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To Win Her Heart (Players)

Page 24

by Mackenzie Crowne

  She held up a hand. “We’ll get to that as soon as Max shows up. I assume he’s out looking for me?”

  Her father winced. “He was on the phone when you rang the bell. He’s on the way.”

  As if on cue, heavy knocking shook the door. Tim sent her a questioning glance. She nodded and braced herself as he opened the door.

  The heat in Max’s eyes scorched her the moment he stepped inside.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” Angry tension and relief battled for supremacy on his ruggedly handsome face.

  She jutted her chin, but before she could come up with a scathing reply, her father stepped forward.

  “Hold on a second—”


  He didn’t heed the warning in her tone, speaking to Max. “She’s quitting the stage.”

  Max’s gaze whipped back to her. The anger in his eyes cooled with his unspoken question. Had she actually come to terms with the source of her unhappiness, or was her sudden decision a knee jerk reaction to all that had happened in the past twelve hours? “Are you sure, baby?”

  She steeled against the heat curling in her belly at his smoky murmur. Beside him, her father arched a brow while Tim smirked and rolled his eyes.

  She shot her cousin a glare before turning back to Max. “Quitting the stage is about the only thing I am sure about this morning.”

  “Jess.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know you’re pissed, but—”

  “You bet your ass I’m pissed. At myself as much as with you.” She shook her head and studied his face. “We make quite a pair, don’t we? You’re so bogged down with ghosts you can’t let yourself be happy, and me….” Her laugh was little more than a harsh cough. “Desperate to win your heart, I couldn’t see your sudden interest was just an act.” Pain flashed in his eyes, and tears threatened in hers. She looked away, meeting her father’s gaze. “I’ll put up with your hired babysitter for now, but only until I can make arrangements for my own security.”

  Heart pounding, she shot Max a challenging stare. Hiring her own security had been his idea, and there was a certain synergy to using his suggestion against him. If what he’d said last night was true, he’d loved her for years, and yet, he’d still planned to walk away once his promise to her father was met. Whether or not his declaration of love meant he’d changed his mind, she didn’t know, but she was through asking.

  The heat of anger in his eyes was a good sign. Clamping down on the surge of hope, she turned to her father. “In the meantime, find out who is behind those letters because after Sunday, I’m done.”

  She spun toward her cousin. “You ready?”

  Tim nodded and moved to the door.

  Max gripped her elbow, stopping her as she stepped past him. “We aren’t finished, Jess.”

  His growled threat delivered a secret thrill. If things worked out like she hoped, they never would be, but until then…

  She dropped her narrowed gaze to his fingers on her arm. Lifting her head, she slid the knife a little deeper. “You were hired for the night shift, remember? If you have something to say, you can say it when Tim drops me off. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a partnership to dissolve.”

  * * * *

  “I don’t believe this.” Eyes blazing with anger, Spence shook his head.

  Jessi turned to Tim. “Would you give us a few minutes?”

  “I’ll be in the control room if you need me.” He nodded, left the studio conference room, and shut the door behind him.

  She turned back to Spence. “I’m sorry. I know this is a surprise. It is for me, too, but it’s the right thing to do.”

  “Jesus, Jessi. After all the work we’ve done to make it, you’re quitting? Just like that?” His face twisted into an angry mask of disbelief. “This is Max’s doing.”

  “No, it’s not.” She heaved a sigh. “This is my decision and it’s long overdue. You said it yourself. Something has been off for months. Years, actually. I simply didn’t want to face it.”

  He shook his head, dismissing her explanation. “I knew it. I knew the day Grayson showed up here something like this would happen.”

  The heated animosity in his tone made her frown. She hadn’t expected Spence to be happy with her decision. In fact, she’d been prepared for an ugly argument, but the target of his anger made no sense. She studied his flushed face. “What’s going on, Spence? This isn’t about me quitting; it’s about Max. Why do you dislike him so much?”

  Tight lines of tension creased his brow as he seemed to sag before her eyes. Shoving his fingers into the front pockets of his jeans, he cleared his throat. “Because I’m jealous.”

  She blinked, confused. “Of Max? We’ve been at the top of the charts the last three years running and one of your tunes just won song of the year. Why would you be jealous?”

  A wry smile tugged at his lips, and he shook his head. The smile slid away almost immediately. “I’m not jealous of his business success. I’m jealous because of the way you look at him.”

  Unease slithered down her spine, but she cast aside the discomfort as ludicrous. She and Spence had worked together since they were little more than kids. They were friends as well as partners. He couldn’t possibly mean that the way it sounded. She cocked her head. “What do you mean? How do I look at him?”

  “Like he can’t do anything wrong in your eyes.”

  She bristled at the claim. Up until last night, that might have been true, but this morning, the rose-colored glasses she’d always viewed Max through had lost some of their tint. She huffed a harsh laugh. “Believe me, Max Grayson has plenty of faults.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  Her unease catapulted straight into full-blown panic as he closed the distance between them and lifted a hand to cup her cheek.

  Oh, shit. “Spence—”

  “Let me say this.” He shook his head and her throat tightened at the wary need in his eyes. He brushed his thumb over her cheek. “Just listen.”

  She fought back a groan. Don’t go there. Oh, God. Please don’t go there.

  His chest shuddered with an indrawn breath. “I’m in love with you.”

  Her lashes fluttered closed and the groan escaped.

  “I can’t help the way I feel, Jessi.” He lifted his other palm to cup her face. “Look at me, please.”

  She did as he asked and nearly wept at the hopeful desperation in his eyes.

  “I’ve loved you for years, but never said anything because I didn’t want to chance what we have together professionally.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit! “Spence, I—”

  “I should have told you. I started to a thousand times, but the moment never seemed right. This thing with you and Max….” He dropped his forehead to hers. “Please tell me I’m not too late.”

  Oh, dear Lord. This could not be happening. Had the entire world gone insane? If the situation weren’t so horrifying, she would laugh hysterically. “Spence—”

  He stopped the denial on her lips by covering her mouth with his. Shocked, she stood frozen within the cage of his arms. A moment passed, then several more as his searching lips moved over hers. When she didn’t respond, he tightened his hold and deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue over the closed seam of her lips.

  Muted laughter from somewhere in the studio jerked her from her shock. She struggled against his hold, pulling back to stare into his earnest blue eyes. The conference door opened, and she shoved at his chest. Stumbling backward, her hand flew to her lips as they both turned toward the door.

  Alicia paused in the opening, the laughter draining from her face along with all hint of color. Beside her, Craig stood perfectly still. His wounded gaze clung to Jessi for a heartbeat before he spun around. He bumped into Tim, mumbled an apology, and fled. Alicia backed out of the doorway. Tim stepped to the side, and she hurried through the control room.

  Her cousin’s eyebrows nearly reached his hairline.
  Jessi ignored him, turned back, and held out a beseeching hand. “Spence, I—”

  Full of frustrated disappointment, Spence’s gaze skittered away. “Don’t. I have my answer.” He snatched up his coat, jammed his arms into the sleeves, and shouldered his way past Tim to stalk from the room.

  Jessi slapped a hand to the top of her head. On legs the consistency of pudding, she stumbled forward and slid into her chair. God, what a mess.

  “So, he finally found the balls to make a move on you.” Tim shut the door, closing them in.

  She dropped her forehead to the table with a groan, then popped back up immediately. “Wait. What?”

  He shook his head. “I didn’t think he had it in him.”

  “Excuse me?” She stared at him, slack jawed.

  Shoulders lifting in a careless shrug, he stepped from the doorway. “You’re always too busy trying to catch your breath when the two of you first walk out on stage, but anyone who’s caught that kiss-on-the-hand opening knows it’s not an act.”

  She snapped her sagging jaw shut. “Well, thanks a lot for telling me so I could avoid this disaster. Damn it, Tim.” Her gaze flew to the closed door. “God, did you see Alicia’s face?”

  “Yeah. Poor kid.” He dropped into the chair across from hers. “Still, she’s hot. She can do a lot better than your uptight partner.”

  Jessi squeezed her eyes shut.

  The chair squeaked as Tim rocked it back on two legs. “So, did he say what he wanted to do about the rest of the tour?”

  She opened her eyes and met his gaze with a bland stare. “We didn’t quite get to that.”

  “You’re going to have to, and the sooner the better.”

  “I know.” A growl rumbled in her throat. “If he’ll even talk to me. In case you didn’t notice, he wasn’t very happy when he left.”

  “Neither was Craig.” A half smile lifted the corner of Tim’s mouth. “Face it, Jess. You’re a heartbreaker.”

  “You’re not helping.” Snatching up her purse, she dug for her pills.

  He chuckled. “I’ll call Spence later. Are you going to tell Max what just happened?”

  Her fingers clenched on the bottle. Oh, God. Things between her and Max were already precarious enough without adding Spence’s declaration of love to the mix. She narrowed her eyes. “I’m not going to say a word about this to him, and if you know what’s good for you, you won’t either.”

  A grin was his only response. It faded quickly. “You gonna forgive him?”

  She struggled to open the bottle cap. “What do you think?”

  He crossed his arms. “I think you’ve loved him for years, but your pride is involved, so you figure on making him squirm for a while before you let him off the hook.”

  She shot him a scowl. Exactly, damn it. Tim knew her well enough to know she sucked at holding a grudge, and despite his betrayal, she loved Max. That wouldn’t change even if things didn’t work out between them. She placed a pill on her tongue and swallowed.

  Tim’s mouth quirked at the corners, and he eased the chair legs back to the floor. “Just keep in mind, Max didn’t do that press conference yesterday for himself. He’s a cage fighter, Jess. His grandmother’s claims would only enhance his image.”

  “You don’t have to tell me I owe him.” She knew better than anyone what he’d given up. If not for her…. Haven Place. Her hand froze in the act of returning the bottle to her purse. His grandmother’s claims. Breathing became difficult as the germ of an idea bloomed in her head. She lifted her gaze and Tim groaned.

  “Oh, shit.” He leaned his elbows on the table. “I know that look. What are you up to, kiddo?”

  Her palms went damp and her heart tripped into an unsteady beat, but she jutted her chin in a determined slant. If she was going to insist Max prove his love, the least she could do was offer him a peace offering once she was done. “What are you doing for the next couple of hours?”

  “I’m not sure. Where are we going?”

  She swallowed her growing nerves. “New Jersey.”

  Chapter 27

  “Are you sure about this?” Tim’s harsh whisper echoed off the imported marble tile. “Blackmail is a federal offense.”

  “I can do this on my own if you’d rather wait in the car.”

  On the ride from Manhattan, Jessi had related the full truth of Elizabeth Krandall’s actions concerning Max’s custody when his mother had died. She’d explained about Max’s stealthy attempts to purchase Haven Place and how yesterday’s press conference had killed any hope he had of ever claiming his mother’s home.

  Anger on Max’s behalf had outweighed her cousin’s concern over the plan she’d laid out, but now that they were here, she prayed he wouldn’t take her up on her offer and leave her alone to face the dragon lady. Her knees shook so badly she’d need Tim to carry her back outside once she was done—if she wasn’t doing a perp walk after Max’s grandmother called her bluff.

  He tugged a handkerchief from the pocket of his suit coat and wiped at the sheen of nervous sweat glistening on his forehead. “I’m not going anywhere. You’re out of your mind, but you’ll need a witness to deny her claims should she try to turn the tables on you later.”

  Jessi rolled her eyes but, in truth, she wasn’t as confident in her plan as she let on. From all Max had told her—and what she’d seen with her own eyes—his grandmother was a formidable woman, not above playing dirty. Still, it was obvious maintaining a good reputation was Elizabeth Krandall’s Achilles’ heel. After ten years on the stage, Jessi was no slouch in the reputation department herself, and she could play dirty as well.

  “Mrs. Krandall will see you now.”

  Jessi jumped as the stern-faced housekeeper who’d admitted them suddenly reappeared. Turning her back on them, the disapproving woman indicated they follow with a curt tip of her head, and led them down a long hall to a closed door. She turned to face them, her lips puckered as if she’d been sucking on something sour. After opening the door, she stepped to the side. The handle clicked in the latch behind them the moment they entered the large, wood paneled office.

  Elizabeth Krandall sat in a luxurious leather chair at an enormous antique desk. Her cold gray gaze dissected Tim before sliding to Jessi for a thorough inspection. She crossed her wrinkled hands on the desk blotter and lifted her chin to look down her nose. “I must say I was surprised by your request to see me.”

  Jessi didn’t wait for an invitation. Especially one that wouldn’t be coming. The quicker she made her play, the quicker they could leave and she’d be able to breathe again. She slid into one of two wingback chairs facing the desk. “You don’t mind if we sit? This will only take a few minutes.”

  Elizabeth nodded stiffly, and Tim lowered to the second chair.

  The Krandall matriarch narrowed her gaze. “You have me curious. After witnessing that farce of a press conference yesterday, I was under the impression the Tuckers were friends of my grandson.” Displeasure shone in the eyes she turned on Jessi. “You especially.”

  “Oh, we are.” Jessi bared her teeth in a false smile. “Me, especially.” This morning’s papers were awash with the contradicting facts Max had presented to the press. No doubt Elizabeth and her minions were already scrambling to come up with a believable spin to explain away the discrepancies. So far, there were more questions than answers, all directed at the Krandalls. Jessi hoped the building pressure would be a point in her favor. “I’m not here to talk about Max, however. I’m here about Haven Place.”

  Surprise flashed in the old woman’s eyes before she covered it with a laugh. “How delightful, and rather ironic, don’t you think?”

  Jessi ignored her racing heart and cocked her head. “Ironic?”

  Elizabeth tapped her fingers on the desk. Her eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “My grandson went to a lot of trouble to refute my claims. Foolishly, it seems. By sending his paramour to achieve what he couldn’t manage on
his own, he’s making my point.” She shook her head, her smile smug. “Like father, like son.”

  Anger eclipsed Jessi’s tightly strung nerves. Elizabeth’s words made it clear Max was correct when he claimed his grandmother most likely knew of his attempts to buy Haven Place. The bitch had been playing him just as he’d said. Determined to balance the scales of justice, Jessi made her smile sickeningly sweet. “You misunderstand. Max didn’t send us. In fact, he doesn’t know we’re here.”

  The humor disappeared from Elizabeth’s face. “Then what do you want.”

  “I want Haven Place.”

  The dragon lady’s eyes went hard in a flash. “I’m sorry you wasted your time, my dear. It’s not for sale.”

  Tim softly cleared his throat. Jessi refused to look his way. Like him, she would much prefer if Elizabeth acted against her nature and sold the property in the usual way, but Jessi wasn’t leaving until she’d exhausted all her options. Including blackmail.

  She sat back and crossed her legs in an effort to hide the anxious shaking of her body. “Are you sure about that? I realize this unfortunate situation has been an uncomfortable one for you.” She cast a quick glance at Tim. A muscle twitched in his jaw, and his eyes held a plea for caution. “What, with the press all abuzz because of the Super Bowl, and the opposing accounts of your family history making headlines.” She turned back to Elizabeth and, swallowing, pressed past the point of no return. “But there was one detail Max left out of his statement. I would hate to complicate the issue by adding the bribery of a custody court judge to the mix.”

  Elizabeth slowly sat forward. Although they gleamed with anger, there was no disguising the underlying distress in her eyes. “Be careful, young lady. Blackmail is an ugly business.”

  Jessi stared at the woman who had made Max’s teenage years a living hell. As far as she was concerned, giving up Haven Place was a small price to pay for Elizabeth’s heartless treatment of her grandson. Heart pounding, Jessi refused to back down. “I agree. It’s almost as ugly as a woman denying her own daughter and grandchild out of spite.”


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