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Take The Star Road (The Maxwell Saga)

Page 26

by Peter Grant

  "I think one of those friends probably owned the knife and showed it to him. It was most likely someone working in the merchant service, who was at Earth at the time of the Bosun's last visit, because he told Mr. Lamington he saw and photographed it there."

  Wang nodded slowly. "A logical deduction."

  Steve continued, "I propose to contact his friend on New Brisbane. If he's available for a visit next month, when I return the Bosun's personal possessions to his brother and sister on that planet, I'll try to meet him; otherwise I'll correspond with him. I'll try to build a relationship with him over time, although that'll be slow work. In due course, when I've gained his trust, I'll ask him for the names of the Bosun's other friends. He's likely to know at least some of them. I'll contact them in turn, and after getting to know them, ask them for more names. In each case, as I gain their trust, I'll also ask them whether they know anything about the jade knife. I hope one or more will be able to give me more information."

  Wang's eyes gleamed approvingly. "A very sound approach. Slow and steady is best. If you move too fast, they may decide you're being pushy and cut you off. If you don't mind my saying so, it's very unusual to encounter someone as young as yourself who appreciates that. I have to be very careful to restrain my young men from getting carried away!"

  Steve smiled. "I had a good teacher in the Bosun. However, there are two problems. First, communications lag is going to be a real headache. A message from here to New Brisbane will take at least three weeks to get there via Lancaster, with a reply taking as long. That allows for only a few exchanges every year. Also, several of the Bosun's friends are working aboard spaceships, so messages will have to catch up with them wherever they go, and their replies will have to reach me in roundabout, unpredictable ways. Given that, you'll understand this is going to be a very slow process. It could easily take up to ten years to trace and contact them all, gain their confidence, and find out whether one of them knows anything."

  Wang shrugged. "That can't be helped. I'd much rather you took the time to build sound relationships with them, rather than risk moving too quickly and alienating them before they're willing to answer your questions."

  "I'm glad you see it that way. The second problem is that, because of the relationship I had with the Bosun, I consider myself honor-bound to act as he would in relation to those he particularly valued. For that reason, I can't tell you his friends' names. He'd never have done so himself, in case it exposed them to danger. That being the case, out of loyalty to his memory, I can't do so either. I hope you understand where I'm coming from."

  Wang frowned. "I do understand... but you must realize we'll want to follow up what you learn, and perhaps confirm it through our own sources. To do that, we'll need the names."

  Steve nodded. "I guess this is an example of an irresistible force - the Tong - meeting an immovable object - the Bosun's personal code of ethics, which necessarily binds me too. I hope you'll be willing to trust me, otherwise I don't know how to get around this issue."

  "Let me think." Wang sat for several moments in silence, his eyes far away, stroking his chin with his finger. Eventually he sighed. "I understand your loyalty to the Bosun - in fact I find it admirable, because I had a similar relationship with my father, and honor his memory in that way to this day. You've also demonstrated good faith by giving us all this information. I'll therefore authorize you to proceed on that basis, keeping the names to yourself. However, I can't guarantee that others in the Tong, perhaps senior to me, won't want you to provide some or all of them in future. You'll have to deal with that if it arises."

  "I understand. Thank you. Of course, none of the Bosun's friends may know anything about the knife, in which case we're back to square one - but at least you'll then know that those lines of inquiry are dead ends. Meanwhile, I'm sure you'll be following other leads."

  "Indeed we will! You mentioned on the recording that the Bosun traded on his own account. We can reconstruct your ship's movements after her last visit to Earth from her logs and public shipping records. The Tong will send investigators to each of those planets. You made it clear on the recording that you don't know who his trading partners were, but we'll try to locate them through our own resources, and ask them whether they know anything about the jade knife.

  "Next, we'll mount an intensive search, starting right away, for the two men who interrogated you this morning. We have resources that the police lack, so I hope we'll get to them first. We have many questions to ask them."

  Steve suppressed a shiver. And you probably won't be very polite or restrained in how you ask them, will you?, he thought, careful not to show any outward sign of disapproval.

  Wang continued, "If we find out who sent them, we'll follow that lead. Our branches on other planets across the settled galaxy will pursue their own inquiries as word spreads about the knife. However, in the long term your assistance may prove to be the most useful of all. You've given us very valuable insights into the situation, for which you'll not find us ungrateful."

  Steve suppressed a desire to rub his temples, which felt tight with tension. "I'm glad to hear that, because I'm going to need your help to get others off my back, and keep them off, while I look for information."

  "What do you have in mind?"

  "You've heard the recording, and spoken to me yourself, so I hope you understand and accept that I know only what I've said. You could pass the word throughout the Dragon Tong, and ask your members across the settled galaxy to let it be known, that I don't know anything about the jade knife. No need to tell anyone that I'm investigating it on your behalf, of course! If the Dragon Tong is known to believe I can't tell them anything, I think others searching for the knife will accept that, and decide I'm not worth pursuing."

  Wang nodded thoughtfully. "Others will probably accept that, if they think we're certain of it. I'm inclined to believe you, because if you knew more than what you've said, you wouldn't have volunteered to undergo a truth-tester examination. It's virtually impossible to lie to those things. Nor would you have called in Fleet Security, jeopardizing your own future, if you were lying. Putting those elements together, I think we can accept your bona fides."

  Steve was hard put to it not to gasp with relief. He's bought it!

  "Of course," Wang continued, "in the short term there'll still be some risk. When and how will you travel to New Brisbane?"

  "I leave next week, once Captain Volschenk retrieves the Bosun's personal possessions from the Prize Court. He's arranging for me to deadhead aboard Bright Star Spacelines' weekly service to Lancaster, where I'll connect to another of their liners serving New Brisbane."

  "So you'll be in the crew's quarters?"

  "I assume so."

  "We can't provide security there. It'll be much easier if we arrange for you to travel as a passenger. You'll enjoy it more, too - Bright Star's spaceliners are famous for their luxury. My people can occupy adjacent cabins, and protect you on the way there and back as well as during your visit."

  Steve blinked. For the Tong to be willing to spend over twenty thousand credits per cabin for so long a round trip, and be able to arrange bookings at less than a week's notice aboard a spaceliner that was bound to be almost fully booked already, hinted at resources and influence greater than he'd imagined.

  "After you return here, what are your plans?" Wang continued.

  "I'm going to concentrate on getting as fit as possible, and learning as much as I can, before Fleet basic training next January. I'll rent an affordable apartment somewhere."

  "I think we can do better than that. I'll arrange a small apartment for you in the block where I live. The Tong owns it, and provides security, so our people will be able to ensure your safety. The building has a fully equipped gymnasium where you can exercise, and extensive grounds where you can run. Once you're on a Fleet base, you'll be relatively secure; and after six to nine months, word will have spread that you don't know anything worth pursuing. That should resolve the situa

  "Thank you very much. I'm very grateful for your help."

  "That's not all. You've earned a token of our gratitude, and you'll incur expenses during your search for the Bosun's friends. To address both, I'm going to give you fifty gold taels. Take them with our thanks, and use up to half of them to finance your expenses during your search. If you need more, please let us know."

  Steve was speechless for a moment. Wang was casually proposing to hand him well over sixty thousand credits! He thought swiftly. The money would be nice, but I've got enough for the moment. More importantly, this is a golden opportunity to cement my reputation with the Tong as a man of honor. I'd better use it!

  "I'm grateful to you, Mr. Wang, but I can't accept the gold." Wang's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "I came here out of what your counterpart on Earth's Cargo Terminal called our 'relationship of honor and mutual respect'. I brought you news that I thought would interest you, and offered to help you learn more. In exchange for that, I asked for your help to ensure my personal safety and security. I think there's a balance there. Accepting those fifty taels would upset that balance - at least, it would for me." He grinned wryly. "I'm probably not making much sense, am I? It's just that I want to live up to the ideals the Bosun taught me. One of them was - is - that money really isn't everything. If I have to spend a lot on my investigations, I'll certainly ask for the Tong's help; but right now, that's not necessary."

  Wang regarded him for a long moment. "You're a very interesting young man," he said at last. "Most people would jump at the chance to get so much money for so little effort. It's very unusual - and refreshing - to meet someone who doesn't think that way. However, we're still in your debt for the news you've brought us; and it's our tradition that such debts can't be left unsettled. I think there's a way to do that without offending your sense of honor. Please excuse me for a moment."

  Wang rose and left the alcove. Steve couldn't help wondering what he was going to do. Oh, stop it!, he rebuked himself mentally. You'll find out soon enough! Nevertheless, he waited on tenterhooks until Wang returned, five minutes later. As he sat down, he laid a a disk of white 'mutton-fat' jade on the tablecloth. It bore the same silver dragon's claw insignia that appeared on Steve's black disk, but with a different number beneath it.

  "Your black disk signified you'd assisted the Tong in minor matters, and were therefore entitled to ask for our help at that level. A white disk signifies much more. It identifies you as an honored friend of the Tong, one who's done us a considerable service. Your requests will attract much more serious consideration and a much greater level of assistance. The number identifies the disk as having been issued by the Vesta branch of the Tong. The character on the back shows it was authorized by the head of our branch, the '438' or 'Deputy Mountain Master' on Vesta." He turned over the disk to show the Chinese logogram. "I called him to obtain his permission to give it to you. This is only the fourth we've ever issued. Please use it instead of your black disk if you need to contact the Tong in future. It'll ensure a swift response."

  "Thank you very much," Steve acknowledged as he picked up and pocketed the disk. "I'm grateful for your generosity. What happens next?"

  "Let me have your comm code. Someone will be in touch within a couple of days concerning your trip to New Brisbane. Meanwhile, in case those two men try again, I've assigned a team to watch over you. The taxi that takes you back to your hotel will be driven by one of my people, and others are already on their way to establish surveillance there. They'll try to be as unobtrusive as possible, but your safety is now a matter of no little importance to us."

  "I'm glad to hear that. It is to me, too!"

  Chapter 24: June 29th, 2838 GSC, late evening

  As the taxi pulled away from the restaurant, Steve at last relaxed his iron self-control. His knees felt like they'd turned to water, and his whole body trembled with nervous reaction.

  I did it!, he thought to himself, amazed. They actually bought my story! - or, at least, they seem to have bought it so far. There's still a long road ahead... but if all goes well, five to ten years from now, after a 'long and difficult search', I'll 'persuade a friend of the Bosun to hand over the knife'. I'll 'deliver it to the Dragon Tong on his behalf', telling them he refused to be identified for fear of retaliation. Lamington's murder will provide ready-made justification for that. Hopefully, the Tong will be so grateful to get it that they won't ask too many questions... but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

  He let out a long sigh as he considered the next few months. He'd be off to New Brisbane next week. That was going to be an ordeal, having to tell Vince's brother and sister how he'd died... but it had been his dying request. He wouldn't let him down. He'd be back here in September, by which time his injuries should be fully healed; then he faced three months of hard work, getting as fit as possible in preparation for basic training in January.

  The driver slowed slightly, cocking his head to one side as if listening to something. Steve glanced at him, noticing a black earpiece behind his right ear with a thin cable leading from it into his collar. The man listened a moment longer, then slowed a little more as he glanced at Steve in the rear-view mirror.

  "Sir, the surveillance team reports finding suspicious indications as they set up coverage of your hotel. A man is loitering near the entrance, and another two are in the lobby. A van with darkened windows is parked in a side alley a block from the hotel, with another two men inside it. Finally, the door to the balcony of your room is slightly ajar."

  Steve interrupted, "I left it closed, because light showers were forecast for tonight. Someone else must have opened it."

  "The team assumed as much. They believe someone is inside. Our team leader submits that these men clearly know you went out tonight, and are waiting for you to return - probably to kidnap you. He suggests that if you're willing to co-operate, we can seize all of them for questioning."

  Steve didn't hesitate. "That's fine with me. What do you want me to do?"

  "Just a moment, please, Sir." The man muttered something into his throat microphone, then listened intently before looking back at Steve again. "He says I should wait a few kilometers from your hotel. He'll ask the Red Pole to send reinforcements and specialists to assist our team. We'll receive further instructions shortly."

  "Let's do it!"


  The taxi driver glanced in his rear-view mirror. "Here she comes now, Sir."

  A runabout drew up alongside them in the shopping center parking lot. A petite, attractive woman got out, her darker features suggesting mixed ancestry. She wore dark slacks and a long-sleeved black shirt, and carried a capacious handbag. Steve estimated her age as being anywhere from late twenties to mid-thirties. He opened a rear passenger door for her, and she slipped inside as the runabout pulled away.

  "Good evening, Mr. Maxwell," she greeted him politely, then glanced at the driver. "Hello, Sam." She reached into her handbag and took out an earpiece, handing it to Steve. "My name's Lin. If you'll please put this behind your ear, you'll be able to hear instructions from the team."

  "Thanks, Lin. Please call me Steve." Its slightly sticky surface clung to his left ear as he tucked the trailing aerial wire into his collar, in imitation of the driver.

  She handed him a small black box, a red diode glowing on its front panel. "Please clip this to your belt beneath your jacket. It'll disrupt the hotel security cameras, and the police network in the immediate vicinity of the hotel. We'd rather not have their assistance tonight, so we'll all be wearing them."

  Steve couldn't help grinning. "I understand. I've seen them used before."

  "Are you armed? I can lend you a pistol if you wish."

  "Thank you, but I'm not trained in their use - not yet, anyway. That's something I intend to remedy as soon as I can. I'm nidan in karate, which may help. I've used it to assist your Tong on previous occasions."

  Her eyes widened slightly, and she half-bowed in her seat. "I'm the same rank i
n aikido. Perhaps we'll have an opportunity to spar together sometime. As for pistol training, I understand you'll be off-planet for a couple of months. When you return, I'll be glad to assist you if you wish, and if the Red Pole approves. I'm the weapons instructor for the Tong here on Vesta."

  "I'll take you up on that, thanks, and not just for pistols - other weapons, too."

  "I'll look forward to it. Let me brief you on what's going to happen. We've deployed a flitterbug operator to dispose of whoever's in your bedroom. He'll send scout bugs through the open balcony door to find out how many are inside, followed by assault bugs to knock them out with paralyzing neurotoxin.

  "He'll send more flitterbugs into the lobby as we open the door, to disable the clerk on duty and the men waiting inside. I'll get out of the taxi with you, acting as if I'm your partner for the night. The watcher outside will doubtless report our arrival, after which two members of our team will deal with him. You and I will cross slowly to the elevator, apparently engrossed in each other, to give the flitterbug operator time to disable those inside.

  "If anything goes wrong, we may have to defend ourselves against the men in the lobby until the flitterbugs can bring them down. I understand you've fought pirates before, and killed some of them?"


  "Good. I'm pleased to hear you've fought for real before - it'll make it easier to handle them, if necessary. If they produce pistols, leave them to me."


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