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Professor Cline: Redeemed (Professor #2)

Page 12

by J. M. La Rocca

Mason: I believe a sexy, auburn-haired beauty was going to come over and show me something.

  Me: Oh, yeah? You must be pretty lucky.

  I replied with a smile.

  Mason: I’d say I hit the jackpot.

  Me: And what exactly is this beauty supposed to show you?

  Mason: I’m sure it had to do with taking off her clothes.

  I giggled at his response. Mason wasn’t much of a flirt. He was too intense to be flirty, but I could definitely get used to a few texts along those lines.

  Me: Well, it sounds to me like you have a promising night ahead of you.

  Mason: Indeed, I do.

  Mason: 8pm. Be ready.

  I smiled to myself and bit my lip as I held the phone to my chest. I was glad I’d decided not to study just yet, because my mind was going a mile a minute thinking about all the things that would happen that evening.

  Setting the phone down, I laid back on the couch and watched my show. I was sure catching up on all of the episodes would take up most of the afternoon and time would go by faster.



  “Are you telling me you’re pussy-whipped?”

  I shook my head at Luke.

  “That’s not what I said, asshole.”

  Luke laughed before taking a swig of his beer. I’d come to his house a few hours before to talk some things out. I needed to talk to someone who’d had experience in the relationship department. Even though Luke hadn’t had one in a long time, he’d still had a serious one back in college.

  “Look, Mase, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s been a long time for me, but I do know girls love attention and affection. You do those two things and you can’t go wrong.”

  I stared at the wall and chugged my beer.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s the problem.”

  “What? The attention or affection part.”

  “Affection. I’m not an affectionate guy.”

  Luke laughed. “Of course you are. You like to fuck, don’t you?”

  That was probably why Luke hadn’t had very many relationships.

  “There’s a big difference between fucking and cuddling.”

  "No, that's where you're wrong, my friend. You cuddle while you fuck. Kill two birds with one stone."

  "I have a feeling this is why your relationships don't last."

  Luke laughed.

  "I'm pretty sure that’s because I'm not a monogamous kind of guy."

  Monogamous. Fucking one girl for a long period of time. The idea never seemed to appeal to me until the thought of Emma fucking another man sent rage through my core.

  "Oh, man. You've got it bad, don't you?" I looked up to see Luke smiling at me, and I furrowed my brow at him. "You just got lost in la la land. So, when do I get to meet this girl who has you wrapped around her finger?"

  I placed my empty beer bottle on the table and flipped Luke the bird, causing him to laugh. He was out of his mind if he thought I was whipped, but I had to admit the sound of it didn't make me cringe.

  "You're the last person I'd ever want her to meet."

  Luke threw his head back in laughter that time. "Are you afraid she'd see the error of her ways and realize she went after the wrong guy?"

  "Not likely, asshole."

  Luke rose from the couch and headed to the kitchen. "You want another beer?" he shouted to me.


  He came back and handed me a bottle before taking a seat. "Honestly, man, all bullshitting aside, I'm happy for you. It's good to see you smiling. I was beginning to think that crease between your eyes was the only expression your face could display."

  I chuckled. I needed his nonsense to get my brain on track.

  "Is it crazy that she makes me feel like I can open up to her? I don't even know her, and yet I'm so drawn to her. I'm like a moth to her flame, and it doesn't exactly make me feel light and fluffy."

  "You need that man, seriously. With everything you hold inside, getting things out would be best for you. But as your friend, I'll only say one thing: be cautious. I know how callous these women can be. I'm not saying she is, but you have a lot of shit going on inside that head of yours. Shit she'd probably never understand. Shit that would probably scare her away. Just make sure you really want your shit out there before you open your mouth."

  I leaned forward and placed my head in my hands. I didn't have to open my mouth and tell her anything. She'd seen it. There was no need to explain anything.

  "She's already seen my scars."

  I dropped my hands and looked up to meet Luke's gaze. He seemed surprised because he knew my sexual preferences. He was the only one who had seen my scars.


  I shrugged. "And nothing. At first, her reaction was what I figured one would be. She had questions. I gave her the same answers I gave you, but she's the kind of person who wants to make things better. She's just like you, actually," I stated, giving Luke a smile. "She wants to help me. The thought pisses me off, but then again, it makes me more possessive over her." I let out a sigh. "All of this is fucking me up."

  "The only thing I can suggest is go with the flow, Mase. I know it won't be easy for you, but you've got to move on with your life. You deserve to be happy and if she can make you happy, then let her. Don't push something away because it's not what you're used to."

  I stared off, looking at nothing in particular as I let his words sink in. I knew he was right, but it all went back to the things I held secret. There was so much that weighed down on my soul. So many things that came back to haunt me. I knew going to Victor would be my first step. It was the only way I could make John pay. Donicko was another story. I knew deep down there was no way for me to do anything to him. He would continue on with his malicious work, and that dark piece of me would always remain.

  The question was could I live with myself knowing I'd scar others with my past?

  "When do you see her again?" Luke asked, jarring me from my inner thoughts.


  "Okay, well, until then," he started, throwing me a game remote. "Let's get your mind off shit and kill things."

  I laughed and picked up the controller. This wasn't my usual way of dealing with things, but I could see the appeal. I couldn't kill John or Donicko in real life, but this way, I could imagine I was.

  After a few hours, I decided to go home. Carlos would be picking up Emma soon, and I wanted plenty of time to shower and wind down.

  When I arrived home, I pulled my phone from my pocket and turned my ringer back on before noticing a text from an unknown number.

  6pm tomorrow. Come to the manor. You should remember where it is. - D

  Flashes of that monstrosity came back to me. Donicko's house. It was a place I vowed I'd never enter again. A place where the devil did his dirty work. Why would he want me to come there, and why after all this time?

  I didn't know what he was playing at and I didn't want to find out, but this was where things got tricky. If I didn't do as he asked, how did I know he wouldn't do something to punish me? I wasn't a stranger to his acts of violence. I'd seen my share in my youth, and the fact that he knew about Emma only made things worse for me. I would go the following night, but only to see what he wanted and to finally tell him once and for all to leave me the fuck alone. I owed him nothing.

  Walking up the stairs, I headed to my bathroom and stripped off my clothes. I needed to get into the right mindset before Emma arrived, but my thoughts were in the past. I hated that despair that washed over me. It attached itself to me like a parasite, and there was only one way to get rid of it.

  Standing in front of the mirror, I looked at myself. This is what Emma saw. A broken man. A man with no control over his own urges.

  Reaching down, I pulled open the drawer and grabbed my razor. After Luke had stitched me up that night, I'd made a decision not to cut myself again, but deep down I knew my words were futile. That’s why I'd replaced the dull razor with a new one.

nbsp; I stared at it, the light gleaming off the metal. An object that bled my sins away, absolving me from my wrong-doings. One cut would make it all go away, if only for a matter of time.

  Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and bowed my head.

  Emma's face entered my mind.

  Emma would be there in a matter of minutes. I couldn't cut myself. I couldn't do what came so naturally to me. Hiding it from her was no longer an option.

  Dropping the razor back into the drawer, I turned away from my absolution and buried the darkness once again.

  Last night, Emma asked me to use her, so using her is exactly what I’ll do.

  I showered and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt just in time to answer the door.

  "Good evening, Ms. Blake," I greeted her.

  Without a word, Emma walked in, beautiful as usual in a light pink sundress. She headed straight into the living space to the right.

  I frowned as I watched her disappear and closed the front door to follow behind her. When I walked into the room, I stopped in my tracks as I took her in. She stood there in nothing but her white lace bra, matching panties, and black heels. I smirked as my eyes traveled up and down her body and absorbed the image into memory.

  "No talking tonight, I presume?" I asked, raising a brow.

  She smirked and bit her lip, taking a few steps toward me.

  “No talking,” she stated as she came to a stop in front of me.

  I wasn't sure what to expect when she looked down my body, but her dropping to her knees like a fucking goddess wasn't it.

  Her auburn hair flowed down in waves on her back, and her hazel eyes filled with lust. All I could do in that moment was stare at her with admiration, shock, and desire. This is my fucking fantasy made into real life. She grabbed my waistband, undid the button and unzipped my fly.

  Working meticulously on getting my pants down, I smirked at her efforts. She didn't look up at me to gage my reaction to her seductive display, and I wasn't sure if it was from utter concentration or shyness.

  Once my pants were out of the way, that anxious feeling took over. My dick was hard as a rock in anticipation of what was to come, tenting my boxers that she'd failed to take down along with my pants, but that itching need to take cover was over-powering.

  I clenched and unclenched my hands as I looked down at her, sitting back on her heels.

  "If you want me to stop, I'll stop," she offered as she ran her hands up and down my calves. "But I want you to know that I've been thinking about this all day." She diverted her eyes to my cock, which was level with her face.

  Just that sight alone had me wanting to pull my dick free and slam it down her throat. A type of violence I'd never display with her, but being as worked-up as I was, it would be impossible for me to stop.

  I knew what she was doing, this display of power. She was taking control, and a part of me loved it. I'd never had someone take the reins. I'd never wanted someone to take it. But with Emma sitting right there, the image I'd had so many times while jacking off, I wasn't sure I could make her get up.

  "And what are you planning on doing, princess?"

  She smirked at me as she sat up from her heels and lifted her hands to grab onto the band of my boxers. We gazed at each other as seconds passed, and I could feel the sweat forming on my skin. I expected her to take them off, but she didn't. She waited, gauging my reaction. It was almost too much. She knew this would be hard for me, and yet she was trying to get me to break from my shell.

  Did I want to break from my shell? Did I want to expose myself? She was eye level with my scars, the demon I held inside. She’d see my mutilated flesh up close, and realized just how fucked-up I truly was. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ran away in disgust.

  Keeping eye contact, I nodded to her as a way of giving her permission to expose my flesh.

  As she pulled them down, I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. I waited for her to gasp or scream at the sight. Something.

  What I wasn't expecting was to feel her warm lips on my skin as she grabbed onto my cock.

  I inhaled deeply and looked down at her, taking a small step back. My instinct was to push her away. I could feel the rage trying to build up. So many thoughts were going through my head at the sight of her gazing up at me after kissing one of my scars.

  Who the hell does she think she is?

  Does she think she can heal me?

  She'll poison herself being so close to the one place I release my tainted blood.

  So many thoughts, but I did nothing. I stood there and waited for her next move. She looked up at me, pleading with her eyes. I could tell she was nervous. She didn't know what to expect from me, and that was good. She needed to be wary, because I didn't know what to expect from myself, either.

  I lifted a hand and ran my fingers down her cheek. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

  She leaned into my palm, but I dropped it as I waited for her reply. I wanted to see how confident she really was. This was her game.

  The hand wrapped around my cock started to move, and I smiled down at her.

  "Yes, I know what I'm doing. The question is, do you?"

  She leaned into me, keeping eye contact, and pressed her warm lips to my scars once again.

  I stared at her skin connecting with mine and furrowed my brow. My hand lifted and went directly to her hair, bunching it into my fist.

  "Careful, princess. All the kisses in the world couldn't take away the evil that mars my skin."

  "No," she stated, keeping her eyes on mine. "But I can still try."

  I looked down at her as she moved her hand up and down my cock, taking her time kissing my scars. I kept my hand tangled in her hair and clenched my teeth with every scar those beautiful lips kissed. I knew she felt like she needed to do this, to show me she accepted my scars, but the fact was nothing would help. I appreciated her attempt, but signs of affection wouldn't overshadow what I'd done. They would always be reminders of my past.

  "Do you still want me to use you?" I asked, pulling her away from my skin.

  She stopped kissing to look up at me with a puzzled expression, but nodded slowly.

  "Keep your eyes on mine," I commanded. I grabbed her hand that was wrapped around my cock and removed it. "Now, open that pretty mouth of yours."

  She smiled slightly at my words and complied, waiting for my next move.

  I grabbed onto my cock and pumped it a few times before pulling her head closer. "Do you want to know how many times I've imagined you like this?" I rubbed the head of my cock on her bottom lip and watched as her tongue darted out to lick it. "So many times," I breathed. I rotated my hand as I pumped my dick slowly, torturing myself for a moment longer. "So many times I imagined fucking this perfect mouth." I bit my lip as I pushed in a little further and the heat of her mouth enveloped my skin. She lifted her arms and encircled my waist to grab onto my ass, looking up at me with want.

  She was so fucking beautiful like that. On her knees. Begging to take my cock.

  She wrapped her lips around the head, and I closed my eyes and groaned.

  Pushing herself forward, she took more of me into her mouth and I let her. I opened my eyes and looked down at her lips sliding up and down, wetting my cock, inch after inch. No fantasy could compare to the image before me. She'd only had my dick in her mouth for two minutes and I already wanted to come.

  Pulling her head back, she let go of my ass, grabbing my cock with one hand and my balls with the other. She stroked me from base to tip and massaged my balls while gazing into my eyes. In that moment, she was in control of my body and for the first time, I didn't care.

  "Squeeze my balls harder," I commanded.

  She looked down as she continued to stroke my dick and gripped them harder, but not enough. I needed to feel the pain.

  "Harder," I breathed.

  "I don't want to hurt—"

  "Do it," I said, cutting her off.

  She squeezed them harder, and I closed m
y eyes as the endorphins from the pain flowed through me. My breathing was coming faster and I thrust into her hand at every stroke. I knew I wasn't going to last long.

  Staring back down at her, I guided my dick back into her mouth and she released her grip on my balls. "I'm going to fuck your mouth, princess. I'm not going to last much longer."

  Nodding, she groaned as I started to slowly thrust in. I pushed all the way in to the back of her throat and slowly pulled back out. My balls began to tighten and the urge to move faster overtook any self-control I cared to maintain.

  Thrusting faster, I let go of her hair and grabbed it again to get a better grip. The slurping sound of her mouth around my dick came faster and faster as I pumped harder and harder.

  She grabbed onto my hips, and I gritted my teeth as I felt the pressure of my release building to its peak.

  "Fuck," I groaned as I released her hair and pulled back out of her mouth.

  I grabbed my dick and pumped hard and fast, aiming it at her chest. A loud groan escaped as the first wave of release shot out and landed right above the lace of her bra. She watched my cock as each stream shot out, licking her lips. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was upset I didn't keep it in her mouth.

  Looking down at Emma's chest, I smiled at the mess I'd made. It might’ve been a primal thing, but the sight of my come all over her did things to me.

  Reaching down, I pulled on her arm, forcing her to stand. Then I stepped out of my pants and boxers, tossing them aside. I could tell by the way she was biting her lip and gazing at me that she was turned on. I'd bet anything that her panties were soaked and I was going to find out, but first, the bra had to go.

  I leaned down and captured her lips with mine, licking and biting the bottom one as she groaned into my mouth.

  "Did you like sucking my dick, princess?"

  She smiled against my lips. "Yes."


  I kissed her again and she wrapped her arms around my neck, but I had other plans.

  "Did you like watching me stroke my cock?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

  She breathed heavily as she looked down at my semi-hard dick before meeting my gaze once again.


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