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Roses Are Red

Page 5

by Jasmine Hill

  “Who the hell are you?” James asked, eyes wide and incredulous.

  “I’m Lucy’s friend. In fact, I’m more than a friend and I take it that you are her ex.” He wanted to remind the guy that he no longer had any claim over Lucy and that she was free to see whomever she wished. He recognised that after what had transpired earlier in his office, he had no right to get angry, but he couldn’t help himself. He knew that this jerk had cheated on Lucy for a year with his secretary before he’d walked out on her and demanded a divorce. He couldn’t believe the audacity of the prick to come back and beg her forgiveness.

  “You’re sleeping with this guy?” James asked Lucy incredulously. “Don’t you think he’s a little young for you, Lulu?”

  And there it was, out there in the open, sneered by her prick of an ex-husband. The one thing that Rhett knew was guaranteed to upset Lucy and play on her insecurities.

  Lucy felt like James had slapped her hard across the face. It was the second time that day that she’d felt the air leave her lungs at a hurtful pronouncement. Hearing those words come out of her ex-husband’s mouth made what she had shared with Rhett seem depraved and cheap.

  She looked from James to Rhett. She could tell that Rhett was seething with anger. His jaw was clenched, a muscle ticking in his cheek, hands fisted by his sides.

  James looked arrogant and self-satisfied, obviously pleased with himself and his observation of her relationship with Rhett.

  What the hell is Rhett doing here anyway? Why isn’t he with his fiancée?

  Finally, Rhett responded to James’ last statement. “That’s none of your business, arsehole.”

  “There is nothing going on between us,” Lucy muttered. “Whatever we had going, whatever it was, is over.”

  Rhett turned towards her. “Don’t say that, Lucy. I came to explain, please, hear me out.”

  “I have had enough of men today. I want both of you to leave,” she said frostily and walked towards the front door.

  She was suddenly exhausted. The emotional rollercoaster that had been her day had taken its toll, leaving her bone-tired. She couldn’t imagine how Rhett was going to explain away his fiancée, and quite frankly, at that moment she didn’t care. She just wanted to be left alone.

  She ushered them both out of the door and locked it behind them before making her way to the bathroom so that she could run a bath.

  The steamy atmosphere of the bathroom and the fragrant bubbles helped her to relax while she soaked in the tub. Her mind drifted to the events of the day from Rhett and Camille, to her ex-husband. What a time for James to decide that he wanted her back. She suspected that it was because the secretary had given him his marching orders and James had always hated being alone. She had been devastated when she’d discovered James’ affair and he had subsequently left her, but she was over it. He’d made her see that they had grown apart, out of love and out of lust, so she supposed, in the end, it had been for the best.

  She sighed and determined that she wouldn’t think about Rhett or James for the rest of the evening.

  * * * *

  The following day, Lucy immersed herself in a whirlwind of activity. She had managed to avoid seeing Rhett and was busy reconciling receipts and invoices when Robert Hunter stuck his head through the door of the office.

  He looked suave and sophisticated in a charcoal Armani suit and a light blue dress shirt. “Lucy, I’m glad I caught you.”

  Lucy looked up from her paperwork and gave him a small smile. “Robert, I am just finalising some things. What can I do for you?”

  “Well, I was hoping that you are available tomorrow evening. I would be honoured if you would accompany me to the Valentine’s Ball.”

  Lucy was momentarily stunned into silence. Attending the ball with Robert could be awkward. She wondered if Rhett would now be taking Camille. After all, they were apparently engaged and she didn’t relish a confrontation. Nor did she have any wish to sit at the same table as them, and she assumed that Robert would be seated with his son.

  Sensing her hesitation, Robert continued. “Of course, I totally understand if you are otherwise engaged and I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, Lucy. I like you and I would enjoy the opportunity to get to know you better.” He smiled warmly.

  Lucy thought quickly and decided on the spur of the moment that she would accept. Why should she spend the evening alone and brooding? She knew that Rhett wouldn’t be expecting her to accompany him after what had transpired between them. Besides, she liked Robert. He was kind and genuine and she knew that he would be the ultimate gentleman. He was also closer to her age, and their attending together wouldn’t raise any eyebrows.

  “Oh, it’s not that, Robert,” she explained. “I don’t have any other plans. I just wasn’t expecting an invitation. Thank you. That would be lovely.”

  “Excellent. I will pick you up tomorrow evening at seven thirty. I look forward to it.” He gave her a small wave and left her office.

  Lucy mused about the ball and what she would wear as she packed up her briefcase and prepared to leave for the evening. She was just about to turn off the light when Rhett came barrelling into the office. He was out of breath and looked like he had been running.

  “What do you mean by accepting my father’s invitation?” Clenching his jaw, he narrowed his eyes on her suspiciously.

  Lucy was dumbfounded. What right did he have to question her actions? “I don’t see how that is any of your business.”

  “It most certainly is my business, considering that I invited you first. Were you going to tell me that you no longer wish to accompany me?”

  She laughed in disbelief. “Were you seriously expecting me to honour our date after what happened with your fiancée? I don’t think that Camille would be very impressed.”

  “Well, given that you refuse to let me explain, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” he said bitterly. “Do you like my father, is that it? Is he who you want?”

  Lucy gave him an appraising look. She wanted Rhett. But she couldn’t get past the Camille bombshell and she didn’t want him to know how hurt she was. She wanted to protect herself, needing a shield, and the best shield at that moment was Robert.

  “Yes, I happen to like Robert and I am looking forward to attending the ball with him. Now, if you will excuse me. I need to leave.” She brushed past him without meeting his eyes. She was worried that what she would see in their depths would have her rethinking her sudden resolve. And she needed all her resolve to avoid falling back into Rhett’s arms.

  Rhett was furious. He couldn’t believe that his father had invited Lucy to the ball. He had only found out about it by coincidence, when one of the organisers had contacted him regarding seating arrangements. And why had Lucy accepted? Obviously she was angry with him, and hurt, but he refused to believe that she had any romantic feelings for his father.

  He’d been stalking towards Robert Hunter’s office and he took a moment to take a deep breath and relax his clenched fists. He loved his father, but the thought of him with Lucy made his blood boil. The circumstances, however, required him to keep a clear head. Starting a fight was not an option. The whole situation was irritating and he couldn’t help blaming Camille for the current state of affairs. He also had to accept part of the responsibility, he supposed. If he had been more vehement with Camille then perhaps she wouldn’t have turned up at his office like she had.

  He was certain that Lucy still felt something for him—he could sense it. And if she would let him explain, he was sure that she could find it within herself to forgive him. He just needed a chance to get her alone. To do that, he determined, he needed to sort out the present ball attendance arrangement.

  He squared his shoulders and straightened his tie then continued in the direction of Robert Hunter’s office. He was prepared to discuss matters with his father.

  Chapter Nine

  Finally, it was February fourteenth and the evening of the Valentine’s Ball. It had been an emot
ional and hectic week, and Lucy had been left feeling rather frazzled by events.

  She gazed at her reflection in the mirror. She had chosen a floor-length, dark silver gown of lustrous satin. It had capped sleeves and a sweetheart neckline that showed a hint of cleavage. It was fitted to just below the waist where it flared to a gentle fishtail design. It had a low back, plunging in a V shape to the sway of her spine. It was elegant yet understated, and she felt that it suited her figure well.

  She rummaged in her fairly sparse jewellery box for something appropriate to wear. She’d never purchased much jewellery for herself, always preferring to spend any additional funds on the children or household needs, and her ex-husband had definitely never been a giver of jewellery, or anything remotely romantic. She finally unearthed a delicate silver chain with a teardrop sapphire pendant and matching earrings that had belonged to her mother. It was subtle and simple and matched her dress perfectly.

  She was nervous about the evening ahead and had thought numerous times that day about claiming a sudden illness that would preclude her attendance, but she didn’t want to leave Robert in the lurch. Another part of her wanted to see Rhett again, to show him that she was fine, that his indiscretion meant nothing to her and that she was getting on with her life.

  She grabbed a grey silk wrap from her closet and had just picked up her silver clutch purse when the doorbell chimed.

  When she opened the door, Robert greeted her cordially. He looked the epitome of the suave, sophisticated gentleman dressed in his tailored tux, crisp white shirt and black bow tie.

  He swept his gaze over her appreciatively. “You look lovely, Lucy.” He extended his elbow in invitation. “I’ll be the envy of every man there.”

  * * * *

  Lucy was impressed with the venue. It was beautifully decorated and appealed to the interior designer in her. The theme was pink and white, obviously in favour of the romanticism of Valentine’s Day and in dereference to the Breast Cancer Foundation’s pink ribbon emblem. The chairs were covered in ivory damask and tied with big bows. Bowls of peonies adorned the middle of the round tables, which were laid with a staggering assortment of crystal glasses and silver cutlery. Balloons, tied in bunches, floated around the vast room, and big cardboard love hearts, interspersed with ribbons, hung from the ceiling.

  “Robert, this is beautiful,” Lucy breathed in appreciation.

  Robert smiled proudly. “It is, isn’t it? The organisers did a wonderful job. Come, let’s find out where we are sitting.”

  They found their table in the middle of the ballroom. A long-stemmed red rose and a box of chocolate love hearts were placed at each of the ladies’ seats. Lucy was impressed with the thought that had gone into making the occasion so special.

  Robert pulled out her chair, and just as she was about to sit, she noticed Camille seated opposite her. She froze for a fraction of a second, indecision rippling through her before she quickly claimed her chair. She couldn’t make a scene and risk embarrassing Robert by asking to switch tables. She shouldn’t have been surprised to see Camille—but she was. Some part of her had wanted to think that Rhett wouldn’t be so obvious and heartless as to seat them together, but she supposed that he hadn’t had much choice in the matter. It was her fault. She shouldn’t have come, she should have given Robert an excuse that she was otherwise engaged and not put herself through the torture and awkwardness of sitting with Rhett and his fiancée. At the time, she had just been trying to convince herself that it wouldn’t matter. What a fool she was!

  She busied herself reading the menu whilst surreptitiously studying the woman opposite her. Camille looked stunning in a fitted red gown that plunged daringly low in the front to reveal a full cleavage and smooth, pale skin. Her black hair was piled high on her head, exposing a slender neck and lovely diamond earrings.

  Well, she couldn’t compete with that, Lucy thought bitterly, taking a sip of champagne to try to quell her nerves. She glanced around the rest of the table and was surprised when she couldn’t find Rhett. Seated to the left of Camille was a handsome young man who appeared to be quite attentive towards her.

  Where is Rhett?

  The position to Lucy’s left was vacant, but she couldn’t read the place card and she didn’t want to appear rude by blatantly picking it up to inspect it.

  As she was pondering the absence of Rhett, she spotted him striding across the ballroom towards their table. He looked hot and incredibly sexy dressed in a black tux and bow tie—like Channing Tatum as James Bond!

  As he drew closer, his eyes locked on hers and she found herself mesmerised by his intense green gaze. Warmth flooded her cheeks and she wriggled in her seat anxiously. How had she thought that she would be immune to his charms? He was so blatantly sexual and predatory that the mere sight of him had her panting with lust.

  Just as Rhett drew within hearing distance of the table, Camille, her back to him, suddenly looked up and directly at Lucy. “Aren’t you the decorator?” she almost sneered. “I wouldn’t have expected you to be here.”

  Lucy didn’t miss Robert’s wince at Camille’s words. “Lucy is my guest, Camille.” He spoke easily, but Lucy noticed an edge to his voice.

  Robert leaned close and gave Lucy’s hand a reassuring squeeze just as Rhett slid smoothly into the chair next to her.

  Rhett’s eyes narrowed on Robert’s hand clasping hers and, seeing his son’s expression, Robert laughed. He leant back and clapped Rhett on the shoulder, shaking his head in amusement.

  She looked at Robert questioningly when he ducked his head to speak low in her ear. “I invited you, Lucy, in the hopes that you and Rhett could work things out. I must admit that initially I had hoped that we could explore something between us. But then I discovered that my son is rather smitten with you and I had to do my bit to assist him.”

  Lucy shook her head in disbelief. Was Robert not aware of Rhett’s fiancée?

  “My father means exactly what he said,” Rhett spoke quietly from her other side. “He initially invited you because he wanted you as his date. But we spoke yesterday and he appreciates that I’d like to get you alone to listen to what I have to say. It was the only way I could think of to compel you to hear me out.”

  Lucy was astounded and beyond confused. “I don’t know why you think you deserve that privilege,” she whispered harshly. “Not after Camille’s little revelation about your relationship.” She kept her eyes trained on her event programme, not wanting to risk causing a scene and generating unwelcome interest from Camille.

  “I need to talk to you about that,” he said under his breath. “But not here at the table. After the main course there will be a break in speeches and proceedings. We will talk then.”

  His tone left no room for argument, and she had to admit that she was intrigued as to what he would say for himself.

  The meal and speeches seemed interminable to her. Both Robert and Rhett were extremely attentive and polite and they conversed easily about a variety of subjects, but she was anxious to be alone with Rhett and hear his explanation. The ill-concealed display of irritation and malice that Camille was shooting in her direction was also starting to wear thin. Lucy studiously tried to ignore her, but it was difficult when she was seated directly opposite. She couldn’t understand why Rhett wasn’t seated next to Camille and, odder still, why the young man to Camille’s left seemed to be her date. The whole situation was confusing and awkward and she was thankful that Robert was taking great care to ensure that she was included in the general conversation.

  When Lucy had discovered that Robert was complicit in Rhett’s plan to get her alone, her initial reaction had been one of annoyance. Now that she had thought about it a little more over dinner, she found that she was relieved. It meant that Robert was now aware that there was something more than a professional connection between her and Rhett and she could only assume that he didn’t disapprove.

  She just had to wait now until the programme was clear for her to hear Rhett�
��s explanation.

  Chapter Ten

  Rhett watched Lucy out of the corner of his eye. She was chatting animatedly to his father and Gerard, one of their business associates. He had been blown away when he saw her this evening, the other women paling in comparison. The dark silver colour of her gown suited her complexion perfectly—and what a dress! She looked sophisticated and stylish and when she turned to leave the table he noticed the deep, plunging back, which added a sexy, daring edge. At the sight of her sashaying across the floor, his cock throbbed with need.

  And her scent! It was fucking hard to keep his hands to himself, particularly when he was sitting right next to her. Whatever perfume she was wearing was light and subtle and evocative of exotic places and sunsets. He just wanted to bury his face in her hair and inhale her.

  In comparison, Camille managed to look cheap and slutty, although he supposed a lot of those sentiments were triggered from the nasty demeanour she was radiating. The red of her gown was too severe for her colouring, and if it plunged any further in front, they would all be in danger of seeing a lot more than her cleavage. She had a good body, but displaying it so blatantly was rather off-putting. He much preferred the understated elegance of Lucy and her gorgeously bared back, which just made him want to see more of her, a feast for his imagination. If seeing Lucy in that dress affected him so intensely, then no doubt every other bastard in the place was also affected by her. He glanced around the table once more and took stock of the other men. Everyone seemed to be behaving courteously, although Gerard seemed to be a little too eager in his attentions towards her.

  Rhett looked at his watch and checked the programme. A little over twenty minutes should see that they could excuse themselves. Before he had arrived, he’d checked that his plans were in place. Now he couldn’t wait to get Lucy alone and out of the vicinity of Camille and her venomous attitude.


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