working him open, making him ready. He would have been able to take Grey if he had simply coated his own cock and slid straight inside, after having made love with this man so many times, but to be treated like a prince from a fairy tale made the encounter take on an entirely different turn. From the look on Grey’s face, heavy-lidded, with lips parted, he was enjoying this as much as Nicholas.

  “Finish the story,” Nicholas prompted as Grey began to scissor his fingers. He writhed on them, unable to help himself. He felt so empty without Grey inside, but soon enough—soon enough. “What did Clever Fox do next?”

  “He went on a long journey, through woods and plains, down valleys and up mountains, across steams and over bridges, until at last he came to the maze of thorns where Blue Sky lay imprisoned, asleep.” Grey reached for the lubricant again, smiling when Nicholas moaned at the loss of the fingers inside him. “He knew then that his journey had only been the beginning. Now he was about to face the real challenge.”

  “And did he?” Nicholas asked breathlessly, watching as Grey applied shimmering slick to the fullness of his cock, the cinnamon-colored skin taking on a deep, rosy shine. “What happened next, Grey?”

  “Part your thighs further for me—yes, just that way.” Grey moved closer, lifting first one and then the other leg over his shoulders. The tip of his cock pressed against Nicholas’ stretched hole, not quite entering, not yet. “Clever Fox tried to cut down the thorns with his ax, but they were too hard.” He pushed slightly. “He tried to part the way with his spear, but the tangle was too thick.” He pushed again. “He even lit an arrow on fire and shot it through the tangle, hoping to burn the branches, but no luck.”

  With a gasp, Grey pushed inside Nicholas. He drew in a ragged, lusty breath as Nicholas did, feeling himself being stuffed to bursting with Grey’s cock. His head spun from the sensation of being fucked and from the story, as if someone were burning mesquite and sage, the scent filling his nose. Reaching up for Grey, he asked, “And what then? Tell me, Grey, what then?”

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  It’s all about the story…









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