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Forbidden Ecstasy

Page 25

by Janelle Taylor

  The moment of decision was upon her. She knew she must either escape this tormenting situation, or she must carry out her dreams of another union with him. Her need for his love was unbearable. Throwing all modesty to the wind, Mary possessively encircled him and began to stroke. The effect of her fondling was instantly noticeable. Overpowering hunger seized her as she moaned with fervent desire and moved his hips beneath her hands.

  He automatically reached up for her naked body and pulled it down to his. His mouth covered hers with heated kisses. He rolled her to her back and pressed her eager frame down into his mattress with the full weight of his body. He entered her without delay and began to grind out his craving. The tension built until he exploded within her. His whole body shuddered with the intensity of their joining, as did hers.

  Mind still hazy, but clear enough to know who lay beneath him, he finally accepted the role which she was insisting upon him. If he couldn’t have Alisha beneath him this way, then he would enjoy the delights of this insatiable girl’s demanding body. And if this was to be the price for her continued silence, then he would comply with her charge.

  Scrutinizing her closer, Powchutu readily admitted to himself Mary was a very pretty female. Most of all, she possessed a sensual, stimulating body and an eager spirit. His body tempted him to take her as his secret mistress while he was here; his mind agreed. From her previous actions, he reasoned she would come to him frequently.

  He flashed her a lazy seductive smile. He felt the shivers which ran over her body as she thrilled to his mood. His dark eyes spoke of his satisfaction and of his rapidly returning hunger. “Mary, never has any woman so pleased me,” he murmured the words he knew she longed to hear. “You love me as no other has. Never have I felt such pleasure. Even now I hunger for you again,” he vowed as he placed her hand upon his swelling manhood.

  “Your body was made for mine. See how they join in such powerful union. I can give your body the affection it deserves, just as you have done for mine.” Most of his claims were accurate, and he spoke them with an honesty and feverish emotion which Mary could not doubt. She smiled up at him as he spoke, snared by his rosy promises.

  He huskily muttered, “We must keep these times between us a secret. I must find work and earn money. I need to send Alisha away from here before we can think of a life together. Guard our secret until that day. Until then, we have each other. Come to me whenever you need me or want me,” he coaxed the love-struck girl, knowing instinctively that she would be willing more times than he would be.

  Under the full potency of his spell, Mary quickly consented to his suggestions. He kissed her inviting mouth, closing his eyes and pretending it was Alisha’s. Nibbling at her lips, he whispered, “This beautiful mouth is mine. And these are mine,” he went on as he playfully nipped at her full breasts, firm with passion. He gently bit their taut nipples, licked their points, then captured one in his moist mouth.

  His skilled hands and mouth began to tantalize Mary’s entire body and dreamy mind. Soon, she was half-mad with flaming desire for him. She silently pleaded with him to take her. Wanting her to be in his complete control and unwilling to pleasure her demanding body this easily or quickly, he mercilessly continued his tormenting, addicting onslaught on her senses. When her supple body and frenzied mind were like putty in his masterful hands, he carried her over the edge of narcotic enslavement to him.

  Totally exhausted and gratified, Mary slept deeply and peacefully within his arms. The effects of the whiskey dulled by sexual activity, Powchutu studied the girl beside him. He knew he had been mentally making love to Alisha, even sadistically punishing her for her rejection of his love. He, too, was gratified by his physical and emotional releases. He closed his eyes and slept for the next few hours, willing his keen mind to awaken in time to send Mary back to her room in order to prevent discovery.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Following that fiery night with Mary, Alisha noticed a subtle change in Powchutu. Although he said nothing, she sensed he was reserved and even distant. She could only assume he was sulking about her dinner with Jeffery. They still talked and laughed, but in a curiously guarded manner. They continued to take most of their meals together and strolled together each night. Yet, her feeling that something had radically changed between them persisted without explanation.

  At first Alisha hoped this coolness would soon wear off—then she promptly altered her thought. She reasoned it might make her unavoidable verdict in Jeffery’s favor easier for Powchutu to abide. She had learned Jeffery was the one who had been sending her the newspapers from back East and was also the one who was paying for her room service of hot tea and scones.

  As the days went by, she became aware of another curious fact: Powchutu was spending a great deal of the day away from Horne House. She speculated he was still searching for work. Perhaps it was this unaccustomed leisure and feeling of helplessness which was making him moody and quiet. Another idea nagged at her own restless mind: why was he spending so much time in his room at night? He no longer lingered over dinner or suggested other diversions for them to share. Almost as soon as their meal and a rushed walk were over, he would practically fly to his room after a brief farewell. He carried on like he had some vital meeting with his own fate. Or was he only trying to avoid her and her company?…

  Alisha struggled to conceal her hurt feelings and her rising doubts. If Powchutu was pulling away from her, then it was for the best. It was impossible for there to ever be anything serious between them. Jeffery’s demand for marriage had ended any such dream he might have had. Yet, Alisha admitted she did not love or desire either of them. She knew she still loved just one man. So, she unwillingly, yet bravely accepted this mysterious, but necessary, alteration in their relationship, feeling somehow betrayed by him.

  As for Mary, Alisha was at a total loss as to why she was suddenly so carefree and happy. Her velvety brown eyes radiated a new inner peace. Her movements bespoke energy and eagerness, feminine gracefulness and confidence. If Mary was not mute, she would no doubt go around humming or singing to herself, Alisha merrily concluded.

  Suddenly Alisha perceived the reason for Mary’s newfound tranquility and bliss: love! Feeling it an invasion of Mary’s privacy, Alisha never questioned her about who the man was or how they had met. Never once did she connect Mary’s new love life with Powchutu’s withdrawal.

  Alisha received a stunning blow on Wednesday when Jeffery asked her to have dinner with him and go for a carriage ride. When she anxiously approached Powchutu with her decision, he smiled sadly and simply nodded his assent.

  After finishing their meal in strained silence, he abruptly grinned and stated softly, “How can I argue with the truth, Alisha? You do what you must. Stop worrying about me so much. In time, things will work out for the best. Just one warning, don’t forget he can be dangerous and persistent. If he lays one hand on you, tell him I’ll kill him,” he vowed in a jesting tone which she found disturbing.

  There was no need to kill Jeffery or to even upbraid him. Now he was on his best behavior. She felt stirrings of guilt because she did have such a wonderful, contented time with him. It was almost like meeting Jeffery for the first time. He used his disarming, dashing image to the hilt. She had to constantly remind herself of his goals and of his past torment. Soon finding this enforced reflection a painful and annoying chore, she allowed her mind to run along its own path at its own pace.

  As for Jeffery, he was confident of his final conquest. The mere thought of controlling Alisha for life and the knowledge of how that total submission would torment Powchutu filled him with extreme joy and serenity. If courting Alisha would somehow affect her coming decision, then he would do whatever was necessary until she was enslaved to him by wedlock. If he could convince her she had nothing to fear from him, she would surely acquiesce to him. If he managed to disarm her to the point of actually falling in love with him, so much the better. What tastier revenge than to watch her squirm with unrequite
d love, with unsated passion, with the physical and emotional punishments which he had in mind for her!

  But Jeffery also recognized two new problems to work on: Celeste and Mary. His plans for Powchutu and Alisha were going too nicely to have a brazen female mess them up for him. Mary had become totally mesmerized by that roguish half-breed. It had been a mistake to encourage her to take up with him. Jeffery had underestimated Powchutu’s charm and sexual hunger. He had mistakenly presumed that Powchutu wouldn’t even glance at another female, much less begin a secret affair with her. Still, he might be able to somehow use this against him. The problem was this love was interfering with Mary’s loyalty to him…

  Mary had suddenly withdrawn from his deceitful attentions and from his service. She was clearly avoiding him. He would need to learn the extent of her relationship with Powchutu. He was not a man who dealt in suppositions. In time he would take care of foolish Mary.

  Celeste…she was a whole different matter from dumb, trusting Mary. She could at least boast of some charm and intelligence—except where he himself was concerned. With him, Celeste was brazenly bold. If she thought for one instant she could blackmail him into taking her back under his protective wing by threatening to go to Alisha and Powchutu with the truth, she was fatally mistaken! The idea of her trying to force him into marriage was too absurd to consider.

  Several plans were beginning to formulate in Jeffery’s satanic mind. He was constantly working on a new plan to be rid of both Celeste and Powchutu in the same swift and deadly blow. He took his time with his plans, for plans were half the fun of any matter.

  After Alisha was his legal wife and under his sole power, he would send Miss Mary O’Hara down the river to Frenchy’s brothel. Soon enough he would be rid of all three and have the fourth in his possession. He chuckled sardonically. Soon, all of his problems would be solved and his high aspirations realized.

  But without warning, Jeffery had to activate his plans, unformed and unsavored though they were. Powchutu paid him an unexpected visit on Thursday morning. The dauntless scout practically forced his way into Jeffery’s wooden house.

  Jeffery’s gaze clashed furiously with the scout’s matching one. “What brings you here on this fine morning, Paul?” he acidly taunted, scornfully speaking the assumed name.

  “It’s time we got a few things settled between us, Gordon. I won’t waste time. Stay away from Alisha. I know you’re up to some trick. I won’t permit you to harass or frighten her again. I refuse to allow you to take her from me!” he angrily exploded, promptly coming to the point of his unanticipated visit.

  “You refuse!” Jeffery sneered skeptically. “What if I also refuse? Just how do you plan to stop me from seeing her if she is so willing to forgive and forget? What about all those secrets I know about you two? How will the townfolk feel about Alisha, the ex-squaw of the infamous Gray Eagle? Or about Paul, alias half-breed scout who travels with a white girl? Or about dumb Mary O’Hara, the cheap slut who sleeps with the half-breed?” he contemptuously jeered.

  The stunned, guilty look upon Powchutu’s face at the mere mention of Mary and their secret affair instantly confirmed Jeffery’s suspicions. Powchutu hastily blanked his eyes and expression, but too late.

  Alerted to the surfaced animosity and growing danger within this man, Powchutu tensed for trouble. He remained silent as Jeffery burst into raucous laughter. He arrogantly seated himself in a plush chair, then leaned back to observe the effect of his words upon the scout marked for death. Just as Powchutu had cruelly played with Gray Eagle, Jeffery wanted to taunt, to humiliate, and to inflict countless painful wounds upon his enemy before killing him. Assuming a confident and fearless air, Powchutu also seated himself and leaned back in his chair.

  “Come now, Powchutu, surely you don’t think Mary is your sole property. She’s been taking care of my men for months. From what they tell me, she’s completely insatiable. They say she’s like a bitch in heat, never gets enough. Didn’t she tell you about the show she put on for me with Tommy Hardy upstairs? Poor Tommy could hardly walk for a week afterwards.”

  “You filthy, lying bastard!” Powchutu shouted at him.

  Jeffery only laughed maliciously. “I know personally she wasn’t a virgin when you had her the first time. Tell me, were you drunk or asleep the first time she took advantage of you? You see, I do know her style. She plays the sweet, innocent female who is overcome with love and desire for you, willing to come to your room day or night.”

  Watching as Powchutu began to unknowingly fidget in his chair, Jeffery knew he was guessing accurately.

  Pressing his advantage, Jeffery said, “If you weren’t so busy next door with Mary, you might have realized your Alisha and I were just as active in the next room.”

  Just as Gray Eagle had let down his guard before falling prey to Powchutu, Powchutu’s hunting sense was now dulled. Stunned by Jeffery’s taunt that he had possessed his own Alisha, Powchutu was struck dumb, as dumb as the young servant girl.

  Incapable of action, two men swiftly entered the room from curtains directly behind Powchutu’s chair. Before the scout’s limbs could react to his mind’s command to tear the life from the sneering lieutenant, Jeffery’s men seized Powchutu’s hands and legs and tied them behind the back of the chair. He was utterly helpless.

  Dismissing the men with a smug smile, Jeffery relished the thought of how he would punish the arrogant half-breed.

  Jeffery pulled a ladder-back chair over to face the enraged scout. He straddled it and sat down. He rested his arms on its high back, slowly sipping his crimson wine. “Now, let’s get back to our Alisha. Might be helpful to her if I knew more about her. I mean, what does she really like in bed from a man? She always does whatever I suggest, but I like to please my women too. She hasn’t denied me anything. Nothing, Scout!” He mirthlessly laughed immensely enjoying his powerful position and his inevitable victory.

  “I’ll kill you, you son-of-a-bitch!” Powchutu swore as he strained against his bonds.

  “Truth is, you’ve never had her; have you? You can’t stand the thought of my having her when you haven’t. Would you like to hear how she likes it best, Scout? Maybe hear how I make her pay for her stinging rejection at Fort Pierre? Bothers you to learn she enjoys my forcing her into my bed, sort of relieves her guilty conscience for her. Would you like me to tell you about the best things she does for me?” he asked.

  That was the undoing of Jeffery’s deception. Powchutu knew she would never sink that low in order to save either of their lives. He determined to expose Jeffery’s trick. “Did you ask her to cut off that Injun tattoo on her right breast?” he sneered. “Knowing how you hate Injuns, no doubt the sign of one upon her body repulses you. Do you take her in the dark to avoid seeing it, or do you plan to cut off her breast to be rid of it?” he challenged.

  Falling for Powchutu’s ruse, Jeffery shot back, “Nope! It kinda gets me more excited to touch it. Just thinking about four or five Injun bucks holding her down while it was put there excites me.”

  Powchutu’s taunting laughter filled the study. His smug look told Jeffery he had been duped. Without warning, Powchutu spit in his flushed face. “You’ll never have Alisha Williams, you lying bastard! She’ll kill you first!”

  Jeffery flinched at his crude insult. He was livid with rage. He jumped up, knocking his chair over. He angrily flung the wine glass across the room, shattering it. He wiped the spittle from his hardened features. He balled his hand into a tight fist and drew it back to deliver a blow into the scout’s treacherous, grinning mouth. Instead, the excruciating blow was forcefully delivered to his male privates.

  Powchutu nearly retched and fainted. He stubbornly controlled his body against its torture. He knew he was going to die very soon, but he fiercely determined to do it with courage and honor. Jeffery laughed maniacally as he inflicted several more blows to that same, sensitive area. Yet, Powchutu never pleaded for his life or cried out from pain. He never called out for help, kn
owing it was impossible to be heard beyond this house.

  As the punishment continued, Jeffery’s chilling laughter increased. He breathlessly sneered. “You’ve had sweet Mary for the last time, and you’ll never have Alisha!” With each time he struck the scout, Jeffery was fighting the fact of his degrading impotency.

  Jeffery lifted a brass candlestick from his desk. He came forward and glared down at the helpless scout. Their eyes met and locked in silent battle. Annoyed by Powchutu’s courageous silence, Jeffery declared, “I’ve waited a long time for this day, Scout. I always keep my promises, and I did warn you long ago you would get what you deserved. Rest assured I will also take similar good care of Mary and Alisha.”

  Powchutu’s obsidian eyes glared at his killer. In the moment before his death he realized: all he had risked for Alisha’s love was for naught.

  Jeffery drew back his arm and forcefully slammed the heavy weapon against the scout’s head. Not satisfied with only one blow, he repeated his action many times, fiendishly relishing the deadly thud of metal against flesh and bone. He then checked Powchutu’s heart to make sure he was dead. Later, he called in his two men.

  “Fetch that blond slut for me while I get out of these bloody clothes. Hide his body first; then clean up this mess. Make sure nobody sees Celeste coming here. After you two have your fill of her, this is what I want you to do with both of them.” He slowly and methodically laid out his diabolic plan for an “accident” that same afternoon.

  “I’ll be playing cards at the Horne House all day in plain view of many witnesses. Later, I’ll have dinner with my future bride. I want the accident fixed and discovered by nightfall. Old Moses will be coming down that road about dusk; let him find their bodies and report it in town. Do everything just like I said; no mistakes, no changes, no witnesses. Until then, do what you will with Celeste. Just make sure she knows I ordered this punishment,” he reminded them.


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