Honeymoon In Bondage

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Honeymoon In Bondage Page 6

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  In the meantime, Ella’s two week training was serious business for Alain. Caution was very important – this was what he’d preached to Robbie. His friend finally seemed to have understood after numerous missteps in this area that anal sex was not easy for all women, and it was not something he could rush. If the girl was so reluctant he would have to take her slowly. He’d be sure the steps were firm and certain, that the demands were unequivocal, but she’d be well prepared for what was expected of her.

  So far, Ella had proved to be willing and compliant in matters around the house. She did her assignments well, she wrote in her journal at night, and she accepted the intricate bondage dresses that she was required to wear. This was where his friend Joanna – Mrs. Langshire – provided her able assistance. The woman was far better, far faster than he was at tying the intricate knots that made up an elaborate bondage dress. He favored this sort of physical discipline over corsets and harnesses. Rope was a crude and demanding kind of lover that put a female into an unbroken mindset of submission, taking her deep into her natural desires for surrender. It seemed to work well for Ella too, although his busy schedule hadn’t yet given him the opportunity to interact with her.

  “You’re nervous?” he acknowledged, speaking to the girl in his typical kind and cool manner. While he sat back in his leather chair, the shivering redhead stood before him with her fingers laced behind her neck and her elbows wide. She wore nothing but the rope dress that Mrs. Langshire had just completed, one that cut tightly around her waist, her hips and large breasts, making the two bountiful orbs jut out even more than they normally did.

  “Yes, sir.” She stared off beyond him, for the moment looking more robotic than human.

  “Look at me, Ella,” Alain ordered.

  “Yes, sir.” She stared down, revealing much about herself in the way she reacted. It wasn’t so much her behavior as it was the underlying attitude. He and Joanna had spoken about this several times already, comparing notes about the girl. The housekeeper was a keen judge of character when it came to women who hung out in the BDSM world so he respected her opinion. While Alain liked his colleague a great deal, and he’d been great fun at parties in the past, Robbie Carvello had been unfortunate in his relationships. He could pick out a good sub; one he could collar for a few weeks of wild S&M fun, but any tries at a serious relationship had always turned out disastrous. The jury was still out on Ella, and so far, she was too compliant to have any complaints. Only time would tell.

  “I know the training hasn’t been much so far. Tonight, that changes.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “While you’re here, you’re going to learn to take some pretty sizable anal penetration. Your master wants you as eager to be taken up the ass as you are currently eager for oral or vaginal sex. He says you balk. Do you know why?”

  “No, sir.” She shook her head. “I try and I start to freak out.”

  “I’m sure you do. But while you’re here, there will be no freaking out, no balking, no fighting. All that nonsense starts up here.” He tapped his temple. “Unless you’ve had some really bad experience with anal sex, which Mr. Carvello says is not the case, then your responses are what you tell yourself. It’s all in your mind. If you relax, this doesn’t have to hurt…not in the slightest. Within a week, I’ll have you opened so wide, you’ll be shocked. You’ll be turned on more than you ever have. You’ll be begging your master to take your ass.”

  The girl looked at him shocked.

  “I know you don’t believe me, but that really doesn’t matter. It only matters that I’m sure of the outcome. What you need to do is submit as your master has trained you. Drop down into that subspace, or wherever you go that removes your inhibitions and I’m sure you’ll do well.” He took a deep breath and moved forward in his chair “So let’s begin. The spanking bench behind you, Ella…” The redhead tentatively peered around. “Put your knees on the bottom bench and drape yourself over the top, tummy down.”

  “Yes, sir,” she replied, her voice strangely faint. Although she looked a little numb as she moved toward the spanking bench, she followed the order without any hesitation.

  Alain quickly had Ella tied down to the bench with ropes he thread through her bondage dress. Already, he could feel her shudder with excitement. His body quickened deep at his core seeing the lovely redhead so submissively posed. When he reached out and stroked her trembling flesh, his body reacted instantly, his cock rising fast – something he’d have to rein in now.

  He’d need his wife before the night was out. With his sexual juices raised to this kind of splendid high, he’d need the sweet brat to siphon off the sexual energy that was created in such a scene. He hoped that Meri would behave herself and not create issues with him or the girl. Though he had his worries. Since Ella had been in the house Meri had not been her normal self. She seemed at a loss as to what to do, when being her elfish, inquisitive self would have been just fine. He probably should have ordered her to watch the scene instead of letting it be her choice, unfortunately he was too far into this first session to stop the action now and bring her into the room.

  For the moment, he let thoughts of his wife slide and focused his attention on his alluring subject. The valley of Ella’s pretty sex was as beautiful as it was soft to the touch. He almost regretted using the surgical gloves instead of his bare skin. But he had reasons for that too. Just the small sound of snapping them over the hands sent a thrilling shiver through a submissive-minded woman. It worked with Meri; it worked with Ella, adding a measure of fear and thrill, an edgy and verboten feeling to the event. The more he could wrap a submissive’s impressionable mind in a mystery, the better chance he had to get the desired result.

  When he finally laid his gloved fingers along her anal cleft, he felt her flinch, experiencing a tremor transmitted to him through his hand that went all the way to his crotch. When he fingered her vaginal slit, a tiny moan escaped her lips. Running his hand along the cleft, Ella’s juices began to flow – nearly enough to lubricate his way into the dark interior beyond her virgin anus.

  She accepted his fingers with a sharp gasp, then abruptly clenched up: “Oh, no! Please don’t.” The protest was expected, exactly the same resistance that greeted Robbie in this situation. “Please don’t make me do this… Please, I can’t!” she started in.

  Alain didn’t say a word in reply. Instead, he reached for the paddle on his desk and began a hard and vigorous spanking on the young sub’s pretty behind. Before the suddenly frantic girl could catch her breath, he abruptly stopped and probed his way beyond the tight sphincter with one finger going quite deep into her rectum. As he hoped, the resulting response was far different from the first one. “Oh, please!” Her words may have been the same, but her groaning was clearly erotic. He kept probing with a gentle pistoning action that soon had her entire body engaged.

  With his free hand, he began to work her clitoris, combining the action in both erotic places into one powerfully stimulating force she was unable to fight off.

  “Ohmygod!” she began to moan more fervently, her ass undulating as much as it could while she remained lashed down to the bench. The ropes creaked as they rubbed against the hardwood while her cries rose in volume and the sound of her pleasure filled the air.

  Suddenly, Alain pulled his finger from her ass and swiftly replaced it with a small anal plug. The girl gasped, but his constant attention to her clitoris and the opening of her vagina kept her arousal high and her mind from thoughts of rebellion. Knowing she was very close to an orgasm, he backed off with the teasing so she was sure to hear what he had to say.

  “I’d suggest that you remember how you’re feeling right now, Ella. This is what anal pleasure is all about. You’ll take more than you ever expected and learn to love it – that is, if you expect the relationship with your master to continue. Let’s hope for your sake that you learn to love it as much as your master does.”

  When he finally pulled both hands away, he left the
poor girl to suffer without reaching the finale she longed for.

  “Mrs. Langshire!” he called for the housekeeper.

  The woman was quickly in the room. “Yes, sir?”

  “You’ll add a rope to keep the plug in place until it’s time for her to sleep tonight. Then I want her tied down so that she cannot masturbate while she’s in bed. If you have any problem winning her cooperation, you call me. I’ll be right down the hall.”

  “I’m sure there will be no problem, sir,” Mrs. Langshire smiled.

  “Yes, I’m sure as well.” The two confidents made certain Ella heard this. “Tomorrow, prior to our session, you’ll have her ready for me. I want her washed clean, inside and out. I’ll attend to her when you’re done.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll see it’s done.” Mrs. Langshire took over, while Alain pulled the latex gloves from his hands and tossed them in the trash. The first session was over, after which he made his way directly upstairs to find his wife.

  Alain found Meri in the bath…

  He sauntered into the bathroom seeing his wife luxuriating in the bubbly bathwater, with her dark hair piled atop her head, the gentle waves lapping at the hanging tendrils. “You should have stayed for the training, you might have enjoyed it.”

  “Alain?” She sat up with a splash and turned around.

  “Did you hear what I said?”

  “You mean about observing the training session? Yes. But I’m sure I wouldn’t have enjoyed it at all.” Though she sweetly turned the phrase, the words were as fake as Ella’s bounteous tits.

  “Well, at least for now, that decision is up to you,” Alain wryly commented. “Just understand that those sessions will be highly erotic. As stoic as I am, an aroused woman will arouse me, especially if I’m the cause of the stimulation. I want you in bed now.”

  She was initially slow to respond, then the reality of what he’d just said seemed to whack her upside the head. “Oh, yes, sir,” she jumped up and scrambled from the tub, grabbing a towel to dry herself. With her hair still dripping, she jumped in bed. “So, how do you want me, sir?” she greeted him with a coy grin.

  Alain had to laugh. He’d pulled off his tie, shucked his trousers, and at the moment was unbuttoning his shirt. “I think your pussy will be just fine,” he answered.

  By the time he climbed up on the bed, his erection was stiff and Meri’s eyes were wide with wonder at the passion that seemed to drive him.

  He came at her vehemently, first pounding her between her legs as she lay back against the mattress. Then he flipped her over, raised her ass and began pummeling her pussy while kneading her ass cheeks with punishing force. The determination behind the fucking had her groaning while his cock pistoned in and out, and his thighs slapped against her thighs. She was initially confused and overwhelmed…too besieged to think, but feeling something ominous from this almost violent taking. Only then did she wish she’d been in that room downstairs to watch the first session.

  What had taken place? What had him so aroused? Had Ella come on to him? Had the bitch made a pass at her husband? Had he returned the advance? Was he only barely able to hold her off? What a fool she’d been to haughtily keep to herself while her husband was playing around with another woman. She soon became so lost in her worries that her own orgasm fell away, just a pale shadow of the vibrant sexual finale she was used to.

  When their sweating bodies finally broke away, she wondered if Alain noticed her lackluster climax. Or was he still lost in his daydreams, thinking of the redhead?

  She clung to him tightly that night to remind him that she was still there. But that didn’t stop her from worrying that it was Ella he was thinking about and not her.

  The days of Ella’s training moved into a regular pattern. In the morning Mrs. Langshire would give the girl an enema – a private session that Meri had no interest in. This was followed by a brief moment to rest and settle her body, which was then followed by the discipline of her assigned chores. With Meri, Alain had used routine housekeeping chores as a training tool. Ella would do the same, in some cases going over the same territory she’d just cleaned, just as Meri had done on many occasions. Toward the end of the day, an hour or so before Alain was expected home, Mrs. Langshire would take the girl into the maid’s room where Ella slept and carefully grease her ass. Then she’d insert an anal plug into the girl’s rear that was slightly larger than the one she’d worn the day before. Ropes, a tight thong, or a simple leather harness was used to keep the plug in place until later in the evening when the session with Alain would begin.

  While Ella trained, Meri went about her day doing the same things as usual. Painting, reading, shopping some, and occasionally visiting with friends. As much as Meri tried to ignore the presence of the other woman, the aura of their visitor seemed to permeate every room in the house. Or perhaps she’d just invaded Meri’s mind so profoundly that she could never forget that the girl was there and interacting with her husband on some level every night. For the first three nights, Meri sweated out the sessions in another part of the house, too afraid, too embarrassed to watch, though still intensely curious.

  Just like the first night, when each session was over, Alain would arrive in the master bedroom and take her with the same vigorous need that had obviously welled up during the training. His time with Ella created such a strong need in him that he required her immediate and very submissive body to satisfy his raging lust. He came in Meri’s pussy as he had before, and once all over her face – something he’d never done before, certainly not in such a demeaning display. Surprisingly, he ignored her ass – almost as if that erogenous zone had disappeared from her body.

  Alain didn’t talk much afterwards, which only made Meri more fearful of what was really going on in his den.

  On the fourth night, curiosity overwhelmed her too much to retreat upstairs as she had every other night. Meri stayed on the main floor trying to look busy. Then after Alain and Ella disappeared into his den, she furtively peeked in the room, keeping herself out of sight. At one point, hearing something, Alain turned around and Meri silently scrambled into her studio.

  She was just about to forget spying on the pair, when she suddenly realized that she could hear much of the conversation in the den, especially if she stood against the wall that adjoined her studio. The conversation was even more clear when she opened the storage closet and slid down under a four foot high shelf, her ear against the thin wall. She might as well have been inside the room. The ‘Oooos’ and ‘Ahhhhs’ and ‘No, Sirs,’ and ‘Yes, Sirs’, the smack of his hand against her ass when she apparently tried to fight, then the groaning pleasure that ensued just afterwards – it was all woefully clear.

  “It’s too big!” she heard Ella protest.

  A smack of his hand on her ass. “You’ll survive, my dear.”

  Was that an affectionate ring in his voice? Meri wondered. If only she could see Alain’s face, she’d be able to tell.

  “Oh, my yess…yes, sir…” The girl’s tone seemed to change on a dime.

  Whatever her husband was doing was obviously having a strong effect. He was taking her boldly to a climax. Meri could feel it in the air, that pregnant air attacking her in the groin, sending a painful spasm through her lower regions. Her own body heat was at a furious edge, but she was as furious as she was aroused. As the arousal and anger collided, she became so agitated that she had to remove herself from the closet fast or she might have been beating on the walls.

  She made a careful exit from the cramped space, then fumed miserably about her studio, until the sound of the phone ringing jarred her from her wretched state. Pressing her ear to the wall, she heard Alain speaking. The clipped commands were not unexpected, but the fact that he would have to leave was. She needed him in bed, she needed him the way he needed her, and realized that if they ever had sex that night, it would be hours away.

  Damn it! Damn him! Damn her!

  “Mrs. Langshire,” Alain called out when he hung up the pho

  Meri waited long enough for Mrs. Langshire to find Alain in the foyer, then Meri appeared herself.

  “Ella is finished for tonight. If you’ll please remove her from the bench. I have to leave right now.”

  “Right now?” Meri asked.

  “Yes, right now, Meri. Don’t bother waiting up for me.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and was out the door without another word said.

  For the next three days, the household was all amiss. Alain was gone for much of the time, and when he was home, he gave Ella an hour of his time for a training session, during which Meri listened from her closet hiding place. He left directly after the session the first night. The other two nights he stayed long enough to have sex with his wife, taking her almost brutally. The first time, he found her in her studio and practically jumped her from behind.

  “Alain, please!” She turned, immediately frightened, though she had no idea why.

  He hadn’t even bothered to close the door, but she knew exactly what he wanted, everything communicated through his lust-filled eyes. She could feel his arousal in her belly, gnawing at her as much as it must have been gnawing at him.

  “I have to leave, but I’d prefer to have you first.”

  “Of course,” she said thinly. “Have me.” She stood as if in a trance.

  The minimal foreplay over, he threw her into the work table, jerked up her dress and screwed her from behind. He kissed her afterwards, his lips hard and passionate, his breath still like fire. His hasty exit, the sudden absence of his warm body, left her nearly in tears.

  The next night he stayed long enough for sex, he captured her in the upstairs hall, grabbed her wrists and held them tight to her back, while he thrust his cock into her throbbing slit, pinning her firmly against the wall. That night, she was so horny that the sudden, explosive action made her come spontaneously. She didn’t want to hold back and she couldn’t if she’d tried. The whole house heard her erotic screaming and she didn’t care. In fact, she wanted Ella to know what they did as husband and wife. She wanted her imprint on the halls and rooms of her husband’s house, not the interloper Ella’s. Her loathing of the girl was becoming more apparent every day.


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