Honeymoon In Bondage

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Honeymoon In Bondage Page 5

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  She was scared, so very scared, and nearly crying by the time that Alain, just a half hour after he’d left, re-entered the room. When she turned her head, she saw a stoic and determined face – one she knew very well. He’d already taken off his suit coat and rolled up his sleeves. Gripped in his right hand was a long, four-inch wide fraternity paddle.

  “Oh, no! Not that!” she cried under her breath as her whole body clamored to get down from the table.

  But Alain was too fast. He lunged forward, jerking her back by the hair.

  “This is your choice, Meredith. Left up to me, you’d probably be in the closet all night. But since you insisted, you’d better not move, and you’d better graciously take every swat.”

  She hated every fucking smack of that dreadful paddle. The wood was mean and hard and unforgiving. It stung, it burned, it felt like fire on her tender skin. And the damn thing made her scream as it bounced off her bottom a good two dozen times before Alain finally quit.

  Instead of tossing the paddle to the side, he moved toward the door and hung it on the wall.

  “That’s where it stays,” he informed her, inviting no argument.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Now, you’d better start cleaning up this mess. I don’t want to see you again until everything in this studio is in its place. Is that clear?”

  “In its place?” she queried carefully.

  “In its place, yes. Not like you usually leave it, but as if it were my studio, not yours. I’ll leave that for you to interpret. If you don’t get it done by the time I’m ready for bed, you’ll spend the night right here.”


  At five minutes to midnight, Meredith scampered up to the master bedroom and knocked on the closed door.

  “Sir?” She peeked inside, seeing her husband propped up in bed reading a book.

  “You’re finished?” he asked. The kind and typically cool-headed Alain Danvers greeted her.

  “I am.”

  “And if I were to go down there, I’d find your studio spotless?”

  “Yes, sir,” she nodded. “Well, as much as it can be spotless, but you have to know that I hate it that way…”

  “I’m sure you’ll have it back to normal soon.” She grinned. “Now suppose you tell me exactly what’s going on inside that wacky head of yours?”

  “I’m an idiot,” she said contritely.

  “No, you are not an idiot. And that’s not an explanation. Come here.” He motioned her toward him.

  She made up the distance at a playful run and dove into his arms, hoping for a long, comforting hug. She lay facing him with her arms around his torso and her head buried in his chest. Alain let her snuggle in, but he didn’t let her ignore the question she’d not yet answered.

  “I want my explanation,” he said, pulling her back enough to scrutinize her eyes.

  Meredith gulped down the bad memory that gnawed so deeply in her gut…this wasn’t the past, this was the present, this was Alain, this was her kind, steady and faithful husband.

  “I don’t have a good one…I just started dwelling on the woman that you’re going to train and I felt myself starting to get angry and before I knew it, I started flinging cans. It was childish and stupid, and I’m so sorry. I know it’s not much, but it’s all I have to tell.” She said this with as much conviction as she could muster, hoping that he believed her. “Please, Alain, can’t we let it go. I promise I’ll behave myself. Please?”

  Alain sighed and shook his head. She was trembling in his arms, frightened. He could sense that there was still much that she was unwilling to confess. Maybe another time. “You know, it’s late, I’m tired, and it’s easier to trust you than probe all your motives at this late hour. Hear me clearly, though, I’m trusting you to lose the anger. That kind of temper is dangerous. This is your one and only warning. You get worked up over this again, you will regret it. Ella will be here in the morning, and I expect you to treat her with respect. You don’t have to do anything else but that. She’s my project and you have no reason to concern yourself with her. Is all that clear?”

  “Yes, sir,” she answered evenly, although her brows were still knit with worry.

  “What are you thinking, Meri?” he asked.

  “I do have one question, sir, please?”

  “And what’s that?”

  “Are you – are you going to…to fuck her?”

  “I don’t know, Meredith. I just don’t know. It’s not in my plans, but if the situation dictates, it’s a possibility. I’m sure you don’t like that, but it’s the best answer I can give you.”

  “Oh.” She sunk back into the comforting warmth of his broad chest, but her mind was beginning to spin again.

  “I will tell you one thing,” Alain added, “whether or not Ella and I have sexual intercourse, it will have nothing to do with my love and desire for you. You are my wife. Ella is no more to me than someone else’s toy. The only way I’ll waver in my feelings for you is if you do something to make that happen.”

  She shot up quickly. “Oh, I would never, Alain!”

  “Good. Now let’s get some sleep.”


  Ella arrived early the next morning. However, Alain had already left for the police station.

  He’d received a call at six o’clock that pulled both husband and wife from a sound sleep. He was immediately disturbed by what the caller said. To Meredith it was obvious that it had something to do with work, and she listened worriedly as he spoke in clipped tones to whomever was on the other end. Her own concerns seemed to rise as her husband’s did.

  “Is everything okay, Alain?” she asked once he put the receiver down.

  “No, dear, everything is not okay?” An odd mix of concern and frustration appeared on his face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He sighed deeply, smiling at her kindly, though it was a half-hearted effort with his mind obviously spinning as he got ready to leave the house. “It’s nothing to worry you about. Things happen. Investigations go bad. It’s a messy job. And this is one of the messy times. I’ll be fine, but I have to leave now. You suppose Mrs. Langshire is up?”

  “Do you want me to wake her?”

  “Yes, please do, and make me some toast, I need something to eat.”

  With Alain gone for the day – a Saturday – it was up to Mrs. Langshire to follow the master’s instructions regarding his new trainee. Once Meredith awakened the housekeeper, Alain and Mrs. Langshire conversed outside the kitchen in tones too low for Meredith to hear. She gathered it was all about Ella. Although Meri was curious, she had a feeling that the less she knew about the training the better. The trouble would be keeping her inquisitive mind from seeking answers to those questions that were best left unasked.

  When the doorbell rang at ten o’clock, Meredith answered, seeing Robbie Carvello on the doorstep with a young woman at his side. She was smaller than Meri had imagined she would be; red hair, fair skin, with a tight compact body and breasts bigger than her own – not to mention a very lovely rounded rear. All this was clearly exhibited by the purple knit dress clinging tightly to Ella’s curvaceous body. She might as well have been naked for what it failed to hide. Although Meri recalled having dressed as slutty on several occasions in the past, the scant attire along with the whorish platform heels gave Meri every reason to judge the young woman as one of ‘those’ subs. Robbie seemed quite proud of her, and smiled warmly as he led his submissive into the house.

  “I hear old Alain is doing overtime down at the station today. Tough luck there. Fact is, I better report in myself just in case, which is why I decided to go ahead and bring Ella here. Mrs. Langshire can take over, right?”

  “Of course,” Meri replied. “I mean I guess she was left with instructions. She turned to Ella, “I’m Mrs. Danvers, by the way, your trainer’s wife.”

  “Pleased to meet you.” The redhead held out her hand in response, to which Meri gave it a perfunctory shake, already feeling the awkward fact o
f the woman’s presence in her home.

  Meri didn’t like her, she knew that right off. Something in her manner, although she couldn’t quite put her finger on exactly what it was.

  “I’ll get Mrs. Langshire,” she said and she turned toward the kitchen.

  “I’m right here,” the housekeeper called from the hallway. She hustled into the foyer and moved directly to Ella, giving the girl as thorough an inspection as Alain might have, had he been there.

  “Take off the dress, please,” she said directly.

  Rattled by the abrupt command, Ella looked at Robbie, who had subtlety disengaged himself from his submissive. “This household owns you now, girl. And you’d better behave. You hear?” His voice had seemed to drop and the tenor of his being became far more crisp than Meri had remembered him being. She recognized the haughty guise of a dominant male with a shudder of her own.

  “Yes, sir.” Ella dropped her head and did a little curtsy.

  “So the dress?” Mrs. Langshire prompted.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Her face was flushed, her eyes darting about the room, taking in all three others present with a look of fear and excitement. A deep breath and she finally reached to the hem of her dress and lifted it over her hips, then her chest, then off over her head. She confirmed everything that Meri had guessed about her very firm and lovely shape, from the full but very perky breasts with their brown moons and tiny nipples to the lovely curves of her hips and ass to the neatly trimmed pubic bush where her legs came together in an inviting ‘V’. Though there was little left of the dark kinky hair, as Meri had guessed, there was enough to see that she was not a natural redhead. In fact, Meri couldn’t be sure what was natural about the young woman. She guessed that Ella’s breasts had been augmented to make them jut out so commandingly.

  The redhead was exactly the kind of woman that Robbie Carvello would be attracted to, a kind of seductive Playboy style brat. But what about Alain? Would he find her appealing? Meredith wondered. Although Ella may have acted like a subbie – she had the posing and facial expressions just right – in Meri’s mind she was just playing a role for the fun of it. Underneath the demure charm was something far different. If Robbie thought he had a true submissive in this young and sexy nymph, he’d be surprised to learn otherwise soon enough. Meredith had spent enough time observing in public dungeons and private parties to know the difference between a masochistic ‘bottom’ and a genuinely submissive female.

  Whether true or not, this was information that Meri would keep to herself. Unless Alain became as smitten with the redhead as Robbie was, he’d see the truth for himself. But, for that brief exchange in the foyer, Meri played her role perfectly as the politely submissive wife of Captain Alain Danvers, graciously welcoming the guest in the absence of her husband. Underneath the thin façade, however, she felt a noxious pang of jealously rise up and bite her quite meanly. This was exactly what Alain would have chastised her for and for that reason he must never know.

  “You have a fine one here, Mr. Carvello,” Mrs. Langshire said. “I’ll put her to work right away, get her used to the protocol in the house. Capt. Danvers instructions were quite clear. I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.”

  “You have the training collar?” Robbie asked.

  “Yes, right here.” The housekeeper pulled from her large apron pocket a two-inch leather collar that she efficiently locked around Ella’s throat, the padlock shutting with a definite click. Considering the stunned look on the girl’s face, it was apparent that this was not what she expected. Her lips were sexually pouty and her body was giving off pheromones in a heady stream, but her wide round eyes were filled with fear, as if she suddenly realized that this training was not just fun and games.

  “Well, you can go now, Mr. Carvello,” Mrs. Langshire said. I don’t think it’s a good idea to belabor saying goodbye. I know Alain will keep you posted on her progress. Right now, this girl needs to get on with her training.” The efficient housekeeper had clearly taken charge.

  Robbie smiled, gave his sub a perfunctory kiss on the mouth, all too brief for her, and moved toward the door.

  “Nice to see you, Meri,” he said cheerily. “I’ll be back soon.”

  He nodded to the three women and moved out through the front door.

  Already, Mrs. Langshire was leading Ella into the kitchen.

  Meri, meanwhile, remained in the foyer staring at the retreating forms. Mrs. Langshire had not fooled her in the slightest about being a submissive. She had likely been a good submissive to her husband, but she would have made quite a Female Dominant. Though Meri had much to consider, she felt a little safer knowing this, and she tottered off to her studio for a morning of painting. Of course, she planned to mess it up a little before she began.

  Chapter Five

  Training Ella

  Alain was buried in work, gone for most of the next forty-eight hours. Meredith only saw him in the dead of night. He arrived home at three am, gave her a tender kiss and fell into a deep sleep until the phone rang – his wake-up call – at six thirty.

  “So, soon?” Meri stretched in bed as she watched her husband move quickly to his feet.

  “’Fraid so.”

  He hopped in the shower, shaved quickly and was getting dressed just as Meri was finally getting out of bed.

  “When is this going to end?” she asked as she watched him step into his trousers. “I mean you have to sleep longer than three measly hours.”

  “I’m taking catnaps at the station.”

  “But that’s not enough.”

  “I’m sure it’s not. But this is just one of those times…”

  “One of those times when what? What is going on?”

  “You don’t want to know…besides, I will be here tomorrow, maybe even by dinner tonight.”


  “Yes. And how’s the training going?”

  “The training? How should I know?”

  “Ah! I thought you might have been curious enough to watch.”

  “Well, I can’t get around it…I means she’s there doing all kinds of chores I used to do, which isn’t so bad. I get more time to myself.”

  “That’s good. And what have you been doing with yourself?”

  “Painting, and I went shopping yesterday – ” her eyes gleamed mischievously.

  “And what did you buy?”

  “Just a new pair of really sexy shoes…and a dress.” She looked for his approval.

  “Is that so?”

  “I wish I had time to model it for you.”

  “Oh, you will, but I’m afraid I have to leave now. I’ll call you later.”

  He leaned down and kissed her warmly on the mouth, then turned to leave. Meri watched his retreat from the side of the bed.

  Meri waited for a minute, expecting to hear the front door open and close. When she heard none of the familiar sounds she associated with his leaving, she padded to the top of the stairs, listening to a conversation below. The voices traveled very clearly.

  “I’m Mr. Danvers, Ella. I understand that you’re settling into my house with little problem.”

  “Yes, sir. Mrs. Langshire has been very kind. So has your wife.”

  “That’s good.”

  Meri tiptoed a few stairs down, wanting to see as much as she was hearing. In the doorway of the foyer her husband stood looking down at the redhead Ella. From her perch above, Meri had a perfect bird’s eye view of the scene. Her husband’s hand was placed gently against the submissive’s left cheek in a way that recalled a dozen such incidents in the last year and a half when he’d done the exact same thing to her. Everything in Meri’s body seized up. This was the kind of affectionate gesture that should have been reserved for her alone, not readily given to a stranger. Meri’s heart beat rapidly, she wanted to fly down the stairs and feel that same tender touch against her cheek, but she was frozen on the stairs unable to move.

  “Your official training sessions will begin tomorrow, Ella, barri
ng anything unforeseen. Until then, you think about what your master desires for you. Even though you are here to be trained, this is still very much about you and Mr. Carvello.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You’re trembling,” Alain noted.

  “Yes, I’m very scared, sir,” the girl said.

  He’d dropped his hand to his side. “That makes a lot of sense, but being the submissive female that you are, I’m sure you’ll take this training to heart and make your master proud.” Just like Alain not let a submissive give in to their fear. The thrill behind the exchange sent a palpable response through the girl, and Meri. Meredith shivered on the staircase, feeling her own pussy pulse erotically, while in her gut a terrible jealousy burned hot.

  “All of you have a good day,” he finally said, then he turned toward the front door. “That includes you, Meri,” he said on gazing up the stairs.

  Meri shrank back, shocked to realize that her husband had been aware of her voyeuring from above.


  Alain deliberately left the den door wide open as he began the first session with Robbie’s submissive, Ella. He had no intention of hiding what took place behind closed doors, which would only stir up his wife’s jealously. Hopefully the full disclosure would allay any fears. If jealously were no longer an issue, Meri might just be curious about what he was doing. Even she had noticed that their relationship had somewhat skated around anal sex. This was by design. Alain felt that this highly intimate form of sexuality should be treated with a certain respect and great care. Until this point, he and Meri had only engaged in anal sex on a few occasions – although that didn’t mean that in time, he wouldn’t eventually explore it much more thoroughly. There was a certain mystery in that kind of surrender for submissively inclined females and he wanted Meri to understand what a powerful experience it could be. He wanted to reap that delicious darkness, which would mean saving anal sex for special occasions when the mood was just right. He figured that Meri’s experience of Ella’s anal training might work on his wife’s desires, until she reached the point of craving the act.


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