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Page 57

by Crystal Kaswell

Offering herself to me.

  My hands go to her hips. In one swift movement, I thrust into her. Once I've got my rhythm, I bring my hand to her clit and I stroke her.

  "Come for me, Vi," I order.

  She lets out a low, deep groan. "Fuck. Ethan…"

  I stroke her until I can feel her pulsing around me.

  Her contractions pull me deeper. I bring my hands back to her hips and I soak in the sight of her body in front of me.

  A few more thrusts and I'm there. Pleasure grabs hold of me. Everything feels so fucking good.

  I let out a deep animal groan as I come.

  Violet rocks her hips against mine. She moans louder. Deeper.

  She tugs at the soft cotton sheets.

  Every muscle in my body relaxes as pleasure spreads to my limbs. Fuck, I needed that, needed her.

  Violet collapses on the bed. She rolls over onto her side and peeks one eye open. Her lips curl into a smile.

  I lay next to her. I can't help myself. I have to kiss her.

  All of my love pours into her.

  All of her love pours into me.

  This is fucking heaven.

  Slowly, Violet blinks her eyes open. She runs her fingers through my hair.

  Her lips curl into a smile.

  "I should shower before I fall asleep," she whispers.

  "You're not sleeping until you come again."

  "Then you're racing against time." She pushes herself up. "I'm going to drop next time my face hits the pillow."

  "Guess I'll have to pin you to the wall."

  She blushes. "I guess you will." She moves to the bathroom but she lingers in the door frame.

  I shift off the bed. "I have a present for you."

  "Yeah?" Her eyes light up. She tries to play cool but fails miserably. "What could it be?" She jumps forward. "Can I see?"

  I find the present in the dresser drawer. There it is, under my pajamas.

  Fuck, it's my turn to be nervous.

  I fight a blush as I hand the small gift box over to Violet.

  She looks up at me, then her green eyes are back on the gift. She pulls the top off.

  Slowly, she pulls the key from the box.

  "I got a place in Newport Beach. It's five minutes from your office." I move closer. Close enough to take her into my arms. "A two-bedroom. That's your key."

  "My key?"

  I nod. "It's our place if you want it to be."

  "You're asking me to move in with you?"


  Her smile spreads over her cheeks. "Really?"

  "About time we stop living with our parents."

  She laughs. "What about Piper being alone?"

  "She has Mal."

  "Gonna be easier for her to get in Kit's pants without you around to stop it."

  "Not funny."

  "Then why are you smiling?" She drags her fingertips over my cheeks. "Can I paint the walls black?"

  "Do you even want to paint the walls black?"

  She shrugs, playing coy. "Can I?"

  "Black's a little much."

  "How about purple?"

  "How about I throw you against the wall and make you come?"

  "Is that a yes?"

  "You drive a hard bargain, Ms. Valentine."

  She smiles.

  "I can drive a hard bargain too." I slide my hand around her hips to pull her against my erection.

  She looks up at me with a needy sigh.

  I nod. "Are you saying yes?"

  She nods. "Yes, I'd love to move in with you."

  "You can paint the walls rainbow for all I care, Vi. As long as I can come home to you every night, I don't give a fuck what color the walls are." I press my lips to hers.

  When the kiss breaks, she lets out a heavy sigh. "What was that about a hard bargain?"

  I can't help but laugh. Violet really isn't smooth.

  But that's one of the eight million things I love about her.

  I scoop her into my arms and pin her to the wall.

  I am a man of my word.

  Have You Read Dangerous Noise?

  Keep your bad boy fix going with the rest of the Dangerous Noise series. All books are available on Amazon (in KU, for purchase, and as audiobooks). Turn the page for an extended sample from Dangerous Crush, a red-hot brother’s best friend romance, featuring brooding bassist Kit and feisty virgin Piper. It’s everything you loved about Tempting with a rock star twist.

  Dangerous Noise

  Dangerous Kiss - Ethan

  Dangerous Crush – Kit

  Dangerous Rock – Joel

  Dangerous Fling – Mal

  Dangerous Encore - series sequel

  Dangerous Crush

  Chapter One


  Get Dangerous Crush Now

  The apartment is throbbing with house music and conversations. This is it, apartment 223, the New Year's Eve party.

  I take a deep breath, push the door open, and step inside.

  It's an expensive loft and it's crowded. Insanely crowded.

  Most of the room is a dance floor. People are grinding, kissing, swigging booze straight from the bottle. The couch in the corner is packed with people making out. From this angle it's hard to say, but I'd put money on the woman in the silver dress and the guy in the matching silver blazer doing a lot more than swapping spit.

  Okay. It's a rowdy party. No big deal. I'm not the innocent little girl my brothers think I am. I can handle any party, however off the wall.

  First, a drink. People bump into me as I cut through the packed dance floor. I'm halfway to the refreshments table when a man in a sleek suit runs right into me.

  He's at least ten years older than the next oldest person here and his greasy comb-over isn't doing him any favors.

  He shoots me a crooked smile. "Sorry, babe. How about I make it up to you?" He brandishes a prescription bottle.


  "No thank you." I step backwards with a polite smile. Fuck, if Ethan and Mal find out I'm at a party with drugs...

  The man moves on, unperturbed. He finds another friend—a skinny guy in designer jeans— and offers him a pill. Then the two of them are chasing their pills with vodka and moving to the corner of the room.

  I guess that's the drug corner. I better steer clear.

  Really, I should leave, but it's nearly ten now—I got lost, then spent forever looking for parking—and I don't want to be sitting on the couch, alone, when the ball drops.

  Not again.

  I'm tired of sitting alone, on the couch, period. I'm not doing it on a holiday devoted to socializing.

  I'm not a naive good girl. I can handle being around drugs. As soon as I fix my makeup, I'm going to mingle properly. I'm going to have fun the way my brothers do.

  I find the bathroom down the hall and turn the knob. It's unlocked.

  But the room isn't empty.


  There's a man leaning against the counter, his jeans at his ankles, his black button up shirt falling off his shoulders.

  He lets out a low, deep groan.



  He's hard.

  He's hard and he's huge.

  At least, he looks huge. I have nothing to compare it too—I've never seen a guy naked before. Not in the flesh.

  There's a woman on her knees, taking him into her mouth.

  And his hand is on the back of her head, tugging at her platinum blond hair hard enough to rip out her extensions.

  She's wearing the same hot pink BCBG dress I am.

  She's giving him a blow job.

  And I'm watching.

  I shouldn't be watching.

  "I'm sorry." I take a step backwards. My gaze refuses to budge from the action.

  The woman pulls back. She looks at me with an expression that screams the clearly innocent girl in the doorway is not a threat to me sucking off this hot dude.

  Slowly, I force myself to take another step backwards. My
gaze only cooperates enough to move up his defined, tattooed torso, to his strong shoulders, to the curly black hair hanging in front of his dark eyes.


  That's Kit.

  The bassist in my brothers' very famous, very successful band. A super hot famous rock star belongs at a party like this.

  A good girl college student... not as much.

  His eyes catch mine. They flare with recognition.

  Oh God. I have to see him in a few days. I have to look him in the eyes.

  "I didn't... you should really lock the door." I turn and move away from the bathroom as quickly as possible.

  I know there's something wrong with Kit being here, but my brain isn't working. My brain is stuck on the image of him naked in that woman's mouth. My brain is thinking up alternate scenarios of me being the girl with him in the bathroom.

  Stupid brain. It's not like I'm about to lose my virginity in the bathroom at some party. Not even if it's with Kit—I'm not ashamed to admit I've had a crush on the bassist since we met.

  It's a school girl he's hot and mysterious kind of crush. I'm old enough to know that. But that knowledge does nothing to make my heartbeat calm down when he's around. It certainly isn't helping with the jealousy twisting my stomach in knots.

  He's so fucking beautiful.

  And, apparently, he's also incredibly well-endowed.

  And as slutty as his reputation suggests.

  And at this stupid party with way too much booze and drugs.


  A hand curls around my upper arm.

  "You're too tall to blend into a crowd this well." Kit's deep voice flows into my ears. His other hand curls around my other arm. Gently, he turns me so we're face to face. "You okay?"

  My cheeks flush as I attempt, and fail, to look him in the eyes. Instead, my gaze stays on my shoes—the Mary Jane flats that scream innocent little girl. "You're already finished?"

  He chuckles.

  God, I'm going to die of embarrassment. It wouldn't be so bad if this was some random guy but this is Kit, my brother's best friend. And my friend too. I see him all the time.

  "I mean... I wasn't saying that you... that you're..." Foot, meet mouth. Words are failing me here. It's too hard to think of anything but Kit nearly naked in that bathroom. Again, I try to look into his eyes. This time, I get as far as his chest. "Your buttons are off." I tap the third from the top button of his shirt.

  He fixes his buttons. "You have a coat?"

  I shake my head.

  "You can wear mine."

  "Why would I wear your coat?"

  He nods to my dress.

  Is he really telling me my dress is too skimpy? He was in the bathroom with a chick in this dress. "Excuse me?"

  "There's drugs at this party."

  "I know."

  "You shouldn't be here."

  It hits me like a ton of bricks. "I shouldn't be here? I'm not the one who—"

  "Keep your voice down." He leads me through the crowd, towards the door.

  I'm not sure where Kit gets off telling me what to do—apparently, he didn't get off in the bathroom, not if the hard on straining against his jeans is any indication.

  I don't need another guy who thinks he's in charge of my life.

  He grabs his leather jacket from the rack and takes his time helping me into it. "You're a nice girl, Piper. This place isn't your scene."

  "It shouldn't be yours either."

  "It's not."

  "Then why are you here?"

  "I live down the hall."


  His dark eyes fix on mine. "I'm not going to tell Ethan or Mal I found you here."

  "And I'm not going to tell Ethan or Mal I walked in on you getting blown by some random chick."

  He chuckles.

  "Or that you were at a party with drugs."

  No more chuckle. His expression gets serious, intense. He leans in close enough to whisper. "Do you actually want to be here?"

  No. Not even a little. But- "I don't want to spend New Year's Eve alone."

  "You're not alone. You're with me."

  "That must be fun for you, babysitting your friend's baby sister."

  "I don't offer to do shit I don't want to do."

  Likely story.

  "Either I take you to my apartment or I take you home. Those are your only choices." He looks at me the way Mal and Ethan do—like I'm the innocent young thing he has to protect.

  "Have you heard of asking nicely?"

  He shakes his head.

  "I suppose women do whatever you order them to do?"


  "Well, I'm not going along with your protect Piper shit. I'm not a child. I'm nineteen."

  "Piper, will you please come with me to my apartment?"

  God, I never thought I'd be upset about Kit inviting me to his apartment. My body is certainly on board with the plan. But my body is all confused by the proximity of his body—his hard chest is only inches from mine, his calloused fingers are on my bare arms. My body doesn't realize that Kit thinks of me like a little sister.

  That there's absolutely no chance he'll ever want me to be the girl in the bathroom with him.

  No, I have more self-respect than this. I'm not going to be with a man who was just getting blown in the bathroom. Even if it's Kit.

  If I'm ever going to be with Kit, it's not going to be in a bathroom. I demand a bed. A couch at the very least.

  "Bet this is the hardest you've ever had to work to get a woman to your apartment?" I tease.

  Again, he chuckles.

  "Okay, I'll go, but I'm kissing someone at midnight." I bite my tongue. It's hard to remember that this is Kit, my brother's best friend, and not some hot guy I saw getting blown at a party. It's hard to remember that him being a famous rock star isn't a big deal to me. It's hard to remember anything but the sight of him half-naked. "I don't mean that you have to, just that I'll find someone at this party if you—"

  "Let's go."

  "Does that mean you—"

  His dark eyes brighten. "It means let's go."

  Chapter Two


  It feels wrong having Piper in my apartment.

  Dirty wrong, but there's no fucking way I'm looking at Piper like that.

  She plays with the hem of my leather jacket. Her bright blue eyes meet mine. There's this innocence to her expression.

  She's a nice girl.

  There's no way I can consider hiking that tight dress to her waist, pulling her panties to her knees, and licking her until she's screaming my name.

  Fuck. I shake my shoulders as I take a step backwards. Can't remember the last time I thought about getting a woman off first. Even as a no fucking way this can happen hypothetical. I'm not proud of the piece of shit guy I used to be.

  That version of Kit would have finished with the groupie in the bathroom then dragged Piper back to his place and thrown her on the bed.

  No, even he would have known better than to do anything that would fuck with the band. Ethan and Mal—the guitarist and singer in my alternative rock band, Dangerous Noise— are Piper's older brothers. And they're more protective of her than they are of anything. Touching Piper is a one-way ticket to me and the band parting ways.

  That shouldn't be a problem.

  Piper's not the kind of woman I invite into my bed. I can handle having her here.

  If I can manage to keep my eyes off her chest. There's nothing like a nice pair of real tits. Hers aren't huge but they're nice.

  Shit. I shake my head and move into the kitchen. "What did you tell Mal?"

  "About what?" She takes a step towards me.

  "Where you were going tonight? He wouldn't go out unless he knew you had appropriate plans."

  She arches a brow. "Appropriate plans?"


  "Right, because a young woman needs to act like a lady."

  It's cute that she's objecting like this. "You're a nice girl."

  "How do you know?"

  "I know."

  She gets halfway into rolling her eyes and stops. Her hands go to her jacket, my leather jacket. She exaggerates sliding it off her shoulders as she pushes her chest forward. "Should I keep my coat on too? Nice girls don't show off their cleavage, do they?"

  "Up to you."

  She takes off the coat and hangs it on the hook by the door. She turns back towards me, her eyes passing over the loft apartment—it's a nice place with sleek furniture and a hell of a view—before they land on mine. She wears all her frustration in her expressive blue eyes.

  I'm sure she gets enough of the over-protective thing from Mal and Ethan, but that's too bad. The band is a family—I owe them my fucking life. For all intents and purposes, Piper is my baby sister too.

  Her expression gets intense as she holds my eyes. "The woman who was blowing you, did blow you, how did that go?"

  "We stopped."

  "Which of you decided that?"

  Me, but I'm not sharing that information. I don't need to give her any ideas about the two of us being more than friends. "None of your business."

  Piper tugs at her low-cut pink dress. "She was wearing the same dress. It's part of the new BCBG Spring collection. It's all the hotness."

  Can't say I pay much attention to women's fashion, any fashion for that matter. I've been wearing the same thing—jeans, button up shirt, motorcycle boots, leather jacket—since forever.

  I guess the groupie chick was also wearing a pink dress. It didn't look the same on her. It played up her fake hair, her fake eyelashes, her candy colored makeup. She might as well have had cheap groupie tattooed on her forehead with the way she pawed at my arm and purred Oh my God, Kit Lockhart like my name turned her on more than anything else about me.

  "Kit?" Piper's voice pulls me back.


  "You're giving me a weird look."

  Fuck, I am. Piper might be right about the dress, but she looks like a kid wearing her older sister's slutty clothes. Her medium brown hair is hanging straight over her shoulders. Her makeup is silver sparkles and pink lip gloss.

  Don't get me wrong. Piper is a pretty girl. She has gorgeous, expressive blue eyes, long legs, and very appealing curves. She's not busting with t&a, but what she's got is nice.


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