intelligence of, 69
Internet as source for, 215
overpopulation of, 211
puppy mills, 84, 152, 204–9
purebreds, 217–21
seizures detected by, 74–75
service, 27, 73
spaying and neutering, 337
specialization of, 35–36
on suicide watch, 75
used in laboratory testing, 281–82
see also pets
“Dogs of Valor” contest, 73–74
humans rescued by, 71–73
intelligence of, 70–71
and whale-watching, 323
dopamine, 26, 77
Dorothy (chimp), 77
duck hunters, 148–49
ducks, captive shoots of, 252
Duffield, Cheryl and David, 201
Duncan, Ian, 128
Dust Bowl, 297
Duvin, Ed, 197–200, 202
echolocation, 65
in Kenya, 324–25
wildlife watching, 244, 312–14, 320–33, 347, 349
Edward the Confessor, 154
Edward III, king of England, 154
Efford, John, 256
egg production, 95–96, 120–23
battery cage facilities, 93, 121, 130–31, 316
forced molting in, 306
increases in, 297
price-fixing in, 133
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 102, 296
Eisnitz, Gail, Slaughterhouse, 102
in captivity, 79–81
contraceptives for, 335
culling, 2, 78
free, 85
grieving, 76
intelligence of, 78
matriarchal family groups of, 80
moral behavior of, 76
poaching of, 234
posttraumatic stress disorder among, 77–78
revenge by, 78–79
sanctuary for, 79, 81
shot for sport, 234, 250
sold for profit, 2
Elizabeth I, queen of England, 154
elk, 239, 250
Ellis, Aaron, 27
empathy, 271
Endangered Species Act, 230
Endris, Todd, 73
English bulldog, 155
Enlightenment, 50
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 343
Environmental Working Group, 298
ethanol, 298
euthanasia, 47, 196, 197–202, 203
Evans, Mark, 219
evolution, 62, 63–64, 67
exotic animal trade, 17, 346
extinction, 17
overkill hypothesis, 28–29
factory farms, 275, 279–80, 317–18
and agro-industrial complex, 294–302
in California, 93, 94–104, 109–10
concentrated animal feeding operations, 93
diseases in, 301, 346
and Proposition 2, 92–93, 97, 107, 119, 123, 126, 130–34, 284
“science-based animal production,” 280
Farinato, Richard, 4, 6, 10
Farm Bill, 116, 167, 168, 172
Farm Bureau, 309
Farm Sanctuary, 116
farrowing crates, 124
FBI, and dogfighting, 140
Feathered Warrior, The, 159
Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S., 148, 238, 249, 252, 286, 292
cockfighting banned in, 161
factory farms in, 93
foie gras production, 306
Food and Drug Administration, U.S., 339, 343
food preferences, 273–74
food production:
agro-industrial complex of, 296–302, 304
alternative methods of, 315–17
animals abused for, 106
animals slaughtered for, 17, 95
and market conditions, 317–18
and public opinion, 125–26
social costs of, 296
Food Pyramid, 273
food safety, 102, 107, 110, 112–14, 115, 116–19
Ford, Gerald R., 164
Ford, Wendell, 164
Forest Service, U.S., 249, 292
Fossey, Dian, 58
Found Animals Foundation, 337
Fowler, Paul and Christine, 190–91
Fox, Michael, 214
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 44
Frink, Kijafa, 136, 151–52, 173
Fulton, Kevin, 294–95
Fund for Animals, 2, 8–9, 226, 243, 244, 254, 255, 291
fur coats, 274
fur trade, 256, 317, 347
Galdikas, Birute, 58
Gallegly, Elton, 293
Gamecock, The, 159, 160
gamefowl breeders, 160, 164
gander pulling, 46, 156
Ganz, David, 200–201
Gentle Ben (Akita), 209
gestation crates, 93, 123–24, 125
Gillan, Michael, 140
Glickman, Dan, 296
goats, domestication of, 36
God’s Littlest Angel, 191
Goehner, Chris, 27
Goliath (chimp), 58
Golin Harris, 132
Gombe National Park, Tanzania, 58
Goodall, Jane, 57–59
Goodell, Roger, 142, 174
Goodlatte, Bob, 116
Goodwin, Frederick K., 281, 282, 290
Goodwin, John, 162
gorillas, facial expressions of, 77
Gould, Stephen Jay, 66
The Mismeasure of Man, 60
Grand Canyon National Park, 8–9, 238, 336
Grand Teton National Park, 75–76
Grandy, John, 257
Grassley, Charles, 235
Graybeard, David (chimp), 58
Great Depression, 297
Grier, Katherine, Pets in America, 47, 49
Griffin, Donald, The Question of Animal Awareness, 65–66, 85
Grit & Steel, 159
grizzly bears, 239
Grochowski, Greg, 339–40
Grossfeld, Stan, 228
Haber, Gordon, 245
habitat destruction, 17
Hachik (dog), 187
Hadidian, John, 328, 332
Haiti, earthquake in, 191
Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Company, 96–104, 302
films of, 105–9, 113
meat recalled by, 112
media stories about, 109–10, 126
out of business, 114–15, 119, 300–301
and school lunch program, 107, 110
undercover employee at, 99–104, 107, 109
and USDA inspections, 108, 110, 114, 118
Hancock, David, 218
Hanna, R. Judd, 284–87, 292, 293–94
Hardiman, Tio, 175
Harkin, Tom, 167
Harmony, Florida, 333
Henry VIII, king of England, 155
Hickel, Walter, 243–44, 245–47
hoarding, 208
Hobgood-Oster, Laura, 40
Hogarth, William, The Four Stages of Cruelty, 45
hogs, see pigs
Homestead Act (1862), 239
at Black Beauty Ranch, 10–11, 12–13
cruelty to, 49, 196, 240
domestication of, 37–38
herd management, 335–36
killer buyers of, 11–12
as livestock, 309
rescue of, 12–13
slaughter for human consumption, 12, 308–10, 347
Howes, Rob, 72
Hoyt, John, 198
Hudson, Henry (judge), 142
Hull, Karen, 74
human-animal bond, 16, 24, 27, 35, 39–40
humane, use of term, 44
Humane Methods of Slaughter Act (1958), 100, 101, 102, 107, 302
humane movement, growth of, 48–53, 240
humane societies, private, 196
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS):
and animal
fighting, 139, 157–59, 161, 165–72
and animal shelters, 201, 203
and animal testing, 341
author as president of, x, 94
and contraception, 336
fifty ways to help, 351–56
founding of, 94
and horse rescue, 11–13
and Hurricane Katrina, 179–81
investigators from, 97–98, 99–104, 107
media stories of, 92, 109–10, 124–25, 133, 175
and no-kill movement, 201
and pigeon shoots, 291
political action of, 93, 158, 167–72, 292
and puppy mills, 211
scope of, 94–95
and seal killing, 257–60, 262–63
and slaughterhouses, 97–104, 308–10
Humane USA, 170
Humane Wildlife Services, 330
Human Genome Project, 343
human population, 28, 34
hummingbirds, xi–xii
Humphrey, Nicholas, 67
aerial, 243–47
African safari, 17, 236
captive or “canned,” 47, 251–52, 279, 288–91, 292
declining numbers of hunters, 252–53
era of rational slaughter, 239–43
ethical codes of conduct in, 248, 249, 260, 261, 288
and game-management model, 241–42, 243–47, 279, 280
“garbaging for bears,” 249–51
lead vs. non-toxic shot in, 286–87
as learned behavior, 31
license fees, 242
lobby, 158; see also National Rifle Association
lottery, 226–27
for market, 239–40, 252, 261
and state wildlife boards, 253
and taxidermy, 236, 251
trapper boys in, 289
and trapping, 158, 245, 252, 292
trophy, 31–32, 158, 235–37, 248–49, 250, 347
as widespread activity, 31–32
see also specific animals
hunting-and-gathering cultures, 27–30, 39–40, 42
Hurricane Katrina:
and animal rescue, 177–91, 212
and charitable contributions, 212, 279
husbandry, use of term, 39
In Defense of Animals, 199
India, cattle in, 34, 37
Ingold, Tim, 30
Innolytics, 335
Intensive Management Act (1994), 247
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), 254, 321
Inuit, and totem animals, 29
Isle Royale National Park, 222–25
Israel, animal sacrifice in, 40–41
Jack (terrier mix), 74–75
Jackson, Andrew, 156
Jainism, 37
jays, intelligence of, 68–69
Jesus of Nazareth, 35, 42
John, Chris, 169–70
John Paul II, Pope, 44
John Paul Mitchell Systems, 340
Johnson, Robert Underwood, 237
Johnston, J. Bennett, 166
Jones, Maggie, 91–92, 94, 96, 114–15, 120–21
Jorge Barreda Circus, 2
Josie Sahara (horse), 10–11, 12–13
Kagan, Ron, 79–81
Kaibab National Forest, Arizona, 242
Kant, Immanuel, 45
Kara-Tau Argali bighorn sheep, 233–34, 235
Karen (chimp), 7
Kellert, Stephen, 13, 30, 31
Kelleyhouse, David “Machine Gun,” 246
Kempthorne, Dirk, 232
Kenai (dog), 73–74
Kennedy, Donald, 307
Kennel Club, United Kingdom, 219–20, 221
Kentucky, anticruelty laws in, 161
Kenya, ecotourism in, 324–25
Kerry, John, 171–72, 325
Khan, Genghis, 37
Kirkpatrick, Jay, 335
Kitty (chimp), 4, 6, 8
Klawans, Jonathan, 40–41
Knorr, Jim, 140
Knowles, Tony, 246
Koko (gorilla), 70
Kollar-Kotelly, Colleen, 12
Kristof, Nicholas, 307
Kruger National Park, 2, 78
Lacey Act (1900), 240
land-grant colleges, 296
Land O’Lakes, 300
Lantos, Tom, 189–90
law of parsimony, 62
Lawrence, John, 45
Leakey, Louis, 58–59
Leaning, Jennifer, 341
Lentini, Arthur, 171
Leopold, Aldo, 241–42, 243, 333
Leviticus, Book of, 41
Lincoln, Abraham, 296
Locke, John, Some Thoughts Concerning Education, 45
Long, Dave, 120–23, 125–26, 127, 133, 134
Lorenz, Konrad, 65
animal shelters in, 202
cockfighting in, 166, 168–71
Hurricane Katrina in, 177–91, 212, 279
Lamar-Dixon Expo Center, 178, 182, 183–85, 186
SPCA, 181
Tiger Stadium, 180
Lowell, Dwight, 194
Lugar, Richard, 168
Lulu (chimp), 4, 6, 8
Lumholtz, Carl, 33
Mackey, John, 319
Maddie’s Fund, 201, 203
Magdalen Islands, seal hunting at, 261–62
Maine Fish and Wildlife Conservation Council, 284
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 41
Maple Leaf Foods, 125
Mari Mariah (horse), 10–11, 12–13
Marine Mammal Protection Act (1972), 261
Markarian, Michael, 105
Marsh, George Perkins, 240
Martin, Billy (lawyer), 142, 144
Martin, Robert, 295–96
Masear, Terry, xi–xii
animal fighting in, 156
Fisheries and Wildlife Board, 253
Masson, Jeffrey, 63
Mather, Increase, 156
Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals, 201
McCain, John, 93
meat industry:
animals abused in, 106, 107, 109
and consumers, 106
and food safety, 107, 110, 112–14, 116–19
government regulation of, 109, 115–16, 117–18, 119–20, 302
and government subsidies, 301
and international markets, 113, 116
production rates, 297
and public opinion, 125–26, 134
Meintjes, Roy, 26
Mendell, Steve, 112–13, 114, 115
Mexico, seal imports banned in, 263
Michelson, Gary, 337
Midge (chimp), 4, 6–7, 8
Milani, Kathy, 105
Millan, Cesar, 193
Mills, Enos, 237
Mitchell, David, 160
Moark LLC, 131
monkeys, empathy of, 76
canned hunts outlawed in, 251–52
cattle industry in, 226
lottery hunt in, 226–27
sport hunting of bison in, 226–31
wolves hunted in, 231
The Bond Page 46