Grant (Beringer Brothers Book 1)

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Grant (Beringer Brothers Book 1) Page 5

by Rayne Reilly

  “No. I’m fine, thank you. He was just being a pig. I stood up for myself and he didn’t like it. I should go tell the manager what happened. I’ll be right back, please take a seat,” she said as she motioned toward a chair.

  Grant nodded and remained where he was standing with what seemed to be a proud smile on his face. She turned to walk away, her heart in her throat. He had sounded genuinely worried about her but she didn’t have time to deal with their feelings right now. Her shift wasn’t over for another hour and a half. She glanced over her shoulder to see Grant watching her.

  Near the kitchen, Linda, the manager approached her.

  “What happened in your section?” she asked Acacia.

  “A customer was ogling me and making rude comments. He grabbed me and another customer stepped in to help. Everything is okay now,” she said.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Linda asked, genuinely concerned.

  “Yes. Fine, thanks,” Acacia said as she picked up orders for the customers who were waiting.

  When she returned to her section with food, she noticed Grant was seated in her section with a menu in front of him. She smoothed down her hair and clothes before approaching him. He was gazing at the menu when she walked up to him.

  “Can I get you anything to eat or drink?” she asked breathlessly.

  He looked up at her, his eyes filled with something she didn’t quite understand. The butterflies in her stomach fluttered at the very thought of him being there to see her.

  “I came here to see you...I hope you don’t think I am harassing you?” he said in a serious tone.

  She shook her head.

  “Not at all. I didn’t turn down your offer for another date, did I?”

  “I’m glad to hear you haven’t changed your mind.” A sly smile slipped onto his lips.

  “Oh, and thank you for the beautiful flowers. You really didn’t need to do that!”

  “I know I didn’t have to, I wanted to send them. You are a beautiful woman, Acacia. You deserve the best of everything,” he said sincerely. She nearly melted into a puddle on the floor at the smooth sexiness of his voice.

  “I was disappointed that you broke our date,” she said sweetly.

  Grant rubbed his rugged jaw with one hand and smiled. “I think you will forgive me when I explain what happened. My brother was hit by a car. He was at the hospital and called me to go and see him.”

  “Oh, my God! Is he okay? I’m sorry. Why didn’t you say something on the phone? I spent the last two days thinking you were a big jerk.”

  Grant laughed. “I thought you might. I apologize for that. I'm grateful that you are willing to give me another chance. What time are you finished work tonight?”

  “Tonight? In another hour or so. But I couldn’t possibly-” she started to say.

  “I’ll wait for you. We can go out for a drink and get to know one another. I promise to get you home safely.”

  Acacia paused a moment and bit the inside of her cheek. Now that she was standing in front of him, smelling his cologne, seeing his handsome face, she wondered how she could have ever been upset with him. He had a valid reason for letting her down and the truth was that she wanted to be near him even if she wasn't dressed for a date.

  “Fine. But you better order something or the manager might get upset at you taking up a table,” she teased.

  “Okay, bring me the house special. I’ll eat slowly,” he grinned back at her.


  Slowly, Grant ate the veal marsala that Acacia had brought to him. She looked a little more cheerful now that they had spoken briefly. He was looking forward to finally having some time alone with her.

  That was twice now that he had witnessed someone bringing her to tears. It had torn him up inside to have seen her so upset again and that she had been harassed by a patron of the restaurant made him furious. He could understand why men might find her attractive with her killer curves and long dark hair. Still, that was no excuse. If he saw that man again, he would have a few more words for him. God help him if he tried to hurt Acacia.

  He looked up as he ate and watched Acacia bustling around waiting on customers and setting up tables for new ones. The hour passed quickly and when he was done eating she cleared his plate and brought the check.

  "My shift is finished. I'll be out in a few minutes. I'll meet you out front." She smiled.

  Grant nodded and picked up the check to go and pay. He smiled widely when she approached him about ten minutes later at the front of the restaurant.

  “I’m ready,” Acacia said softly as she walked up to Grant. She had changed into a pair of blue jeans and a pullover. It wouldn’t matter what she was wearing or not wearing, she was beautiful. He smiled and they walked out of the restaurant.

  Standing outside he turned to her.

  “What would you like to do?” he asked her warmly.

  “It doesn’t matter to me. We could go for coffee or just walk. Or a bit of both?”

  “Let’s do both. There’s a coffee shop that’s open late down on the next street. I’ll leave my car here to drive you home later?” Grant said.

  She nodded and they both headed down the sidewalk. Grant could see that she was still holding a little tension in her face and shoulders. He hoped she would relax after spending time with him.

  “So, are you from Seattle?” he asked as they walked.

  “No, Cashmere. I moved to Seattle to go to university,” she said.

  “What are you taking in university?”

  She laughed. “Nothing now. That ship has sailed. I haven’t got the funds to finish now. Long story,” she waved her hand dismissively.

  “I see,” Grant said nodding.

  “What about you?” Acacia asked him.

  “My entire family are from a town just outside New York. I have one brother who lives back there, runs his own software firm in New York City. My parents live in Seattle. I have a brother in Las Vegas.”

  “Is that the one who was hit by a car?”

  “Yes. He’s fine now. He was released the same day but had a concussion and broken arm. I stayed over to keep an eye on him. He’s the youngest and is a bit of a rebel.”

  “What does he do in Vegas?”

  “Owns a small hotel and has a few other investments. Mostly he just enjoys being twenty-eight.”

  “You say that like you’re an old man!” she teased.

  “I’m only thirty-three but I am the oldest so have more responsibility than he does.”

  They reached the coffee shop and went in to find a seat. Grant went and bought them each a drink.

  After some more small talk, Grant noticed Acacia was more visibly relaxed. This pleased him and his bear. The vulnerability in her eyes made Grant feel very protective of her.

  As they left the cafe and walked back down the street toward his car he reached for Acacia’s hand. She responded by tucking herself in closer to him and holding his hand tightly.


  Acacia continued to let Grant stroke her hand as he drove her home. He was growing more aroused with each touch. His shifter sense of smell told him that she was also feeling excited. It felt good to have found his mate at last and he wasn’t about to waste any more time. He cleared his throat and spoke confidently. “Are you working tomorrow?” he asked.

  “No. It’s my day off actually. Why?”

  “I would like to take you out again.”

  He heard her breathing change. He hoped that she would want to see him again.

  "I would love to go out with you again." She said. Acacia motioned to the row of townhouses on the street they had turned down.“I’m just over here,” she said softly as she pointed toward her house.

  He pulled up in front of it and parked the car.

  They both got out of the car and walked to the front door. The outside light was on and it cast a warm glow over her skin and hair. Without thinking about it he reached out and smoothed her long hair with one hand.
r />   She shivered and closed her eyes, letting out a sigh. He leaned down and pulled her face up to meet his lips. The bolt of energy that shot through him as their lips touched left his bear growling and clawing to be released. He stepped back.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you,” he said in a husky tone.

  She put her fingers to her lips, touching them. Her eyes searched his. He sensed that she wasn’t sure what his motives were. She bit her lip and his nostrils flared at the scent of desire that wafted from her.

  God I want you.

  He cleared his throat.

  “I will pick you up tomorrow at 1:00. We can go for lunch,” he said, gathering all the resolve he could to leave her for the night.

  “Okay. I’d like that,” she murmured and turned to unlock her door. Turning back to him she said softly. “Thank you for tonight...for everything.”

  He nodded and watched her go inside and close the door. Grant couldn’t wait to see her again the next day. He had the perfect surprise planned that was sure to bring a smile to her face.


  Acacia stood with her back against the front door. Electricity charged through her body. She hadn’t expected Grant to kiss her. Nor did she expect that she could be so turned on by a goodnight kiss. It was more than the kiss. It felt like a promise of something more. She couldn’t wait to see him again the next day.

  Grant was so sexy and kind that it left her both confused and happy at the same time. This was not the kind of first date with Grant that she had expected but she didn’t mind.

  Acacia was walking on air as she changed into her pajamas and got ready for bed. Unable to relax she texted Kellie to see if she was still up. She was surprised when her phone pinged in response.

  ‘I’m up. Call me,’ Kellie texted back.

  Acacia quickly dialed her friend’s phone. Earlier, after work, she had told Kellie that she was getting a ride home with Grant and Kellie was happy to hear it. Acacia quickly filled Kellie in on the last couple of hours.

  “I’m sorry to hear about his brother. That’s as good a reason as any for someone to cancel a date,” Kellie said in her usual chipper voice.

  “Yeah. That’s what I thought.”

  “When are you going out again?”

  “Tomorrow. He’s picking me up to take me to lunch.”

  “That’s fantastic! I’m so happy for you. You deserve this. It’s been way too long since you had fun...or a date.”

  “Hey, it hasn’t been that long!”

  “Really? I haven’t seen you date anyone since before your mom…” Kellie didn’t finish the sentence.

  “Okay. That may be true. Oh...”


  “I forgot to ask him what to wear for our date tomorrow. I have no idea where we’re going.”

  “I don’t think it will matter what you wear. Think about what you were wearing tonight after work?”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “Call me when you get home tomorrow! I want all the details! And make sure you relax and enjoy yourself.”

  “I will,” Acacia said before the girls said goodnight and she tucked herself into bed. She lay awake for ages thinking about the incredibly heated kiss that they had shared. She hoped there would be a lot more kissing when she saw him again.


  Acacia was up early in spite of falling asleep so late. The mix of excitement and nerves made her stomach queasy so she grabbed a light breakfast in hope of it settling things down.

  Kellie was right about one thing. It had been years since she had gone on a date. It hadn’t been deliberate at all. Life had become complicated in the last few years. The opportunities weren’t there for her to think about dating. She allowed her thoughts to drift toward Grant as she closed her eyes and pictured his face. His short, wavy brown hair was just the perfect length. His high cheek bones and angular features made him look like a magazine model.

  The shock of receiving his attention had given way to sheer desire for him now and she felt slightly ashamed of it. She had never considered herself to be a shallow person and was sure that her body’s response to him was something more than just physical attraction. Yes, he was gorgeous but there was so much more to love about him than just his looks.

  She opened her eyes and went to look for something to wear before time got away from her. Settling on a short dress and comfortable shoes, she tied her hair up into a twist and clipped it in place.

  When Grant showed up right on time she was filled with joy at him not putting her through another moment of tense waiting. Beaming, she opened the door to him. He waited for her to lock up the house and put out his bent arm for her to hold.

  It felt so good to be going anywhere with the incredible Grant Beringer. He looked delectable in blue jeans and a tight-fitting top that showed off his rippling muscles. Acacia found it hard to tear her eyes away from his chest.

  “I hope you don’t mind going for a picnic?” Grant said as he tilted his head to look directly at her.

  “Mind? I love it,” she chirped, as he opened the car door for her.

  So romantic, what woman wouldn’t? she thought.

  Grant smiled widely.

  “Great. I have just the place in mind!” he said, closing her door and heading to the driver's side.

  Grant pulled the car out onto the street. They drove to Woodland Park picnic area where the setting was perfect for their afternoon together. Grant pulled a huge picnic cooler and blanket out of the trunk of the car. Acacia offered to the take the blanket and they strode off to find a secluded spot among the trees. Dappled sun poked its way through the leaves and dotted the grass. It was a perfect day for a picnic.

  “I’ve never been on a picnic before,” Acacia said excitedly.

  “Really? I enjoy them. I like being outdoors more than being trapped inside.” He eyed her as he took the blanket and laid it out on the thick layer of grass. They both sat down with Acacia studying his face as he spoke. She noticed that his eyes lit up when he mentioned being outside.

  “I love being outside as well,” Acacia said. “Kellie and I will often go walking as well as visiting the many parks around the city. This is a beautiful place to live if you like the outdoors.”

  Grant poured some sparkling water into a plastic cup and passed it to her.

  “I enjoy hiking and have to agree with you about this city. I’m glad you prefer nature to being inside. Something to bear in mind for future dates.” He grinned as he spoke.

  Acacia held up her cup. “Here’s to having more dates?” she laughed hoping she wasn’t being too presumptuous.

  Grant raised his cup to her toast and smiled. “To more dates,” he agreed happily.

  Acacia helped Grant empty the cooler and lay out the food. He had brought a veritable feast of sandwiches, salads of different kinds, cut up vegetables and fruit, as well as some delicious looking chocolate squares.

  “This looks incredible! You’ve brought enough for four people though!” Acacia teased.

  Grant passed a plate and napkin to her, the smile never leaving his face.

  “I’m a big guy with a healthy appetite. And I wasn’t sure what you liked so I allowed for as much as I could. I hope you like the food.”

  Acacia’s stomach began to growl at the sight of the food. She spooned some potato salad onto her plate and chose a piece of a roast beef sandwich to compliment it.

  “It looks wonderful!” she answered enthusiastically. “Did you prepare all this yourself?”

  His lip curled in one corner. “No. I must confess, I had some help from my housekeeper. She cooks some of my meals and I told her about our date today so she offered to make a nice lunch for us.”

  Placing the sandwich she was holding onto the plate she watched as Grant piled his plate with food. His sheer size and build told her that he probably spent a lot of time working out, something she was not keen on doing.

  “I imagine
you burn a lot of calories with the working out you must do.”

  Grant glanced at her, his face filled with surprise. “I don’t work out as much as you probably think. I am blessed with good genetics more than anything.”

  Acacia suddenly felt a wave of insecurity. I hope he doesn’t expect me to enjoy fitness. She ate quietly and looked past him to the trees just beyond where they were sitting. So far he had been the perfect gentleman but still, she wasn’t sure that they had much in common aside from both of them preferring nature to being indoors. After a few minutes, Grant’s smooth voice brought her back to the moment.

  “Is there something on your mind?” he asked.

  “Not really,” she shrugged.

  “So you mentioned last night that you are from outside of Seattle. Is your family still there?” he asked.

  Acacia tensed slightly at the question. Taking a deep breath before responding she answered, “No. I haven’t any family left. My mom died a year ago from cancer. It was just the two of us my entire life. I decided to move back here after I sold her house. There isn’t anything left there for me.”

  She caught the look of surprise on his face.

  She added, “I had to go back home for nearly a year to take care of my mom. That’s why I didn’t finish university.”

  “Sorry for your loss,” he said compassionately. There was a gulf of silence between them.

  Acacia nodded her head in acknowledgment and finished her food. “Do you go on many dates?” She finally asked him before adding, “Because you throw a hell of a picnic,” she giggled.

  “Do you? Go on many dates I mean?” he countered glancing away to avoid eye contact.

  Acacia shook her head and grimaced.

  “I haven’t been on a date in over two years. Maybe longer. I don’t have much of a social life any more aside from hanging out with Kellie. Oh, and being stuck in a job I’m not crazy about,” she chuckled softly.

  “Two years? That long, huh?” he joked.

  “Don’t laugh. I didn’t have time to date,” she insisted.

  Grant's face suddenly changed and she knew he realized why she hadn’t dated.


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