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Bastian: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 6

by Lauren Landish

I handed him the bottle of lube and settled in on my elbows, holding my breath as I felt his moist, lubricated finger probe me open. When he was fully inside, my breath came out in a massive rush, and I relaxed into the experience.

  Anal sex with Sebastian was different from what I thought it would be like. He didn’t rush, thank God, and took his time, working from one finger to two to three at just the right pace to stretch me open without boring me. At the same time, his free hand came up to massage me, leaving me almost on the edge of orgasm when he pulled his fingers free to line himself up with my ass. Even after three fingers, he was huge, literally driving the breath out of me as he pushed in. He knew just what to do, pushing in steadily until I could feel him pop in, the relief washing over me almost at the same time the pleasure started again.

  It was there that Sebastian paused, letting me adjust as he squirted a little more lube onto his cock and dribbling it around my ass.

  Once we were both ready, he pushed in further, slowly stroking in and out and pushing deeper with every stroke. By the time he was buried most of the way inside me, I was breathing deeply, moaning from the kinky pleasure of being filled so fully.

  "That's it, big boy," I sighed as he settled against my ass. "Now, fuck me until we both pass out."

  I have to give it to him, he didn't jump right into it, no matter what I said. Instead, he took his time with slow, sensual thrusts that massaged me to the point I wondered if he was trying to turn me into an anal slut, it felt so fucking good. We were both breathing deeply, our bodies in perfect harmony as he picked up the pace, long smooth strokes that filled me up each and every time. I knew some women didn’t like anal sex, and I can understand it with a bad lover, but Sebastian knew exactly what my body needed each instant. His cock felt awesome sliding in and out of me, my breasts brushing against the cover of my bed with every thrust, turning my nipples into another source of amazing pleasure. It wasn't long before I was ready to come again, and I started pushing back into him.

  "Give it to me, Sebastian," I begged, pushing back on him. "I need to come again."

  On command, his hips sped up. Soon he was truly pounding me, his hips slapping sharply against my ass as his cock thrust in and out. I squeezed down on him as tightly as I could, my breath coming in short sharp gasps as he rushed towards his own climax.

  Still, despite what I knew were his best efforts, I came first. An orgasm from anal sex was different for me. It kind of rolled through my body, like a series of convulsing ripples that didn’t really have a center point like a regular orgasm does. My entire body shuddered and tightened, each nerve ending sending pleasure signals to my overloaded brain. It lasted long, longer than any normal orgasm, squeezing down on my ass and my breath until I began to see black spots in my vision.

  I could feel Sebastian stiffen, and I knew he was ready. With one last thrust in, he pulled out just as he exploded onto my ass, breathing like he’d just ran a marathon.

  We did the fastest cleanup in history, eager to plop back into bed. Sagging with the exhaustion of the long day, Sebastian and I spooned together. He wrapped his arm around me tenderly, placing the palm of his hand against the area below my belly button while we caught our breath.

  "Thank you," I said when we could speak again. "You’re an amazing lover."

  "No, thank you," he said, rubbing the area over my womb gently. "A child of our own? Cassie, it's the greatest thing ever."

  "So are you sure about this, Sebastian?" I asked. “Are you sure it’s not just because we’re good in bed together?”

  Sebastian laughed. “You’re right. We are a pretty perfect match, but it’s more than just physical. And thinking back, I think I actually wanted you long before that first night. You told me you wanted me for years — I think I did too. All those times I taunted you, needling you and putting you down, I was trying to . . . hell, I don't know what I was trying to do. Push you away and see if you would step up to my challenge — to see if you were worthy in some fucked up way. I'm just glad we eventually got together."

  "Me too," I said as sleepiness started to overcome me. "Can you stay the night here?"

  "Yeah," Sebastian said. "But let me lock the door and get my alarm set just to be safe. We still need to talk to our parents about this. I think we should be in control of that conversation if we can — not let them find out by catching us.”

  "Me too," I said, and he kissed me on the neck, a chuckle on his breath. "Good night, Cassie. Mother to my child and someday my wife."

  It was those last words that chased me into sleep, leaving a happy smile on my face.

  Chapter 8

  In the two weeks after telling Sebastian that I was pregnant with his child, life could only be described as amazing. Sebastian went out of his way to show me little kindnesses. It was always small things, like not hogging the shower like he used to, which really shouldn't be an issue living in a mansion, but I just liked that particular bathroom. Or the fact that the soaps were ones I always preferred. At meal times, if there was any dessert to be shared, he made sure I got as much as I wanted, and my clothes were always picked up behind me. Trust me, it wasn't a lot, I mean, we have servants who do a lot of the day to day cleaning and stuff, but I noticed that he was at least attempting to be nice. It meant a lot me.

  The only thing that was missing was coming out to our parents. While Donald, Sebastian's dad, and Amanda, my mom, were an understanding couple, neither of us were sure what would happen if we told them that not only am I pregnant, but I’m carrying Sebastian's baby. This isn’t the sort of thing you discuss over breakfast.

  Thankfully, both Sebastian and I were both pretty well set if our parents did decide to flip out and disown us. My trust fund from my birth father's insurance would mature in four years, and Sebastian would come into his own fund before our child's birth. Also, Sebastian was soon to graduate from University to go to law school, and I was doing pretty well myself. Sure, the baby would slow down my graduation, but I still planned to finish.

  About two weeks after I told Sebastian about the baby, we decided we had to get out of town for a bit. Our entire relationship had been in secret, with most of our couple-time taking place in his bedroom or mine. While our wing of the Witherspoon mansion was relatively private, and our bedrooms joined by a shared bathroom, we still both wanted to be able to express our relationship openly. I was lying in Sebastian's bed after another wonderful round of sex when I brought up the problem to him. "Sebastian?"

  "Hmm? Yes?" Sebastian had gotten out of bed, thinking I was asleep. He had a test in one of his pre-law courses coming up, and was burning a little bit of the midnight oil. "I didn't know you were awake. Do you need anything?"

  I smiled, touched at Sebastian's concern. Last night he left his room to go raid the fridge downstairs, bringing me potato chips at two in the morning just because my body wanted salt. That's the sort of guy he was becoming. "No, I'm more than fine after that, but I wondered, wouldn't you like to get away for a weekend or something?"

  "I would, but with the end of terms coming up, there isn't much of a chance right now. Why, would you like to?"

  "Kind of, yeah " I replied, rolling over and looking at him. He was sitting at his desk, wearing just a pair of basketball shorts, the soft glow of his desk lamp barely allowing me to see him at all. "I mean, we still have to tell our parents, and I'm just not sure how to do it. I was thinking getting out and just getting away for a weekend, we could think more clearly."

  "I know what you mean. I have an idea. There's a law school upstate that I did apply to. While I got my acceptance in the mail for staying local, maybe you and I could take a road trip up there this weekend? It'll be fun, and we can tell our folks that I'm taking you along to see the campus. The school does have a good political science department, so your cover shouldn't be a problem."

  "I'd love that. Are you sure it's okay?"

  Sebastian shrugged and turned back to his studies. "It doesn't really matter. The world will find ou
t soon enough."

  Rolling back over, I went to sleep, secure in Sebastian's confidence in our future.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning at breakfast, Sebastian hatched his plan.

  "So Dad, I know I said I was looking at staying local, but I got an e-mail from Trafalgar upstate, and they had some really interesting things to say. I was thinking of going up there this weekend to check out the campus."

  "That sounds great, son," Donald said around a mouthful of pork and vegetable hash. Yeah, my mom's Paleo kick was still going strong. I didn't mind, I loved meat, and ever since getting pregnant, my body cried out for more meat and fat than ever. "When are you thinking of leaving?"

  "Well, there's an event up there Saturday that I wanted to go to, nothing big. So I was thinking I might leave Friday afternoon. Cassie, would you like to come along? They've got a good political science department."

  "How nice of you to offer," my mother said. "You know, I haven't said anything about it to you, but I think it's great how you two are getting along so well recently. You two used to really go at it. What happened?"

  "I guess I just saw how great of a girl she is," Sebastian replied, slipping me a wink when our parents weren't looking. "That's if she doesn't mind being stuck with me for the weekend??"

  "Oh no, it sounds like fun," I replied, trying not to jump up and down clapping in joy. "What should I pack?"

  "Well, what you normally wear is just fine, but I hear there's a great restaurant up there that I would love to check out. They require at least business level wear, so if you have a favorite dress that you want to bring, we could probably get reservations."

  Did my stepbrother just casually ask me out on a date? It was weird, we'd been lovers for months, and in a de-facto exclusive relationship for just as long, but this was our first real date. It's just something we couldn’t afford to do around here. Our faces were known, and we just didn’t want the risk. I could feel my heart speed up, hammering in my chest.

  "Okay, but no high heels," I said, trying to play it casual. "I'd like to enjoy my dinner, not worry about my ankles."

  "No problem," Sebastian replied, smirking. We both knew I loved wearing high heels, especially when I went dancing. "How about that red dress you have? I think it looks nice on you — goes well with your hair."

  "Careful son," Donald joked. "You let her out in that thing, and you're going to have half the men on campus chasing her by the end of the weekend."

  "Oh, don't worry about it Donald," I replied, taking another bite of my breakfast. My plate was empty, and I was still hungry. "I'm sure Sebastian will protect me from anyone who gets too forward. Is there any food left?"

  After breakfast, I hurried upstairs to get my things for my first class of the day. Sebastian, as was normal with his schedule, had his first class after lunch, so I met him on the stairs to our floor, dressed in his normal workout attire, although he did wear a tank top for the staff's benefit until his workout started.

  "You sure you'll be able to protect me?" I joked, surreptitiously giving his arm a squeeze. "I mean, I wouldn't want anyone to take advantage of me."

  Sebastian's answering growl send shivers down my spine, which he noticed. "You know I wouldn't let anyone touch you."

  "I know," I whispered before hurrying downstairs and heading off to class. All day, Sebastian's throaty growl played in my mind, and by the time my last class was over, I was a dripping mess of arousal. Rushing home, I was so frustrated to find that he wouldn't be home for another three or four hours that I thought of just locking myself in my room and masturbating. The only problem was, Sebastian's such a good lover that masturbation, even with toys and other implements, just didn't do it for me anymore. It would be like offering a starving person a single cracker when they knew a filet mignon was coming later.

  Instead of releasing my tension that way, I turned my attention to exercise. Using an off-campus anonymous clinic, I’d started prenatal visits with a doctor, who said our baby was developing fine. He also said that while I was in fine shape — exercise would actually be good for the baby — something about helping my body adjust to the hormonal surges or something. Either way, I was fully cleared to do pretty much anything I wanted until I was six months pregnant, and even then I could stay reasonably active until the baby was born.

  Changing clothes, I considered wearing a modified version of what Sebastian wore in the gym, with Lycra shorts and a sports bra, but in the end decided to wear running shorts over top. In the gym, I followed my own routine, which was much less strength focused than Sebastian's, but still pretty tough. I love working my legs, especially my butt, and had never gotten any complaints about either. I really pushed myself — I needed to release some tension, after all.

  I was just toweling off the bars when I heard someone behind me. Sebastian was leaning against the door frame, his own bag in his hand, arms crossed over his chest. "Impressive," he said, applauding silently by tapping his free hand on his chest.

  He set his bag down and came closer, until I could feel his presence against me, like some sort of physical force. “Be careful," he admonished me. "There's plenty of time for you to do all that. No point in harming yourself." He looked around, making sure we were alone before leaning in and whispering, "Or our baby."

  “Of course not,” I replied, looking up at him. I could feel my body quivering with him so close, my need to touch him a compulsion. "Take me upstairs, I've wanted you all day."

  Sebastian's eyes darkened, and I could tell he was feeling it too. "Soon. But first, we've got dinner with our parents. Tonight, we can make love, and this weekend, we'll be able to be much more open. I kept imagining you in that red dress all day. I think I may have failed a quiz because of it."

  "I'm sorry," I said, not really sorry at all. Sebastian's grades were so good there was no way a single quiz would threaten his law school slot, especially with Donald's money. He was probably exaggerating anyway. But what woman doesn't enjoy being told she's so sexy that she can distract her man that much?

  Chapter 10

  For me, Friday afternoon couldn't come quickly enough. I know I was a mess in my classes, but thankfully none of them required my participation. As my economics professor droned on and on about Indifference Curves and Microeconomics, I kept thinking of Sebastian and I going out to dinner the next night, and how I would feel knowing I was dressing up just for him. Heading home, I ran upstairs to grab my suitcase, which I had packed the night before. Wheeling the bag toward the front door, I saw my mom sitting in the library reading a book.


  "Hey Mom," I said, setting my bag by the door. "I was just getting ready to head out. Sebastian should be home soon to pick me up, he said he just wanted to roll out, and we'd grab some food on the road."

  Mom laughed and closed her book after marking her place. "In other words, you two wanted to get some junk food instead of the stuff I've been having the staff prepare."

  Mom got up and came over to me, taking my hands. "Cassie, it's okay. You two are young, and a good cheeseburger is a guilty pleasure of mine too. Just don't overdo it, okay?"

  "You know me, mom, I won't," I said, trying not to roll my eyes. "But thanks for the concern."

  Mom pulled me into a hug, and I could feel her tears on my forehead.

  "Thank you, Cassie. I know I haven't always been the best mother, and I'm lucky to have a daughter like you."

  "Mom, you've always been great," I said, pulling back. "Seriously, you always worked your ass off for me, and Donald is great too. I mean, I still miss Dad sometimes, of course, no one can replace him. But if I could've chosen anyone to try to fill his shoes, it would be Donald. You've made a great family for us."

  Mom nodded and wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry, I guess it's just seeing you going off on your own for the weekend, it kind of has me with premature empty nest syndrome. You've become an amazing young woman right before my eyes, and sometimes I don't realize it. Enjoy your weekend honey
, and keep Sebastian out of trouble."

  "I will Mom," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. I could hear the rumble of Sebastian's car outside, and grabbed my suitcase. "Listen, if you want I'll give you a call later?"

  "Oh, go on honey. It'll be fun for me to have Donald all to myself for the weekend. Maybe get up to some things."

  "TMI Mom. Love you."

  Outside, Sebastian was leaning against the passenger door of the family BMW, a silver X6 that wasn’t his normal daily drive.

  "Where's the Benz?" I asked, referring to the blue SLK Roadster that was in his name. "I figured you'd want to take that up there."

  "I thought about it, but it has both leather seats and the sound system isn't as good as the Beamer," he said. "If we're getting food on the road, I want to have good tunes and a better chance at cleaning up if I spill something. Also, this has much better trunk space. We'd have had to pile our suitcases in the back seat of the X6."

  "Okay, fine by me," I said, wheeling my bag around. Sebastian met me, popping the trunk and leaning down to grab my bag. "Stop it, silly," I chuckled, pushing his hands away. "You saw me lift yesterday, you think I can't lift this little bag up into the car because of my condition?"

  Sebastian shook his head and smiled. "Sorry. Overprotective and all, you know."

  "I understand. I worry too, but we'll figure it all out together. Now, what music are we playing?"

  The ride upstate to Trafalgar was amazing. Instead of rushing and taking the interstate, Sebastian used the car's internal navigation system to take country roads — little-used highways that wound their way through hills and around forests. It reminded me of just how much natural beauty there was close to our home. We did stop for lunch at a roadside joint, although instead of burgers and fries, Sebastian chose a barbecue pork restaurant that was most famous for once being showcased by Guy Fieri.


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