Moore, Dale, 108
moral responsibility, 87, 272–77
balance of basic needs and, 318
in hunting, 248, 249, 260, 261, 288
in not eating meat, 275–77
and social responsibility, 320
in using animals for research, 281–82
Moran, Jim, 293
Moreno, Ramon, 102–3
Morgan, Lloyd, 62
Morrill Acts (1862, 1890), 296
Moses, 41
Moss, Cynthia, 76, 80
mountain lions:
fear of, 22–23
hunting of, 248–49, 251
and wildlife population balance, 242
mouse, human fear of, 21–22
MRSA, 307
Muir, John, 237, 240
Mumford, Lewis, 39
Murkowski, Frank, 247
Murphy, Kate, x
Muscovy ducks, 335
Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom (TV), 13, 15–16, 193
NAFTA, 263
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 342
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, 108, 116
National Federation of Humane Societies, 201
national forests, 237–38
National Geographic, 14, 58
National Geographic television, 193
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 343
National Museum of Natural History, 233
national parks, creation of, 237–38, 240
National Park Service, 8, 229–30, 292
National Pork Producers Council (NPPC), 301
National Rifle Association (NRA), 158, 243, 248, 284–94
and bear protection, 292–94
and California condor, 285–88, 294
and captive shoots, 251, 288–91, 292
and Congress, 292
National School Lunch Program, 103, 107, 110, 300, 301
National Toxicology Program, 343
Neighborhood Cats, 203
Nepal, Gadhimai Festival in, 42–43
Nestle, Marion, 273
new agriculture, 120, 126, 316
New Iberia Research Center (NIRC), 7–8
New Mexico, cockfighting in, 166, 170–71
New York, animal fighting in, 156
New York Times Magazine, 91
Nicholson, Bill, 339–40
Nixon, Richard M., 261
no-kill movement, 197–204
nonnative species, 17
North Shore Animal League, 200
Obama, Barack, 93, 115, 133
obesity, 107
O’Brien, Lawrence, 257
oceans, pollution of, 17
Odendaal, Johannes, 26
Olmert, Meg, 24–25, 27
Omar (camel), 10
organic food, 319
Orwell, George, 200
ostriches, 9–10
Otter, Butch, 232
overfishing, 17, 256, 265
overkill hypothesis, 28–29
OvoControl, 335
oxytocin, 25–27
Pale Male (red-tailed hawk), 332
Palin, Sarah, 247
Panksepp, Jaak, 77
sanctuary for, 82–84
talking, 66–68
yearning for the sky, 85
passenger pigeons, 239
pastoralism, 39
Patton, Kimberly, 41
Paul, Ted, 209–11, 213, 221
Pauley, Shar, 74
Peace, Purnell, 137, 140, 141, 142
Pedigree Dogs Exposed (BBC), 220
Pekingese dogs, 32
Pennsylvania, animal fighting in, 156
Pepperberg, Irene, 66–68
Peregrine Fund, 286
Performing Animal Welfare Society, 81
Pericles (dog), 13, 269–70, 271
Perlin, A. B., 255
Perry, Bruce, 26
PETA, 198
Petco, 194
Peterson, Collin, 166–67
Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards (PETS) Act, 189–90, 194, 206
pets, 30, 32–40, 47
adoption of, 197, 200, 202, 203, 204
cemeteries for, 194
euthanized, 196, 197–202, 203
foster networks, 197
grieving for, 270
medical care for, 195
populations of, 193
products and services for, 194
and public safety, 196
resorts for, 194
sterilization of, 198, 202, 337
stray collection, 196
and veterinarians, 304–5
pet sitting, 194
PetSmart, 194, 195
PetSmart Charities, 194, 201
Pew Commission report, 302–3, 304, 308
pharmacokinetic models, 342
Phillips, Quanis, 137, 140, 141, 142
Pickens, Madeleine, 178, 184
Pieters, Maya, 74–75
pigeons, 327–30, 334
pigeon shoots, 47, 288–91
in China, 34
confinement of, 299
domestication of, 36
and H1 N1 swine flu, 301
intelligence of, 87
raised for food, 130
slaughterhouses, 100, 123–25
subsidies to producers of, 299, 300
Pilgrim’s Pride, 131
Pine Bluff Kennels, 206–7
pit bulls, 157, 159, 176, 203
Pittman-Robertson Act (1937), 242
Pizarro, Francisco, 38
Plains Indians, 240
Ploghaus, Debbie, 108–9
Poindexter, Gerald, 138–39, 140
Polar Bear (cat), 10
Pollan, Michael, 106
Poole, Joyce, 78, 80
population growth, 296
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 27, 77–78
prairie dogs, 9, 10
Pridmore, Ben, 70
Princess (Siberian husky), 186
Probst, Marian, 8, 9
Procter & Gamble, 341
Proposition 2, California, 92–93, 97, 107, 119, 123, 126, 130–34, 284
public opinion, changes in, 280
puppy mills, 84, 152, 204–9
breeding females in, 207–8
and certification, 216–17
dogs as cash crop in, 207
federal inspection of, 208, 215–17
legislation of, 211, 213
and public opinion, 260
purple martins, xi
Putin, Vladimir, 263
PZP, 335
rabies control, 196
Rahall, Nick, 230
railroads, 239, 296
Ramos, Michael, 108–9, 110–11
Randi (West Highland terrier), 13, 205–6, 218
depression among, 77
disease spread by, 23
ratting, 46
Rattlesnake Game Farm, 160, 164
Reichert, Josh, 295
Richardson, Bill, 170–71
Rico (border collie), 69
Rifkin, Jeremy, 39
Romantic movement, 45
Roo-Roo (kangaroo), 10
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 223, 297
Roosevelt, Theodore, 236–38, 241, 243, 348
Royal SPCA, 46, 219–20
Russell, William, 341
fur markets in, 256
and seal hunt, 263
Safari Club International, 234, 242–43, 251, 324
Sakach, Eric, 158–59, 160–61
Salazar, Ken, 232
Salt, Henry, 46, 48, 313
Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center, 77
Sanchez, Jose Luis, 111
Santeria, 43
Schafer, Ed, 110, 111, 114
Schlosser, Eric, Fast Food Nation, 106–7
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 45
Schumpeter, Joseph, 317, 321
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 86, 284, 287<
br />
seals, 254–66, 315, 347
Seal Watch, 258
Sea Shepherd, 254
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, 192
Second Great Awakening, 49
serotonin, 26
Serpell, James, 29, 32–33, 38
Sewald, Michelle, 73–74
Sewell, Abby, xi–xii
Sewell, Anna, Black Beauty, 9
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, seventh Earl of, 51–52
Shapiro, Paul, 120
sharks, 344–45
bighorn, 233–34, 235
domestication of, 36
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 45
Sinclair, Upton, The Jungle, 49, 98
Singer, Peter, Animal Liberation, 198–99, 200
Sisneros, Chad, 184
Skinner, B. F., 63, 65
slavery, 44, 51, 52
Sleeth, Matthew, 19
Smarr, Todd, 73–74
Smith, Cory, 186
Smith, Jeff, 308
Smith, Judy, 136, 142, 144–45, 173, 174
Smith, Matt, 82–84
Smith, Wesley, 280–81
Smithfield Foods, 100
Smithsonian Institute, 233, 234
snakes, fear of, 22
Snowball (dog), 187–88
Southeast Asia, animals depleted in, 17
SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals):
American branches of, 46–47, 51, 153, 181, 200, 237
blood sports opposed by, 153, 156
formation of, 46, 51
and no-kill movement, 201
Royal, 46, 219–20
Sporting Dog Journal, 159
Stallman, Bob, 295
Stenholm, Charles, 116, 167, 168
Sterling (chimp), 7–8
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 51
Stringfield, Cynthia, 286
Strouse, Kathy, 137, 138
Stupak, Bart, 113
Supreme Court, U.S., on animal sacrifice, 43
Symms, Steve, 166
systems biology, 342
Szalavitz, Maia, and Bruce Perry, Born for Love, 26
taxidermy, 236, 251
Taylor, Tony, 137, 140, 141, 142
Tennessee, cockfighting in, 162–63
Terrace, Herb, 5
Teu (Kulambangra native), 29
Thailand, cockfighting in, 163
Themistocles, 154
Thoreau, Henry David, 289
Tom’s of Maine, 340
totem animals, 29–30
Tox 21 alternative testing, 343
toxicity testing, 338–43
Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century (NAS), 342
tribal societies, pets kept in, 32–33
Trobriand Islanders, animal sacrifice among, 41–42
truth, consistent application of, 277
Truth, Sojourner, 61
artificial insemination of, 127
genetically manipulated, 127
raised for food, 130
stocking density of, 127
wild vs. farmed, 127–28
Turner, John, 335
Twain, Mark, 237
Twenty-Eight-Hour Law, 47
Tweti, Mira, Parrots and People, 83–84
Tyson Foods, 299
Ueno, Hidesaburo, 187
Ugarte Navarro, Daniel, 110–11
Unilever, 341
United Egg Producers, 131, 133, 300
United Gamefowl Breeders Association, 166, 284
United Kennel Club (UKC), 157, 212
Unti, Bernard, 47, 48
urban wildlife program, 330–33
USDA, see Agriculture Department, U.S.
U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, 242–43
vampire bats, altruism of, 76
vasopressin, 26
veal crates, 93, 306
veal production, 130
Veneman, Ann, 117–18
Vermont, animal fighting in, 156
veterinarians, 304–11
Vick, Michael, 135–53
author’s meetings with, 136, 144–52, 153, 173–74
changes in outlook of, 172–76
and dogfighting, 135, 137–44, 146–47, 150–51, 153, 168, 171–72, 173–76, 192, 279
as football player, 137, 142, 145–46, 172, 173, 176
killing dogs, 151
at Leavenworth, 135–36, 142, 144–46
media stories on, 140, 141
and public relations, 149–50
at youth meetings, 175–76
Victoria, queen of England, 46
Vilsack, Tom, 114, 301
Vitter, David, 169, 170
vivisection, 47
voles, 26
Voltaire, 61
Waal, Frans de, 76
Wallman, John, 184–85
Wanda (elephant), 80–81
Warrick, Joby, 103
Washington Post, 102, 109
water, aqueducts for, 296
water buffalo, 10
Watson, John B., 62–63
Watson, Paul, 254
Weinstein, Andrew, 112
Wesley, John, 50
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, 212
whale oil, 321–22
humpback, 56–57
hunters, 348–49
industrial whaling fleets, 314, 316, 325, 347
protection of, 313–14
songs of, 314
stockpiled meat of, 325
Whale Wars (TV), 192
whale-watching, 312–14, 320–26, 347, 349
Whisler, Brian, 140
White, Caroline Earle, 47
Whole Foods Market, 319
Wiebers, David, 341
Wilberforce, William, 44, 51, 155
Wild Bird Conservation Act (1992), 84
wild cats, 239
Wild Horse and Free-Roaming Burro Act (1971), 335
wildlife, nuisance, 334–35
wildlife-management theory, 241–42, 243–47
wildlife rehabilitation centers, 332
wildlife watching, 244, 326–30
urban wildlife program, 330–33
whales, 312–14, 320–26, 347, 349
Williams, Ted (writer), 248, 249
Wilson, E. O., 27, 29
Winfrey, Oprah, 132, 152
Winkie (elephant), 80–81
wisents, 37
in Alaska, 243–47, 248
and dog ancestors, 35
as endangered/threatened, 230–32, 248
in Isle Royale, 223
populations of, 239
reintroduced into Yellowstone, 230–32
and wildlife population balance, 242
women, rights of, 52
Woodrow, Ann, 220
World Animal Forum (2010), 313
World Society for the Protection of Animals, 203
Yellowstone National Park, 225–33
zebras, 37
zony (zebra + pony), 10
zoo animals:
depression among, 77
emotional lives of, 79–85
IN MORE THAN A quarter century in the field of animal protection, I’ve learned from so many people along the way. I regret that I cannot thank them all here.
I do wish, however, to thank some individuals who helped very directly with this work. Meg Olmert helped me on the biochemistry of the human-animal bond, and Steve Kellert was generous in talking to me about the broader connections between humans and nature. James Serpell strengthened my understanding of pet-keeping through the ages. My friend Ed Duvin thoughtfully encouraged my work at many levels, as did another friend, Bill Nicholson. Laura Hobgood-Oster helped me to develop my ideas on animal sacrifice and religion by discussing her scholarship with me.
On the issue of animal intelligence, I want to thank Barrett Duke of the Southern Baptist Convention for sharing his insights at just the right time about the emotional intel
ligence of animals. Marc Bekoff and Jonathan Balcombe, through their writings, are helping to change the way the world views animal consciousness and cognition, and I am grateful to them both. Jane Goodall, Alexandra Horowitz, Jeffrey Masson, and Peter Singer have been pioneers in reaching a mass audience and helping to open up so many people to new possibilities in our relationship with animals.
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