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Honeymoon In Bondage

Page 21

by Lizbeth Dusseau


  The morning brought the thunder of winged beasts, beating against the sky. Lawrence Underhill’s houseguests stepped out of the house to find the sun shining brightly as they watched an air rescue helicopter land in the open space beyond the house. After a flurry of activity during which Lawrence was brought out on a stretcher with Priscilla at his side, the aircraft lifted off again with both inside. Not more than five minutes later, a second chopper dropped to the earth, while Meri stared with her hand above her eyes, guarding them from the blinding sun. Once on the ground, the familiar figure of Alain Danvers jumped from the craft and moved her way. Her heart leapt with joy and she sank into her husband’s arms and wept.


  Inside the house, Meri sobbed freely, while the others milled about watching, no one sure exactly what to do.

  Alain finally spoke tersely, “I need some time alone with my wife, if you don’t mind.” All this time, he had kept a keen eye on Eric Ravenly. Now he ignored the man as he led his wife up the stairs.

  The torrent of words began as soon as the bedroom door closed behind them. “I’m sorry, Alain, I tried so hard…They seemed to take me off this planet to some place I’ve never been sexually. I know I did things I wasn’t supposed to do. I’m so ashamed. I couldn’t help myself. There was so much wine that I couldn’t think. I know that’s not an excuse. I swear I pushed Eric off me, but I just didn’t know what to do with Lola…I just didn’t know what to do. I love you, Alain. I swear I do.”

  Even a day later, Meri could not recall Alain’s words from that morning, but she could remember how she felt to be with him again; how he folded her inside his protective arms and held her. Whatever she’d done while he was gone didn’t seem to matter to him at all. He didn’t want explanations or details, though she gave him many, needing to vent the entire story as if that might release her from the damning truth.

  When she was done with her confession, he simply smiled and held her, stroking her back as she cried and saying in a soothing Alain voice, “It’s all right, Meredith. Everything is okay now.”

  The two spent the afternoon sharing the same bed, no chastity belt, no corset or Roissy dresses, just his warm body connecting with hers, wiping away any trace of the others who had been with her so intimately.

  In the late afternoon, he finally rose from bed, washed up in the small sink in the corner of the room, then he put on his clothes, tan trousers and a navy blue sweater. As Meri watched him dress, she thought how handsome he looked, how he wore his dominance so easily and she needed that now.

  “I have some necessary business to take care of,” he finally announced.

  “Oh, Alain, please, can’t we just leave?”

  “We’ll leave soon enough,” he replied. He was quite terse, his mind clearly preoccupied. “You stay put.”

  She watched him leave, but grew more anxious by the second as she heard him retreat down the stairs.

  Refusing to stay put, she popped up and quickly dressed, then tiptoed down the stairs, stopping outside the library where she heard Alain and Eric conversing. With the door cracked an inch or two, she could hear their conversation very clearly.

  “Does it surprise you that I’d find your wife ripe for the taking?” she heard Eric first.

  “I would have thought that kind of depravity would be behind you,” Alain replied.

  “Well, you have your lovely wife to thank for my restraint. I thought of all the despicable things I might have done with her, and believe me, the list was long. Thinking of that last time, what was it? Ten, twelve years ago? Part of me would have enjoyed every depravity my horny mind could invent. But it was quite clear that she is a ‘wife’ to you, not just a sub female that you tease and toy with. She actually loves you, you sorry bastard. As much of a bastard as I am, I found this strangely persuasive.”

  “Persuasive? And exactly what does that mean?”

  “I decided not to be a bastard. That look of innocence on her face, it’s really quite natural and moving. And maybe my old ways aren’t working like they used to. Maybe time has given me a conscience. Even all the venomous things that were said the last time we were together didn’t quite have the sway they once had. All my plans for a cunning revenge started to seem rather pointless. Maybe it was just the number of years and how those years put a new face on the truth. I pulled my punches, Alain, I let Lola have her. I punished her once but any penetration was between Lola and your bride.

  “Oh, she might tell you otherwise…like I was on my way to rape her, but I was so drunk by the time I got to that point last night, that I passed out on the stairs before I even got to her room. I understand, she went sneaking down the old hidden stairway to get away from me, though she really didn’t have all that much to fear.”

  “You’re so certain of that? That she didn’t have anything to fear?” Alain asked.

  “You’ll never believe me, I know that. I’m just a despicable rake to you. But remember, so were you at one time.” He laughed. “I’m surprised we never dueled. Wouldn’t that have been a hoot? But you always had the prestigious job of yours for cover. I’ve just been the itinerant playboy all my life. I get so little respect.”

  “What Meredith did last night was escape the house because she was frightened of you,” Alain answered him. “She also went to Larry’s rescue. You may congratulate yourself for your magnanimous behavior toward my wife, but as usual, you have a very selective recollection of the facts. What may be worse, however, is the way you had so little problem hastening your uncle’s trip to the grave. If Meri hadn’t initiated that short-wave radio call last night, it may have been a dead body lifted out of here. Think about that, Eric.”

  “Well, I guess your Meri behaved herself rather courageously for a sub,” he generously conceded. His voice seemed to have weakened, though the bravado was still there.

  “She’s not just a submissive, she’s a fine woman,” Alain came back quickly. “She’s daring, she’s brave. And even amidst her internal conflicts, which are many, she’s always trying. Always trying to please me. She succeeds in that far more than she’s ever failed. You were taking advantage of her just as you’ve always taken advantage of women whose minds you could easily bend. I really don’t think you’ve changed there. We’re going to leave this place as soon as we have a ride off and I know that the others here will be safe. As far as I’m concerned, Ravenly, I’d be happy to never set eyes on you again. That is one thing about me that hasn’t changed since the last time I saw you.”

  Meri could only imagine the expression on Eric’s face. Something smug she was sure. His ego couldn’t take much more beating. Her next move needed to be a fast one. Detecting that Alain was about to walk out of the library, she dashed up the stairs to her room.

  “You’re breathing rather hard,” were Alain’s first words to her when he returned upstairs to the bedroom, just a minute after she arrived there. “I hope you heard every word I said down there.” He raised his eyebrows, knowingly.

  Meri smiled sheepishly. “I couldn’t help myself, Alain. I just had to know what you were going to say to him. Punish me if you have to, I really don’t care.”

  He shook his head. “I’m not going to punish you. For once, I’m glad you misbehaved, although it’s getting to be a regular thing with you…if I forbid it, you’re bound to dive right in.” He chuckled under his breath. “The truth is, I meant every word I said about you. I’m proud of how you acted, of your taking charge when it needed to be done.”

  “Well, that might have been accidental, Alain. I fled more in fear than a need to rescue Lawrence. I’m just happy I could do that, too.”

  “Let’s not be splitting hairs. It’s over now, and as soon as we can get off this island, we will.”


  Honeymoon In Paris

  It began like a beautiful dream…the flight off the island in the helicopter, Alain telling her he’d taken a leave of absence from his job and then, just days later, the
flight to Paris. No cell phones, no interruptions, no police force, no need to hide, no Eric Ravenly, no gangster thugs.

  The second night of their honeymoon he set her down on the bed. “I think it’s time I told you about my past,” he said. “You deserve to know after this.”

  Her mind was already swimming from the delicious wine and her head a little bleary, so that when he began to speak, the images in her mind seemed like a daydream, a fantasy, but not like they were actually real.

  Her mind heard the gist of it, while her heart listened to what was beyond the story of his sordid past…“We were an incestuous little group then…” he began, “there were women, many of them, many of them submissive and willing to be beaten by rough sadists like me…we were petty…exchanging females…days in brothels, fist fights…drunken orgies in country houses, like Underhill House, where we rarely left the dungeons and kept our subs in cages like beasts we tamed for sport. I’m not sure any of it was consensual, but the women were so high on alcohol and endorphins that it didn’t matter what we were doing…” He stopped for a moment, thinking back, searching for more, then continued on. “We held grudges…played ruthless games to best each other, and then Ravenly began to fall off the edges of his own common sense…things started to unravel and get ugly…the fun stopped…and one night ten years ago, a woman we barely knew – Ravenly’s latest sub, a pretty blonde with a body that loved to be bound in rope…” he sighed, shaking his head, the despair still real. “She fell off an old bridge while we were drunk and out of our minds. She nearly died…if she hadn’t been rescued she would have been…”

  The remorse was felt in his every breath.

  “Who went in the water after her?” Meri asked, when he didn’t say.

  “I did…” though he said it without being proud or smug. “Even after that, Eric wanted to carry on as if nothing happened. I exploded on him and his dangerous lack of self control. I ranted on until I finally realized much to my shame that I was speaking to myself…” he looked Meri straight in the eye when he said this. “We split up carrying hard feelings with us…and mine have only hardened over the years. These were not my finest hours, Meredith. They are the reason I left the BDSM lifestyle for so many years, why I’m reluctant to share this nasty kink with anyone. Why I was so reluctant with you. I’ve been cautious and you have no idea how sorry I am that you had to deal with that man. You have no idea. I never would have taken you to Underhill House if I’d known there was even a remote chance he’d be there. As far as Larry knew, he was in living Mexico, had been for several years.”

  Tears were swimming in Alain’s eyes as his words registered in Meri’s heart. She took his hands and held them watching him closely as a tear fell down his cheek. He’d finally stopped speaking and then with his arm sweeping around her, he pulled her tight to his chest and held her close. Looking toward the window they watched the lights of Paris glistening through the open window. Spring was rampant in the scrumptious air, the fragrance of the city wafting in on a warm breeze.

  “How about another glass of wine?” he finally said.

  “Humm… I’ll be happy to pour you a drink. Scotch, right?” she asked. “Why don’t you sit in the chair where you can really see the city.” She practically pulled him from the bed and set him in the overstuffed easy chair. Then she made him his drink from the small wet bar. He could see her from where he sat. She was aware that he was watching her closely, staring at her long legs and her bare crotch with its dark, trimmed pubic hair. It peeked out just below his wrinkled cotton shirt – she’d put it on after they’d had sex. Whatever it was about a man’s dress shirt bringing out the slut in a sexy woman was certainly true for Meri in Alain’s mind. He watched her with an expression that was smug and amused and even stern. There was a twinkle in his eye too; he was having a very good time, the best he’d had in a long while.

  After handing him his drink, Meri looked at him coyly, like a pin-up doll posing cutely. Then she dropped to the floor and crawled with hips rolling like a street slut’s as she made her way to the closet. She opened his toy bag with her teeth and drawing the zipper across the top, she fished around for the rope. After tugging it loose, it trailed behind her as she brought it to him in her mouth.

  “Tie me up, Alain…” she said, after he reached out to take her offering. “I don’t care about your past, I never have. Who you were then isn’t who you are to me. I want to be your slave now, as much as ever. As much as I want to be your wife.”

  Alain toyed with the rope, his fingers rubbing across the rough fibers. The truth stirred him, and his cock responded as was typical for a Dominant man face to face with a woman like Meri. What more could she have said? How utterly perfect she could be without even knowing what she was doing. He wouldn’t dare disappoint her now.

  “I guess, then, it’s time I tied you up and give you that beating you no doubt deserve.” His voice had hardened but not his eyes or his heart.

  The rope wound its way around her body, her breasts, her middle, her shoulders, until he had her hands captured and bound as well; until he could sling her to the bed, pose her on hands and knees and, prying her ass cheeks apart, take her up the ass.

  When he entered her, her soft moan was heaven to his ears. And when she came, her entire body shuddered, bringing on a thunderous orgasm of his own.

  Alain’s heart ached with a fierceness he could not understand. What she’d done to him, he still could not fathom.

  He watched her bathe after the bondage and the sex; seeing the exquisite way she squeezed water from the sponge onto her glistening skin. She was humming a tune he could scarcely recall, though it was familiar to him. Standing in the doorway of the bathroom, he was content for a moment to simply watch, and listen, and smell her fragrance. Once deciding that it was time to make up the distance between them, he was naked in seconds, sinking into the deep tub behind her, his face nestled in the fragrant crook of her neck where the scent of her made him almost drunk with love.

  More Erotic Fiction by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Experiment In Terror

  Slave Ranch

  Betrayal of the Virgin Bride

  Her Latest Acquisition

  Sexual Mischief

  Bounty Hunter

  The War of the Remingtons

  Stained Sheets

  The Truth About Marianne

  Master For A Desperate Slave

  Poor Little Rich Slut

  The Humiliation of Hannah

  The Scandalous Demise of Lily Lake

  The Secret Sins of Lizzy Barton

  Pagan Dreams, Lesbian

  Affairs of A Wicked Heart

  Outer Island

  Into the Dark Wilds

  Force Me To Obey

  In Chains

  For A Complete Erotic Catalog:

  Pink Flamingo Publications

  P.O. Box 632 Richland MI 49083






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