His Heart (HIS Series Book 7)

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His Heart (HIS Series Book 7) Page 16

by Sheila Kell

  Would she blame him for tonight? She could have died. Fuck, they all could have. She hadn’t looked at him accusingly but had been confused by what had happened. A cold chill raced up his spine at the possibility of her no longer trusting him.

  First things first. It took some convincing, but they transported Caitlyn to the hospital to be checked out. She requested to ride with him and Brad instead of the paramedics, and Matt wouldn’t deny her that feeling of security if that was what she wanted. She tried to say she was all right, but when she vomited, she lost all credibility. He didn’t expect them to admit her for the night, but it would give time for them to make things safe again.

  Because he would keep her safe.

  WHILE WAITING FOR the final all-clear to enter her home, Caitlyn rapidly paced back and forth in her office. They’d had to wait for the propane company until this morning, so she, Brad, and Matt had stayed in town for the night. Thankfully their men stayed behind to protect the property and watch over her dogs.

  With a sharp turn to walk back in the opposite direction, she admitted to herself that she was officially freaked out. It must’ve been Luke. He’d been in her home and had almost killed them. Not just her, but Matt and some of his men. Her mind kept screaming, He got into my house! Granted they hadn’t been in it when that asshole had created the leak, but still, it gave her the willies.

  Worse, Matt kicked himself for not leaving a man behind when they’d searched for Cooper and Melvin. He’d been so sure she needed protection during the search that he’d kept the men near them while they’d assisted in finding the missing dog and vet. A man who’d been hospitalized because of Luke’s brutishness.

  She stopped and curled her hands into fists at her sides, not really noticing the crescents her nails were creating in her palms. She’d never be safe until they found Luke and put him in jail with his brother, getting him out of her life.

  Stalking to her chair, she plopped down hard, sending the chair spinning in a circle before she stopped its movement. She placed her elbows on her desk and dropped her head into her hands. She wanted to appear strong for all those around her so they didn’t worry, but inside she was shivering with fright. When would this nightmare be over?

  At least Luke hadn’t gone after her father again, which went to prove that he’d found her… and Matt. Matt could’ve been killed, and that made this all the worse for her to consider. She hadn’t really thought out what could happen to him protecting her. His injury or death would be unacceptable.

  She was just learning to love again—physically and emotionally—and she had Matt to thank for it. Yet she’d paid him back by him almost dying in his sleep? Thankfully, he’d been the one to recognize and save them all. Her heart expanded with love for him.

  The memories of her making love to him were strong. She wanted more with him. She wanted to be the woman she used to be with him.

  A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. She didn’t usually keep her office door closed, but she hadn’t wanted anyone to see her fretting.

  She lifted her head and assumed a more businesslike persona. “Come in.”

  Sticking his head through the now open doorway, Rick smiled. “I thought you might want to know that Mac has arrived, which makes all four vets since Melvin will be released from the hospital this morning. He still wants to participate. If it’s okay, we can start their camp tomorrow as scheduled.”

  Of course. The final stage of the veterans getting their service dogs was needed. She wouldn’t do anything to stop that. To keep danger from spreading to the others, she would take no part in the transition. It would be disappointing, but she’d keep them safe.

  With a weary heart, she smiled. “Yes, I’d like you and Tonya to continue on as planned. I—” She took a fortifying breath. “—I’ll not participate this time.” Just saying it wrenched her heart more than she thought possible.

  Rick nodded, now informed of the entire situation. “We’ll take care of it.” He looked like he wanted to say something else, but nodded again and left, closing the door behind him.

  Her first urge was to grab something and throw it as hard as she could so she could see it shatter into a million pieces like her life was becoming, but she tamped it down. She’d work on other aspects of the business, fundraising and finding a grant writer she’d been thinking about to help with some large grants she saw they could acquire. She’d get the advertisement ready, but before she printed it, she’d research some grant writers and see if she thought she could convince any to help her so she didn’t have to dive through hundreds of resumes.

  Deep in research mode, her focus on her computer, she didn’t hear the office door open, but she felt the presence in the room. She stiffened, and her hand on the computer mouse stopped moving. Taking a breath, she slowly turned her head to the door to find out what threat had intruded now. Although she didn’t feel anger or bad vibes, for a split second she considered it could be Luke and everything would be all over. Matt wouldn’t be able to save her like he had last night.

  Seeing the incredibly handsome man standing just inside the door, she relaxed. “Matt, you scared the crap out of me.”

  He moved forward and smiled. Was he swaggering and smiling seductively? Her mind must be playing tricks. This was not the same man who’d been terrified for her and also take-charge last night. “You’ve been locked up in here for far too long. It’s time you take a break. How about some lunch?”

  Lunch? She looked at the clock and was surprised to see it was after one. Rolling her neck and shoulders, she released the tension and sighed at the welcome relief.

  Hands lightly touched her shoulders, and she started. She knew it was Matt’s hands, but not being able to see them bothered her. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Relax.”

  Easy for him to say. But she focused and thought only of Matt’s hands on her, like they’d been so many times before. He’d always been a gentle lover, treating her like a precious queen, while always ensuring she enjoyed their lovemaking. It took a couple of minutes until she finally relaxed and his hands became a welcome pleasure on her body.

  “That’s better,” he murmured.

  “I didn’t realize it was so late in the day.” Oh, his fingers were magic on her tense shoulders.

  “Are you getting some good work done?” He removed his hands, and she almost reached out to make them return to their work.


  Matt turned and leaned his magnificent butt on her desk. “You’d rather be with the dogs though?”

  She smiled sheepishly. “Yes.”

  “It’s only until we catch Ripley. I talked to Jesse today, and more men are on their way. They’ll help search for him.”

  “I thought the rest of the men were working other jobs.”

  “They were. A few of the men are on their way home and will do a quick turnaround to get here.”

  “Oh, Matt. I don’t want to take away the break these men probably thought they had after returning home.”

  Reaching down, he clasped her hand, looking at it as he wove his fingers into hers. She wondered what he thought in moments like that. He always looked so engrossed in watching their hands join. “They want to help,” he told her.

  Not fighting, she allowed him to pull her up from the chair and rest close to him. Her heart pounded and stomach rolled with nervousness.

  “Look at me, Caitlyn,” Matt said softly.

  She did and fell into the depths of his smoldering golden-brown eyes that contained small gold flecks floating around in a ring when he desired her. Her pulse ratcheted up at their intimacy.

  Matt’s arms wove around her back and pulled her close while her hands held hostage between them at his chest. Beneath her palm, she felt his heart beating as fast as hers. His breathing hitched and he whispered, “Caitlyn.”

  With her own erratic breathing, she couldn’t find a way to respond to his calling her name. When his head leaned down to her, she welcomed the touch
of his lips on hers, tentative, but soft and loving. Her body went afire, but not in fear and fright, but in a wanting, needing of Matt’s touch. Surprise flittered through the recesses of her mind at the change he pulled from her. But this was Matt. She would never feel the same with someone else.

  Ecstatic that she’d relaxed enough to kiss him, she wound her arms around his neck and moved her lips hungrily.

  Taken aback, Matt stopped moving for a second, before he tightened his hold on her and deepened the kiss, moving his lips as hungrily as hers and sending a tingling all the way to her core. A little shocked at the sensation, she wondered if she could be ready for more.

  When Matt slipped his tongue past her parted lips, an explosion of pleasure flitted through every nerve ending in her body, making her hyperaware of every inch of him. Their tongues danced and dueled, loving the other one’s taste.

  Her nipples pebbled against his rock-hard chest. Since she could tell he was waiting for her next move, using her hand on the back of his neck, she angled his head to take the kiss deeper, as their lips moved against each other.

  Heat nearly singed her when his tongue stroked the roof of her mouth, and she moved even closer to his body.

  With a groan, Matt pulled back. “We’d best stop now,” he rasped. “Otherwise, I’m bending you over this desk.” He used a hand to act as if he were testing the denseness of the desk’s surface.

  God, that sounded so good, but she didn’t want to ruin what had just been blissful happiness by her possibly freaking out. How much could she take? She definitely knew Matt would allow it to be as one-way as it had before. He’d want to please her, to love her, to be inside her, but he’d do only what she felt comfortable doing. A delicious shiver slid up her spine at the thought. “You did say lunch, didn’t you?”

  He removed her hands from around his neck. “Yeah, lunch.” Then he leaned down with a wicked grin. “Soon, you’ll be my lunch.” He stood, winked, and walked out the office door, leaving her with her mouth wide open at his audacity, and secretly loving it.

  WITH SEVERAL FIST bumps, Matt welcomed two of his brothers—two because Jake was still a brother to them even though he was technically a brother-in-law—and the two HIS brethren on the front porch of Caitlyn’s home. AJ, Jake, Mike, and Rob arrived with little fanfare and looking eager while a bit tired from going without rest between jobs. Even though he felt grateful and knew the extra help was helpful, the heavy weight of responsibility for Caitlyn’s life didn’t ease. At least now maybe he wouldn’t almost allow her to get killed.

  Only two of the men would be helping at her home. The other two would be working on locating Ripley, although they’d all stay in a hotel in town. At least that kept more men from being underfoot in the house, albeit not on the property. No matter how gracious she’d been so far, he doubted Caitlyn would appreciate more men to trip over. It was the best he could do. Thankfully, the men tried to stay out of the way as much as possible.

  “AJ, Jake, Mike, and Rob,” he said, “thanks for doing this.”

  AJ gave him a slap on the shoulder. “It’s nothing. We’re family.” He shrugged. “That’s what we do. Besides, I haven’t seen Caitlyn since my freshman year.”

  “Ditto,” Jake said as he scoped out the property. “No wonder you needed extra help,” he added after spying the woods on three sides.

  “Yeah. More importantly, I need someone chasing that son of a bitch down.”

  AJ grinned his boyish grin that always got him whatever he wanted as the youngest Hamilton brother. “That’s why we’re here. Jake and I have taken up that challenge.” Two former FBI agents. Perfect.

  Even though he knew half of this team would be investigating, actually hearing the words shot relief through him, almost making his limbs weak. Firming his limbs, he nodded and spoke around the lump that had lodged in his throat, “Thanks, man.” He never thought he’d have to count on his baby brother to keep the woman of his heart safe. Not that AJ couldn’t do it, but because he was the older brother, he should be doing the saving.

  “Ken’s headed this way. We’ll go meet with him,” Mike said, waving to Rob. The two men stepped off the porch toward their team leader.

  “Well, let’s go see Caitlyn,” AJ suggested.

  “Let’s go then.” Matt led them off the porch toward the training facility, explaining the area, blind spots, optimal spots, and everything else he could think of to ensure they understood what they had to work with on this end so they could keep their eyes open when they were around and not chasing that asshole Ripley.

  Stepping into the break room, Matt stopped them. It occurred to him that having so many men crowding into her office might be frightening to her. No way would he do anything that might trigger something unpleasant. “Hang right here. I’ll get her and bring her in. Have some coffee, or there’s water in the fridge.” He pointed to it like they couldn’t figure it out.

  At her door, which was closed again, Matt knocked softly. “Caitlyn, AJ and the team are here.”

  The door swung open. “AJ?” she asked with wide, hopeful eyes.

  A smile swam across his face. “Yes, AJ. He’s in the break room.”

  Surprisingly, she pushed past him and hustled down the hallway to the where AJ waited. Matt hurried to keep up, hoping AJ didn’t do anything stupid, like grab her up like he used to. Why didn’t he think to warn his brother not to do that?

  As she entered the break room, AJ opened his arms, and she jumped into them, laughing.

  Matt stopped and muttered, “Son of a bitch.” She could rush into AJ’s arms and not his? What. The. Fuck? He had to remind himself that he had been able to hold her more than once, but still… AJ?

  Still laughing, AJ released her, and she slid to her feet. “AJ, it’s so good to see you.”

  “You too, Catie.” As far as Matt knew, AJ had never heard Caitlyn’s father call her that, yet he’d adopted it from the first time he’d met her. While with most people who tried to shorten her name, she’d corrected them and told them it was Caitlyn, she’d never done that with AJ. It had to be that damn grin he used to always get his way, Matt thought.

  “You remember Jake?” He turned to his foster brother and now brother-in-law with a smile. “Emily’s husband,” he added with an eyebrow lift.

  “Husband?” she asked in surprise even though he thought he was certain he’d told her that piece of information. “Wow. Jake, that’s so great.” She reached up and gave him a quick hug. It hadn’t been anything like AJ’s, but she’d still touched him. Was it because she knew nothing sexual existed? That she knew from experience that they were no threat? It was something to think on.

  “Okay, enough of the love fest,” he groused. So what if he sounded like a jealous old man. He didn’t give a damn. They’d received easy liberties he’d been fighting for. He was pissed.

  His younger brother scrutinized Matt’s face before a grin broke out on AJ’s. “Right. We need to get busy. Want to sit down here?” he asked Caitlyn. “Jake and I are going to find this bastard for you, Catie.”

  She looked at Matt before answering, and his chest swelled with pride that she’d checked with him first. It shouldn’t, as he wanted her to be self-sufficient and, he knew she was, but with this whole matter, she deferred to him and that made everything else better.

  “Yeah,” he said and pulled out a blue plastic chair for her, “let’s sit here and chat.”

  After nearly an hour of discussing what they knew and what AJ had found out from the local sheriff, they realized they still had basically nothing. If Luke was in the area—and they were betting odds he was—he was a ghost.

  “Here’s what we’re going to do,” AJ said, focusing on Caitlyn. “We’re leaving Rob and Mike here to help cover the area. Like before, you go nowhere without someone. Preferably Matt.” He nodded to his brother. “Jake and I are going to see what we can do to find him. I won’t lie; it’s going to be tough, so just because we’re out there hunting, doesn’t mea
n you can let down your guard. Got it?” he asked pointedly.

  With wide, disappointed eyes, she nodded. Matt figured she’d hoped they’d say they could catch him lickety-split and be done with it all. His men never gave false hope to a client, and as much as he didn’t count her as one, she was a client. Her safety was paramount to anything else. Including his feelings for her.

  Bullshit. He couldn’t discount his feelings for her or set them aside because she was in danger. In fact, the feelings seemed to increase, deepen due to the danger surrounding her. No, he couldn’t stop loving her or wanting to make love to her, just because some bastard was after her. He’d just have to use his head and not lose sight of potential danger.

  “I don’t know,” AJ said, and Matt realized he’d missed whatever question Caitlyn had asked.

  “I’m sorry. What?”

  They looked at him with a strange expression, as if he’d suddenly grown two heads.

  She cleared her throat. “I asked if he knew how long before they caught him.”

  “And I said—”

  He cut AJ off with a growl. “I heard you.”

  The corners of AJ’s lips tilted up.

  Matt glanced at Jake and saw his had also. Fuckers. “About time you two get on it,” Matt groused. He stood, not caring what the others thought.

  AJ and Jake stood. “Yeah,” Jake said, “we’d best get on it.” His repeating Matt’s words was intentional. They were definitely making fun of him.

  Caitlyn stood also. “Well, thank you.” She appeared at a loss for words. Truly what did one say? Good hunting? That was what he’d say if she hadn’t been standing there, but it sounded too crass with her close by.

  They all exited the building and his brothers left in their rented SUV. Matt turned to Caitlyn. “What’s on your agenda now?”

  She looked at the training facility wistfully and sighed. “I’d be watching the training with the new handlers, but I’m going to stay away since I don’t want anything to happen to them.”


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