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Claiming Her Mates Complete Series Collection

Page 25

by Dia Cole

  “Right,” Gabe said, watching me load up the rest of the stuff with a dark expression on his face. “You realize Tasha will have your balls when she finds her things missing.”

  “Fuck Tasha,” I said under my breath.

  Gabe rushed at me so fast he was a blur. He grabbed me by my collar and dragged my face down toward his. The deadly expression in his one dark eye froze my blood. “Perhaps you need a reminder of the kind of punishment the Alphas can dole out,” he growled. He sent flashes of his memories to me.

  Agonized screams rang in my mind. I shuddered at the images of Lykos losing their lives. Males. Females. A newborn babe. I clamped my eyes shut as Gabe’s anguish slammed into me like a tidal wave. How could he survive such loss?

  “Unlike you, I have no trouble remembering what she’s capable of.” Gabe flipped up his eye patch showing me the yellow diamond Tasha had placed in the socket of his right eye. Since the stone prevented the male from regenerating the organ she’d torn out of his head, and she’d compelled him never to remove it, he was left in a constant state of agony.

  I sucked in a breath. I’d never quite comprehended the depths of Gabe’s pain until now. I clamped my friend on the shoulder. “I’m sorry, brother. I’ll be sure to bring everything back. Tasha will never know.”

  Gabe flipped his eye patch down. “Let’s hope not. I’ve been in contact with Winterhaven and informed them that we are going to be delayed by the storm. Tasha will be expecting us as soon as it clears.”

  My mood sank at the thought of returning to Winterhaven. I glanced up at the gathering storm clouds. “I’d better get this stuff delivered before the worst of it hits.”

  “Be quick and make sure Mason returns with you.” Gabe nodded at the empty spot where the SUV had been parked.

  That motherfucker took my car! I couldn’t believe I’d been too distracted to notice. There was no doubt in my mind where he’d gone. Damn it. Doc better not be putting the moves on Havana. I fisted my hands. “Yeah, I’ll be sure to bring Doc back with me.” Alive or dead. Muttering curses under my breath, I jumped into the truck and hauled ass through the snow.

  I wasn’t about to lose this beautiful female to the smaller male. Doc wouldn’t be able to protect her like I could and Havana needed a male who could keep her safe. Especially now with the world in chaos.

  You can’t have Havana. She belongs to Nathan. Gabe’s words rang in my mind.

  I punched the steering wheel. I don’t care. I’d never wanted a female the way I wanted her. In fact, I’d be willing to forsake my family and take on Nathan if Havana would have me.

  All my life I’d been passed over by one female after another. Not one had ever looked at me like Havana did. Even my own mother had referred to me as “that freak.” She’d seemed happy that Tasha had picked me out of the schoolyard to join the Enforcers. Better me lose my childhood and freedom than any of my precious older brothers. Mother had great hopes for them. Unlike me, they’d all been chosen by females and had given her the grandchildren she craved. At first, I too had loved seeing my nieces and nephews. Then they began trembling in fear when I’d visit. Feeling even more unwelcome in my family’s presence, I’d stopped dropping by. Not that any of them had cared.

  As the cabin came into view, my chest tightened. Maybe Havana can grow to care for me? That thought filled me with something I hadn’t had in a long time. Hope.

  That hope faded as I parked the truck next to my SUV and spied Doc straightening his clothes through the vehicle window. Damn it, I’m too late. Jealousy and rage clawed at me. For a moment, my inner wolf threatened to emerge. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

  Doc shot me an annoyed look as he opened the back door and jumped out. “What’s all this?” he asked, motioning at the overflowing bed of the truck.

  It took all my self-control not to bound over there and rip his head off his body. Swallowing my anger, I stepped out of the truck. “A few things to make the cabin nicer for Havana.”

  The lovely female slid out of the SUV behind Doc and held the edge of the door with her bandaged hand as if for balance.

  It was impossible, but she looked even more beautiful than she had just a mere hour ago. I took a deep breath, inhaling her intoxicating scent. My body’s reaction to it was instantaneous. “Hello, beautiful.”

  “Hi, Liam.” Her cheeks were flushed and her gaze hungry as she gave me a once-over.

  Clearly the decision to ditch my jacket and sweater was a good call. It looked as if the female liked the tight short-sleeve T-shirt I was wearing. Unable to help myself, I flexed a bicep.

  She licked her lips, her eyes glued to my muscles.

  Take that Mr. MD.

  Doc looked between us with an annoyed expression on his face.

  I grinned. Not all is lost after all. Schooling my face into a grimace, I stalked over to Doc. “You were instructed to stay in the lodge.”

  To his credit, the smaller male met my glare unflinchingly. “Havana needed help.”

  “Help, huh?” I leaned down and sniffed the sweet scent of the female clinging to his jacket. “You kissed her.” Based on Havana’s blush, I knew I’d guessed correctly.

  Doc’s blue eyes narrowed in challenge. “Yes, I did.”

  “But that’s all you did,” I guessed based on the coiled tension in the smaller male’s body and the fact that Havana was still clothed. “And that’s all you’re going to do.” If I have anything to say about it.

  “She wants me,” Doc growled into my mind.

  I couldn’t help taunting him. “Only because I wasn’t here. Don’t you see the way she looks at me?”

  Doc scowled. “She’s just never seen a living behemoth before. Don’t mistake awe for attraction.”

  Realizing that Havana was watching our silent exchange with a look of confusion on her face, I disguised my anger with a smile. “Sounds like you’re jealous, Doc.”

  The male gritted his teeth.

  Dismissing him, I walked over to Havana. “Let me help you back into the cabin, beautiful. We’ll get the place cleaned up and then I’ll show you how a real male kisses.”

  Her shocked laugher filled me with happiness as I gently swooped her into my arms and carried her back inside.



  Two and a half hours later I was seriously reconsidering my position on the shack. Liam and Mason had worked tirelessly scrubbing every inch of the place until not a spec of dust or a cobweb was visible.

  Despite my many attempts to help, neither man allowed me to lift a finger. After cleaning the rocking chair and setting it by the woodstove, both men insisted I sit in it while they worked. And boy did they ever work.

  Liam, proving to be quite the handyman, had repaired the holes in the roof and in the floor and best of all he’d covered all the cracks in the walls where the rodents had fled.

  After assuring me they were mice, not rats, as if that made any difference, Liam applied a peppermint-smelling liquid along the floorboards that he said would repel any pests. I wasn’t sure what rats, snakes, and bugs had against the Christmassy scent, but I resolved to douse myself in peppermint from now on.

  Mason worked on creating a makeshift bathroom by hanging a thick wool blanket around the far corner of the room. He situated a bedpan and some toilet paper inside the space. I wasn’t thrilled with the setup, but it sure beat trudging through the snow to fight the raccoons for the outhouse.

  At my insistence the two men had carried out that nasty couch and replaced it with the furnishings Liam had packed into the truck.

  I’d squealed like a little girl when they rolled out an enormous white cashmere area rug that must’ve cost a fortune. I had to kick off my boots and wiggle my toes through the soft fibers. Then they brought in a large leather recliner and a full-size bed complete with box spring, deep chocolate-colored bedding, and armfuls of matching decorative pillows.

  “Bloody hell. What’s up with all the pillows?” Mason asked Liam
as they finished setting up the bed.

  “Females love pillows. Don’t they?” Liam looked over at me for confirmation.

  “Of course,” I replied, not wanting to hurt the giant’s feelings.

  He grinned and set up the water cooler he’d brought me.

  Mason sat down on the bed as if testing its weight. “You should’ve grabbed a king, mate.”

  “I thought about it.” Liam lifted the five-gallon bottle of water onto the cooler. “But it wouldn’t fit in here.”

  “I guess we’ll have to make do.” Mason winked at me.

  I couldn’t help laughing at his surprising boldness.

  Liam straightened and gave Mason a dark look. “The only thing you’ll be making is a drink for Havana.” He turned to look at me. “What would you like? I’ve brought instant coffee, some cocoa—”

  Mason snorted, interrupting him. “I’ll bet she’d like a nice cup of hot tea. Tell me you packed tea?”

  Liam nodded. “And a teakettle.”

  “Excellent.” Mason beamed and looked over at me. “You like tea, don’t you?”

  Although a cup of coffee sounded better, I nodded. “Tea sounds perfect.”

  Liam reached into the crate he’d set by the table, retrieved a teakettle, and chucked it at Mason’s head.

  Mason caught the silver kettle in midair. “Hey, don’t be a sore loser.”

  “I've lost nothing,” Liam said, shoving the recliner next to my rocking chair. He sat down next to me. “Are you liking the place better?”

  I nodded. Despite my early reservations, I couldn’t deny the spruced-up place had charm.

  Liam had pried the boards off the large picture windows and the view overlooking the snow-covered pine trees and ice-crusted creek behind the cabin was breathtaking. I could almost see where someone would want to visit a place like this. Almost.

  “Good,” Liam said, reaching over and squeezing my uninjured hand.

  Mason glared at us.

  Not wanting to add to the crackling tension between the men, I tugged my hand free.

  Giving Liam a triumphant look, Mason filled up the kettle with water from the cooler and set it on the flat top of the woodstove.

  “You can cook on that thing?” I asked, curious.

  “Of course,” both men replied in unison.

  Feeling like an idiot, I watched Mason put another log into the stove.

  Liam pointed over at the crate. “I’ve brought you cookware along with some canned soups, chili, and oatmeal. Between that and the food I’ll be bringing you, you won’t starve.”

  “You’ll visit me again?” I was already dreading the moment when both men would leave.

  Liam grinned. “You couldn’t keep me away if you tried.”

  Mason walked over to the crate and frowned. “There’s no tea in here.”

  Liam twisted around in the recliner to look at him. “It must’ve fallen out in the truck. The doors are open if you want to check.”

  Mason walked to the door. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Take your time,” yelled Liam.

  As the door closed, I reached over and grabbed the giant’s hand. “I really appreciate what you did to this place.”

  He laid his other hand over mine. “Enough to give me a thank-you kiss?” He puckered his lips.

  “If that’s what you’d like in payment,” I flirted back. I stood and leaned over him planning to kiss him on his cheek.

  His playful expression transformed into an intense one. Before I could react, he hauled me into his lap and kissed me full on the mouth. At my gasp, he deepened the kiss. His lips were soft as velvet and his minty taste heated my blood.

  My senses imprinted with the scent of him, pine, mint, and raw male. Arousal flooded my body as my heart took up the same wild beat as his.

  He conquered my mouth with darting strokes of his tongue while his hands stroked me from hip to breast along the outside of my dress.

  “Oh my!” I moaned when we broke for air. The fire that Mason had stoked in the car flared back to life. Sweet need burned through me. What’s happening?

  Nathan had been the only man I’d ever wanted this badly. Now in the space of a few hours I was losing my mind over two almost-strangers. Go with it, the hot needy part of me urged.

  I shifted over Liam, my knees embedding in the leather armrests of the recliner.

  He groaned as I rocked against the impossibly huge erection straining the fly of his jeans.

  I licked my lips, wanting more than anything to see what kind of heat he was packing. I stroked my hand over his fly eliciting a husky moan from his lips.

  Mason cleared his throat behind us. “I step out for one bloody minute…”

  A wave of shame and embarrassment rushed through me. Crap. How could I have forgotten he was here? Not cool, Vana. I had my slutty moments, but this was a new low even for me.

  Liam grabbed my hips possessively. “I was just claiming my thank-you kiss.”

  “It looked like you were doing more than that,” Mason said, his voice deepening. “Release her.” He fisted his hands, crushing the box of tea he was holding.

  Liam stiffened. “Or you’ll do what?” His green eyes blazed with an unearthly glow.

  In a split second, the giant had gone from sexy hunk to frightening beast.

  Mason, who seemed to have grown several inches, let out a hair-raising growl.

  I trembled, looking between the two men in alarm. They looked seconds from attacking each other and no part of me wanted to see these men beat themselves bloody over me. There was only one way to diffuse the situation. A thrill rushed through me at the forbidden idea. Summoning my stripper persona, I said, “Boys, don’t get yourselves worked up. There's more than enough of me to go around.”

  Both men blinked at me in confusion.

  I tossed my hair back. “Mason, why don’t you come over here and join us?”

  Liam tensed beneath me. “You want both of us?”

  “Why not? Double the pleasure.” I crooked my finger at Mason. “Are you game?”

  Mason stood frozen for a minute. The fierce expression on his face faded as he exchanged a long look with Liam.

  After a moment, both men nodded as if they’d just carried on a silent conversation and come to an agreement.

  Mason set the box of tea down on the table and slowly walked over. A myriad of expressions flitted across his face including jealousy, curiosity, and scorching lust. When he reached me he pulled me up into a kneeling position over Liam. Then he kissed me, his lips firm and possessive.

  Desire sizzled through me as I arched up into Mason’s passionate assault. Mounting excitement blocked my twinge of back pain.

  The sweet flavor of his lips exploded on my tongue, so different from Liam’s minty taste.

  Liam cupped my ass. “You're a kinky one, huh?”

  “You don’t even know the half of it,” I murmured against Mason’s lips. The things Nathan introduced me to… Nathan. I stiffened at the thought of him. Fuck him. Let him stew when he finds out I got with not one but two of his friends. With that thought, I swept aside my memories of him.

  Mason let out another one of those sexy growls and stepped behind me. He moved my hair to the side and planted a kiss at the back of my neck.

  I shivered as an electric current zipped straight from his lips to my aching core.

  Liam’s hands slipped under my dress and kneaded my ass. “I’ve never been with a female before.”

  That blew my mind. I hid my shock by leaning over and kissing his lips. “There’s a first time for everything, big guy.”

  “I’ve never shared a female before,” Mason murmured into the shell of my ear.

  “Well, you’re in for a treat,” I said way too confidently. I’d been with two men at the same time only once before and only because of Nathan. My breathing hitched as I once against tried to banish the memory of my ex. No. I won’t let him ruin this.

  Mason found the zipper of m
y dress and dragged it down.

  The warm air caressed my skin as the black fabric gaped open in the back.

  Mason pushed the straps of the dress off my arms. The top of the gown pooled at my waist leaving only my dance top to shield my breasts.

  “Take it off,” I ordered in my sultry Mistress Robin voice.

  With deft fingers, Mason removed the back brace. Then he undid the straps to my silver-studded top and bared me to their gazes.

  Both men inhaled sharply.

  “Fuck, you’ve got gorgeous tits,” Liam groaned.

  I laughed, not at all minding their obvious fascination.

  With his arms wrapped around me from behind, Mason cupped my breasts. “I agree. These are exquisite like every inch of your body.” He rolled a nipple between his thumb and forefinger eliciting a moan from my lips. Then he applied a delicious amount of pressure to the swollen peak.

  The shocking pleasure-pain sensation shot me straight into a memory of Nathan clamping my nipples. Take it for me, honey. It’ll hurt so good.

  The memory was so real I could almost smell Nathan’s sandalwood cologne in the air. “Ah.” With a cry I pushed Mason’s hands away.

  He jerked back in surprise.

  Liam blinked. “Is something wrong?”

  Tears welled in my eyes. “I’m sorry. I-I’m having a difficult time getting over my last relationship.”

  “I see,” Mason said slowly, moving over to the side of the recliner.

  Liam’s eyes widened in understanding. “You still love Nathan.”

  I shook my head. “No. I hate him, in fact. He made me fall for him and then he hurt me in a way no one ever had before. Now it’s hard for me to…”

  “To let yourself get close to someone again,” Mason finished for me.

  “Yes,” I whispered, trying to ignore how my body throbbed with raging desire.

  Liam thumped his chest. “I’d sooner cut my heart out than hurt you.”

  “I feel the same,” said Mason. “I hope in time we can help you rebuild your trust in males.” He looked over at Liam. “We should go.”


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