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Building the Nursery

Page 6

by Amy DeMeritt

  “We’ll stop and get some supplies on the way home. It will probably fade in a couple days, but we’ll try to speed it along.”

  After some pleasantries with the men and women we worked with today, and after all of us sign autographs for them, we get back on our bus and the Army gives us an escort home.

  I fall into a seat next to Shannon and lay my head on her chest. She wraps her arms around me and kisses my head. I inhale deeply and release a small sigh.

  “You smell really good, baby.”

  “Thank you. You smell earthy.” I laugh and kiss her neck. “I know. I need a real shower. Did you have fun today? Was the military nice to you while we were in training?”

  “It was a lot of fun. We toured more of the base, we were able to see inside a B-52 plane, and they took us to the Pearl Harbor World War II monument. The monument was my favorite part of the tour. It was beautiful there. Are you hungry? Do you know what you want for lunch?”

  “Either fish tacos or pizza. But can we eat at the house? I just want to lay in your arms on the beach for a while.” Shannon kisses my head and squeezes me tighter. “Ok, sweetie.”

  “Can I take you and our wives on a date tonight?”

  “That would be nice. Where are we going?”

  “I’ve arranged a private candle light dinner on the beach at an upscale restaurant in Honolulu. Then we’re going snorkeling with the giant Manta Rays. They put LED lights in the water to attract them to the surface so we can touch them. Afterwards, I thought we could come home and have smores with the family.”

  “I love you.” I smile and lift my head off of her warm soft chest and give her a kiss. “I love you too, beautiful.”

  Chapter Five

  I fall face forward on the bed between my wives, letting my arms drape across them. Their loving hands rub my back and through my hair.

  “Did you enjoy your run, puppy?” I groan into my pillow and slowly turn my head to face Awenasa. “Yes, but I went too far up the beach and was recognized and had to escape. I tripped over a coconut trying to be stealthy by hiding behind the palm trees, waiting out a group of crazy girls, and scrapped my knee.” My girls laugh a little and Awenasa bends down to kiss my forehead. “Did you clean it yet?” I pout and she giggles again and pats my cheek. “Ok, I’ll clean it, puppy.” I smile and roll over onto my back. “Thanks, baby. How are my wives today?”

  Madison smiles and bends down to kiss my lips and runs the pad of her thumb over my cheekbone.

  “We’re good. We were just talking about what we should do today. You haven’t recorded any of the promotional dance videos you and Jaime need to do for your dance apparel company, so we think we should do that today.”

  “Did you talk to Jaime yet to see if she wants to do that?”

  “Not yet.”

  I pull my phone out and send Jaime a text. Her room is right next door to us, but I’m really comfortable and don’t want to get up yet.

  Me: I need to see you in my bed.

  Jaime: See me in your bed doing what?

  I laugh really hard and my face blushes beet red.

  Me: Ok, I’m removing my foot from my mouth. Can you came visit, please?

  Jaime appears in the doorway a moment later with an adorable grin and walks over to sit on the bed next to me.

  Awenasa has just returned with the medical kit to clean my knee, so Jaime asks, “What happened to your knee?”

  “I just barely escaped a pack of wild animals on my run today. They chased me into some caves, where I fought tooth and nail with a demon like creature. Trust me, he looks much worse.” Everyone laughs and Madison tickles my side. “She could get through an insane military obstacle course, but an innocent coconut sitting on the beach was too much for her to handle.”

  I laugh and grab Madison, pulling her over on top of me. I tickle her sides and playfully bite her neck and shoulder, making her laugh hard and squirm to get away. Jaime tickles my side, making me laugh and I lose my grip on Madison. She sits back up and smacks my bare stomach with a big smile.

  “Ok, fine, I didn’t fight a demon like creature. I tripped over a coconut while trying to hide from a group of squealing little girls that recognized me and started chasing me.”

  “That’s adorable. So, why did you need to see me in your bed?” My wives snicker a little bit and I tickle Madison’s sides again, making her laugh and fall over towards Shannon to get away from me. “My wives want us to work today. They said we’ve had too much vacation time and we need to stop being lazy.”

  My wives scoff and all of them tackle me, tickling my sides and knees. I laugh hard and try to roll away, but I’m pinned down. I’m gasping for air and have tears in my eyes when they finally stop. I look to my left to see Jaime laying on her side with her head resting on her upturned hand and she has a beautiful happy smile making her glow.

  “So, how are your wives putting us to work?”

  “Dancing. Can you imagine? I mean, diamond mining in volcanic tubes makes more sense, but whatever, I guess I’ll trade my pick and hardhat for some W&G dance clothes instead.” All of them laugh a little and Jaime playfully pushes my hip. “You’re silly, today. Where do you want to dance? And don’t you dare say, volcanic tubes.” My girls laugh and I stick my tongue out at Jaime. “I guess around the property. We can do one on the beach. And after we clear all of the evil ankle biting coconuts from the ground, we can do some between the palm trees. Oh, and maybe that big wrap around porch downstairs. Unless you have a better idea.”

  “I do.” She doesn’t elaborate, so I sit up on my side to face her. “Do I get to know this better idea?” She grins as she sits up and climbs off of the bed. “Hey, where are you going?”

  Jaime just giggles, but doesn’t answer me as she walks across the room and walks out. All of us look between each other confused and then jump out of the bed to follow her. We race down the stairs after her and follow her out of the house, through the palm trees, and up a small hill.

  “Oh, wow. When did you find this place?”

  We’re standing at least twenty feet above the ocean, with the waves crashing and sending spray up to our height. There’s palm trees and other beautiful native plants around the area, but there’s plenty of room for us to be able to dance.

  “I found it this morning on my run.”

  “You went running without me?” Jaime laughs and pushes my shoulder. “No, brat, you went running without me. You were already gone when I was leaving.”

  “Oh, sorry. I like this place. It’s gorgeous. We should picnic here.”

  “Yeah, you should.” I pout and Jaime’s smile widens. “You won’t picnic with us? Is it because my wives are making us work today?” She laughs and Madison pushes my shoulder, getting me off balance. “Ok. I’ll picnic with you. Do you want to do the videos first?”


  We go back to the house and I dig through my suitcase looking for the new dance clothes we need to do videos for. Shannon has to use the steamer to get wrinkles out of a couple of items for us. Then we lay everything out on the bed, dividing up the “Wolf” items from the “Goddess” items.

  “Change into the jazz pants and the white tunic. We’ll do the hip-hop piece last.”

  “Ok, boss.”

  Jaime smiles and grabs her clothes off of the bed. Before she walks out of our room, she looks over her shoulder, and says, “Ask Awenasa to braid your hair.” I smile and drop to my knees in front of Awenasa. “Wife, will you braid my hair so I don’t get in trouble with the boss?”

  She laughs and runs her fingers through my hair, before placing both hands on the sides of my face.

  “You’re in a really good mood today. Are you enjoying your vacation, puppy?”

  “Yeah, I am. Even though I have to work for the next three nights, I’m having a really great time with all of you and the family. Are you having fun, baby?”

  “It’s paradise.”

  I smile as I wrap my arms around her waist and l
ay my head on her stomach. She runs her fingers through my hair for a moment and then presses her thumbs into my shoulders, giving me a massage.

  “Oh, baby, that feels good.”

  I turn my head to rest my forehead against her stomach and Awenasa continues to massage my neck and shoulders. I moan and purr against her as her hands make my head go fuzzy as relaxation washes over my brain and into my veins. I lift her shirt and kiss her stomach all over and pull her shorts down a few inches to kiss her lower stomach. I run my fingertips across her lower stomach and grab her hips, just staring at her.

  “After I finish the movie, do you want to make a baby?” Awenasa smiles really big and pulls me up from the floor, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Yes, puppy, I’m ready to start having children.”

  A huge surge of energy rushes through my veins, making me laugh and cry at the same time as I lift her up high in the air and spin her around. I release a loud happy war cry, followed by a wolf howl, and then toss her on the bed, climbing on top of her. She pulls me down into a kiss that makes heat rise up in my chest and steals my air. I pull back slightly dizzy and gasping for air.

  “Oh, wow. Do that again.”

  Awenasa giggles and pulls me back into another kiss. I crumble on top of her and feel like I’m melting into her completely. In a rush of heat, lashing and sucking lips and tongues, we tumble in a twisting flurry of soft skin, gentle caresses, and rocking hips.

  We cum within minutes of each other and then I descend on her body, worshipping every inch of her. I make love to her with an intent to impregnate her, even though I know it’s not possible for me to do so. I worship her and give purpose to my loving touch. I focus my energy strongly on her center, trying to force my entire spirit into her.

  Awenasa is moaning and screaming loudly, probably louder than she’s ever been. Her body is trembling and her back keeps arching and falling. She has ripped the sheets off the bed and has them tightly balled in her fists. As she cums, she releases a throat ripping scream and she’s slightly propelled off of the bed into a sitting position. She spasms, and her thighs clamp down on my head as she puts a shaky hand on my head to push me out from between her thighs.

  I climb up to lay next to her and pull my limp panting wife over onto my chest. I smile really big and kiss her head. I motion for our wives to join us and they climb onto the bed to snuggle up against us.

  “I love you, puppy. That was indescribable. I felt like you were deep inside me, in my veins.”

  “I love you too. I love all of you so much. Thanks for being my wives and making me the happiest person to ever live.”

  They look at me with big affectionate smiles and each of them reaches over and gives me a slow soft kiss, while telling me they love me. Hawaii might be paradise, but it can’t compete with this right here. Being in an embrace with all of my wives, while planning to grow our family, is one of the absolute best feelings.

  “We should go tell the family.” Awenasa lifts her head with a beautiful smile and kisses my lips. “Ok, puppy.”

  My wives sit up and I leap out of bed and spin around with my arms extended while I do a couple leaps and twists, dancing around the room, making my wives laugh. We quickly get dressed, and before we leave the room, I pick up each of them and spin them around, giving them a quick kiss as I set them down.

  I rush next door and tackle Jaime on her bed, where she’s laying with her arms covering her face. She releases a cute surprised yelp and lets her arms fall behind her head. She smiles affectionately up at me and laughs a little.

  “Guess what.” She grins and glances behind me at my wives. “You made your wife lose her voice?”

  I laugh hard and glance over my shoulder at my wives, all of whom are watching me with very loving amused smiles.

  “Awenasa is going to make us a baby after I finish the movie.”

  Jaime smiles and her eyes tear up a little bit. She wraps her arms around me, pulling me in closer. I lay in her neck, and she lays in the crook of mine, inhaling deeply.

  “I’m so happy for you – all of you.” I kiss the side of her neck and she squeezes me closer. “Thank you.”

  I startle a little as I feel weight on the bed and hands on us, but then relax and smile really big. All of my wives have joined us, lying next to us and are draped over us. Jaime smiles and swallows hard, trying to control her emotions as more tears well up in her eyes.

  “Did you tell your families yet?”

  “Not yet. We will”

  Jaime places a hand on my cheek and pulls my face down to hers. She presses her lips to mine, but I quickly pull back.

  “Oh, uh, I was just, you know. You heard my wife singing, right?”

  All of them laugh a little and Jaime’s smile is just so captivating and her gorgeous golden eyes are looking intently into my eyes with her familiar penetrating stare that I love so much. She pulls my face back down and presses her lips to mine again. I really want to kiss her, a real kiss, but Jaime doesn’t attempt it, so I slowly pull back with her. Jaime reaches up and gives each of my wives a soft kiss on the lips and then looks in my eyes again with a gorgeous smile.

  “Do we really have to dance today? I think we should celebrate.” I smile really big and look at my wives. “What do you think, wives?” Awenasa runs her fingers through my hair and caresses my cheek. “You have three videos to do and we only have four days left here. Two of those days are completely filled. It’s up to you, but we should try to get at least one video recorded today and then we can celebrate.”

  “Ok, whatever you say, Wife.”

  Awenasa’s smile widens and she leans over to give me a kiss. She tries to pull away, but I pull her back and fully kiss her, while trying to extend my energy into her. She smiles against my lips and Jaime releases a small sound between a gasp and moan. Jaime presses her hands into my shoulders, making Awenasa and I separate.

  “Kayla, whatever you’re doing, I can feel it. You should climb off of me if you’re going to do that.”

  “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to make this weird for you.”

  “Not weird, just…something else.”

  I smile really big and bend down to firmly press my lips to hers for a moment and bend into her neck, giving her a couple of firm kisses. Jaime inhales and grips my shoulders.

  “Not helping, Kayla. Don’t you want to go share this news with your families now?” I playfully nip her shoulder and she releases a small sound of arousal. “You’re just trying to get rid of us.” Jaime laughs hard and presses her hands to the sides of my face, pulling me off of her neck. “I’ll be coming with you.”

  I laugh little, which makes Jaime blush and she playfully smacks my cheek, while calling me a brat. Her smacking my cheek causes me to release a small involuntary moan.

  “Ok, now you made it weird.” I laugh hard and fall on top of her, laying my head on her shoulder. “I’m really happy right now. We’re going to have a little baby soon.”

  I sit up, straddling her lap and shoot my arms in the air with a happy victory war cry. I laugh and jump out of the bed, pulling on their hands. I run down the hall and down the stairs, with all of them close behind me, laughing at my excitement.

  Mine and Awenasa’s parents are sitting next to each other on a couch in the living room, with Madison’s and Sam’s parents close by. I run into the room and basically tackle my mom and Sequoia. I throw myself so hard into them, that the couch tilts backwards and my dad and Tahoma lean forward to steady out the couch so we don’t fall backwards. They laugh and wrap their arms around me.

  I squeeze them close and pepper their faces with kisses, making them giggle and my mom ruffles my hair before pulling my face around to look at her.

  “Good morning, angel.” I smile and firmly kiss hers and Sequoia’s lips. “We’re having a baby.” Both of them smile really big, and Sequoia asks, “Is that what you were trying to do to my daughter up there?”

  I gasp and my face blushes beet red, making all of them laugh, so
I hide my face in my mom’s shoulder.

  “When are you making us a grandchild?” I lift my head really fast with a big goofy smile. “After I finish the movie. So, probably in June. We have to start researching to find a Cherokee donor and a midwife. Our baby needs moccasins for its little feet and little mittens for its little hands. Oh, we need a crib, and one of those rocking things. Books! We need lots of books of the legends and histories so I can read to her or him. And we need…” Sequoia laughs and places her hands on my shoulders. “Slow down, Mighty Wolf. Breathe.”

  I smile and take a deep breath as I turn around, squeezing between them on the couch. I take their hands in mine and take another deep breath.

  “We’re having a baby.”

  They release another little laugh and both of them kiss my cheeks. My wives and Jaime are standing nearby with the most beautiful affectionate smiles. My excitement propels me forward and I burst off of the couch. I pick them up, one at a time, and spin them around. After I’ve set Sam down and kissed her lips, the entire house has joined us and they look confused.

  “What’s going on?” I leap forward and hug Sara really tight for a moment. “We’re having a baby.”

  I laugh and release a loud war cry before running out of the house. I flip off the porch, spin around, and run for the beach. I do flips, cartwheels, and somersaults, while I run up and down the beach. As I’m spinning around, I spot Awenasa and the rest of the family and dance squad watching me with amused smiles and laughing. I grab Awenasa’s hands and pull her into a dance with me.

  “I love you, puppy.” I lift her up above my head, spinning her around like an angel. “I love you, Wife.”

  Her smile widens and I slide her down my body and wrap my arms around her. I kiss the side of her neck and then guide her into a loving slow dance with spins, lifts, and twists. I dip her and she smiles really big and caresses my cheek.

  “That dance needs to end with a kiss.”


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