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Honeymoon In Bondage

Page 16

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Instead, he pulled her up and stood close at her side, a hand still gripping her left ass cheek in a gesture of ownership.

  “Did you come, Meri?” he coldly asked.

  “No, sir.”

  “And that is what you’d like, I suppose?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He could sense her tears, though he did not see them in the darkness.

  “Then come!” He started to slap her pubic mound with sharp, stinging slaps – forceful, demanding and insistent. “Come, Meri,” he ordered again.

  He felt her struggle with the command, but she dared not utter a single protest, as the pain began to work through her body. By putting on the collar, she’d set the tone for this moment and she understood what she faced. This was what she wanted; there could be no doubt.

  The slaps came harder and faster, and when he paused, Alain pushed his fingers into that molten doorway and pressed them against her clitoris, rubbing it hard.

  “Ah, noooooooooo,” she finally vented aloud. “Ohhhhhmyyyyyygawwwwwwd!”

  Her head fell back, exposing that long and beautiful neck, and the slave collar that ringed her throat. She slumped against him, her body undulating as it moved rapidly toward its climax.

  When he began spanking her pussy again he didn’t let up for a long time. He could feel the pain almost tear the arousal from her body, but just before she lost that sweet erotic edge, he stopped the punishment and sought out the sodden valley again with his probing fingers.

  This time, he pinched her clitoris. At that very instant, he felt the spasms break loose and her orgasm give way. Convulsive shudders wracked her body as it came alive with pleasure. Even as fiercely as he pinched her clit to extend her torment, there was no stopping the orgasm that finally released through the pain.

  When she slumped into his arms like a weakened kitten, all he wanted to do was hold her tightly to his chest, but instead, he let her slide gently to the floor where she grabbed for his legs, unwilling to let go.

  “Oh, Alain, I already miss you!”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Leaving

  Meri was late to arrive in the breakfast room the following morning and she dreaded being scolded, worse yet, punished for being tardy. It really was not her fault. She failed miserably putting on the corset as Alain demanded she do, and finally had to seek Priscilla’s assistance. The lovely woman hustled into her room. Seeing Meri’s distraught face she smiled warmly.

  “You really can’t do this by yourself, but then, they wouldn’t tell you that. They just like to see us suffer,” Priscilla joked light-heartedly.

  “I’m getting that impression,” Meri said, feeling very much relieved to find another woman there to share her moment of misery.

  Priscilla stood behind her and carefully cinched the laces of the yellow corset, her fingers tugging them tighter and tighter until Meri could barely breathe.

  “Dear God! I think you have it too tight!”

  But Priscilla refused to loosen the tight cincture. She circled her instead, stuffing her fingers into the top of the corset to see how much give remained.

  “Nope. This is perfect, any tighter, you will have some breathing problems, but any looser, you’ll have Lawrence cinching it himself and I don’t think you want that.”

  “I suppose not. But I can hardly take a breath.”

  “You’ll get used to it and the corset will give some the more it warms from your body heat. Now look in the mirror.” Priscilla pushed her to the freestanding mirror, then stood back and admired the striking Mrs. Danvers in the beautiful corset. “I wish I had your graceful height,” Priscilla sighed deeply.

  “Oh, but you do look so beautiful,” Meri turned and smiled, feeling a friendly warmth sweep around them both.

  “I’m really glad you’re here. Lawrence won’t be absconding with you the way he does Nelle, so I’ll have someone to talk to once in a while. Although I don’t want to impose on you. I hear you paint?”

  “I do. But I have to be in the right mood, and with Alain gone, and under these circumstances, I think I’d be happy just to scrub the floors.”

  “Oh, don’t say that to Lawrence or that’s all you’ll be doing,” she whispered.

  “Okay, then I won’t say a word,” Meri laughed, whispering too. But then her face suddenly seemed to loose all its color as she caught sight of the clock on the nightstand. “Oh, my God, I’m late! Alain said nine o’clock sharp, it’s fifteen minutes after.”

  “Then you’d better run. I’ll see you later.”

  Meri sped off, running down the stairs to the first floor and entering the room breathing hard, her lips finally forming a sheepish grin as she pulled up short in front of her husband and Lawrence Underhill.

  “I’m sorry, sirs. I was having a little problem with the corset.”

  “You don’t look as though you’re having a problem,” Lawrence remarked.

  “Very becoming,” Alain said, surveying his wife’s shapely form.

  Meri noted the subtle amusement in his expression and knew everything was okay.

  That is, everything was okay until it was time for him to leave a few hours later.

  Meri had hardly seen him during the morning. After breakfast, he and Lawrence hibernated in the library, while Meri assisted in the kitchen with the breakfast dishes. She’d then been given permission to go upstairs and find a dress to wear over the yellow corset; it was much too cool in the damp house to be running around with so few clothes, even if she did look like a beautiful ornament in her new corset.

  Lawrence Underhill was correct, however, Meri could feel a definite shift in her psyche with the corset tight around her middle, lifting her breasts high to make them seem much bigger than they naturally were. She put on a blue knit dress with a scooped neckline and a softly draping skirt that reached nearly to her knees – a dress that Alain had tossed into her suitcase. He must have wanted her to wear it.

  One glance in the mirror and Meri could see that her body looked entirely different with the corset on underneath. Her shape was more defined, her posture more erect and her attitude more deeply submissive. This pleased her. For the first time since their whole ordeal began, since Alain announced that she’d be staying with Lawrence Underhill, Meri felt a distinctive calmness take over. She felt more centered and composed than she’d been in a long while. Her submission seemed appropriate for the situation, clearly a duty to her husband and their relationship that she could not, in fact, would not want to disregard.

  She returned to the downstairs of the house intending to join Alain and Lawrence in the library. Tentatively knocking on the door, she waited for a signal to enter. The formality of Underhill House, like the corset, made her instinctively hold back when at home she felt free to barge right in. She was surprised when Lawrence actually answered the door himself. Smiling broadly, he motioned her inside.

  Seeing Alain again, Meri’s sex was immediately on edge. More than ever, she was powerfully attracted to her husband and his dominance. Maybe the house was working on him too; maybe inside its walls his demeanor changed just as hers had. The differences were nothing obvious, just subtle but substantive alterations that had a stirring effect. In truth, he seemed more dominant and more alluring to her than he’d been in the last few strained months. Perhaps, in part, the weight of his currently stressful situation had abated by his bringing her to this place. Perhaps having her safe at last brought out that sweet beastly nature of his. Or perhaps it was just the house, sending his psyche back to its instinctively dominant roots. Was he now like the man he’d been when he and Lawrence partied in those old dungeons years before? She was just a little curious.

  No matter what the cause of this shift, Meri was not quarreling with the outcome. After Alain arrived back in their room the night before, and so stunningly took her in the ass, they’d had sex twice in the middle of the night. Their sleep had been rocked by disturbing dreams and they seemed to fall into each other’s arms for comfort. Si
mple comfort turned quickly into pleasure and pleasure into a savage eroticism. Meri wanted more of him even now, but she sadly sensed that Alain was getting ready to leave.

  “You’re going, aren’t you?” she said, wistfully. She could feel her tears about to break through her calm reserve.

  “Not yet,” he looked up and smiled.

  “But soon?”

  “Yes, soon, Meri.” She stood beside him and he took her hand affectionately. “As soon as I put a few things in order.”

  She wanted to sit in his lap, or next to him, or at his feet, anywhere she could be close and her hands could touch his body and feel his feral spirit calming her. How swiftly her mood had changed. That calm composure she’d experienced while admiring herself in the corset seemed to have abruptly disappeared.

  “So, what’s out of order?” she wondered aloud.

  Alain chuckled. “It’s just an expression of speech, love. Come sit,” he motioned to the seat beside him on the couch. “I have a few instructions for you while I’m gone.”

  Meri could already guess what they might be.

  Alain took her hand again, then peered into her eyes with an expression so soulful and serious that she shuddered before he even said a word. “While you’re here, you are subject to Lawrence’s control and his discipline. You’re not Mr. Underhill’s slave, but you will do as you’re told. If he has chores for you to do, do them and be gracious about it. Other than that, you’re free to read or paint or walk the garden or visit with Priscilla. Your time is your own. I want you to be your submissive self, but I also want you to enjoy your stay.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And remember, behaving yourself means that you follow the house rules. If you don’t, you can count on being punished, same as you would be at home.”

  She glanced briefly at Lawrence Underhill who was standing behind the couch observing. She looked a little gloomy.

  “Hey, don’t be so sad,” Alain drew her back, “this isn’t a prison and you’re not a prisoner here.”

  “Well, except that I can’t leave, can I? I suppose they pull up the drawbridge at night.” She tried to be light-hearted amidst her sadness.

  “No, there is no drawbridge here, but no, you cannot leave. Just remember why you’re here.” He gently lifted a stray hair from her face.

  “To be safe,” she replied.

  “Yes, to be safe,” he said succinctly, then his mood lightened somewhat and his eyes lit teasingly. “I also think the discipline in this house will do you good. Humbling maybe, but that should feed right into your kinky fantasies.”

  “Oh, it already has,” she admitted. She shifted in her seat, feeling the tight corset press in around her.

  “Good.” He took a moment to give her body a studied gaze. “By the way, you look beautiful with the corset underneath your dress.” His smile was as lewd as it was sincere.

  “Too bad you won’t get the benefit of it right now,” she chided.

  “Yes, that is too bad.” His eyes had a merry, playful aspect. “But I do have something to leave you with, a little reminder of me. I certainly don’t want you forgetting who owns you.”

  “Oh, Alain, how could I forget that?”

  “Just to be sure.” She was more than a little curious now. “Lawrence is going to fit you into one of his chastity belts. You’ll wear it, especially at night to keep your naughty hands off your pussy.”

  “Alain!” She jerked her hand from his. “You’re kidding, aren’t you?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “But—that’s like punishment!”

  “It’s not punishment at all if you take it in the right spirit. You’re likely to be quite aroused, but you also won’t be sneaking around and getting off.”

  “You mean I can’t come until you return?”

  She heard Lawrence laughing behind her and she hated that.

  “If you’re a good girl, Lawrence will help you out as he did last night. You’ll get your pleasure and you won’t burst at the seams. You might even find the chastity inspiring.”

  “I doubt that,” she pouted.

  “Of course, if you want to be a brat about it, you can just do without coming at all.”

  “No, no, no! Please!”

  He laughed.

  Finally, he pulled her close and kissed her hard on the mouth. The feeling moved downward to her pussy, clenching her sex with renewed arousal.

  “Alain, I’m as turned on as I was last night,” she quietly confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. “I came three times then, I don’t think you know what you’re asking me to do.”

  “I do know what I’m asking. Restraint, Meri. This is a time to be at peace and what I’m asking you to do will make that happen. That I know.”

  She looked doubtful, but he was paying no attention. He stood up and pulled her to her feet. “Lawrence,” he looked to his friend, “she’s in your hands, my friend. It’s time for me to go.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Damn Chastity!

  “Alain, you have no idea!” she whined into the phone unhappily. It had now been twenty-four hours and she was already sick of the master’s chastity belt – or cage, or however the hell Lawrence referred to the nasty contraption that kept her hands away from her perpetually spasming pussy.

  “You’re having a problem?” Alain asked, calm as ever.

  “I hate this damn thing!”

  “You mean the chastity belt?”

  “Yes, I mean the chastity belt.”

  “Then you’re just resisting its charm.”

  “Oh, be serious!” she glowered.

  “I am serious.” And he sounded as if he were. “You need to ratchet down the gloom and doom, take some time to calm yourself and you will adjust.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Then you’ll be miserable.” He was not budging an inch. “Although I’d rather not see you that way, there is only so much I can do from here.”

  “You can have Lawrence take the wicked thing off!”

  “You know, you’re getting awfully mouthy, Meredith,” he reminded her with the same cool resolve. “You think because I’m ninety miles away that my hand doesn’t reach that far?”

  “I’m sorry,” she instantly changed her tone. “I’m just so…so…missing you!”

  “And I miss you too. But if you don’t settle yourself down, your life will really be hell, because I’ll make sure you won’t get off until I see you. Trust me, you won’t want to wait that long and you won’t want to have pissed me off that much.”

  “You mean you’d actually do that…?”

  “Tell Lawrence not to let you out of the thing? Yes, that’s exactly what I’d do.”

  She was thinking how hateful a circumstance that would be – enough to call up a host of four-letter words – but she wisely held her tongue. “I guess I haven’t done a very good job adjusting to this situation,” she said instead. “I’ll try harder.”

  “Do us both a favor, Meri, relax. Don’t try to do anything. Go paint. Put your mind on something else.”

  “Yeah, sure, I can do that,” she replied disheartened. “So, how are things there? The house must be lonely.”

  “It is. Even Mrs. Langshire has deserted me. Off to her sister’s for a couple weeks vacation.”

  This fact secretly pleased Meri, though she didn’t know why.

  “I am working a lot of hours,” he went on, “so if you were here, you’d hardly see me. I’m sure there are many more fun things to do there.”

  “Right, sure…” she didn’t bother to sound convincing, and this time Alain let her dour mood slide right by.

  “I think, I’m losing the signal,” he finally said. “I’ll call tomorrow.”


  The chastity belt remained through Meri’s afternoon and into the evening hours, much to her distress – although as Alain suggested, she attempted to turn her attention to something else. Her attempts were hardly successful. Not only was the tight
steel around her crotch uncomfortable, but the nasty effect the chastity had on her submissive psyche was alarming. She couldn’t figure out why Alain thought this was such a grand idea. It was a damn nuisance as far as she was concerned.

  At dinner, Meri and Priscilla sat at the table with Lawrence, while the trainee Nelle served the meal. Meri was just getting settled in her seat – not easy to do with the steel crotch piece digging into her pussy – when Lawrence spoke.

  “Please, dear, stand up.”

  “Me, sir?” she pointed to her chest.

  “Yes you, Meri.”

  And she stood, pushing her chair away.

  “Come here now.”

  It was just two steps and she was at the man’s side. When his hands went up under her dress, her body suddenly lurched forward and she gasped.

  “Easy now. Just hold up your skirt so I can give you a little reprieve from the belt.”

  “Oh, yes sir, thank you!” She was excited now.

  She thought she might come on the spot, the way her host’s warm hands moved adroitly about her crotch as he unlocked the belt and finally set her free. She had the feeling that he was deliberately grazing his fingers along her pubic cleft to tease her clit.

  “Aroused, are we?” he even asked.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Well, enjoy your freedom for awhile. But no getting off!” he warned. “And you’ll be locked back up when it’s time for bed.”

  “Yes, sir.” She could only hope that before the evening was over, he’d give her the orgasm her body fiercely craved.

  Without the chastity belt, the delicious feel of her naked crotch squirming against the wooden dining room chair nearly made her come. If she’d only been a little more discreet, she might have pulled off the feat without being noticed. But her movements were not that inconspicuous.

  “You’d better watch yourself, girl,” Lawrence warned at one point, “or it will be your ass burning from the cane, not your pussy from a good come.”

  “Yes, sir.” And she stopped the squirming, hoping her arousal would subside.


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