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The Day She Cried

Page 15

by K. Webster

  The giant and the raven,

  In slumber side by side.

  Her other half loathes him.

  But she soothes the giant to protect the part of her heart that lives.



  The raven has the answers, but you have to dig.

  Her other half will save the princess.

  I drop to my knees and bend to look under the bed. Nothing but cobwebs and a shoe. With a sigh, I sit back on my haunches. Then a thought occurs to me. Reaching my palm between the mattress and box spring, I feel around until my hand makes contact with something. I jerk it out and almost choke when I realize it’s the journal.

  I don’t move from my position and immediately flip to the first page. It’s dated two years ago.

  He came home, called Rome a disgusting homo, and hit my brother in the stomach. I was able to calm him down, but Rome was in so much pain I thought we should take him to the ER. When I mentioned it to Dad, he only became enraged and accused us of fucking. Then, he told my brother he’d rip his cock off with his teeth if he even looked at his daughter wrong. I’m terrified of my father.

  A sick sensation settles in the pit of my belly. I flip the page. It’s dated three days later.

  He came home from work drunk again. Rome was wisely in his room with the door locked. Dad kicked the door in and punched my brother in the face. He was asleep, so the attack was unprovoked. Rome was defenseless. When I tried to comfort my brother after Dad passed out on the couch, Rome told me to go to hell. I’m so scared Dad will kill him.

  Someone sobs and it takes a moment to realize it’s me. I remember one day Rome showing up to school with two black eyes and a bandage over his nose. The whispered rumors were that he got in a fight with a thug at the mall. It wasn’t that at all. It was his father. I remembered feeling compelled to ask him if he was okay, but then Whitney told me to stop looking at him because I was giving him the wrong ideas—that freaks like that rape girls like me. She scared me shitless.

  I was such a damn sheep.

  Hastily, I swipe my tears away and turn the page that’s dated three weeks later.

  I’ve found something that works. If I meet Dad at the door and distract him, he leaves Rome alone. All I have to do is say things about Mom. Or tell him about my school day. I lie and tell him everything is perfect. He loves it when I smile. It worked until tonight. I smelled the hard liquor on his breath. He was out of control and kicked Rome in the ribs so hard I’m sure he broke one. Why won’t he leave my brother alone? When Rome hurts, I hurt. It must be the twin thing. My chest aches for my brother. I wish we had help. Will anyone believe us? Two sixteen-year-old outcasts?

  My heart squeezes for them both. Poor Rome. I didn’t realize he got his ass kicked by his dad so often. Flipping page after page, I learn about Rome’s frequent abuse.

  Can my father go to jail for this? But who will take care of us if he’s gone too? Will they put us in a home? Will they separate us? I have so many questions.

  Then, the entry skips a couple of weeks.

  I’ve saved up some money from the diner. I’m going to talk to someone who may have answers for me.

  The next day is another entry.

  He’s beautiful. I can’t believe I’m crushing on him. But he says he can help—that he’ll even help for free. I’m going back tomorrow to discuss it in more detail.

  I’m about to skip ahead when I hear the knob to the bedroom door twist. I let out a squeak of surprise as I shove the journal back under the mattress. I’m still on my knees when Jamal slinks into the room, an evil smirk on his face.

  “Looking for this?” he says, his voice cold. He waves my phone at me before tossing it on the floor in front of me. I don’t like the idea that he’s had my phone in his possession.

  I look down and see the familiar app I used to use when corresponding with Raven. Frowning, I pick it up and notice a video. As soon as I hit play, I gape at it horrified. Jamal fucks some chick over the desk in the supply room. I can’t tell who she is, just that he’s fucking her from behind. Her moans are breathy, so I don’t recognize the voice.

  “What is this?” I demand.

  He unbuckles his jeans and pulls his dick into his hand. “It’s us, baby.”

  I’m so shocked at his words, I simply stare at him in horror. “N-No. That is not us.”

  Like a panther pouncing on his prey, he launches at me. His hand fists my hair and he tries to force his dick into my mouth. I turn my head, ignoring the painful fire ripping at my scalp.


  Jamal laughs, and the tone is sinister. “Shhhh,” he says loudly. “Better be quiet or he’ll find out about us.”

  I squirm and struggle against him. His dick whaps my cheek as I clutch his thighs, digging my nails into his flesh. He doesn’t move, though. My lips remain pressed together as tears stream out. I think I’m winning until he kicks me in the side of the ribs. A scream escapes me that is quickly silenced by his dick being crammed into my mouth. I start gagging when he’s roughly jerked away from me.

  “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HER?” Rome roars as he slams his fist into Jamal’s face three times in quick succession.

  Jamal scrambles to the other side of the bed and shoves his cock back into his jeans. Rome drags me to my feet and into his arms.

  “I’m tired of hiding, Courtney,” Jamal snaps. “Tell him or I will.”

  Rome stiffens against me and I let out a sob.

  “H-He’s lying!”

  “I’m not lying. Look at her phone,” Jamal barks at Rome.

  “It’s not me in the video,” I choke out. “I swear.” I shove the phone into Rome’s hands. “See for yourself.”

  He starts scrolling through the app and his jaw clenches. The raven on his neck seems to be throbbing with rage, as though it might peel itself from his flesh and peck someone’s eyeballs out.

  “How long has this been going on?” Rome asks, his tone deadly. His green eyes are cold as he flicks them my way.


  “This goes back a while. There are pictures—naked pictures you sent me—that you also sent to him. Were you playing me?” he asks through gritted teeth. “Was this some goddamned game to you?”

  I snatch the phone from his grip and am horrified to discover what looks like a romantic affair that’s gone on for at least a couple of weeks. I don’t understand how this has happened. I’ve never messaged with Jamal my entire life. Yet, here he has a whole conversation. It’s been done from my phone through this app. I don’t understand.

  When I see a picture of my fingers touching my clit, I close my eyes as more tears leak out.

  “Unfuckingreal,” Rome snaps. “You fucking disgust me, sheep.”

  I blink my eyes open and gape at him in horror. “W-What? You believe this?”

  His stare is hateful. “This is your MO, isn’t it? Fuck over the Murray twins until they’re both fucking dead. Newsflash, bitch, I’m not going to swallow a bunch of pills because Courtney Fucking Moss tried to ruin my life. I don’t get mad, I get even.”

  “Rome, I—”

  “Get out of my house before I do something I can’t take back,” he threatens. Despite his terrifying stance and how furious he is, I know he wouldn’t hurt me.

  When I reach out to touch him, he staggers backward as though I carry the plague.

  “Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. House.”

  I stare at him for a long moment before pushing past him. “Don’t be a sheep,” I bite out under my breath.

  He grips my bicep and doesn’t allow me to leave. “What the hell did you just say to me?”

  I swallow and lift my chin. My eyes meet his and I glare through my tears. “You heard me perfectly clear.” I straighten my spine, my stance unwavering under his menacing stare.

  “We’re over,” he spits out at me. “Fucking over.”

  I cup his cheek despite the way his body quakes with rage. “You’re right about
that, buddy. I won’t allow you or anyone else,” I hiss, shooting a death glare at Jamal before turning back to Rome, “to ever talk to me this way again. To ever put your hands on me this way again.” I peel away his hand and point my finger in his face. “Ever. Again.”

  Rome’s fury melts away as confusion sets in.

  “You disappoint me,” I whisper, my heart breaking when his face seems to crumple at my harshly murmured words. I stroke his cheek once more before storming out of his house and out of his life for good.


  Four months later…

  “You’re a stalker,” I mumble to myself as I climb out of my car and slam the door shut. The cold November air whips around me, finding its way inside my coat. I groan because winter is coming earlier than usual. I can smell it in the air. I won’t be surprised if we have snow by Thanksgiving. I tug my beanie over my ears to try and keep the chill away.

  Today, just like every day, is filled with obsessive thoughts about Courtney. That night she walked out of my life was the last time I touched her. The last time I spoke to her. Guilt scratches away at my heart that hasn’t beat much since she left.

  I fucked up.

  I’m man enough to admit, I royally screwed up my relationship with her because I let my anger and our past guide me during that moment. But it was too late. Even after I figured out that she’d been set up, she was done with me. Refused to answer my calls and then blocked me. Her mom threatened to call the cops on the few occasions I showed up. And it was Keith, her boss, who came with his best intimidating glare to retrieve her car from the shop. I fixed that damn thing two days after she handed over her keys. I’d just tinkered on it the entire time to keep her there.

  All I want to do is apologize.

  Jamal, that motherfucker, later admitted that Whitney paid him to help her set that shit up. She paid him with money and her dirty cunt. The film they made to look like him fucking Courtney was really him and Whitney. I’d just seen the apparent correspondence that had gone on for weeks and I flipped the fuck out without considering other possibilities.

  But I’d seen the look in her eyes.

  The absolute horror on her face that I’d believe those lies.

  I failed her.

  Well, not completely. I did beat the shit out of Jamal after his confession. And while he lay on the floor cupping his broken nose, he spat out that he wished he would have come all over her face because whores deserve to get dirty. I’d lost my fucking mind and it took three guys at the shop to pull me off him. He’d forced himself upon her and I still didn’t protect her or believe her when it mattered most.

  I don’t have class tonight, but I know she does. I know everything about her. Her work schedule. Her college schedule. Everything. I’m definitely a stalker. I also know that this is her last class before the Thanksgiving break and that tomorrow she leaves with her mother and Keith to go see family out of town. I want to see her before she goes. I push into the building and stride down the hallways, thankful for a reprieve from the cold. By the time I reach her classroom, she’s already standing with her back to me as she shrugs on a giant, poufy coat. It seems to swallow her tiny frame.

  Fuck, I miss her.

  Her golden waves get tucked into a stocking cap as she pulls it down over her head. A tall, lanky guy chats her up, clearly interested in her, and it irritates me.

  She’s mine.

  He holds her bag for her and she gives him a gracious smile. Her cheeks are slightly pink and her face has filled out. She looks healthy.

  Of course she is. Without you sucking the life out of her, she can thrive.

  I grit my teeth and fist my hands. As much as I hate the idea of some goofy fucker seeing my girl, I can’t help but be proud of her growth. She’s blossomed over the months into someone who seems to be enjoying life again. She’s happy.

  That is, until she sees me.

  The moment our eyes lock as she walks out the door, I see her mentally shut down. Her skin pales and her plump lips part. She staggers and the tall guy grips her elbow as he regards her with concern.

  I stalk over to her. “Courtney.” My breath is ragged as I say her name in a reverent tone.

  She shudders and the guy beside her glowers at me.

  “Do you need something?” he asks, a slight bite to his voice.

  Ignoring him, I stare at her pretty face. Fuck, I’ve missed her. “I just want to talk to you,” I say to her. “Please.”

  She fidgets in her enormous coat. “I…”

  “You should leave,” the guys snaps.

  “Elliot,” she mutters. “It’s fine. I’ll be fine.”

  His eyes narrow at me and his jaw clenches. “Is it safe? Is this asshole going to hurt you?”

  “He already has.” Her chin lifts as she narrows her eyes at me. “He already destroyed me once. It won’t happen again.”

  Elliot pulls her in for a hug. “If you need me, call. I’ll be glad to take care of the trash.” His glare in my direction is deadly as he hands her the bag he was carrying.

  I clench my jaw but keep my cool. Flying off the handle and beating up her boyfriend won’t get her in my good graces.

  “Thank you,” she mutters to him.

  He gives me one more nasty look before storming away. When it’s just us two in the empty hallway, I reach for her hand. She takes a step back and shakes her head at me.

  “You wanted to talk. Talk.” Her blue eyes are icy.

  “Can we go someplace?”

  “We are someplace.”

  Hello again, wolf.

  “I meant private.” I yank off my beanie and run my fingers through my hair.

  Her eyes skim over my face, and for a brief moment, sadness flickers in her eyes. Longing. It’s enough to have me powering through this uncomfortable as fuck situation.

  “Come on,” I order as I take the bag from her. She has no choice but to follow me out of the building and to my car. When I toss her bag into the trunk, she lets out a sound of annoyance.

  “Rome,” she grumbles. “Stop.”

  I slam the trunk and regard her with a frown. “I can’t stop when it comes to you.”

  Her features soften and when I open the passenger car door, she willingly sits inside. Quickly, I climb inside and fire up the engine. The heat is shitty in my old car. I wish I had thought through my plan better.

  “Where are we going?” she asks, her voice hardly audible over the rumble of the engine.

  “Someplace special,” I lie. I have no fucking idea where I’m going. Honestly, I didn’t expect her to get into the car with me.

  We drive in silence. I’m desperate to hold her hand, but I am trying to go slow. To ease into some middle ground so we can find our way back to each other. Fuck, I want her back.

  “How’s school?” I question.

  She shrugs her shoulders. “Fine.”

  “What about your mom? She’s doing well?”

  “Yep, fine.”

  Everything is fucking fine.

  “Harvey Benjamin misses you.” I miss you.

  At the mention of my dog, she flashes me a sweet smile. “I miss him too.” Unfortunately, I believe she is talking about my pet and not me.

  “I don’t see you much at the diner lately,” I mumble, stealing a quick glance at her.

  She stiffens and wrings her hands together. “I haven’t been working as much recently.”

  “I thought you needed the money for college and—”

  “I’ll manage,” she snaps. “I’ve managed this far on my own and I’ll manage the rest of the way.”

  I grind my teeth together. She’s so frigid now. I’ve ruined everything between us. I’m silent as I drive to the lake. I park in the same spot as before. Since the heater isn’t working anyway, I kill the engine.

  She turns and gives me a cold stare. “What do you want from me?”

  “Everything.” No sense in lying.

  “You already had everything.”


  I reach over and take her cold hand in mine. She surprisingly doesn’t pull away. “I fucked up,” I whisper. “I’m sorry.” I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss her knuckles. “All I want to do is talk and try to fix us.”

  She starts to tug away, but I grip her tighter. “There’s nothing to fix. There’s nothing left,” she bellows, tears welling in her pretty blues. “You took it all away, so there’s nothing there anymore.” A tear snakes its way down her cheek.

  “Tell me how to make it better,” I croak. “I’ll do anything.”

  She sniffles and jerks her hand from my grip. Then, she slings the door open and stalks away toward the picnic table. I bolt from the car and rush after her. A squeal of shock escapes her when I grab her hand and pull her to me, hugging her back to my chest. The giant coat is bulky between us. Her scent fills my nostrils and for one moment I’m content. I’m high simply from smelling her.

  “How can you act like what we had was nothing?” I demand, frustration in my tone.

  She relaxes in my grip. I pounce on the opportunity to kiss her neck just below her ear—a place I know she loves to be kissed. “I’m having to put what I want aside. What I want doesn’t matter anymore.”

  I hug her tighter and breathe against her earlobe. “Why? What you want means everything to me.”

  “Does it?” she asks, her tone icy once again. “If I told you I wanted you to leave me alone forever, would it work?”

  “Fuck no,” I bite out. “I can’t leave you alone. You’re mine and I can’t let you go.”

  Instead of fighting, she bursts into tears. “Y-You’re making this complicated. W-Why can’t you just pretend I don’t exist?”

  I twist her around to face me and cup her tearstained cheeks. “I can’t pretend you don’t exist. You are my existence. Not a day goes by where I don’t wake up with you on my mind. I love you, Courtney. I fucking miss you like crazy. I’d thought maybe you needed some time away from me, but I can’t stay away any longer. I’m dead without you.”

  Her juicy lips part at my words. A gasp barely escapes her before I’ve pressed my lips to hers. They’re cold and chapped, but I devour them anyway. She tastes sweet like she’s been sucking on a butterscotch. I deepen the kiss and suck on her like she’s my candy. Her fingers have fisted my coat and she whimpers.


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