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Building the Nursery

Page 13

by Amy DeMeritt

  I come out of the bathroom and find Jaime standing in front of a giant painted mural in progress on the wall. I wrap my arms around her from behind and lay my head on her shoulder to look at it with her. She smiles over her shoulder at me, gives me a soft kiss on my lips, and then places her arms over mine.

  “This is really amazing. There’s so much detail that it looks almost like a photograph.”

  The painting is a very happy and empowering scene of men, women, and children of all different races doing all sorts of different things in their community or different hobbies. I really like it.

  “In my high school, my dance classroom was in the same hall as the art room. Every year, the senior art class was given a section of the wall to paint in that hall. The art class in my senior class made an amazing addition to it. They recreated the Starry Night painting with iconic locations from Delaware.”

  “I’m guessing that first girl you ever fell in love with helped with that?” Jaime squeezes my arms tighter around her and nods once. “She did. Jess was better at sketching, but she was still a good painter.”

  “Do you ever wish things had worked out with her?” Jaime looks over her shoulder with a loving smile and kisses my lips. “I used to, but I haven’t thought about that in years. I was young and just figuring out that I’m gay. It took a while to get over, but when I did, I realized I wasn’t really as in love with her as I thought I was. It was mostly infatuation. Jess was beautiful, talented, and sweet, but I didn’t really know enough about her to justify the level of love I thought I had.”

  “Is there anyone you wish you could have back?”

  Jaime turns in my arms and runs her hand over my cheek and lets it rest on the side of my neck. She presses her lips to mine for several moments, before pulling back with a small smile.

  “No, there’s no one from my past that I want to be with.”

  She smiles in a meaningful way, with her golden eyes glittering and staring in mine in that deep penetrating way that I love so damn much. I feel a tug behind my navel and my heart flutters. I swallow hard and pull her in tightly against me. Her smile widens and she brushes her thumb over my bottom lip. As her thumb reaches the corner of my mouth, I turn my head slightly and kiss her thumb and wrist and arm, on my way to kiss her lips. Jaime releases a small sound against my lips and pulls back in a breathless way, as if I just passionately kissed her. She smiles and pulls my head down to lay on her shoulder, as she wraps her arms around me.

  I don’t want to let her go, but Sara interrupts our moment, letting us know the crew is ready to leave. I relax my arms from around Jaime, take one of her hands, and we follow the squad, our film crew, and bodyguards out of the building. We pile into our large black van and our driver joins the throng of city traffic to bring us to our next location.

  “Today went really well. That was the easiest first session we’ve done.” Everyone agrees with Tonya, and Keira adds, “I recognized one of the volunteer instructor’s name on the wall outside of the classroom. I’ve worked with him a few times and he’s very strict when he teaches. He’s not a jerk, but he expects conversations to be very minimal and should be related to the material being taught, if it’s necessary to speak. Why weren’t any of the instructors here today? We met all of the instructors at the other community centers and they were featured in the show.”

  “The facility director said they will be here tomorrow. A couple of them couldn’t come today and she didn’t want them to be left out or split them up and risk someone not getting their moment on TV after the footage is edited.”

  “Makes sense. I know the ratings and reviews have been good for the show, but is Russel still happy that he backed the show?”

  “Yeah, the show did great. The network wants him to create another competition show, but we’re booked for this fall with the show at the Joyce Theatre and the movie premier. I think he might be looking to set something up for next fall though. Are you two still getting married this fall?”

  Keira and Sara smile and look at each other. Keira gives her a kiss on the lips and leans into her before looking back at me again.

  “We want to try to do it in September. We’re still working out details to determine a date, but that looks like the least busy month with our schedules.”

  “What can we buy for you? How about a house?” They laugh hard and Sara pushes my shoulder. “You’re not buying us a house. We can buy our own house.”

  “Fine, I’ll buy you a whole bunch of miniature ponies. You don’t need them, but they’re just so cute and I doubt anyone else will think to buy them.” They laugh hard again and Keira nods in agreement. “Actually, yeah, I want a miniature pony. That sounds really awesome. It can sit on my lap while I feed it apples.”

  “Oh, man, now I want a miniature pony. I’m going to talk to my wives about buying a pony farm.”

  Everyone laughs at me again, but I’m serious. I want a tiny pony.

  “That’s just your baby clock talking. Once you have that baby, you’re not going to want to have that pony on your lap when you can have your baby on your lap.”

  “True, but just imagine how damn cute it would be if our baby was sleeping on the sleeping tiny pony and then when he or she is old enough, they can ride on it. I think our baby would like a tiny pony.”

  “Well, just remember how sensitive your nose is. Animals are very smelly, no matter how well you clean up after them.” I frown and scrunch my nose. “That’s true. Damn. I definitely wouldn’t want that smell around the house all the time. Maybe we’ll keep the tiny pony on a real horse farm and not at the house. I’ll still buy you a tiny pony if you really want it though.”

  “Ok, we’ll think about it. We still haven’t decided where we’re settling down yet. You know someone will be very jealous if you buy me a mini pony and not him one.” I laugh and nod. “I’ll have to ask my parents if Joey can have one too.”

  Joey is a really good kid and doesn’t nag for stuff or get upset if he’s told, no. He also doesn’t “have” to have something just because someone else has it and he likes it. I think that’s why I love spoiling him so much – he doesn’t expect it and he’s ok if he doesn’t receive “stuff”.

  “What can we buy for the baby? Are you going to register anywhere so people know what you guys want?”

  “Whatever you want to buy is fine. We decided not to register anywhere so people can feel comfortable doing whatever they want to do. We haven’t bought clothes or blankets yet. So, we need those or our baby is always going to be naked.”

  “I know you’re going to have a midwife and do a home birth, but are you going to get an ultrasound done so you know the sex of the baby?”

  “Yeah, we want to know the gender and we want to make sure the baby is healthy and all.”

  “Pardon the interruption, but we’re here.”

  Our security detail flanks our sides and rear as we exit the van and walk down the sidewalk to get to the restaurant we made reservations at for lunch today.

  The restaurant isn’t very fancy, but it was a favorite of the squad’s when they used to live in the city. Before I left home, I sat with Symone and we talked more about the places she would want to visit while she was home if she had been able to come with us. This was one of them. After we’re seated, I pull my phone out and take a picture of the menu to send to Symone.

  Me: What should I eat?

  Symone: You just made me laugh. The old Symone would say, “Me”, but the Symone you’ve come to love would ask you to get the cheesesteak pizza, because it has something both of us love – cheesesteak for me and pizza for you.

  Me: Should I not text you updates about our time here? Will it bring that sexy seductress out of you again? I’m going for the cheesesteak pizza – it sounds amazing. How are you feeling?

  Symone: Baby, don’t you dare tease me like that. You better keep talking to me this week and telling me about your trip. I’m feeling a little better. How did class go today?

e: Of course, I’m going to keep talking to you, but if sending you food porn is too much for your seductress to handle, maybe I shouldn’t tempt her. Class was good.

  Symone: You better send me a picture of that pizza when you get it. I want a full body shot, and a close up of all the delicious bits on top.

  Me: Do you want me to have an appetizer or dessert?

  Symone: I would, but you shouldn’t eat that much when you have that workshop soon.

  Me: Ok. What have you been doing?

  Symone: I went for a walk around the yard with your wives after they made a delicious breakfast. Then I watched them work on new herbal tea blend formulas. I’ve tried about ten different teas today – all of which are amazing.

  Me: Sounds nice.

  “Wow, fuck me to Tuesday. I can’t believe my eyes. Kayla Johann and Jaime Monroe are sitting at my table. Hot damn, the whole crew is here.”

  Our waitress has a giant smile on her face, wide eyes, and her hands on her wide hips. She smacks her gum a couple times while she smiles down at me. She looks like she’s middle age, has short curly burgundy died hair, and a nose ring.

  “What you doing in a place like this, doll? Shouldn’t you be in a tux and dining someplace that costs like a hundred dollars a plate or something?”

  “Uh, I’ve heard the food here is delicious.”

  The woman lets out a loud bellowing laugh that startles me and I lean back some as she takes a step closer to our table with her pad of paper to take our orders, getting too close for comfort.

  “So, what you having?”

  Each of us places orders for waters, iced teas, and our entrees. She jabs her pen down on the pad as she finishes the last order and then looks around the table with a smirk.

  “No real drinks today?”

  “We have work after lunch.”

  The waitress looks at Sara, who looks impatient for her to leave, and she smiles as she nods in an understanding way and starts to turn. Before she walks away, she looks down at me again with a grin.

  “What’s your favorite drink, doll? One drink can’t hurt anything. I’m buying.” I shake my head. “I don’t drink, but thanks.” She raises her eyebrows and her smile widens. “How come? You’re twenty-one, aren’t you? How about a little something in that iced tea?”

  “I ordered water, and no thank you.”

  “What about…”

  Sara stands up and walks over to stand next to the waitress, looking really angry.

  “My sister said she doesn’t want a drink. Crew, let’s go. Cancel our order. We’ll be dining elsewhere.”

  “Is there a problem here?”

  A man in a black polo and khaki pants walks over looking between Sara and our waitress. The woman’s smile has disappeared and she suddenly looks really nervous.

  “There’s no problem.” I stand up and pull my wallet out, tossing a hundred dollars onto the table, even though we haven’t been severed anything. “Unfortunately, our schedule was shuffled and we won’t be able to stay to eat, but thank you for reserving our table. I hope this is enough to cover the inconvenience we caused.”

  “Oh, that’s not necessary, really. If you haven’t eaten anything, we can’t possibly accept that.”

  “You have staff that had to take their time to set up our tables to accommodate us. This is for their time.”

  The woman looks at me with a small regretful smile and glistening eyes.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you. I’m sorry you didn’t get to have your cheesesteak pizza.”

  “Maybe another time. Have a nice day.”

  As soon as we get out of the restaurant, Tonya smacks Sara’s arm and laughs a little.

  “What are we supposed to do for lunch now? Why’d you have to go get all big sister protective in there? It’s not like you haven’t pushed liquor on Kayla before in a moment of excitement. That woman was just excited to have us at her table. You almost got her fired.”

  “I may have overreacted a little bit, but I’m just sick of seeing people mess with my sister. It’s not like we were at home just sitting around and hanging out. We have a job to do after we leave here. None of us should be drinking, especially Kayla. Let’s just go down the street and get cheesesteaks.”

  We pile back into the vans and our drivers park near one of Philly’s best spots for cheesesteaks. While most of us wait in the van, one of our guards, the film crew, Tonya, and Sara go to get the food. While we wait, I send Symone a text to explain what happened so she knows she won’t be getting her food porn.

  Symone: Actually, I’m glad Sara got all momma-bear this time. That woman should know better working in food service – you don’t pressure a customer to drink. What if you were a recovering alcoholic? That was bad judgement on her part.

  Me: Yeah, but I wanted that pizza. What are you having for lunch?

  Symone: I’m watching your wives make buffalo chili. It smells incredible. They say, hi and they love you, by the way.

  Me: Oh, man, I’m so jealous right now. Tell them I say, hello and love them too.

  Symone: And?

  Me: And I love you too.

  Symone: Thank you. I love you too. I want to do the Viennese waltz with you for our show at the Joyce Theatre.

  “Jaime, what’s the Viennese waltz?” Jaime looks up from her phone with a smile and glances at my phone for a moment. “It’s a very seductive and passionate dance. I was surprised we didn’t have to do that one in the competition. Why?”

  “Symone wants to do that dance with me in our show at the Joyce Theatre.”

  “You should. The two of you do seduction really well. You’ll make that dance beautiful and sexy.”

  I smile really big and she laughs a little as she leans into me more.

  “Here, watch.” Jaime moves her phone over for us to watch a video of the Viennese waltz. “Damn, I wish we had been able to do that together on that big stage. That’s a beautiful dance.”

  “We’ll have other opportunities to do that dance. But it could be a very good center piece for the show.”

  “Yeah, it will be. It makes me think of a romantic love affair in Paris or Italy. That would be a good theme for the show. Do you think Symone would like that?” Jaime laughs a little and nudges my arm. “Ask her, silly.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I do, but it’s not my show. Its Symone’s.”

  Me: I’d love to do this dance with you. What do you think of a French or Italian love affair theme for the show?

  Symone: It sounds sexy. I like it a lot.

  Me: Awesome, let’s make it happen, Miss. Producer.

  Symone: Ok, Co-Producer.

  Me: I’m really excited about creating this show.

  Symone: Me too, baby. Thank you so much for making this happen.

  Me: You can count on me for anything.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Baby, wake up.” A hand glides over my cheek and through my hair, as lips gently press against mine. “Kayla, wake up.” I slowly open my eyes and roll onto my back. Madison smiles and runs her hand across my forehead, brushing my hair off of my face. “What time is it?”

  “Early. Come on, get up.” I groan and pull her down on top of me, wrapping my arms around her. “Maddi, I was sleeping so good. What are you doing?” She kisses my lips and closed eyes. “I want to watch the sunrise with you and Sam.” I smile and squeeze her tighter. “Can we ask the sun to wait a couple more hours?” She laughs a little and sucks my bottom lip, making my eyes open and my lips to spread into a grin. “Ok, beautiful. Where’s Sam?”

  “The bathroom and getting a drink.”

  Madison tugs me up from the bed with an adorable happy smile. We walk down the hall and find Sam leaning against the kitchen counter, drinking a glass of water. She takes my other hand, and my wives lead me out to the backyard of my parents’ house and to the shed.

  “How are we going to get up there?”

  Sam looks around the shed with puckered lips and her hands o
n her hips, like she’s trying to solve a difficult problem. I spin the dial of the combination on the shed and pull out a seven-foot ladder. I hold the ladder for them, and then climb up after them. We sit side by side with our arms looped and hands clasped together in their laps, facing east. The sky slowly changes from an ashen gray hue to a light dolphin gray, and then the sun slowly creeps up, turning the sky into a vibrant bonfire. It’s beautiful.

  “How was your visit with your families this week?”

  “Good. Really good, actually. I don’t think I’ve ever had such an enjoyable time alone with my parents.” I smile and kiss Madison’s cheek. “That’s good, baby. Sam?”

  “It was nice, but I’m ready to go home. I love my parents, but I don’t know how I didn’t go insane living with them before college. Its hard spending that much time with them without some buffers with me. Having their full attention is exhausting. It’s like being on a hamster wheel with them continuously asking questions, telling embarrassing stories, and bickering with each other. I practically had to chain up my mom yesterday because she wanted to show up for your last class at the community center and sneak into the back of the class as a joke.”

  “She might have actually been tackled by our bodyguards if she tried that. It’s a good thing she didn’t. That could have been a lot of drama.”

  “I told her that and it only excited her. The idea of some strong younger men tackling her to the ground made her act gross. That of course caused an argument between my parents when my dad got jealous.” I laugh a little and Sam pushes my shoulder. “Sorry, baby, I’m not laughing about the stress and arguments. I can just imagine your mom wearing her bright red lipstick and giving our security team kisses on their cheeks while they try to subdue her.”

  “Yeah, and then she would have attacked you with kisses and you know Russel’s team would probably leave the entire embarrassing scene in the footage to broadcast on TV for the entire nation. God, she is so embarrassing.” I laugh and kiss her cheek. “It’s adorable how embarrassing you think it is for other people to see your mom’s affections, but you’re not shy about anyone seeing yours.”


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