Grant (Beringer Brothers Book 1)

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Grant (Beringer Brothers Book 1) Page 6

by Rayne Reilly

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to joke.”

  “You haven’t offended me. It is what it is. But you did avoid my question. Do you date often?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No.” He said without offering any further explanation. There was another awkward pause as they both avoided eye contact.

  She decided to change the topic again. Grant was proving to be somewhat of a mystery to her but she didn’t want to push him away with too many questions if he wasn’t ready to open up.

  He didn’t behave like she thought he would, he wasn’t cocky but he was confident. He could have any woman he wanted, yet he was here with her. What is his deal? There had to be something wrong with him...didn’t there? Why did he avoid her question about dating?

  She tilted her head and asked, “What does your company do?”

  “We own a group of other companies in various industries from tech to food manufacturing. My father actually started Beringer Industries about twenty years ago and built it into what it is today. He groomed me from a young age so that I could take over for him. After university, I started working there and over the years moved up through the company. I’m CEO but there are many great people who help run things. He’s semi-retired now.”

  “That sounds like a pretty big job. Why don’t your brothers work there, too? You mentioned last night they've each got their own separate things going on?”

  “They have their own reasons for not working at Beringer. My father can be a hard man to please. My brothers find it easier not to try. As the eldest it falls to me to manage things for my father. I don’t mind. As I said, we have a great staff that are loyal to my family.”

  Acacia pressed her brows together for a moment. Something about Grant and the way he spoke of his family seemed different than when most people spoke about theirs. He was different. She shook away the thoughts that tried to enter her mind and continued to listen to his sexy voice.

  “I prefer to be out of the office rather than stuck behind a desk but I do what I have to do so that my father is happy. I’m grateful for my charity work; it helps me avoid the office at times and allows me to help the less fortunate,” he said.

  “That’s very admirable. You are more down-to-earth than I expected someone with your kind of money to be.” Acacia said matter-of-factly.

  “So I’ve been told. I don’t like snobs or people who look down their noses at others. I am only wealthy because of my father. Besides, money doesn’t mean anything if you don’t share your life with someone special. I want a family someday. And I don’t want to be a slave to my job forever.”

  Acacia beamed. He was everything she could ever want in a man. Her father never put her mother first and only thought of himself. She could see that Grant was not like that at all. He had his priorities straight.


  The afternoon was going by quickly and Grant was enjoying getting to know Acacia. She was unlike any other woman he had dated. She was the first woman he had ever taken on a picnic.

  Something about her and how she carried herself made him want to open up and tell her everything about himself. He knew it was probably too soon to reveal himself as a shifter but his bear self was certain that he should. Watching her face as she spoke, he felt her warmth and sincerity. He had to see just how open she was to the idea of shifters. When they finished eating he began to pack up the cooler. When everything had been put away, he moved closer to her and put an arm around her.

  “I’ve enjoyed the last couple hours with you, it’s so refreshing to be around someone who is interested in the same things as I am,” he said confidently as he glanced sideways at her.

  She tilted her head and smiled. “Me, too. Who would have thought it, huh?” She giggled.

  Grant put his free hand to her chin and pulled her face to his. Their lips touched gently at first, just a light graze allowing tantalizing energy to race back and forth between them. He nibbled softly on her bottom lip, bringing it between both of his for a moment to savor its silkiness.

  She responded by opening her mouth a little, her breathing becoming jagged as the scent of her arousal filled his nostrils. His own body responded quickly in kind. His mouth opened to hers and their tongues intertwined hungrily.

  He turned a little more so that their chests were just touching. Pulling her close, he moved his hand to the back of her neck and caressed the base of her head.

  Acacia put her arms around his chest and moaned softly as their kiss deepened even further. It lasted for what seemed an eternity with no sign of either of them wanting it to end. Eventually, they pulled apart long enough to take a breath before diving into another toe curling kiss.

  Several minutes passed and Grant’s hard-on was becoming painful as it pressed against his jeans. He held Acacia carefully as he attempted to move them to a supine position on the blanket. She resisted a little, moving away from him slightly. He could see a look of worry on her face and realized he had moved too quickly.

  "I'm sorry...that was very forward of me. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." Grant said.

  Acacia blinked and looked over at him. "I'm fine. It's just...I haven't been with someone in a long time and I'm...well, my confidence..." she motioned to her body and frowned.

  He sat up fully and looked at her. "You are beautiful Acacia...I love the way you look. Please don't ever feel self-conscious with me." He reached out and moved a few stray hairs off her face. She smiled back at him.

  “I think we should go. There are some things I still want to talk about with you,” he said trying to keep his voice light. He wanted her so badly. It took everything inside for him to hold back but he wouldn't risk scaring or upsetting her.He wanted her to feel at ease around him. Especially considering what he wanted to share with her.

  Reluctantly, he stood and helped her up. She leaned down to grab the blanket and fold it while he picked up the cooler.

  “Where do you want to go?” she asked as she followed alongside him back to the parking lot where they had left the car.

  “I was thinking I would take you to my place. We can chat privately there,” he said glancing at her face to see that she looked worried.

  “Don’t be concerned. It isn’t anything terrible. At least, I don’t think so,” he smiled. She shrugged and hopped into the front seat of the car as he got in and started the engine.

  Looking over at her, he knew he was head over heels for the beautiful woman beside him. He hoped she was falling for him just the same.


  Roughly half an hour later, Grant pulled into the multi-car garage at his large home overlooking Lake Washington.

  Acacia followed him into the house as he pointed out the various rooms. He escorted her to the sitting room that faced the lake and they both sat on the long comfortable gray sofa that faced the incredible view.

  He liked this room best of all and spent many hours pondering things as he stared out at the lake and skyline. Acacia settled in close to him and sighed.

  “I love the view, it’s spectacular,” she piped up as he turned a little to face her.

  “It really is. I am glad you like it. Can I get you anything?” he asked politely.

  She shook her head, looking a little anxious.

  “No, thank you. I’m more interested in what it is you had to bring me here to tell me. You’ve got me a little worried,” she said.

  “My apologies,” he said as he reached out and took her hands in his. There was a hint of worry in her eyes as she gazed back at him. He smiled, then cleared his throat.

  “Have you heard of shifters?” he asked, hopeful about the outcome of his revelation.

  Acacia nodded and bit her lip, sitting up a little straighter.

  “Well, my family...I come from a family of bear shifters,” he said, feigning confidence, unsure of how she might respond.

  She pulled back slightly, yet he did not detect a scent of fear.

  “Oh?” She mouthed. She blink
ed a couple of times and removed her hands from his to rub them along her thighs.

  “I’m no danger to you or anything,” he continued, almost holding his breath. “I don’t want you to be afraid of me.” He sat back giving her some room to digest what he had said.

  “I’m not afraid of you. I’m just surprised…shocked, really. I never met a shifter before. So you’re a bear?”

  “Bear-shifter, yes. My father doesn’t want the public to know what we are so I have had to keep it secret. You are the first woman I have ever told,” he announced, hoping she would be understanding.

  “Really? Why? What would make you tell me, of all people?” She put a palm to her bosom.

  “To be completely honest, I feel something for you that I have never felt for anyone before. I believe you are my mate.”

  “Mate? I don’t understand. We just met, I barely know you. How can you have such strong feelings for me so soon?” she asked, while studying his face. Did she believe him?

  “I can’t explain it. It’s just how I feel. You must feel it, too, don't you? There is a special energy between us. I have sensed it from the moment I met you, Acacia,” he reassured.

  “I knew there was something about you that was different but I never imagined...this!” She let out a chuckle.

  Grant sighed. “Does that mean you approve or have I managed to frighten you off?”

  Acacia laughed out loud and placed her hand on his, squeezing it. “It takes a lot more than you being a shifter to frighten me off. Can I tell you something?”

  “Of course.” A smiled slipped onto his lips.

  She looked away avoiding his eyes as she spoke. “You are the first man I have ever met that I could imagine spending the rest of my life with. It's hard for me to admit that but I feel I need to say it. After what you just told me, I think I understand why.”

  Grant cradled her head in his hands and kissed her tenderly. His heart soared at her admission. They had found one another and not been afraid to admit it. The future he wanted was now within his grasp. He pulled back, releasing her and placing his hands on his thighs.

  “Now what?” she asked innocently.

  Grant shrugged. “You have made me the happiest man on the planet. Now I just want us to enjoy being together. I am looking forward to every minute of it,” he laughed joyfully.

  Then added, “I realize that we still need to get to know one another but I don’t want you to think I am some jerk who just wants to sleep with you. I care about you. I want a future with you.”

  “I don’t like games,” Acacia said. “Life is too short. I’ve learned that much. I’m glad you told me the truth about what you are.” She sat back a moment as if in thought.

  Grant wondered what she was pondering and before he could ask, she sat forward a little with a look of curiosity on her face.

  “Can I see him? Your bear?”

  “What, now?” he asked as he sat perfectly upright.

  “Yes. Please?”

  Grant stood and stepped away from the couch. He moved an arm chair out of the way to make room for the shift.

  “Are you sure you want to see this right now?” he asked knowing that he would be naked in front of her. He would not be able to hide his arousal for her when he shifted back.

  “Is it dangerous to shift in front of me? Will you hurt me?”

  He laughed. “No, I won’t hurt you..but I will have to be naked to shift.” He moved his brows up and down as he said it.

  She laughed and her face turned bright red. “I see…” her voice trailed off and he noticed her swallowing hard while she rubbed her hands on her thighs.

  “Still want to see my bear?” he asked playfully cocking his head to one side and winking.

  She wasn’t backing down and it turned him on even more when she said, “Absolutely!”

  Grant stepped out of the room for a few moments to strip off his clothing.


  Acacia felt her breath catch again when a huge black bear with breathtaking amber eyes entered the room. Grant-bear waltzed in on all fours, his claws clicking against the hardwood floors.

  She stood, her eyes big as saucers as she walked over to him and stood about two feet away. Grant-bear made no move toward her, standing absolutely still with his nose twitching as he sniffed the air.

  With trembling hands she reached out and walked closer to him.

  “Can I touch you?” she asked hesitantly.

  The bear grunted and nodded his head once.

  She moved closer, touching the lush black fur. It was as soft as it looked. With him on all fours, his head reached her abdomen area. She laughed when he nuzzled her with his head. She felt no fear, only fascination at being so close to a real bear. 'Well, as close to a bear as she would ever be,' she thought to herself.

  She leaned over, stroking the top of his wide head and cooing at the softness of him.

  “You are so handsome,” she laughed as she kissed the top of Grant-bear's head.

  The bear grunted again and pushed his head against her in response to her strokes. Acacia moved to the side of him and smoothed her hand along his large body. She was startled when he gave a low growl and turned to look at her.

  She laughed, knowing that he was probably getting turned on by her touch. Suddenly she felt herself go warm and embarrassed. She stepped back but continued to eye him from one end to the other in sheer amazement. Grant is a bear…how freaking incredible is that?

  Grant-bear turned around and began to walk out of the room.

  “Wait,” she said quickly.

  “I want to see you change back to your human form...please?” she pleaded. She was feeling braver and more confident by the minute. She couldn’t believe how comfortable she felt around him. It was as if she had known him her entire life.

  Grant paused and stood facing her. She watched as the bear leaned forward slightly, its body contorting in what looked like pain. She hugged herself tightly as she watched. The process appeared to be hurting him. Had she been selfish in asking him to shift in front of her?

  Seconds later Grant was standing in front of her, all six feet plus. His body was more muscular than she had first assumed it would be. Her eyes traveled down to his ankles and back up to his smiling face. Her heart stopped at the sheer size of him and his manhood, which was standing erect and ready.

  Oh my. She looked away feeling a flood of wetness in her panties. Letting out a lengthy breath, she turned her back toward him. She expected him to leave the room to get dressed but instead she felt his hand on her shoulder, the heat of it causing her to feel even more aroused.

  “So what do you think?” he asked with a sexy grin when she turned to look up at him.

  “Um...” she managed to mutter as Grant let out a laugh.

  “Of my bear...what did you think of him?” he asked again.

  “I...I think you are...he is as amazing as you are,” she said, feeling her face heat up again. Her body was burning with desire for him.

  It had been a very long time since she had slept with a man and she doubted that it would be anything compared to a night with Grant. She put a hand to her lips refusing to look down the length of his body for fear of melting right there on the spot. Her insides clenched as he moved his hands to her upper arms rubbing them gently. What would he think of me if I had sex with him right now? She swallowed and waited to see what his next move was.

  Grant licked his lips but stepped back. “I’m being unfair right now, I know, but I really want you Acacia,” he said in a low sexy voice. “You are a very sexy woman. ” he cupped her face with one hand.

  She felt her body react on its own accord as her hands reached for him, palms against his chest stroking him. Before she had time to talk herself out of it, she was kissing his chest, running her tongue across his nipples greedily lapping at him as though her life depended on it. She had been without physical affection for so long. The build-up of need since their first kissed spilled out. Ac
acia pushed against him, feeling his hard-on pressing into her belly, pulsing against her.

  “I want you too,” she murmured in between kissing and licking him.

  Grant reached down and pulled her dress over her head leaving her in just her bra and panties. He leaned down to kiss her shoulders one at a time, moving the bra straps down eventually revealing her full breasts. Her nipples became tight pink rose buds as his mouth found each one, teasing them with his tongue. Her legs were feeling weaker by the moment with every touch of his hands and mouth.

  She was about to ask him to take her to his bed when he bent down and picked her up in his arms. She laced her arms around his neck as he carried her to his bedroom.

  It was a huge room with a large king-sized bed at one side and a small fireplace with two armchairs and a table at the other side. Grant placed her standing on the floor next to the bed. He took off her bra, unclasping it and tossing it aside.

  Next, he slowly pulled down her panties and moved to his knees. His lips found the sensitive flesh of her belly and inner thighs. She put her hands to his head and tugged at his soft hair as his mouth moved across her skin, tenderly nibbling and kissing her. She threw her head back as he found her sweet spot and tasted her for the first time.

  Waves of pleasure washed over her again and again as he brought her to a long-awaited climax.

  “Grant...Oh my god...that feels so good. Don’t stop!” she pleaded, as he silently obeyed and continued to show his appreciation of her body. Just when she thought she couldn’t stand another moment longer, she climaxed again.

  Grant finally stood and faced her. Leaning in, he kissed her deeply and moved her onto the bed and positioned himself between her legs. She reached for his manhood aiming it at her wet folds. He eased himself into her as she brought her pelvis up to take all of him. She felt herself stretching inside to accommodate his size and shuddered with pleasure as he moaned her name while moving in and out of her.

  Soon they were moving in sync with one another, savoring every thrust with satisfaction. Acacia ignored the little voice in her brain that was admonishing her for sleeping with him already. Her body was in charge right now and she wasn’t regretting it one bit. The look of satisfaction on Grant's face as he climaxed told her that she would happily do this with him again and again.


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