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The Gift of My Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Book 9)

Page 6

by Caryn Moya Block

  “I guess you will need to apologize again.”

  Mathis growled and walked down the hall to the den and opened the door. A fairytale princess kissed a frog on the television. Susan sat on the floor with one little girl on her lap and two others leaning against her. The boys sat on the couch and a bowl of popcorn sat on the coffee table. All the children had the dark hair and eyes of the arctic people.

  Susan’s blond hair lay in ringlets to her shoulders. She was shorter and younger than Margot. She had been turned into a lycan in Scotland at the same time as Brenda, the new handmaiden to the lycan goddess, Asena. Genetically altered, she was sister to the Alpha female, Esme, as well as Brenda. Her green eyes twinkled with mischief. She smiled up at him.

  “Hi, Mathis,” Susan said waving. “Can we finish the movie? We just got to the good part.”

  Five sets of eyes stared up at him. His heart warmed. “Only if we can join you. I think this is my favorite part of the movie.” Mathis ushered Margot to the chair and he sat on the couch with the boys. Ujarak closed the door and leaned against the wall.

  “Ah, this movie is for girls,” the oldest boy complained. “It’s all about love and living happily ever after.”

  “Don’t you want to live happily ever after?” Mathis asked quietly.

  “No such thing. Otherwise, Mom and Dad wouldn’t have sent us away.”

  “I know it’s hard to understand, and since you’re the oldest, I’ll need your help explaining it to the little ones. Sometimes people do things to keep the ones they love safe. It might not be what they want to do, and sometimes it’s not the right thing to do.” Mathis looked at Margot. She smiled. “They do it anyway, because they love that person so much, they can’t stand the thought of something bad happening to them. Can you understand that, Tikaani?”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” The boy blinked back tears.

  Mathis put his hand on the boy’s knee. “We can choose to be happy even when it’s hard to understand why things happen. I am amarok, like you. The little girl in my mate’s arms, is my little sister. She too, is amarok. So we will all have to learn a way to make our happily ever after.”

  A door opened and loud voices came down the hall. Mathis sighed.

  “Where is she? Where is my daughter?”

  The door to the den slammed open, barely missing Ujarak. Margot jerked and bit at her bottom lip. Parker Martin stood in the entrance, his hands on his hips. “What the hell is this, a nursery?”

  Chapter Seven

  The twins burst into tears. Cybille and the other little girl soon joined them. Tikaani, jumped up, his whole body trembling, his hand’s fisted. He moved to put himself in front of the other children in the room. Nuvuk buried his face in Mathis’s arm.

  “Daddy! See what you’ve done? Go wait in Jared’s office,” Margot hissed, trying to comfort Cybille. “It’s okay, little darling, I won’t let him hurt you.”

  Mathis patted Tikaani on the back, while also comforting Nuvuk. Susan gathered the little girls on the floor into her arms. Ujarak joined Susan on the carpet, helping to calm the twins.

  “Parker, I think we should do as Margot suggested. You’ve done enough damage here,” Jared said, coming into the den. He took Parker by the arm and led him out of the room.

  Margot sighed in relief and buried her face in Cybille’s curls. Mathis spoke softly to the children and slowly, they began to quiet. Margot felt an answering warmth and reassurance flow into her as well. Was that his Alpha personality that calmed the children?

  “You could do the same thing, nutara, if you weren’t afraid of your father. The children reacted to your fear as well as being startled,” Mathis sent into her thoughts. “See how Tikaani tried to protect the children. He will be an Alpha one day.”

  “Easy, Tikaani. I won’t let anything happen to you and the others. Come here and help Ujarak calm your sisters. Nuvuk, would you help my mate with Cybille? As much as I hate to admit it, I need to speak to Mr. Martin.”

  Margot put Cybille on the floor and Nuvuk moved to sit next to her.

  “I’m coming with you,” Margot said, walking up to Mathis. “Father will react better if we confront him together.”

  Mathis kneeled until he was eye to eye with Tikaani. “I appreciate you protecting the other children and my mate. When I’m in the other room, look to Ujarak for direction. He’s my little brother and I trust him to care for you. I will return as quickly as I can.”

  Tikaani nodded and visibly relaxed. He looked at Ujarak, who held Ila in his arms, before sitting on the floor next to them.

  “Susan and I will look out for the little ones, go deal with your father-in-law,” Ujarak said, patting Tikaani on the knee.

  Mathis stood and took Margot’s hand lacing their fingers together. “Remember, you are mine now. Your father cannot separate us.”

  He was worried. Margot could feel the uncertainty in his mind. He needed her. She smiled and held on tighter to his hand. “Whatever happens, I won’t let you down, Mathis.”

  Mathis sighed and kissed the tip of her nose. “Let’s go then. We need to decide where we will be staying tonight.”


  Mathis stiffened his spine. Martin was Margot’s father and would need a delicate approach. He would heed Ujarak’s advice, Mathis couldn’t make an enemy of the man. Margot held his hand as if she never intended to let go. Something warm bloomed in his chest. She was burrowing deep into his heart. How did he ever live without her?

  They walked into Jared’s office together. Martin stood near the fireplace, while Jared sat behind his desk. Martin whipped around the moment they entered the room.

  “I can’t believe you kidnapped my daughter, taking her from my party. Oh, I know about your hare-brained idea to spirit her away and draw Ouelette out of the woodwork. Lizette told me everything. Mathis Levesque, you’re fired. Come on, Margot. You’re coming home with me.”

  “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Martin,” Mathis said wrapping his arm around Margot and pulling her close. “Margot stays with me. She’s my mate and the mating bond is cemented into place.”

  “What? You mated this lout, Margot? I won’t have it. You were to mate a human, one of my choosing.”

  “You know the mating bond doesn’t work like that, Daddy. Mathis and I are connected, like you and mother are. Where he goes, I follow,” Margot said.

  “No, dammit! Jared, you’re the Alpha, do something. Make him give her up,” Martin demanded.

  “I think you know I can’t do that, Parker. The mating bond, once cemented into place, is unbreakable even by death.”

  “Well, go then! Don’t think you’ll get a cent out of me. I can’t believe my only child would treat me so poorly.” Martin walked out of the room.

  Margot took a step to go after her father, her gaze stricken. Mathis stopped her. Martin had to know they were serious. He couldn’t run rough shod over Margot any longer. The front door slamming assured them Parker Martin left in earnest. Mathis gathered Margot into his arms and laid his chin over her head. She trembled. He silently cursed her father and the pain he caused.

  “Margot has money coming from the pack,” Jared said. “Lizette set up the fund when Margot was born. Where do you think you might want to go?”

  “I have some land farther north,” Mathis said thoughtfully. “Right now a small hunting shack is the only building on the property. We could build a home for the children.”

  “We do have land here you could build on,” Jared suggested. “Remember that piece cleared from the bomb Granger and Brenda disposed of. You could build there if you want to stay closer to the pack.”

  Margot looked up at Mathis. He nodded and she hugged him. “I think my mate would like to be close to her family. Thank you, Jared. We also need someplace to stay, now, while our house is being built.”


  Two SUVs made their way through the snow, down the mountain, and to the edge of the village that supported the ski resort above. Just bef
ore they entered the city limits, Jared turned down a road that meandered into the woods toward the base of the mountain.

  “I ordered a cleaning crew and beds delivered, while you were feeding the children their dinner,” Jared said. “We can bring in more furniture from the pack storehouses tomorrow. At least tonight you will have clean sheets to sleep on.”

  “You said the farm house has a basement?” Mathis asked.

  “Yes, the entrance to the basement is under the stairs. The utilities are on, the pack sometimes rents the house out for parties and weddings. I’m sorry I can’t offer you something inside the pack compound. We don’t have anything big enough for six children. I know you worry about Ouelette. We’ll have to set up some kind of security.”

  “We probably have a couple of days before Ouelette hears that Margot is back in the area. I fear he has spies working at the resort.” Mathis watched the road and how it wove its way through the woods. They crossed a small stream partially frozen, before finally coming to a stop in front of an old two-story farm house. Light through the windows bounced off the snow.

  Mathis glanced at Margot and Cybille in the back seat. Nuvuk sat on the other side of the car behind him. Margot had been extremely quiet since her father stormed out of the Alpha’s lodge. They hadn’t gotten any privacy to talk, but he knew she hurt.

  “It has a front porch, with a swing,” Nuvuk said reaching for the door.

  They all climbed out. Ujarak and Susan helped Tikaani and the twins and Elisapie out of the second vehicle and then grabbed the suitcase that held their belongings. Mathis grabbed the bag Nicole sent for Cybille, while Margot released her from the car seat. Nuvuk clutched a small backpack.

  Jared led the group up the stairs and unlocked the door before handing Mathis the key. They trouped into the front room. Mathis looked around, taking in the lights and the stairway. There was minimal furniture in the room. He glanced toward what he assumed was a dining room and kitchen area. Tikaani crept up and reached for his hand.

  Mathis smiled down at him. “Why don’t you children go upstairs and look at the bedrooms. The boys will share one, the twins will share one, and Elisapie and Cybille will share the other. Go on, we’ll be up shortly.”

  The children rushed up the stairs chattering away, Nuvuk still wearing his backpack helped Elisapie. Margot smiled and then gave Cybille a squeeze. “We’ll go up in a minute, sweetheart. I want to see the rest of the house first.”

  “There isn’t much more,” Jared said. “The kitchen is in the back and has been turned into a commercial kitchen, there are two bathrooms, men and women downstairs, and two upstairs. Outside of the house is a nice garden with a gazebo, good for taking pictures. The house was remodeled when the pack turned it into a rental. Before that it stood empty.”

  “I’ll help you get the kids ready for bed, Margot,” Susan said.

  “Thank you, I appreciate it.”

  Sudden screams and laughter filled the air from the upstairs bedrooms.

  “Uh oh, sounds like the kids are getting wound up,” Ujarak said.

  “We’ll take care of it. Come on, Cybille. Let’s see what your new siblings are up to.” Margot and Susan hurried up the stairs.

  “Sounds like they’re going to be a handful. I don’t envy you taking on six abandoned children,” Jared said.

  “We’ll make it work. Show me where the basement is. I want to see if we can install a safe room.”

  “It’s this door, under the stairs.” Jared opened the door and pulled the chain on the outdated light fixture. “I don’t think I’ve ever been down there. Let’s see what we can do about a safe room.”


  Margot hurried up the stairs, followed by Susan. The laughter and screaming came from the back. She rushed in the room to find Tikaani and his twin sisters in the middle of a pillow fight. Nuvuk stood to one side laughing, while Elisapie jumped up and down clapping her hands. There were two twin beds in the room, stacked to make bunk beds.

  “I see you found the pillows,” Margot said.

  Tikaani and his sisters dropped the pillows as if they’d been struck. All of the children stared up at her, fear in their eyes.

  “It was my fault,” Tikaani said, stepping in front of his sisters. “I started it.”

  “I’m not angry with you, Tikaani. It is a little late to be getting wound up. Is this the boys’ room?”

  Tikaani nodded, his stance wary. Margot wanted to gather them all up and hug them. What happened in their lives that they were so afraid? Did their parent’s abuse them because they were amarok?

  “Why don’t you boys get in your pajamas and brush your teeth, while I see the other rooms.”

  “I don’t have a toothbrush,” Nuvuk said in a whisper.

  “That’s okay, use your finger. Like this,” Susan said showing the boys. Tikaani laughed at her antics and everyone seemed to relax.

  “We can get everyone a new toothbrush tomorrow and anything else you might need. Now, Ukiuk and Ila, which room have you chosen?” Margot asked.

  The twins ran from the room. Margot reached for Elisapie’s hand. “We’ll look at your room next.” Then she followed the sound of soft giggles to the next bedroom. This one was a little larger with two twin beds, separated by a small nightstand. Ila put her pillow back on the bed when Margot entered. “This is lovely, you girls were smart to take the room with separate beds.”

  “Uki wanted the bunk beds, but Tikaani told her no. I was glad, I like my bed on the floor,” Ila confessed.

  Margot smiled. That was the most Ila had said since they met her. “I agree with you, Ila. This room is nice, don’t you think so Ukiuk?”

  “I want this bed,” Ukiuk said climbing on one of the mattresses.

  “Is that okay with you, Ila?” Margot asked.

  Ila nodded and mirrored her sister’s action.. “Don’t forget to get in your pajamas and brush your teeth,” Margot said.

  “Then you girls are going to need this,” Mathis said carrying in their suitcase and placing it on Ukiuk’s bed. “Give me Tikaani’s pj’s and I’ll take them to him.”

  Ukiuk pressed the buttons to open the case and pushed the lid back. She handed Mathis a pair of blue pajamas with trucks on them and a blue toothbrush. He took the items and rubbed a hand down the little girls black hair. “When everyone is ready for bed, we’ll have story time. Hurry up and change.” Mathis winked at Margot before heading to the boys’ room. She heard him speaking softly to Susan and the boys. He was so good with the children, and her too, when she thought about it. Elisapie tugged on her hand. “My room?” she asked.

  “Can you girls get changed while I see to Elisapie and Cybille? I’ll be back in a few minutes to check on you.” Both girls nodded and reached into the suitcase for the pink pajamas.

  Margot led Elisapie to the doorway. “Shall we see where your room is?” The four year old giggled. Margot walked to the next open door and glanced in. This room was the smallest of the three and barely had enough room for the twin bed and crib against the wall. Elisapie ran to the bed. Margot put Cybille in the crib. “Well, this is a nice room and the closest to Mathis and mine, so if you need anything we are only a short distance away.”

  Cybille’s bag sat next to the crib where Mathis must have left it. She reached inside for a pair of pajamas and began to change the toddler. “Go ahead and change, honey,” Margot told Elisapie.

  “I can’t. I don’t have any pajamas.” The child promptly burst into tears.

  Margot hurried over and hugged the little girl before sitting on the bed with the child in her lap. She rocked Elisapie. “It’s okay, honey. I promise we will get you some pajamas tomorrow. Remember I told Nuvuk we would get him a toothbrush? We can get things for all of you.”

  “Hey, everything okay in here?” Mathis asked from the door.

  “Could you see if the twins have something Elisapie can borrow to sleep in?” Margot asked as the little girl began to quiet. How could parents send their child
away with nothing except the clothes on her back?

  “Of course, I’ll be back in a jiffy,” Mathis said winking at Elisapie.

  Margot used the corner of her shirt to wipe the girls face. Then she lifted off the little shirt the girl wore. “Me do it,” the child complained.

  “Okay, you finish getting undressed and I’ll help Cybille.” Margot crossed to the crib and finished getting the toddler ready for bed.

  Mathis walked in with a purple shirt. “It’s not much, but we can go shopping tomorrow.” He put it over Elisapie’s head. “Hey, where’d she go?” The little girl giggled and Mathis pulled the shirt down. “Oh, there she is.” He picked her up. “Now that everyone is in their sleeping attire, let’s have a story before bed.”

  Margot picked up Cybille and followed Mathis from the room. He gathered all the children in the twins’ room before sitting on one of the beds. Margot sat on the other bed with Cybille in her lap. Ila and Nuvuk joined her, while Tikaani and Ukiuk joined Mathis and Elisapie.

  “Once upon a time, a huge amarok crossed the ice and came to a frozen island. On the island he found a young woman. She was very cold. So the amarok built her a snow den and then wrapped himself around the girl to keep her warm…” Mathis began.

  Margot listened almost as mesmerized as the children while her mate wove a story of survival and self-sacrifice turning to love. Susan and Ujarak joined them leaning against the door frame. Cybille began to rub at her eyes and snuggled a little closer. Margot patted her gently encouraging the toddler to relax. Nuvuk moved to lay on his stomach, while Ila leaned against her. Ukiuk laid her head in her brother’s lap, while Tikaani petted her hair. Elisapie yawned, fighting the need to sleep.

  “When the amarok realized that Arnaq was his mate, he was filled with joy. Never again would he be alone in the world…” Mathis continued.

  Nuvuk sighed deeply, slipping into sleep. Ila laid her head on Margot’s knee and blinked, her eyes heavy. Tikaani leaned against Mathis, while Ukiuk breathed deeply.


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