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Page 2

by Ann, Pamela

  “YUP! I like Emma drunk.” Mo saluted his Corona bottle at me before emptying it and taking hold of another one.

  “If Trista and Lindsey were here, this party would’ve been much livelier.” Damn, I missed those crazies. Looking at Dimitris again, I started to worry. He usually was fun, but now he was just plain depressing. It was odd how Dimitris showed the tiniest interest in me before, but the moment he found out that Bass was after me, he backed away. Bass respected him after that. We got on fine then, but when he started hanging out with us more and dated Lindsey, I considered him a great friend.

  “Come on, Greek McHottie! What’s wrong with you tonight?”

  His handsome face contorted with confusion. “Greek McHottie? Like McDonalds?”

  So cute. I loved how we never got each other’s jokes. “The girls called you that. Well, all the hot men were McHotties.”

  Bass strode over to us, shaking his head, amused at my inebriated state. “I think it’s time to bring my woman home. Can you walk or do you want me to carry you?” He was smiling down at me and I looked at him beneath my lashes as it roved over his hot body.

  The simple white shirt looked deadly on him. It showcased his broad shoulders and those ripped arms. He was a hot, walking orgasm. “Bass, do you know how sexy you are?”

  He barked out a laugh before returning his happy gaze to me. “I do now.” He held out his hand to pull me up with a tight grip. “Turn around really quick. Your butt is covered in sand.” Bass gently tapped it away while I laughed at his light spankings.

  “You can do better than that!”

  “Really, we don’t need all the details. We’ll see you lovers tomorrow.” Dimitris waved goodbye before Bass and I started to walk home along the shore.

  Every night, I saw the same scenery, but it never fails to take my breath away. It was just so mesmerizing to gaze at the sea with everything dark around you with the only thing illuminating it all was the moon hanging above. It was mysterious, compelling and downright magical. Moments like these left me in awe. The ethereal beauty of nature truly was fascinating. “It’s so beautiful tonight.” I paused, smiling as I took in my surroundings.

  I heard him murmur the same sentiment before he lifted me from behind and started twirling me around, laughing. “Bass! You are beyond drunk,” I squealed, matching his enthusiasm.

  When he put me back down on the sand, we both sobered up as our gazes locked, drinking each other in with such wonderment and amazement, I instantly felt heady with grappling emotions so profound, I felt like fainting. Time stood suspended as I focused solely on this beautiful creature before me. I had never felt this consuming, terrifying pull towards another man. I felt so connected to Bass in ways I couldn’t even fathom to describe. This fascinating, mind-numbing connection was always there, but I was slowly starting to embrace it instead of being scared by it.

  “Dance with me.”

  “Here? Right now?” I was ready to make love to him on the spot if he asked it of me.

  Bass gathered me in his arms, pulling me close against his chest. “Yes, right here, right now,” he whispered as he looked down at me with such tenderness, I felt somehow guilty.

  We were falling in love. Even if neither of us spoke about it, it was blatantly there—growing and simmering—waiting for the right time to explode.

  “Listen to our hearts beat as one.” He inched his lips closer to my ear before whispering, “We make our own music, Emma.”

  My eyes were shut as I felt his heart against mine as I slowly swayed against the music it played. However my thoughts were elsewhere.

  My thoughts were running amuck with doubts. If things went according to schedule, we only had four weeks left before we go back home.

  How would we fair then? Will the real world clash against this bubble of fantasy we’ve made for ourselves?

  Chapter 2

  “Everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.”

  - Leo Tolstoy


  We just finished doing our last intense sex scene and we needed to take a break before I had to shoot with Dimitris and Bass together—this was where Angela was caught cheating and the two men had to do a fight scene—when I smiled at oncoming Ants, waving his hand as he approached me.

  “Ready for your retouch, Emma?” Ants, my make-up artist, strode over and extended his arm to escort me off towards the tent.

  I was about to respond when, out of nowhere, Bass interrupted us. “Can you give us a few minutes? I need to discuss something important and it can’t wait.” He was polite, but it was obvious that he was edgy.

  What was important? I frowned when I glanced at his unsmiling face. However, I wasn’t going to question him right in front of the crew and with a great deal of audience working about.

  “Sure, anything for you, Mr. Cole.” Ants beamed at him before walking away.

  Bass murmured his thanks before he focused his attention back at my confused state. “Follow me,” Bass commanded in a terse tone, without giving me an explanation to his odd behavior.

  What is wrong? I thought, frowning as I followed suit. We were walking behind the house. His purposeful strides made me anxious. When he kept on going, past the tall bushes, I was starting to really get nervous. “What’s important, Bass?” I voiced out as we strode towards the acres of olive trees.

  After a few minutes more of his odd mum behavior, I was about to protest when he stopped, grabbed me out of the blue and pushed me up against a tree. “This is what’s so important. That scene we just did drove me nuts. I need to be inside you. Right fucking now, Emma.”

  He was being a grump… because… he was horny? Seriously?

  “Now? Out here? ARE YOU CRAZY?!” I screeched in a you-have-got-to-be-joking kind of tone. What if someone came by? Sure, it was a little shaded, but it wasn’t a guarantee. Someone could still see us as they passed by, and the horror of being caught having sex in between takes was surely enough reason not to cater with his mad idea.

  My lips barely opened when Bass crashed his lips against mine, hungry and ready to take action. He didn’t even give me a second to process what was going on. He just went on the attack, thirsting for his carnal longings to be quenched.

  Bass devoured my lips with gusto while making these deep, animalistic, sounds that reminded me of a wild beast that needed to be unleashed. His entire body was fevered as he took care of his pants. While his lips and hands drugged me with lust, my mind was past caring about modesty since my body was now humming with anticipation when I felt his hand immediately move underneath my skirt, pushing it upwards while his other hand pushed my underwear to the side and instantly slid his hardened shaft into me.

  “Yes, I’m crazy to take you here, but that’s just what I am… so fucking crazy for you.”

  Bass was a fan of foreplay, the lack of it right now, proved how badly he needed me. We haven’t had sex since I got back from London because we never had the time. I suppose the heated takes earlier simply pushed him over the edge.

  My arm was holding him behind his head while the other held his hips, pushing him more inside me. “Harder. Take me harder,” I panted against his lips as he growled in approval and granted my demand.

  There was nothing more arousing than watching your man really fuck you to a mind-numbing release. I was about to scream his name when my body rioted with my orgasm, but he muffled my scream with his kiss. The skin on my back was rubbing against the bark of the tree when he paced himself faster.

  I didn’t know if it was me who changed, or his lovemaking made me lose my inhibitions or maybe it was just the man himself, but the art of the way he lost himself in me and his final thrust of surrender as he spilled his seed in my womb, I found it absolutely fascinatingly… poetic.

  A person in love sees everything differently. We all become poets when we’re under the love spell. Everything in life becomes brighter, beautiful and simply lyrical. I was definitely one of them.


  Five hours later, we found ourselves quietly enjoying each other’s company. It was a warm, beautiful sunset as we lounged out on the patio. Bass was reading while I rested my head on his lap playing Candy Crush whilst texting Lindsey and Trista back home.

  “Do you want to go to the villa or are we staying in for dinner?” I glanced sideways at him, barely hearing my question since he was too engrossed reading Salome for the umpteenth time. Yeah, it was hot that the guy loved reading the classics. Not only was he eloquent and sizzling, he was also well-read and well-versed to boot. “Bass? Did you hear me?” I used my finger to tilt the top of his book to get his attention.

  “Sorry, what did you say?” he asked, clearly baffled.

  “Dinner; do you want me to cook?”

  “Nah, you stay put, I’ll be the chef. How does seafood pasta sound?”

  Perfection was named after him. Delicious, I thought wickedly. My thoughts clearly didn’t pertain to food. We were interrupted by a loud rap on the glass before we saw Dimitris stride in with brooding seriousness.

  “Hey! Want to join us for dinner? I’m making seafood pasta,” Bass asked, before getting up and starting to stretch his body.

  A melancholy sigh came from Dimitris as he situated himself on the opposite rattan lounger. “Lindsey is infuriating. Why didn’t you guys warn me that she was a stubborn, unreasonable woman?” His brows furrowed as he shot us an accusing glare.

  Ick. What happened between those two?

  Bass cleared his throat, interrupting the awkward pause. “I think that’s my cue to start dinner. You go right on ahead and entertain our guest, my love. I’ll be in the kitchen.” Bass kissed the back of my shoulder before leaving in haste.

  Men. How they hated drama.

  Back to the present dilemma, I had to ask Dimitris since Lindsey wasn’t forthcoming with information. “I’m not really getting the whole picture here. Are you guys fighting?”

  “She doesn’t want to continue what we had. For stupid shallow reasons like we live in different continents, she doesn’t go out with guys who are, as she put it a ‘mommy’s boy’. She then added that she will eventually get bored of me, so it’s better to leave the subject alone and make it just a summer fling.” He shook his head in disbelief as he scratched the side of his jaw. “I have never felt so used and unwanted in my entire life.”

  Yeah, that did sound like good ole Lindsey Mason to me. “If you feel used and unwanted, why would you even want to continue pursuing her?”

  “Because she’s my—” He paused and chose his words carefully. “The woman is infuriating, but I admire her spitfire attitude. She’s gutsy. I like that. I guess I found it different from the women around here. Most are scared to speak their minds because of my familial ties and background. Lindsey didn’t care about any of that.” He sighed again before resting his head against the lounger, staring ahead with those glowing blue eyes that reminded of The Blue Grotto. “It’s a good thing, I guess. My parents have been demanding that I start seeing a Greek woman and start considering marriage before they choose one for me.”

  “So, basically you want her because she declined you? That’s it?” I didn’t get men sometimes.

  “Yes and no. Lindsey is fantastic and we get along great. We laughed a lot, ne? I don’t understand her. We were fine, but before she left, she completely changed on me.”

  Lindsey was my best friend, but she was completely an enigma to me. She was our momma bear, always looking out for us, however she could also be tenacious and vengeful when you cross her. “It seems that she already made her decision, sweetie. Just let it go, for now. If she comes running back into your arms, then that would be awesome, but in the meantime, maybe you should focus your energy elsewhere because if Lindsey already gave you an answer, it usually stays that way.”

  “I should, yes,” he responded as he watched Bass come out and bring us glasses and a chilled bottle of white wine.

  “Thank you, babe. You certainly read my mind.” I beamed at him before taking a sip of my refreshment.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know I’m awesome and you can’t live without me,” Bass teased as he wrapped his arms around my neck from behind while his chin was resting on the top of my head.

  Dimitris looked at us with amusement. He held his wine glass, pointing at the both of us. “I think you guys should get married. Stop wasting time and enjoy life together. It’s impossible to be around you guys without feeling incompetent for not finding what you two have.”

  I was midway sipping my wine when I choked on it, making me sputter the contents all over my white dress. “Marriage? That’s a little extreme. I didn’t take you for a hopeless romantic.”

  He shrugged nonchalantly. “Any man is once they meet the right person.”

  Okay, the Greek did have a point. I wasn’t going to argue with that.

  Getting up, I placed my wine glass on the circular stone table before I checked the damage of my clumsiness. “I have to change,” I announced, excusing myself to change out of my wet dress. “I’ll be quick.”

  I scurried out of there and darted straight to my bedroom. I was in the process of dumping my white cotton dress in the hamper when I heard my bedroom door open. I spun around to see Bass closing the door silently before leaning against the wall, watching me in my semi-naked state. “Are you just going to watch me? Weren’t you supposed to make us supper?” I was browsing through my wardrobe, distracted.

  “I was curious.” He walked over and stood behind me before he continued speaking. “Do you find marriage to me abhorrent? I know it was a joke, but I don’t get your reaction. I feel somewhat insulted.”

  “Oh God, no. It’s not about you. I was just surprised because, you know, we’re both young. I don’t know why he would suggest that.” Cupping his face, I met his gaze. “I adore you. You’re a generous, affectionate, caring, passionate man, who also happens to be a gifted actor. Not to mention, the exceptional bedroom capabilities that leave me craving for more.” Smiling, I wrapped my arms around him. “In case you don’t know, Mister Cole, I’m hopelessly crazy about you.”

  “Yeah?” He smiled as he playfully bit on my earlobe. “How about you show Mister Cole just how much you’re crazy about him?” Those steel arms lifted me up in a heartbeat before carrying me towards the bed.

  “Bass! We can’t. Dimitris is outside. It’s rude to leave him out there to have a quickie.”

  “You’re no fun. Just give me one kiss, then I’ll leave you alone.” Bass swiftly shifted us, so that I was on top of him.

  “What will the screaming girls say when they know their one and only Bass Cole is addicted to me?”

  “Oh yeah? You’re gaining some confidence in your wicked spells. I find it sexy.”

  “Baby, you don’t know what sexy is until I give you a private burlesque show,” I whispered against his ear. “You even get to pick my outfit.”

  “Now, you’re just being mean. How do you expect me to cook with a hard-on, Emma?” Bass grabbed my behind before rolling me underneath him. “When do I get to see the show?”

  I certainly have piqued his naughty side. “When we’re back in LA.” Laughing at his disappointed expression, I spanked his butt, ordering him to get his head—both heads—in gear. “Come on, loverboy. Up you go, into the kitchen.”

  Bass had a sizable appetite; I was determined to fulfill each and every fantasy that man ever dreamed of. They said that the best way to get into a man’s heart was through his stomach, but I think that the perfect solution was to start from the groin and upwards.

  I was determined to keep this relationship going and, at the same time, I wanted to be adventurous and unleash a side of me that’s been meaning to come out and play.

  Chapter 3

  “I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.”

  -Roy Croft


  “Wake up, Emma.” Someone was calling me somewhere, pulling me out of my deep slumber. />
  There it was again.

  I let out a soft moan when I realized it was Bass, whispering into my ear, while he was working his body into mine, overtime. “Good morning, my love.”

  “Did you need to wake me? You could’ve just finished off by yourself.” I groaned, wanting to sleep again, but with a smile on my face.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” he huskily asked as he went deeper into me, my legs opening more to appease the hunger. “We both know how much you love waking up with my cock inside you, Emma.”

  Well hell. I bet anyone would appreciate waking up with an orgasm. It was a banging way to start a day. Ha. “Do you have to be so crude in the morning?”

  “Says the woman who grows wetter with each filthy word I tell her.”

  I gasped when his hands went underneath and cupped my ass, spreading me wider so he could go deeper. “Slow down.”

  He didn’t. Instead, he took one of his hands and started rubbing my nub in a way he knew would make me violently spasm when I came. Bass knew how to manipulate my body. He was the master and he played my body to his purpose, to make it sing to his beat.

  My body was a dwelling where he constantly paid homage.

  He wasn’t satisfied until I came—screaming his name—which he successfully did, twice in a row. He was brushing my hair off my face, holding it down before he ardently kissed me, gently rolling his hips while his dick was still buried deep, growing hard again each time he stroked it. “Kalimera, moro mou. Can you be ready in twenty? I want to take you for a picnic.”

  Intertwining my arms around his neck, I bit my lip and smiled. “Are you trying to romance your way into my heart, BC?”

  He chortled, grinning before his face became serious. The morning light made his eyes so clear, I felt like they were reaching into me, probing for something they already held, but needing reaffirmation. It called to me, like the Greek God Triton using his conch shell to call upon the waves of the Aegean Sea. It drew me, enticing, hypnotizing for my surrender.


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