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Little Moments

Page 5

by Madison Street

The memory of her invite flashes in my mind. “Ahh yes! I remember. Sorry I completely forgot. Frankly, these past two weeks have gone by like a flash. I’ve had other things on my mind and it’s messed up my schedule.”

  She mutes the TV. “Yeah, I’ve noticed that. What’s on your mind?”

  “It’s nothing really. I just ran into someone two weeks ago and I can’t remember where I know him from. I think he’s a friend of a friend.”

  Gia’s eyes grow wide with suspicion. “Ooh, was he hot?”

  I laugh and stand up, walking toward the window to glance at the city skyline. “Of course you would ask that.”

  Gia follows me. “What? You know I can’t resist! So, do tell. Good looking?”

  My eyes close while I concentrate of his face. “It all happened so fast. Let’s see. He has short dark hair and brown eyes. His skin was tanned and he’s very tall. I crashed right into his chest and he towered over me, so he must be over six feet tall.”

  “But is he hot? That’s the question.”

  “I mean, I don’t know. I wasn’t weak in the knees or anything. He’s handsome but not sex on a stick ya know. Oh¸ he was also wearing a firefighter t-shirt.”

  “So what you’re telling me is that Easton is much hotter.”

  I slap her shoulder. “Gia! What did I tell you? Easton and I aren’t like that. Yes, he’s gorgeous, but he probably just sees me as his assistant. That’s all.”

  She huffs and walks back toward the sofa, resuming her channel surfing.

  “Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself babe. So, back to this weekend, we are going dancing.”

  “Gosh, I haven’t been dancing in so long. I’ll be rusty as hell.”

  Gia glances back at me. “Please. With your rockin body, the guys will fawn all over you. You could do the Macarena and nobody would care.”

  “You know I was the popular girl in high school. I had lots of friends, the followers, and the jock boyfriend. I got whatever I wanted and I was always sociable.”

  “Really? What happened?”

  “After Raya disappeared, life changed for all of us. None of that stuff mattered to me anymore. Losing my best friend screwed me up, not to mention finding out she was in a sex ring for all those years.”

  “But, at least you found her, and now you have a beautiful goddaughter.”

  “Yes, I do. And I would do anything for her. Crap, I just realized I don’t have anything to wear!”

  Gia flashes a bright smile and winks at me. “Don’t worry. I got it covered.”


  Staring at my reflection in my bedroom mirror, I don’t recognize the woman staring back at me. Her blonde locks are pinned up in a braided bun, heavy eye makeup accentuates the emerald hue of her eyes, and the tight black mini dress shows off her long slender legs.

  “Gia, I cannot go outside like this. I look like a hooker.”

  Gia comes up behind me and fixes a loose hair strand. “Nonsense, you are a goddess, ready for her next escapade. Now you just need the finishing touch.”

  She jets back to the living room and returns a couple seconds later holding a pair of black stilettos. I roll my eyes and let out a groan, ready to complain, but I keep my mouth shut as I slide my feet into the heels.

  “Damn girl, you are rocking those FMPs right now! No man will be able to resist you tonight.”

  I look at her through the reflection in the mirror. “FMPs?”

  A soft chuckle escapes her. “Fuck me pumps.”

  “Oh hell! Gia, I’m not looking to hook up tonight.”

  “Melanie, you are twenty-seven years old. Stop acting like an old hag and live a little. We live in the greatest city in the world and you’re throwing away a perfectly good opportunity.”

  “How the hell am I supposed to walk, let alone dance in these?”

  Gia throws her hands up in frustration. “You’re the freaking dancer! Stop making excuses! Why are you acting like this? We are just going out to have some fun. Now, sit and relax while I get changed.”

  A mumbled groan escapes me and I have the urge to protest, but in a way, she’s right. I can’t shut myself off from the world. On my way to the kitchen I practice walking in the heels. After fifteen minutes of walking around the apartment, Gia resurfaces and shows off her clubbing outfit. And I thought my dress was skimpy. That pixie cut of hers makes the jet-black strands of her hair shine. The lavender strapless mini dress curves around her perfect shape and matching pumps make her legs look like they could go on forever.

  “Any more skin showing and you’ll have dollar bills stuffed in your dress. There’s not even enough length in that dress for you to bend down without showing everything.”

  She scoffs. “That’s the whole point. I’m not wearing anything underneath the dress.”

  I shake my head with simultaneous disbelief and acceptance. “Somehow, I am not surprised.”

  We laugh in unison and grab our clutches as we head out the front door. I lock up and we make our way outside. Gia hails a cab within seconds and gives the cabbie instructions to head to Brooklyn.

  I grab her arm. “Wait, Brooklyn? What the hell Gia! We are already in Manhattan.”

  She yanks her arm out of my grasp. “Brooklyn is the new spot. If you stopped living under a rock, you would know these things! It’s just over the bridge. We’ll be there in no time. Chill out.”

  Nerves shoot all over my body. “I’m just nervous. I haven’t been out in so long.”

  She entangles her fingers with mine and offers a smile. “That’s what you have me for.”


  The cab pulls us up to the club and I can feel my knees bouncing and shaking. Calm down. I can’t tell if my nervousness is from anxiety or just plain excitement. All in all, I’m ready to just have a good time.

  Gia pays the cab driver his fee and exits the cab. I follow her and my eyes scan the area. Club goers are already lined up, waiting for the bouncer to give them the go-ahead. I glance up, reading the illuminated sign of the club: Fusion.

  I sense Gia’s arm tangle around mine as she pulls me toward the entrance. The burly bouncer towers over us and scans our outfits. My eye sneaks a peek at Gia as she blows a kiss at him and offers a wink. He returns the gesture with a smile and steps aside, letting us through.

  “Nice to see you again Gia.”

  Gia turns around and waves at him. “Same to you Frank.”

  Gia pulls me inside and instantly the loud music rings in my ears. I flinch at the slight annoyance as my eyes adjust to the dark interior. As Gia continues to lead me further inside, my head spins as I take in my surroundings. Colorful lasers flash all over the ceiling and dance floor at a constant speed, forming into crazy shapes and lines. Dancers flood the dance area as their bodies mash against one another to the beat of the music. Farther ahead, the DJ spins his masterpiece while fist pumping into the air. The lounge area is dimly lit as customers converse with one another, ordering drinks from the cocktail waitresses. Each waitress is wearing a black tank top with the club’s name written in a curvy font. The design of the font glows under the lights shining throughout the club. Now that’s cool.

  The bar area is adjacent to the lounge and rests on a raised floor. Bar stools are scarce as patrons yell out orders for their next drink. I see three bartenders, one male and two females, mixing concoctions of drinks while maneuvering around each other, careful not to cause any accidents. Their motions are fluid and precise but all over the place at the same time.

  Gia and I wind through the crowd on the dance floor, making our way to the bar. The club is so dark, it’s hard to make out people’s faces. The only lit areas are the bar and the lounge, but even that’s not enough. As we inch closer to the bar, Gia pats her hand on the counter, motioning for the nearest bartender.

  He notices us arrive and shouts, “What’ll you gorgeous ladies have?”

  Gia yells, “Two cranberry vodkas please. Top shelf.”

  My eyes grow wide as I step close
r to Gia. “Top shelf? That’s going to cost us a fortune!”

  All I get is laughter from her. “I know the owner. We’re good.”

  I give her a nod of understanding and my eyes study the bartender as he makes our drinks. Cranberry vodkas are nothing special, but he’s a fine specimen and checking out a little eye candy never hurt anybody.

  He tops off the drinks with a little garnish and places them on the counter. “Enjoy ladies. I’ll be back in a bit to get you some refills when you’re ready.”

  Gia hands me my drink while scoping out the bartender. “Thanks Brad.”

  He offers her a smile. “You got it Gia.”

  My lips close around the tiny straw as I begin to sip the vodka. The taste of the liquor seeps into my mouth as I savor the cranberry taste. The cool liquid rolls down my tongue and past my throat as I enjoy the bittersweet punch. I devour the drink and place the empty glass on the bar, ready for the next one. Gia finishes up hers and orders us another round.

  As we wait for Brad to mix them I ask, “So tell me, how do you know the owner?”

  “The owner is my cousin. He opened this place a year ago. It’s Brooklyn’s newest attraction.”

  “This place is packed. Is it always like this?”

  “Packed? This is empty compared to what it usually is. It’s only ten thirty. Wait another hour or so, you’ll know what I’m talking about.”

  “How late do you plan on keeping me out?”

  Gia thrusts her arms into the air and shakes her body along to the beat of the music. “It’s the city that never sleeps baby!”

  I can’t help but laugh, then I notice Brad handing us our drinks. Gia and I thank him as we clink our glasses together and relish the fruity sweet taste of the vodka.

  After three more drinks, Gia tells Brad to hold off on any more and pulls me toward the dance floor. As we make our way to the dance area, my body feels tingly and light. Yup, that’s definitely the vodka.

  We arrive just in time for the DJ to start a new song. As the beat starts everyone yells out and throws their hands in the air in excitement. Gia yells, “I love this song!” and starts dancing to the music. She twirls her hands in mine, coaxing me to let loose.

  She mouths, “Let go.”

  I offer a smile and let the music seep into my soul, fueling my energy with the vibe from the other dancers. The beats of the music sound throughout the club as Gia and I twirl and spin. She lets go of my hand and pushes my arms above my head. She yells out in excitement and I follow suit. The beat drops at the climax of the song causing my body to uproar in a swirling dance of joy, confidence, and poise. The crowd roars as the instrumental sounds of the electronic dance music flow within us.

  Gia keeps close to me as we get down to the music. Music and dance have always been passions of mine and experiencing them again after so long has brought me back to life. A huge smile plasters across my face as the colored lasers flash across the space.

  The DJ mixes up the track, starting a new song. As Gia and I continue to dance, I hear the DJ yell into the mic, “How’s everyone doing tonight at Club Fusion?”

  We all yell our responses in a jumbled union.

  “Welcome to the Saturday Night Mega Dancehall. Now, let’s get this party started with the newest hit. But first, when I say club, you say fusion! Ready?”

  The DJ shouts, “Club!”




  He rolls the track and kicks off the dance mix, making the crowd go wild. My legs strut to the bass drop and my arms twirl in the air. I bob my head, glancing over at Gia, who’s lost to the beat. The electronic sounds ring throughout the club, engaging us all to join as one.

  After four or five songs, sweat beads down my face and my poor feet cry out in pain. I ignore the nuisance and focus on the song. I sense Gia is close by and notice a figure dancing behind her, wrapping arms around her waist. The lasers flash above, illuminating her smiling face and I relax, knowing she’s having a good time.

  At that moment, my back feels a strong chest brush against it and I tense up. I continue to sway but I’m on high alert. The figure senses my concern and whispers in my ear, “Relax.”

  The sound of his deep voice is music to my ears and an electric volt courses throughout my body. My arm hairs stand to attention as he wraps his strong arms around my waist. He pulls me close against his chest as my ass brushes against his lower hips. He weaves his legs to balance in between mine, careful not to step on my shoes. He pushes my right arm above my head to wrap around his neck. Trying to relax, I rest my head on his chest. Once he senses that I’m okay, he places his hand on my waist and leads my body to mold with his along to the sound of the dance music.

  We sway along to the beat with my back to his front for what seems likes hours. The alcohol rushes through my veins as I close my eyes and let him take control. His hands run all over my body, causing my skin to heat with excitement and arousal. The aroma of his cologne ignites sparks inside as my body melts into him. His hard chest bounces along with the music and I can feel his heartbeat. His staggered breath tickles the back of my neck. His head lowers and he plants a soft kiss on my exposed neck, sending chills down my spine.

  As we continue to sway together, he whispers, “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  My lips curve into a smile as he admires my body with his hands. He continues to plant a trail of kisses on my neck, almost causing my knees to buckle.

  “I have wanted to press your body against mine and taste you for such a long time, and now that I have, I don’t want to stop.”

  His admission sends a shock through my body as I open my eyes and realize what he’s saying. How long?

  My legs stop moving to the beat as I step out of his grasp and spin to face him. The shining light of the lasers illuminates the stranger’s face, making me gasp as my eyes grow wide.




  “Hello Melanie.”

  Shock and an ounce of panic build inside as I take steps away from him. He stands in place, careful not to cause a commotion. I spin around, grab Gia’s hand, and pull her hastily toward the bar.

  She exclaims, “What gives Melanie?”

  We stop at the bar counter and I twist her to face me. “Easton is here. We were dancing and I didn’t know it was him.”

  Her brow arches. “And?”

  My jaw drops. “And his hands were all over me. It was very…eh, risqué. What is he doing here anyway?”

  “I may or may not have told him you would be here.”

  “What! When?”

  “Yesterday. He asked me if I had any plans for the weekend and I told him I was bringing you here.”

  My eyes grow wide as my jaw drops.

  Gia bursts out into laughter. “Get a hold of yourself. Just admit that he got you all hot and bothered and you liked it.”

  My mouth opens to spit a rebuttal but nothing is said. Gia shakes her head and calls out to Brad for another round of drinks. I fight the urge to look back at the dance floor, pondering if Easton is still around. I process the moments that we shared on the dance floor together: his hands gliding all over my body, his breath tickling my skin, his soft lips kissing my neck. Just thinking about it brings my body to a scorching heat.

  Gia hands me a shot of something and I take the glass. “What is it?”

  Shrugging her shoulders, she motions for me to chug. “Just drink it!”

  I glance at the dark liquor and tip the glass, pouring its contents into my mouth. The burn of the liquor heats my throat as it cascades down. I cough as it makes its way throughout my body and I shiver a little. Gia hands me another shot and we tip those back as well. I notice Gia’s eyes wander behind me as a smirk spreads across her lips.

  She steps closer to me. “Don’t look, but he’s staring at you.”

  My body tenses as I feel his stare fixed on me. “It’s s
o dark in here. How can you tell he’s staring at me?”

  “Because he’s walking this way.”

  My eyes flash her a panicked look as I race past her. The pounding heels of my shoes carry me across the bar and into the back of the club as I weave among the crowds, making my way into the restroom. I let out a deep breath and look at my reflection. My blonde strands cascade along the curve of my cheeks and I notice the eye makeup has worn off a little. I dab a bit of water onto a napkin and wipe off the excess makeup, then wipe away the sweat off my forehead. Removing the pins holding my bun, I reapply them to create a messy ponytail instead. Looking at my reflection, I feel satisfied with my customary look.

  I let out a deep breath. Just relax. Don’t think too much. Have fun. Feel the moment. Live in the now.

  I use the bathroom and wash up, ready to head back out and continue the fun with my sexy dance partner. Feeling like a whole new woman, I take one last look at my reflection, then exit the restroom.

  Transitioning back into the darkness causes my eyes to squint while they adjust. Making my way back to the bar, a hand grabs hold of my arm and pulls me against the wall.

  A yelp escapes my lips just as Easton comes into view. My breath catches as my heart stops beating. The rumbling of the music echoes throughout the club and vibrates the wall against my back.

  Easton inches his body closer to mine as we sync and mold into one against the wall. His hands come up to my face and his finger grazes my left cheek. I catch myself staring into his bright blue eyes, unable to turn away. His chiseled jaw clenches as his head inches closer and closer to mine. His right hand tangles with mine as he squeezes, pulling it behind my back, causing my body to arch forward.

  His soft lips inch closer to mine and a low whisper escapes. “Hi.”

  My frozen body stills in place between him and the wall. I lick the dryness out of my lips just before he crashes his into mine. The taste of him is nothing like I’ve tasted before. Our lips press against one another with a fiery force to be reckoned with. A heated frenzy courses through my body as I wrap my arms around his neck. He senses my eagerness and pushes his mouth further into mine. His tongue dives in and I taste the remnants of his last drink. His hands glide all over my body, starting from the base of my neck and all the way down to my thighs. My skin tingles at the touch of his. We continue to kiss in that same spot, never pausing, not even for a breath of fresh air. His lips return to kissing the exposed part of my neck and as they touch my skin, my stomach churns with a sensual heat. After a couple minutes, Easton takes a step back, releasing me off the wall, but still holding my hand.


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