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A Lady Pays Her Penalties

Page 15

by Ashley Zacharias

  He would have closed the curtains, but there were none, just bare rods where the curtains should have been hanging.

  In her letter, she had said that he could have whatever he wanted. Well, first he wanted privacy. “Where are the curtains?” he asked in what, he hoped, was a tough tone of voice.

  “Dining room,” she replied meekly.

  Ah, right. Her letter said that he would find the supplies that he needed in the dining room. He had thought that might mean some kind of sex toys. It never occurred to him that he would have to hang curtains. Such a domestic duty seemed incongruous with his tough-guy persona. He would have ordered her to hang them, but the board and chains that encumbered her made it impossible for her to obey.

  With a sigh, he walked through the arch into the dining area.

  He found a box of a hundred latex surgical gloves, a box of a dozen condoms, and a big bottle of lubricant in the middle of the dining room table – enough supplies for an orgy – but no curtains. He looked around again and saw nothing. “Where are the curtains?” he called out.

  “Cardboard screens against the wall,” she called back. He could hear her strain to speak loudly.

  Right. He felt nothing like a rocket scientist. Of course. There were large sheets of corrugated cardboard leaning against the wall next to the sideboard. He picked up one, carried it to the front window, and unfolded it. It was not quite tall enough to cover the whole window, but a person would have to be ten feet tall to see over it from outside. He brought the second screen up and covered the other living room window.

  There was a third cardboard screen leaning against the wall but he did not see any use for it. Leslie was a careful planner; she must have had something in mind. Then he noticed the dining room window. When he threw the last screen over that one, the living room was completely hidden from public view.

  “Move your ass into the center of the room,” he commanded.

  She raised her head, looked around to see that the screens were in place, then rocked back so that her torso was erect and walked on her knees to the center of the living room.

  For the first time, he noticed the chain that stretched from her ankle to the hole in the corner of the room and realized that she was confined to this room until someone released her. She was staying right here for as long as he wanted to use her.

  When she knelt upright with her arms outstretched, she looked like a crucified dwarf. She was not gagged but had no interest in talking unless absolutely necessary. She waited quietly to see what he would do next

  Alex pulled a dining room chair into the living room and sat in front of her. “Stand up.”

  He did not know that this was the first time that she had tried standing while wearing the stocks and chains. She rocked from side to side; first putting one foot under her and then the other; and then stood as best as she was able. The chains were short enough that she had to spread her feet wide, keep her knees bent, and lean forward slightly.

  Where he was seated in the chair, her pierced and chained breasts were hanging at the level of his eyes. Perfect. He reached out and squeezed them. God, they felt great. Soft and smooth and heavy in his hands. He could keep himself happy for hours playing with them. He massaged them and kneaded them for a long time. Her back was probably getting sore, being bent over like that, but so what? He was getting his pleasure and that was the only thing that mattered tonight.

  He and she had made love a couple of times before, so he had seen the safety pins, connected by the chain, that pierced her nipples. They were an odd choice for her – a Goth adornment hidden beneath crisp professional business clothes – but when he had asked about them she had put him off with a cavalier comment that it was just a whim.

  Now he understood what kind of whims could seize this woman.

  He pinched her nipples lightly around the pins and she moaned. He did not know if the moan was from erotic stimulation or if he had pinched hard enough to hurt; or maybe she was moaning about the pain her back. He told himself that he didn’t care and pinched them again. She moaned again. This time, he took perverse satisfaction in her moan because cause and effect were verified. His nipple pinch was the cause; her moan was the effect.

  He leaned forward and began kissing her nipples, first one, then the other. Then he sucked hard and she moaned a third time. He finished by licking her breasts all over, from the line underneath where they folded against her abdomen to the long elegant double curve on top where they were pulled aloft. Every woman’s breasts are a magnificent collection of curves; there is not an angle or straight line to be seen anywhere from any angle. Alex found nothing so beautiful in the world as a woman’s breasts.

  But he was ready to move on to the second most beautiful thing in the world: the larger, simpler curves of Leslie’s ass. “Back on your knees, face on the floor,” he commanded.

  She complied. Hampered by the chains and inhibited from using her arms, it was not an elegant or graceful movement. When she began to tip too far to one side, Alex’s hand shot out to grab the plank and steady her.

  She gave him a look of disdain as she lowered her face to the floor.

  Okay, he thought. If that’s what you want then that’s what you’ll get. He pulled the chair away and walked back to the dining room.

  He returned with a condom and the bottle of lubricant. When he set them on the floor in front of her face, her eyes grew wide. “Of course I’m going to fuck your ass. What else did you expect? We’re going around the world tonight and your asshole is my first port of call.”

  He stripped off his clothing and tossed it aside, letting her see that he was already fully erect. He picked up the condom, tore open the foil wrapper, withdrew the rubber, and unrolled it on himself. Snatching up the bottle of lube, he walked around behind Leslie and poured a generous dollop on her puckered little asshole. He smeared another dollop on himself, knelt down between her spread ankles, positioned his cock against her hole, and began to push, slowly but firmly.

  As he began to penetrate her, she groaned and pulled forward, away from him.

  “No, you don’t. You get your ass back here where I want it.” He grabbed her hips and pulled her back toward him. As he began to push into her again, she began to inch forward again. He got a better idea. He leaned across her back, grabbed the plank that was strapped to her arms, and held on. Now there was no way that she was going anywhere. He pushed, firmly and steadily into her, then pulled out and pushed again, a little further this time. She cried out a little mew of pain but he forced himself to ignore her and kept going. He wanted in. Who cared what she wanted?

  But, he was proceeding slowly and deliberately so that she would have ample time to adjust to the presence of his cock in her ass. When he put pressure on her again, she cried more loudly and he felt her sphincter pulsing a little around the head of his cock. That was right. She was learning. If she tried to shit his cock back out, she would reflexively relax the sphincter muscles and paradoxically let him in. That was the secret of success. Suddenly her muscles released him and he slid home.

  He saw the muscles in her neck and back relax as she flopped her shoulders against the floor, keeping her ass high in the air. She wasn’t fighting against him any longer so he released his grip on the crossbar and grabbed her about the waist again. Slowly he began drawing halfway out and pushing in again. God, she was hot inside and her hole was so tight around his shaft. He looked down as he pulled almost all the way out and then slid back home. God, that felt good. He did it again, this time pulling out even further. He could see her asshole gaping open, relaxed, as he withdrew and then offering only token resistance as he thrust forward and filled her again.

  After a few minutes, his knees were aching on the hardwood floor, but he was too close to cumming to care. He was thrusting more vigorously now. She was grunting a little from the motion but he thought that she probably wasn’t feeling much pain. As long as he didn’t pound her ass too badly, she shouldn’t have a problem continu
ing to accommodate him.

  She might not enjoy the act, but he had to believe her when she wrote that she needed to feel used. He was certain that she was feeling well used right now because he was using her as well as he could.

  When he came, such joy flushed through him as he had never before experienced. It was multiplied by the knowledge that he not only had done something rare, but that he had no reason to feel guilty about enjoying it fully. She had not only begged for it, she had forced him to do it.

  * * *

  When she felt Alex pull out of her asshole and stand up, Leslie wanted to collapse against the floor and do nothing but lie there and sob.

  She could not. The chains kept her from stretching her legs and the plank kept her from folding her arms in front of her. All she could do was remain on her face and aching knees with her sore ass stuck up in the air like a horny baboon’s butt.

  Her knees were aching worse than ever before. It was bad enough that she had to kneel on the hardwood floor frequently during the past twenty-four hours, bearing her own weight, but during the past few minutes, they had been bearing a considerable portion of the man’s weight as well.

  She could endure kneeling on the floor no longer. She was not a slave and had no obligation to wait for further instruction. After a moment’s rest, she lifted her head and shoulders and then twisted her arms up and over to flop over onto her back. She relaxed her legs as much as she could, spreading them apart as far as she could without straining herself, so that she could unbend her knees most of the way.

  When she looked up, she found herself looking past Alex’s slowly shrinking cock and into his face. He looked back down at her with a hard expression. She never would have believed that her gentle and tender Alex could look so tough and uncaring. Would he look at her with tenderness again tomorrow or had she unleashed a monster who would never be gentle and caring again?

  He was holding the deflated condom in his hand by the end. As she watched, a drop of semen drooled out of his cock and stretched down slowly toward her face. Alex raised an eyebrow and shifted his weight forward on the balls of his feet to position the drop directly between her eyes.

  She remained where she was and let the cum settle over the bridge of her nose between her eyebrows.

  Alex shrugged and smiled archly. Then he stepped around and settled back down into a kneeling position next to her head so that his half limp cock was positioned near her mouth. “You may as well lick me clean and get a taste of what’s coming next.”

  Obediently, she raised her head as high as she could and sucked him clean, taking as much of him into her mouth as she could. While she as doing that, she could see him fiddling with the used condom. She was still sucking when she felt a touch on her breast. It was warm at first, and then quickly grew cold and sticky. He had turned the condom inside out and was smearing his cum over her tits, not for any particular reason, but just for something to do while she was servicing him with her mouth. He had been inspired by the sight of his cum dribbling on her face.

  Without comment, he suddenly pulled himself from her mouth, stood, and walked out of the room. She heard him climb the stairs to her bedroom, then, after a minute, heard the television playing. Perfect. He was upstairs, lying on her soft bed, watching his favorite program while she was down here, lying on hardwood, an oak plank digging into her back, feeling his cum dry on her face and breasts, powerless to wipe it away.

  Eventually, she realized that she had privacy for the first time since Friday night. The lamps were still on, but the windows were blocked with cardboard. She had needed to pee for hours – not an urgent, pressing need, but a nagging, annoying complaint – and could relieve herself in private now. She struggled to her feet. She could only walk in a crouch because the chains were too short to let her stand naturally, but that was better than dragging her tits or ass across the varnished wood as she hugged the floor.

  Her urine splashed and echoed against the plastic bottom of the bucket. She hoped that it was not loud enough to be heard upstairs; she was going to be humiliated enough this evening without needing to add any more to her tally. There was no sense fussing about it, though, because there was nothing that she could do about the noise.

  When she was finished, for a change, she returned to the corner, put her back against the wall and sat upright on the floor, her knees slightly bent for comfort. She could not do this when the windows were unblocked because it put her chest above the level of the windowsill and left most of her arm sticking out across the pane. With the cardboard in place, privacy was not a problem.

  After a while, her backside began to ache a little but it was far less painful than the ache in her knees or back when she was lying or kneeling on the floor. Considering the alternatives, she was happy to tolerate a little pain in the butt. From this place, she could not help but look longingly at her dining room chair. It looked lovely and comfortable. Too bad Alex had pulled it out of her reach before ravishing her asshole.

  She turned her attention to her asshole for a minute. Not bad. It felt sore – it had been stretched and maybe abraded a little – but not seriously. It was the least of the pains that plagued her.

  She looked longingly at his clothes. He had scattered them on the floor within reach when he had disrobed. She could pile them up and sit on them to cushion her backside but she decided that would be a bad idea. She had not given Alex permission to punish her but she would be helpless to stop him if she made him want to do it. Better to leave well enough alone at this point.

  Eventually the television went silent and then she heard her bed creak followed by footsteps down the stairs. Maybe an hour had passed, maybe less. Leslie contemplated that one of the reasons that she was thinking so much about time this weekend was because she had no way to measure its passage.

  When Alex appeared in the doorway, he said, “It looks like you’re going to be stuck with using your mouth alone. I guess we’ll see how much talent you have for cocksucking.” He was partially erect when he pulled the dining room chair back into the living room and sat down in it.

  Leslie didn’t need a roadmap she knew what was expected. She struggled to her feet, crouch-walked over to his royal highness on his throne, and knelt in front of him.

  He watched impassively.

  The plank that stretched across the back of her arms was a problem. She had to kneel high enough to hold it over his legs and then try to push her head down far enough to reach his cock.

  She couldn’t do it. Maybe when he was erect she might be able to encompass the head with her lips but in the half-erect, half-limp position, the head was down between his legs. She struggled with her position, stretching and twisting to try to improve it, but got nowhere.

  When she tried pressing the edge of the plank against his thighs, Alex snarled, “Hey. Watch it. That board hurts.”

  She wanted to yell back, Don’t you think I know that? You should try laying on it all day some time. But she wisely kept her temper under control.

  “Put that piece of lumber underneath my legs,” he said and proceeded to put first one foot then the other over her shoulders.

  That worked much better. Now that her head was properly positioned between his thighs, she had no problem reaching his cock with her tongue and lips.

  She began licking and sucking with proper gusto, covering his cock with as much saliva as she could so that he would be nice and slippery in her mouth.

  He rose to the occasion, so to speak, soon filling her mouth with his second rigid erection of the evening.

  Once he was erect, she could only take half of him into her mouth. That wasn’t good enough for him. “Don’t you know what deep throat is? Get all the way on me.”

  She tried, but gagged when his cock hit the back of her throat.

  He leaned forward to position himself better, grabbed her greasy hair at each side of her head, and began pulling her hard onto his cock. She immediately began to gag, but he did not relent. He wanted to feel he
r tonsils caressing his dick. Reflexively, she began to swallow, trying to take him down past the base of her tongue, but they were not positioned properly for it. The geometry was obvious to her; she would have to get higher than him when her head was thrown back to open a straight line into her throat. She could do nothing like that when he was seated and her arms were attached to the plank under his thighs. If he were lying on the floor and she kneeling over him in a semi-six-nine position, it might have been possible. As it was, all she could do was open her mouth wide, lick and suck as wildly as she could, and choke and gag every time he pounded his cock against the back of her mouth.

  This wasn’t a blowjob, this was a full-fledged face fucking. She had no alternative but to endure and suffer. And she suffered for a long time. After having already cum once in her butt, he was not going to come nearly as quickly the second time in her throat.

  She wished desperately that she could have her hands available to wrap around his shaft and jerk him off into her mouth, but that was only a fantasy. In the end, after what seemed like forever, he reached down with his own hand and finished himself off, bumping the edge of his fist against her nose and chin as she was pulled forward by his left hand that was still tangled in her oily hair.

  Never in her life had she been so grateful to get her mouth filled with cum. She gladly sucked every spurt and swallowed every drop of his wad. It was the only thing she’d eaten in a day and a half. She wanted more in her stomach.

  “Barely adequate,” was his verdict as he stood and pulled the chair out of her reach, leaving her kneeling in the middle of the room, gasping for breath.

  A minute later, she heard him turn up the volume of the television in her bedroom and she returned to her seat against the wall to await the next phase of her degradation.


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