The Glass Tower
Page 31
I am also very lucky to now have a group of keen and generous readers around the world willing to give up their time and expertise in spotting typos, finding errant spaces (sorry there were so many of those) and point out the remaining holes in the plot. It’s a pleasure and a honour to work with you all, and your help is very much appreciated. Thank you to all those named below, and if I’ve missed you out I’m very sorry. Finally my long suffering partner Maria, who gets to live out in real time the drama when I’ve regularly, literally, lost the plot. Thanks Maria.
Advance Readers for The Glass Tower - thank you one and all.
Alison Bryant
Anna Cole
Brian Moffett
Charlotte Swift
Claire Creaser
Cynthia Johnson
Donna Rose
Ellen Fox
Jeff Berg
Jeff Ziegler
Jenny Fisher
Jo Cruden
Jo Harper
Judi Brultz
Julie Steele
Karen Sawyer
Karen Wright
Lesley Downard
Linda Bowers
Linda Karadimitriadis
Linda Mayne
Lisa Tustin
Martin Houle
Michael W
Nancy Nairn
Pat Brooks
Patti Evans
Paul Toal
Penny Hammack
Peter Sprot
Philip Penrose
Rebecca Oberholtzer
Richard Mayes
Sharon Garde
Sian Brewster
Starla Muller
Stephen Wilson
Thom Gordon
Tina Watkins
Tina Hamaker
& Jan, sorry I didn’t get your surname.