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Demon Untamed (Shadow Quest Book 4)

Page 15

by Kiersten Fay

  When the wound vanished completely, the light dimmed. Ethan leaned back, feeling slightly drained.

  The female blinked twice, touched her fingertips to her chest, and then sat up. “Thank you.”

  The male who had nearly attacked Sonya gave him a tight nod of gratitude, exuding stunned relief. Ethan returned the gesture before turning to help others who were in need his gift. Their skin was indeed frigid, but with the help of his magic, he was able to prevent the contact burn that Nadua had mentioned.

  With each use of his power, exhaustion inched over him and his limbs grew heavy. He couldn’t keep this up much longer. Luckily, there were no more dire cases in need of his attention.

  He glanced around and spotted Sebastian emerging from the small shuttle with Anya flipped over his shoulder as she tried to justify her actions to him. He appeared uninterested as he stormed his way back to Marada. When he passed by Sonya, he said in a clipped tone, “Take the shuttle back to the bay.”

  Sonya gave him a tight nod, still gripping the oozing wound on her torso.

  Ethan hurried behind her as she climbed the small set of stairs.

  “What are you doing?” she spat, not bothering to look at him. She planted her butt at the helm.

  “You need me. Let me help you.” He stepped forward.

  She shot to her feet, wary. “I don’t need your help, pira—”

  “You are the most stubborn female I have ever encountered!” He took another step toward her. “There is no reason to prolong your suffering just because you despise me.”

  Some inscrutable emotion flashed across her face, gone the next instant. “Doctor Oshwald can take care of it.”

  “Yeah, but I’m here now. I’ll make it quick.” His voice became guarded. “You won’t have to endure my touch for long.”

  It wasn’t that she despised him, or even that she abhorred his touch. Actually she feared the opposite was true, but she hurled that thought from her mind.

  When she’d caught sight of him on the battlefield, an oddness had come over her. She’d been swamped by powerful urges, the likes of which she’d never before experience. Her fangs had ached for something other than violence. Her body had burned with a desire so acute it felt like the combustion of a sun flashing into existence where before there had been only a vast emptiness.

  The force of it had nearly dropped her to her knees. Yet as fast as the strange sensation had come, she had been able to tamp it down, push it aside and, gods willing, lock it away.

  Although, now that she was alone with him, the affliction was creeping back over her, making its way up her spine, over her chest, and then down to settle in the pit of her stomach. “Hurry and get it over with then,” she relented, trying not to show on the outside what was tearing its way through her insides.

  Ethan eyed her as though she were some kind of rabid beast, claws at the ready. A real possibility. Then his eyes dipped to her mouth, and she pursed her lips, afraid her fangs would reemerge.

  He took a bold step, coming to stop just inches away. As his warmth and scent surrounded her, a spark of desire fired in her veins. She clenched her jaw. Did he really need to be so close for this? Her wounds weren’t even that bad. She could have waited for Oshwald to look at them, or even allowed them to heal on their own.

  But a part of her—a very twisted, masochistic part—reveled in his nearness, craved it…and his touch.

  “Hold still,” he ordered in a gravel hard tone that made her heart jump.

  He raised his palm to rest just above her hip while his other hand settled on her back. She allowed him to pull her closer till she was pressed up against his chest as they locked gazes.

  Where he touched her, heat burrowed under her skin. She swallowed a lump in her suddenly dry throat and had to work to keep her breaths even.

  Something in his expression worried her. It was almost studying, as though he were trying to see into the deepest, darkest parts of her mind.

  She closed her eyes, but still felt far too exposed and vulnerable. She hated that feeling. Hated him for making her feel it.

  She sensed the warmth from his palms the moment he started using his gift. The light from his magic breached the inner walls of her eyelids, and a serene tingle permeated through her body.

  The sensation was exquisite.

  In the next instant, an extraordinary blast of energy expanded around her. She gasped as all traces of pain left her torso.

  Then she felt Ethan’s breath across her face and knew that his lips were far too close to hers. She refused to open her eyes. She feared if she did, she would see her desire reflected back at her. And…well, that would be bad.

  As if sensing her resistance, he placed his forehead to hers. They were both breathing heavily. She realized she was fully healed yet still remained in his embrace. The strong hand at her hip tightened its grip.

  That burning she’d been fighting rekindled into a blaze.

  She shuddered, simultaneous urges raging in her mind. She wanted to push him away, yet draw him closer. To surrender to his whims and give herself over to him completely, yet hold onto her control with the unyielding grip of a super massive black hole.

  His lips inched closer, hovering with the whisper of a feather’s touch. One of his strong arms tightened around her waist, while the other slipped to her backside. His palm clasped down, rocking her forward. The heat from his chest bled into her. She could feel every hard plane of his body where it touched hers.

  Her mind went hazy, breaths shaky and ragged. There was no way he couldn’t feel the rapid pounding of her heart.

  He hesitated, and it almost seemed as though he was giving her an opportunity to put an end to this. She should. She should push him away, take the helm, and fly back to Marada as fast as the little shuttle would take them.

  She didn’t.

  He slanted his lips against hers.

  His scent flooded her nostrils. Her heart fired into overdrive. With soft urgency, his tongue delved past her lips, tangling and twisting with hers. She leaned against him and deepened the kiss, deliriously fighting for supremacy in the savage kiss.

  Soon they were both panting.

  He pressed her against the back of a chair, his palm clamping around her neck to hold her still for his assault. The intoxicating taste of him scrambled her thoughts, and she was engulfed by his carnal aggression.

  Her fangs throbbed, elongating.

  She gasped and pulled away, sucking in shallow breaths as she focused on keeping them hidden from view. Ethan frowned, looking grim and disappointed, yet hungry for more. However, he made no move toward her. For some unfathomable reason, a part of her was devastated by that.

  With silence hanging between them, she stepped around him and slid into the pilot seat. She engaged the engines, and the shuttle sprang from the ground.

  He took the seat next to hers, not bothering to hide his studying gaze. Though a good deal of space separated them, she could still feel the heat their kiss had sparked.

  Her pulse continued to hammer, her body thrumming with a staggering need. Instinct was telling her to forget Sebastian’s order, set the craft back down, and jump Ethan where he sat. Obviously Ethan would be more than happy to appease her.

  A bit of reason seeped into her brain. Just as it had in the training room, remnants of the Edge was chipping away at her inhibitions. Yes, that was it. It couldn’t have been Ethan’s rumbling masculine groans or his sweet invasion as he had plunged into her mouth with expert strokes.

  She swallowed hard, utilizing every ounce of her will to keep her butt planted in the seat and focus on her task. It was a shock that she could even fly straight.

  After she’d finished guiding the shuttle into the docking bay and shutting it down, she hurried away, putting as much distance between her and Ethan as she could.

  Chapter 18

  Ethan popped open two ales and handed them to Rex and Sebastian.

  Sebastian snatched a bottle and took a long p
ull, then braced his arm on the bar. “They are all in league to drive me mad.”

  Rex grunted in detached interest, absently surveying the room.

  “Females,” Sebastian grunted, shaking his head.

  “Indeed,” Ethan replied from the other side of the bar. What an understatement.

  Sonya had not spoken to him since they had returned the shuttle. Subsequently, she’d been absent in the tavern, leaving him to do as he pleased.

  If she had abhorred his kiss, his touch, he might understand her avoidance now, but he could still recall the pure, unadulterated lust he had picked up from her. And the delicious sensation of her desire curling against the tendrils of his magic.

  She had wanted him. Nothing could convince him otherwise.

  The feel of her soft feminine curves against him and her nails digging into his skin. The smell of her lustrous scent and the sound of her lascivious moans… It had all worked against him. Had snapped the last of his threadbare restraint.

  It had been like a planetary collision. No. Greater than that. Like twin galaxies converging in an array of beautiful, disastrous impacts. So significant and mind altering, yet at the same time the most natural thing in the universe.

  He frowned.

  So then what had he done wrong?

  “Anya refuses to listen to me,” Sebastian continued. “Says I am being unreasonable. But all I ask is that she vow never to use her gift without my express permission.”

  Ethan belted out a laugh. “Is that all?”

  Sebastian speared him with a glare. “It is not an unreasonable request when she insists on placing herself in harm’s way every chance she gets.”

  “Anya is an extreme empath,” Ethan said. “Merge that with her desire to please and her unnatural compassion… I’m sorry, but all you can do is encourage her to strengthen the defensive side of her gift so she can hold her own when the time comes.”

  Sebastian’s shoulders hunched. “That is not an ideal solution.” He paused, then added, “But it’s not just Anya who is making me question my sanity as of late. Sonya is acting strange as well.”

  Ethan hid his raw interest behind a mask of nonchalance. “How so?”

  “After we left Undewla, she retreated to her room and refused to speak with anyone but Anya. I thought it was a tactic to avoid my ire, but…”

  Ethan gritted his teeth, struggling to feign patience.

  “Naturally I barged in to rail at her for her part in the scheme, but she merely sat back and accepted the verbal lashing. Not even a peep in her defense! And by the end, I was so discombobulated, I lost all conviction. Even started to feel guilty…Guilty!” He looked up. “So I must conclude, either they conspire to drive me mad, or am I just a dolt for bothering to argue with any of them.”

  Ethan replied, “Madness is not arguing with a female. It is assuming you might win.”

  Sebastian cracked a smile. “If that’s the case, then we’re all crazy, are we not?”

  Rex rejoined the conversation with a grunt. “I would gladly dive into madness for the right female.”

  * * *

  “We’ve stopped for supplies,” Anya announced, plopping down on the edge of Sonya’s bed.

  The apparent concern in her eyes was painful to see. Sonya had always prided herself on being strong, disciplined, confident, but most of all, courageous. Now look at me. Hiding out like some coward, unhinged and unsure. But she needed this time. She needed to figure out how to deal with…whatever it was that was happening to her. Unfulfilled desires had never caused her such discomfort.

  Anya offered a tentative smile, her gaze too keen. “Don’t you need to restock The Demon’s Punchbowl?”

  Apparently, Ethan had been taking good care of the pub in her stead. She didn’t know how to feel about that. “Sebastian knows what to get,” she replied. “Just keep telling everyone I’m ill.”

  “Sebastian is getting suspicious. He says you’ve never been sick more than a day.”

  Sonya shrugged. She couldn’t tell Bastian what was really wrong with her, or Anya, for that matter, because she wasn’t even sure.

  Hello denial, why don’t you sit right here next to me.

  “So, what else is happening around the ship?” Sonya forced a smile. “I know you told me Marik and Nadua have decided to give their relationship an honest shot. Has Sebastian called off the Serakians yet?”

  “No. He can’t get through to any of them, and whomever they sent is scheduled to arrive any day now. Nadua is upset over the matter.”

  “Pfft. Well, they should have figured their relationship out sooner.” She stifled a flinch at her own words. “Anyway, what else is happening?”

  “As soon as we’re done acquiring previsions and fuel, we’ll continue to Earth. Hopefully Cale has found my sister by now.” Anya went quiet for a moment. “Do you think there’s a chance he’ll return mated to Kyra?”

  Sonya’s heart broke at the thought. “No, hun. Cale has already been mated, remember?”

  “But…is there no possibility of a second chance?”

  Sonya lifted a single shoulder, hating to dash Anya’s hopes. She clearly decided it would be romantic if all of her sisters found love in the demons she cared so much for.

  “If it’s possible, I’ve never heard of it. Besides, isn’t Ethan set on having one of your sisters for his own?” Saying that out loud caused an odd pang to spike in Sonya’s chest. It should be a relief to know that Ethan had his sights set on another, but instead, something like despair clamped her heart.

  “I know. It’s just you were all so surprised when it turned out that I was Sebastian’s mate. And now Marik and Nadua?”

  Sonya had wondered about that herself. It was a strange coincidence. Coming across one’s mate was rare these days, what with potential candidates scattered throughout space. And yet it had happened twice in such a short amount of time, with sisters, no less. What were the odds?

  Anya brightened. “Oh, before I forget. I asked Jade if she would take a few shifts in the pub like you asked. She said it would be an interesting experience and will start tomorrow.”

  “Good. Thank you, Anya.”

  “Why is it you don’t want to work there anymore?”

  “I need a break, is all.” Technically not a lie. It seemed as though every part of her life was being flipped upside down, inside out, and backward.

  Anya scrutinized her in that way that made her feel like an open book. Yet it didn’t seem as though Anya could figure out what was the matter. It probably didn’t help that her emotions were off-the-wall chaotic. Although, every now and again, she got the feeling that Anya had finally put the pieces together, her gift garnering any number of damming evidence.

  Either way, Anya was kind enough not to press. Or maybe she sensed Sonya wasn’t ready to peel back the cover of her mental state and examine the jumbled contents.

  * * *

  Sebastian waited outside the docking bay as the small craft settled and the room pressurized. Then he stepped inside to greet the petite Serakian female before delivering the news.

  “I’m sorry you had to come all this way,” he offered. “We had attempted to inform the council that we no longer required your assistance, but we could not seem to get through.”

  The dark-haired female gazed up at him with a pair of shrewd onyx eyes. An eerie electricity prickled his skin, making him uneasy.

  “This is disappointing,” she replied, not shifting her glare.

  “We will, of course, still compensate you for the inconvenience.”

  “This is no mere inconvenience,” she countered, her eyes flaring. “This is a disaster. It is the season of the dark moon, a time for all initiates to perform their last rite and earn a permanent place among the Serakian. Not only the council, but my entire society is gathered in the sacred ritual of the dark esbat. Even I cannot contact them now. And this assignment was to be my last, to secure my place among them. I cannot go back unaccomplished.”

“Again, I apologize. I’m not sure what I can do—”

  The Serakian raised her palms over her eyes. “This can’t be happening.” Then she returned her gaze to Sebastian. Her spine straightened. “You’ll provide me with lodgings for the time being, till I can figure out a way to fix this.”

  “I, uh…”

  “A quiet room will do. Nothing near the engines. And a view would be nice. I’ll unpack my own things. No one needs to touch anything of mine, and that goes for my shuttle as well, except to refuel it, which can be done any time you see fit.”

  Sebastian frowned and glanced at the small vessel she had arrived in, dwarfed next to Marada’s shuttle. “Alright, I can provide fuel, but—”

  “Perhaps we can work out the details later. I’m quite weary from my trip.”

  He blinked twice. “Uh, of course. Then I suppose I’ll have a room made up for you.”

  “Wonderful. Thank you for your hospitality.”

  * * *

  The next day, Sonya convinced herself how ridiculous she was being. Besides being cooped up, her stomach was grumbling something fierce, and she didn’t want to keep bothering Anya to bring her food. The burning desire that had overwhelmed her after Ethan’s kiss was now a shadow of its former self. She wondered if it really hadn’t been all that bad to begin with.

  After a long shower, she made her way to the salon. Marik should be back to cooking, which meant the food would be palatable again.

  On her way, she ran into Raka, the ship’s botany expert, who greeted her with a motherly expression. “How are you feeling?” Raka asked in her deep tongue-rolling accent.

  “Much better,” Sonya replied. “Starving, actually.”

  “Well, that is a good sign. Will I see you in the pub later?”

  “Actually, I’ve decided to take a little time off. Jade will be taking over for me.”

  “Jade?” Raka sounded thoroughly surprised. “The lascivious one?”

  “Yeah, she’s the only one available. She should be starting today, I believe.”


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